732 research outputs found

    Hät, här, höt and hör - An Articulatory and Acoustic Study of the Swedish Vowels /ɛ:/ and /ø:/

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    This thesis is concerned with the examination of the Swedish vowels /ɛ:/ and /ø:/ for qualitative differences between their pre-r allophones and the allophones occurring in other contexts. For this purpose, electromagnetic articulography and speech recordings were carried out on Swedish speakers from the two dialectal areas Malmö and Stockholm. Articulatory and acoustic analyses of the collected data show that the pre- r allophone of /ɛ:/ has a significantly more open vowel quality compared to its pre-t allophone in the dialects spoken around Malmö and Stockholm. Tongue position data suggest the same for the pre-r allophone of /ø:/, although this could not be supported by the results of the formant analysis. The data further suggest that there is a significantly larger difference in openness in the East Swedish dialects than in the Southern ones


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    This study examined CO2-water-rock interactions occurring during a carbon sequestration pilot test into a Mississippian oil reservoir in western Kentucky. New samples (n=62) and archived data, both collected from oil wells, were used to characterize the chemistry of formation waters from the Sugar Creek field in Hopkins County. In addition, core and cuttings samples (n=17) from the reservoir and overlying cap-rocks in, or near, the field were analyzed for bulk and clay mineralogy using X-ray diffraction. Electric logs were used to select sample intervals within the overlying cap-rocks and the center of the producing zones in the Jackson Sandstone. Using the water chemistry and mineralogic data as inputs, speciation and reaction path models were created using the Geochemist’s Workbench software (GWB) to predict the distribution of aqueous species at equilibrium, evolution of fluid chemistry, and reservoir mineralogy as CO2 was injected into the reservoir. Formation water was primarily Na-Cl. Reservoir rock was predominantly quartz. GWB simulations at the injection wells, mid-point fugacity and production wells indicated a sharp decrease in pH and increase in CO2 (aq). Delta mineral mass plots showed net dissolution for injection stages and net precipitation for post-CO2 injection. Important minerals were carbonates and alumino-silicates

    Guidelines Towards Better Participation of Older Adults in Software Development Processes using a new SPIRAL Method and Participatory Approach

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    This paper presents a new method of engaging older participants in the process of application and IT solutions development for older adults for emerging IT and tech startups. A new method called SPIRAL (Support for Participant Involvement in Rapid and Agile software development Labs) is proposed which adds both sustainability and flexibility to the development process with older adults. This method is based on the participatory approach and user empowerment of older adults with the aid of a bootstrapped Living Lab concept and it goes beyond well established user-centered and empathic design. SPIRAL provides strategies for direct involvement of older participants in the software development processes from the very early stage to support the agile approach with rapid prototyping, in particular in new and emerging startup environments with limited capabilities, including time, team and resources

    Einfluss von zeitlicher Integration auf die Detektierbarkeit und Diskriminierbarkeit von Pulstonserien

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einfluss zeitlicher Integration auf die Detektierbarkeit und Diskriminierbarkeit von Pulstonserien zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden audiometrische Schwellenmessungen in der Camera silens durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden 3 Versuchsreihen durchgeführt. Im 1. Versuch wurde gezeigt, dass eine Variation des Interpulsintervalls (IPI) von 4-128 ms keinen Einfluss auf die Hörschwelle (HS) einer Pulstonserie hat. Der 2. Versuch ergab, dass sich die HS einer Pulstonserie um durchschnittlich um 2,22 Dezibel/Verdopplung der Serienlänge verbessert. Im 3. Versuch wurde der Einfluss von zeitlicher Integration auf die Wahrnehmungsschwelle von virtueller Tonhöhe (Pitch) untersucht. Insgesamt verbesserte sich die Wahrnehmungschwelle für die Unterscheidung virtueller Tonhöhenunterschiede mit steigender Stimulusdauer. Besonders feine Tonhöhenunterschiede konnten bei mittleren Empfindungspegel wahrgenommen werden

    More Than Meets the Eye: Explicating the Essence of Gerontology Nursing

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    The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore the essence of gerontology nursing. This project sought to look beyond the practical tasks and skills of gerontology nursing to reveal what is more than meets the eye and thereby explicate the essence of gerontological nursing practice. Gerontology nursing is troubled by its unpopular status and negative image that in turn has serious implications for the recruitment and retention of nurses who are both willing and able to work in this field of nursing. The purpose for doing this study was to unveil a deeper meaning and understanding of gerontology nursing, thus contributing to its value and worth as a speciality area of nursing. Conversations with four gerontology nurses were taped, transcribed and then analysed using van Manen’s (1990) approach to researching lived experience. From the analysis, four cardinal elements emerged: true acceptance, personal knowing, being present, and being alive. Those four cardinal elements were reworked and further analysed to reveal three central aspects or essences of gerontology nursing. These essences were the centrality of temporality, the interconnectedness of human relationships, and the significance of the lived body. Temporality is demonstrated by nursing application of objective, or clock time, as well as subjectively in regards to the lived time of the clients. Interconnectedness is the lived human relationship between nurse and client and is represented by commitment, presencing/giving of self, connecting, and knowing the client holistically. The third essence is corporeality, which is portrayed by the gerontology nurses’ distinguishing characteristics and their perception of the lived body of the nursed. The final analysis unveiled caring for the body, the act of seeing, and the joy of care as emergent essences of gerontology nursing. Language of nursing in relationship to ‘basic nursing care’ is critiqued for its potential to devalue gerontology nursing and, by association, old people. The significance of these findings is that there is more than meets the eye in gerontology nursing, however, it is not widely known. To balance the abundance of literature about the science of gerontology nursing practice more research needs to be focused on the art. Establishing and disseminating a clearer, complete picture of gerontology nursing would go toward not only changing its negative image, but may also address recruitment and retention issues. Furthermore, this study has highlighted the need to recruit nurses who possess the necessary personal attributes to ensure they ‘fit’ into gerontology nursing

    Human Breast Milk: From Food to Active Immune Response With Disease Protection in Infants and Mothers

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    Breastfeeding is associated with long-term wellbeing including low risks of infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases such as asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases and obesity during childhood. In recent years, important advances have been made in understanding the human breast milk (HBM) composition. Breast milk components such as, non-immune and immune cells and bioactive molecules, namely, cytokines/chemokines, lipids, hormones, and enzymes reportedly play many roles in breastfed newborns and in mothers, by diseases protection and shaping the immune system of the newborn. Bioactive components in HBM are also involved in tolerance and appropriate inflammatory response of breastfed infants if necessary. This review summarizes the current literature on the relationship between mother and her infant through breast milk with regard to disease protection. We will shed some light on the mechanisms underlying the roles of breast milk components in the maintenance of health of both child and mother

    Quand la liberté d’établissement fait la courte échelle au regroupement familial

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    En ce mois de juillet, en l’espace de seulement quelques jours, plusieurs arrêts ont été rendus, tant à Luxembourg qu’à Strasbourg, qui prima facies semblent renforcer la portée du droit au regroupement familial. Si les verdicts des juridictions supranationales sont favorables aux requérants, un examen minutieux des arrêts laisse craindre une victoire à la Pyrrhus. En effet, plusieurs passages tempèrent la portée protectrice de l’approche des juges et certains éléments viennent même préciser les limites du droit au regroupement familial. Au fil de la lecture, l’euphorie cède la place à un réalisme pragmatique dont l’aboutissement amène à s’interroger sur la nature et la place du droit fondamental au respect de la vie familiale

    Transfer of regulatory T cells into abortion-prone mice promotes the expansion of uterine mast cells and normalizes early pregnancy angiogenesis

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    Implantation of the fertilized egg depends on the coordinated interplay of cells and molecules that prepare the uterus for this important event. In particular, regulatory T cells (Tregs) are key regulators as their ablation hinders implantation by rendering the uterus hostile for the embryo. In addition, the adoptive transfer of Tregs can avoid early abortion in mouse models. However, it is still not defined which mechanisms underlie Treg function during this early period. Cells of the innate immune system have been reported to support implantation, in part by promoting angiogenesis. In particular, uterine mast cells (uMCs) emerge as novel players at the fetal- maternal interface. Here, we studied whether the positive action of Tregs is based on the expansion of uMCs and the promotion of angiogenesis. We observed that abortion-prone mice have insufficient numbers of uMCs that could be corrected by the adoptive transfer of Tregs. This in turn positively influenced the remodeling of spiral arteries and placenta development as well as the levels of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1). Our data suggest an interplay between Tregs and uMCs that is relevant for the changes required at the feto-maternal interface for the normal development of pregnancy
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