80 research outputs found

    A poetic vision of naked bodies and deviant minds: Examining Allen Ginsberg’s references to sexuality and madness

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    This thesis aims to merge the gap in the literary relevance attributed to Allen Ginsberg’s utilization of sexual references and the effects of his portrayals of madness. Through a meta-perspective on existing research and their contextual relevance, I conduct a comparative interpretation of central poems from Howl and Kaddish. Specifically, this thesis explores the authorial aims and literary effects of Ginsberg’s utilization of transgressive sexual references and madness. I aim to show that the poetry’s transgressive aspects are deliberate, provocative moves aimed at challenging restrictive societal norms. Gregory Woods and Jonah Raskin established an important autobiographical perspective to Ginsberg’s sexual references and portrayal of madness that revealed aspects of the authorial aims of these elements. In contrast, Raymond-Jean Frontain argued that Ginsberg’s transgressive references to sexuality and madness were part of a deliberate rebellion against society’s attempted restriction of male sexuality. In critique of Ginsberg’s portrayal of madness, Loni Reynolds suggested that Ginsberg ultimately failed at his aim at glorifying deviancy. Michel Foucault provided a historical and contextual perspective to the thesis by outlining the historical development of an established discourse on sex that shaped the 1950s societal perceptions of sexuality and cognitive deviancy. Through interpretative readings of Howl and Kaddish I establish the deliberate authorial efforts to break down restrictive societal structures and undermine cultural taboos. Ginsberg’s deliberate flouting of cultural taboos renders his poetry a space void of restrictive societal structures, emancipating the discourse on sex and the culturally protected male body

    Regional to Interhemispheric Connectivity of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation

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    This thesis investigates the connectivity and interaction of remote regions in the Atlantic Ocean based on high-resolution model experiments. Connectivity between remote regions has important implications on a range of spatial and temporal scales. It can affect global climate variability, the coherence of circulation changes on regional scales and the spreading of marine organisms. Based on several advancements in modelling, it is demonstrated how interhemispheric connectivity contributes to changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) on climate timescales. At the same time, the effect of wind-forcing and the interaction of individual AMOC pathways with eddies on regional scales are shown to be highly important to understand AMOC variability on sub-decadal timescales, with further implications on interdisciplinary research questions

    Mediating Gesture in Theory and Practice

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    Editorial Article to the special issue "Mise en geste. Studies of Gesture in Cinema" (ed. by Ana Hedberg Olenina and Irina Schulzki) in journal "Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe" 5 (2017). 1. Gesture as a Figure of Speech. About this Issue 2. Liberated Gestures: Theories of Bodily Statements beyond the Sign. 2.1. Sergei Eisenstein: The Underlying Gesture 2.2. In Eisenstein’s Footsteps: Yuri Tsivian’s Carpalistics and Pia Tikka’s Enactive Cinema 2.3. Béla Balázs: Physiognomy 2.4. Julia Kristeva: Anaphora 2.5. Mikhail Iampolski: Deformations 2.6. Oksana Bulgakowa: The Factory of Gestures 2.7. Giorgio Agamben: Pure Gesture 2.8. Vilém Flusser: The Gesture of Filming. 3. Gesturology of Revolution: Petr Pavlenskii’s Mise en geste

    The Genealogy of Gesture: From Kira Muratova to Renata Litvinova

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    The long-term creative collaboration between Kira Muratova and Renata Litvinova began with the film “Uvlechen’ya” (“Pastimes”, 1994), in which Litvinova took part both as an actress and a screenwriter. Since then, Litvinova has become one of the most striking personifications of Muratova’s ornamental film style, which brings about a specific regime of visibility by foregrounding the eccentric corporeality of non-professional actors, or gesturality as a category of bodily and speech performance. This article focuses on the primary scene of gestural genealogy linking the two directors: thus, the pathologist’s gesture from nurse Lilya’s monologue, written and recited by Litvinova in her inner eccentric manner in Muratova’s film, unfolds in a full-length film narration of “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale” (2012), with a phantasmagorical plot and spectacular visuals characteristic of Litvinova’s directorial style. The article addresses, on the one hand, this gesture, expressing concisely the manifold and bidirectional relation between Muratova’s and Litvinova’s films, and, on the other, discusses possible ways of theoretical conceptions of gesture in text and cinema [...

    Sikkerhet først? En litteraturstudie om hvordan ulike institusjonelle logikker påvirker sosialfaglig forebyggingsarbeid med radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme

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    Denne litteraturstudien søker svar på hvordan sosialarbeidere opplever og arbeider med forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme under følgende problemstilling: hvordan påvirker ulike institusjonelle logikker sosialfaglig forebyggingsarbeid med radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme? Oppgaven vektlegger kvalitativ forskning, med siktemål om å gi økt forståelse på feltet. Forskningen drøftes i lys av institusjonelle logikker som teoretisk forståelsesramme. Norsk ekstremismeforebygging er basert på generelle kriminalforebyggende strategier, og er tverrfaglig orientert gjennom samordning av kommunale tjenester og politi. Sosialarbeiderne arbeider for klientenes velferd, men må også ta stilling til feltets sikkerhetsdimensjon. Funnene peker mot konkurrerende og blandede institusjonelle logikker på feltet. Sosialarbeiderne opplever ytre press fra politiet som strider mot sosialarbeidernes mandat, rolle og verdier. Dette fører til rollekonflikter og etiske dilemmaer for profesjonsutøverne, noe som kan være en barriere for klient-hjelper relasjonen i arbeidet. Sosialt arbeids spenningsfelt mellom hjelp og kontroll blir følgende tilspisset i spenningen mellom omsorg og sikkerhet

    ‘The Underlying Gesture’. Towards the Notion of Gesture in Jean d’Udine and Sergei Eisenstein

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    “‘The Underlying Gesture’. Towards the Notion of Gesture in Jean d’Udine and Sergei Eisenstein”. In: Rossella Catanese, Francesca Scotto Lavina, Valentina Valente (eds.), From Sensation to Synaesthesia in Film and New Media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019, 102-115