1,827 research outputs found

    Possible Scenarios for Mars Manned Exploration

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    Over the last five decades there have been numerous studies devoted to developing, launching and conducting a manned mission to Mars by both Russian and U.S. organizations. These studies have proposed various crew sizes, mission length, propulsion systems, habitation modules, and scientific goals. As a first step towards establishing an international partnership approach to a Mars mission, the most recent Russian concepts are explored and then compared to NASA's current Mars reference mission

    Fairness and satisfaction in business relationships: results of a survey among Swiss organic farmers and buyers

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    This paper presents results of a standardized online survey among Suisse organic farmers and their buyers on fairness and satisfaction in business relations. A majority of participating Suisse organic farmers and buyers are satisfied with their business relationships. Farmers not only expect their buyers to pay fair prices but also to act consistently, be transparent and invest in good personal relations. Buyers expect their agricultural suppliers to provide high quality products, be reliable and transparent while fair prices are mentioned less frequently. Especially regarding perceived fair payments by business partners, this slightly differing perspective between farmers and buyers can also be observed. Presented measurement items of an adapted organizational justice scale in agricultural buyer supplier relationships can be used for further analysis

    Faire Abnehmer-Lieferantenbeziehungen im Schweizer Bio-landbau: Erwartungen und Zufriedenheit der Handelspartner

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    This paper presents first results of a standardized online survey among Suisse organic farmers and their buyers on business relations. Participating organic farmers not only expect their buyers to pay fair prices but also to act consistently, be transparent and invest in good personal relations. Buyers expect their agricultural suppliers to provide high product quality products, be reliable and transparent while fair prices are mentioned less frequently. Many of the statements given by both farmers and buyers reflect aspects of the organizational justice theory as well as a related Bio Suisse code of conduct. A majority of Suisse organic farmers and buyers are satisfied with their business relationships

    Traubenwelke - eine neue Hypothese

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    Die Traubenwelke führte in den letzten Jahren auch in der Schweiz vermehrt zu Ertragsausfällen. Nach ihrem starken Auftreten im Jahr 2005 führte Hans Jüstrich, Rebbaukommissär des Kantons Graubünden, eine Umfrage in der Deutschschweiz durch. Im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit wurden die Antworten ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse wurden ergänzt durch Resultate von Betriebsbesuchen im Spätsommer 2006. In einer Semesterarbeit folgte dann eine Literaturrecherche zur Überprüfung einer neuen Theorie: Die verfrühte Verstopfung der Siebröhren (Phloem) durch Kallose unterbricht die Versorgung der Beeren und lässt diese schrumpfen

    The roles of Eu during the growth of eutectic Si in Al-Si alloys

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    Controlling the growth of eutectic Si and thereby modifying the eutectic Si from flake-like to fibrous is a key factor in improving the properties of Al-Si alloys. To date, it is generally accepted that the impurity-induced twinning (IIT) mechanism and the twin plane re-entrant edge (TPRE) mechanism as well as poisoning of the TPRE mechanism are valid under certain conditions. However, IIT, TPRE or poisoning of the TPRE mechanism cannot be used to interpret all observations. Here, we report an atomic-scale experimental and theoretical investigation on the roles of Eu during the growth of eutectic Si in Al-Si alloys. Both experimental and theoretical investigations reveal three different roles: (i) the adsorption at the intersection of Si facets, inducing IIT mechanism, (ii) the adsorption at the twin plane re-entrant edge, inducing TPRE mechanism or poisoning of the TPRE mechanism, and (iii) the segregation ahead of the growing Si twins, inducing a solute entrainment within eutectic Si. This investigation not only demonstrates a direct experimental support to the well-accepted poisoning of the TPRE and IIT mechanisms, but also provides a full picture about the roles of Eu atoms during the growth of eutectic Si, including the solute entrainment within eutectic Si

    Healthy Food Access and Affordability: “We Can Pay the Farmer or We Can Pay the Hospital

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    The authors provide a history and overview of Federal food assistance efforts, especially food supplement programs, and the policy implications for Maine and national nutrition-incentive programs. They present a profile of the work of Wholesome Wave which aims to increase affordability and access to locally-grown food

    Large–Scale Laboratory Observations of Wave Forces on a Highway Bridge Superstructure

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    A. Objectives The objectives of this study are to: (1) conduct the first, large-scale physical model study of wave loads on a highway bridge superstructure under realistic wave conditions and bridge geometries, and (2) evaluate the application of existing design formulas developed for deep water, wave-in-deck loading of offshore structures to shallow water, highway bridge geometries. This will aid in our understanding of the dynamic loads by hurricane waves on highway bridge superstructures and assess the accuracy of present methods for safer design of new bridges or retrofit of existing bridges. B. Scope In their 2006 report titled Wave Forces on Bridge Decks prepared for the US Department of Transportation, Office of Bridge Technology, Douglass et al. provide a synthesis of existing knowledge related to hurricane wave forces on highway bridge superstructures. Their extensive literature search found that the existing methods to evaluate wave loads on highway bridge geometries were not adequate. One of the uncertainties is due to a lack of physical model test data with highway bridge geometries using modern wave generating capabilities to simulate realistic sea states. One of their conclusions is that more research with hydraulic models is necessary to develop new analytical tools to advance bridge design. This one-year project will conduct the first-of-its-kind, large-scale, hydraulic model test of wave forces on a highway bridge superstructure cross-section, similar to those bridges that failed during Hurricanes Katrina in 2005 and Ivan in 2004. One graduate student will be trained in the area of wave-structure interaction, and two undergraduate students will be involved in this research. Project results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications. C. Methodology The hydraulic model study will be conducted in the Large Wave Flume at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory at Oregon State University, the largest facility of its kind in North America, and in conjunction with the Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation at OSU. The model will be scaled 1:4 for length and 1:2 for time using Froude similitude. The model will be constructed of concrete and steel using a realistic cross-section and will be instrumented with sensors to provide wave conditions, impact pressures, dynamic horizontal and vertical loads, and moments. The wave climate will be derived from available buoy data and existing wave modeling studies. Existing methods developed for wave-indeck loading of offshore platforms as outlined by McConnel, Allsop and Cruickshank (2004) will be compared with the data to evaluate the accuracy of these methods. D. Relevant OTREC theme This project advances technologies leading to safer design and repair of bridges subjected to wave loadings. It will develop new knowledge in this area, will train one graduate student and two undergraduate students, and will develop national leadership in this area at Oregon State University. E. USDOT priorities Safety Assurance of Highway Structures for Extreme Events to improve the performance of bridges and other highway structures under the impacts of extreme events. Safety, Structures Research to provide highway managers and engineers with information and tools to design, build, and maintain safer and better performing infrastructure assets


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    Die Erschließung neuer Absatzkanäle im konventionellen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel hat ein rasantes Wachstum des Marktes für ökologische Lebensmittel ermöglicht. Neben positiven Effekten dieses Wachstums, wie einem erhöhten Absatz von Bio-Produkten und umfassenden Professionalisierungseffekten ist unternehmerisches Handeln heute auch in der Bio-Branche von steigendem Preisdruck sowie einer erhöhten Komplexität und Anonymität der Handelsbeziehungen geprägt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird diskutiert, inwiefern eine Rückbesinnung auf die Grundwerte des Ökologischen Landbaus notwendig ist – unter anderem dem Prinzip der Fairness (IFOAM, 2005). Geht man davon aus, dass ethische Aspekte, wie artgerechte Tierhaltung, regionale Erzeugung und faire Erzeugerpreise wichtige Motive für den Kauf von Öko-Produkten darstellen (ZANDER & HAMM, 2010), ist eine ethische Untermauerung von „Bio-Marken“ im Sinne der Produktdifferenzierung von Bio- Waren wichtig. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigen sich Verbände und einige Unternehmen des Ökologischen Landbaus mit der Thematik fairer Handelsbeziehungen im globalen Norden (SCHÄFER & KRÖGER, 2011). Bisher besteht jedoch keine Einigkeit über Begrifflichkeiten und Konzepte. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, nach einer begrifflichen Eingrenzung fairer Handelsbeziehungen im globalen Norden unter dem Schlagwort „Domestic Fair Trade“ (DFT) eine konzeptionelle Einordung dieses Ansatzes in den sozio-ökonomischen Erklärungsrahmen ausgewählter markt- sowie ethisch-orientierter Theorien vorzunehmen.Domestic Fair Trade, Transaktionskosten, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Relational Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Agribusiness,

    Iodine Propulsion Advantages for Low Cost Mission Applications and the Iodine Satellite (ISAT) Technology Demonstration

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    The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Science and Technology Office is continuously exploring technology options to increase performance or reduce cost and risk to future NASA missions including science and exploration. Electric propulsion is a prevalent technology known to reduce mission costs by reduction in launch costs and spacecraft mass through increased post launch propulsion performance. The exploration of alternative propellants for electric propulsion continues to be of interest to the community. Iodine testing has demonstrated comparable performance to xenon. However, iodine has a higher storage density resulting in higher V capability for volume constrained systems. Iodine's unique properties also allow for unpressurized storage yet sublimation with minimal power requirements to produce required gas flow rates. These characteristics make iodine an ideal propellant for secondary spacecraft. A range of mission have been evaluated with a focus on low-cost applications. Results highlight the potential for significant cost reduction over state of the art. Based on the potential, NASA has been developing the iodine Satellite for a near-term iodine Hall propulsion technology demonstration. Mission applications and progress of the iodine Satellite project are presented