576 research outputs found

    Airway responses and inflammation in subjects with asthma after four days of repeated high-single-dose allergen challenge

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    Background: Both standard and low-dose allergen provocations are an established tool in asthma research to improve our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanism of allergic asthma. However, clinical symptoms are less likely to be induced. Therefore, we designed a protocol for repetitive high-dose bronchial allergen challenges to generate clinical symptoms and airway inflammation. Methods: A total of 27 patients aged 18 to 40 years with positive skin-prick tests and mild asthma underwent repetitive high-dose allergen challenges with household dust mites for four consecutive days. Pulmonary function and exhaled NO were measured at every visit. Induced sputum was analysed before and after the allergen challenges for cell counts, ECP, IL-5, INF-γ, IL-8, and the transcription factor Foxp3. Results: We found a significant decrease in pulmonary function, an increased use of salbutamol and the development of a late asthmatic response and bronchial hyperresponsiveness, as well as a significant induction of eNO, eosinophils, and Th-2 cytokines. Repeated provocation was feasible in the majority of patients. Two subjects had severe adverse events requiring prednisolone to cope with nocturnal asthma symptoms. Conclusions: Repeated high-dose bronchial allergen challenges resulted in severe asthma symptoms and marked Th-2-mediated allergic airway inflammation. The high-dose challenge model is suitable only in an attenuated form in diseased volunteers for proof-of-concept studies and in clinical settings to reduce the risk of severe asthma exacerbations. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.govNCT0067720

    Effects of Progesterone and Its Antagonist Mifepristone on Progesterone Receptor A Expression in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells

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    Effects of female steroid hormones on endothelial cells are gaining increased importance due to several studies on the effects of hormonal treatment on cardiovascular risk. Recent data argue for an improvement of endothelium-derived relaxation and impaired vascular contraction by estradiol, whereas progesterone and testosterone might entail contrary effects. So far, gestagenic influence on endothelial cell physiology is poorly understood. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) exposed to the female sex hormones estradiol and progesterone show expression of estrogen receptor-beta (ER beta) and progesterone receptor A (PR-A), and are negative for ER alpha and PR-B. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression and stimulation of PR-A and -B in HUVECs after stimulation with progesterone and PR antagonists that are commercially available. PR-B expression or upregulation was abrogated after application of progesterone or antagonists to HUVECs. Expression of PR-A could be significantly upregulated with progesterone and mifepristone. Unexpectedly, stimulation with the progesterone antagonist RU486 (mifepristone) was accomplished by an upregulation of PR-A expression in our study. We conclude that gestagenic effects on HUVECs independent of modulators are mediated via the PR-A. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Prognose des Studienerfolges im Fach Medizin : erste Ergebnisse ; Poster

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    Als Konsequenz der Änderung des Hochschulrahmengesetzes können deutsche Hochschulen einen Großteil Ihrer zur Verfügung stehenden Studienplätze in den Numerus-Clausus Fächern nach eigenen Kriterien vergeben. Die Identifizierung von Merkmalen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Studienerfolg stehen, stellt daher ein aktuelles Forschungsthema dar. Ein längsschnittlich angelegtes Forschungsprojekt der Universität Frankfurt am Main soll prüfen, inwieweit kognitive und nicht-kognitive Merkmale wie gewichtete Einzelfachnoten, das Ergebnis eines fachbezogenen Kenntnistests oder bildungsbiographische Daten neben der Abiturdurchschnittsnote einen bedeutsamen Beitrag zur Prognose des Studienerfolges in den Anfangssemestern des Studiengangs Medizin leisten können. Im Wintersemester 05/06 wurde Studierenden des ersten Fachsemesters ein Test zur Erfassung naturwissenschaftlicher Vorkenntnisse (Nawik) der Bereiche Mathematik, Physik, Chemie und Biologie vorgelegt sowie die Abiturdurchschnittsnote erhoben. Als Indikator für den Studienerfolg im ersten Fachsemester wurde die Punktzahl in der Anatomieklausur heran gezogen. Die ersten Ergebnisse einer Stichprobe von N=140 Studierenden lassen substanzielle Korrelationen der Leistungen im Nawik sowie der Abiturdurchschnittsnote mit der Klausurleistung erkennen (r= 0,45, p< 0,01 bzw. r= -0,24, p<0,01). Eine schrittweise Regression weist insbesondere die Leistung im Test naturwissenschaftlicher Vorkenntnisse als vorhersagestarken Prädiktor aus. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse werden anhand einer größeren Stichprobe geprüft. Weitere Auswertungen zur Bedeutsamkeit von Einzelfachnoten und bildungsbiographischen Daten (wie das Ausmaß an Vorerfahrung in medizinischen Bereichen) für den Studienerfolg laufen derzeit

    Mystery Shopping in Community Drug shops: Research as Development in Rural Tanzania

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    Throughout Africa, the private sector plays an important role in malaria treatment complementing formal health\ud services. However this sector is faced by a number of challenges including poor dispensing practices by unqualified staff. The Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlet (ADDO) program was introduced in Tanzania in 2002 to improve\ud the quality of retail services and especially of dispensing practices. The study adapted the often contested mystery\ud shopping methodology and trained local community members to assess practices of ADDO dispensers. The study then compared the assessed dispensers’ practices before and after ADDO interventions. Mystery shoppers were identified in the villages with the assistance of Health Demographic Surveillance System field staff. A total of 865 visits were made to general shops and drug shops between 2004 and 2009. Three case scenarios were developed to assess the quality of treatment; a) child aged 2 - 4 months, with fever/hot body for one day and problems with drinking/breastfeeding, b) child aged 2 - 4 years, with recurring fever/hot body for 3 days problems with drinking, eating, diarrhoea and tiredness/ not playing as usual and c) adult, with recurring fever/hot body for 2 days, headache, dizziness and loss of appetite. Study findings indicate improvements in dispensers’ knowledge and practices in management of fever, especially after the roll out of ADDO program in the study area. A 30 percent increase was noted after ADDO interventions on four assessed indicators developed based on the national malaria control guideline on malaria case management. On the other hand advice on the use of Insecticide Treated Nets as a measure to prevent malaria was not consistent over years even after ADDO interventions.\ud Children aged two to four years and adults were more likely to be provided with anti-malarials than children\ud between two to four months. Despite challenges posed against the methodology, findings reveals how useful\ud the mystery shopping technique can be for community assessments of ADDO interventions in retail outlets.\ud Study findings signify the importance of ADDO interventions in improving malaria case management in drug retail\ud outlets. If ADDOs are closely monitored and strengthened to provide appropriate malaria treatment and the program\ud is rolled throughout the country, a reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality is possible in the country. Innovative community based participatory research approaches and more systematic mystery shopping techniques would allow for comparative community-based assessments of ADDO interventions across regions.\u

    Oxidative stress stimulates alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in human trophoblast tumor cells BeWo

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    alpha-Tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP) has been identified as the major intracellular transport protein for the antioxidant vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol). Expression of alpha-TTP on the reproductive system has been described both in mouse uterus and lately in the human placenta. The aim of this study was to clarify if placental expression of alpha-TTP can be modified by substances causing oxidative reactions. The human choriocarcinoma cell line BeWo was, therefore, treated with two known pro-oxidants. alpha-TTP expression was determined with immunocytochemistry and evaluated by applying a semiquantitative score. The presence of pro-oxidants in BeWo cells induced alpha-TTP expression. We thus hypothesize that stimulation of alpha-TTP expression by oxidative stress, as this was induced by pro-oxidants, could be part of an antioxidant process occurring in the placenta in the aim of enhancing the supply of alpha-Tocopherol. This process could occur both in normal pregnancies, as well as in pregnancy disorders presented with intensified oxidative stress. In that view, this model is proposed for further oxidative stress studies on trophoblast and placenta, on the grounds of clarifying the role of alpha-Tocopherol in pregnancy physiology and pathophysiology

    Child mortality patterns in rural Tanzania: an observational study on the impact of malaria control interventions

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    Background Between 1997 and 2009, a number of key malaria control interventions were implemented in the Kilombero and Ulanga Districts in south central Tanzania to increase insecticide-treated nets (ITN) coverage and improve access to effective malaria treatment. In this study we estimated the contribution of these interventions to observed decreases in child mortality. Methods The local Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) provided monthly estimates of child mortality rates (age 1 to 5 years) expressed as cases per 1000 person-years (c/1000py) between 1997 and 2009. We conducted a time series analysis of child mortality rates and explored the contribution of rainfall and household food security. We used Poisson regression with linear and segmented effects to explore the impact of malaria control interventions on mortality. Results Child mortality rates decreased by 42.5% from 14.6 c/1000py in 1997 to 8.4 c/1000py in 2009. Analyses revealed the complexity of child mortality patterns and a strong association with rainfall and food security. All malaria control interventions were associated with decreases in child mortality, accounting for the effect of rainfall and food security. Conclusions Reaching the fourth Millenium Development Goal will require the contribution of many health interventions, as well as more general improvements in socio-environmental and nutritional conditions. Distinguishing between the effects of these multiple factors is difficult and represents a major challenge in assessing the effect of routine interventions. However, this study suggests that credible estimates can be obtained when high-quality data on the most important factors are available over a sufficiently long time perio

    Acceptability – a neglected dimension of access to health care : findings from a study on childhood convulsions in rural Tanzania

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Acceptability is a poorly conceptualized dimension of access to health care. Using a study on childhood convulsion in rural Tanzania, we examined social acceptability from a user perspective. The study design is based on the premise that a match between health providers' and clients' understanding of disease is an important dimension of social acceptability, especially in trans-cultural communication, for example if childhood convulsions are not linked with malaria and local treatment practices are mostly preferred. The study was linked to health interventions with the objective of bridging the gap between local and biomedical understanding of convulsions. METHODS: The study combined classical ethnography with the cultural epidemiology approach using EMIC (Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue) tool. EMIC interviews were conducted in a 2007/08 convulsion study (n = 88) and results were compared with those of an earlier 2004/06 convulsion study (n = 135). Earlier studies on convulsion in the area were also examined to explore longer-term changes in treatment practices. RESULTS: The match between local and biomedical understanding of convulsions was already high in the 2004/06 study. Specific improvements were noted in form of (1) 46% point increase among those who reported use of mosquito nets to prevent convulsion (2) 13% point decrease among caregivers who associated convulsion with 'evil eye and sorcery', 3) 14% point increase in prompt use of health facility and 4)16% point decrease among those who did not use health facility at all. Such changes can be partly attributed to interventions which explicitly aimed at increasing the match between local and biomedical understanding of malaria. Caregivers, mostly mothers, did not seek advice on where to take an ill child. This indicates that treatment at health facility has become socially acceptable for severe febrile with convulsion. CONCLUSION: As an important dimension of access to health care 'social acceptability' seems relevant in studying illnesses that are perceived not to belong to the biomedical field, specifically in trans-cultural societies. Understanding the match between local and biomedical understanding of disease is fundamental to ensure acceptability of health care services, successful control and management of health problems. Our study noted some positive changes in community knowledge and management of convulsion episodes, changes which might be accredited to extensive health education campaigns in the study area. On the other hand it is difficult to make inference out of the findings as a result of small sample size involved. In return, it is clear that well ingrained traditional beliefs can be modified with communication campaigns, provided that this change resonates with the beneficiaries

    Admissions criteria and success in medical fields of study

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    Seit dem Sommersemester 2006 führt der Fachbereich Medizin der J. W. Goethe – Universität kontinuierlich eine Analyse über den Zusammenhang der Oberstufen- und Abiturprüfungsnoten mit den Studiumserfolgen bei den Frankfurter Medizinstudierenden durch. Den Rahmen hierfür bildet das Projekt Studierendenauswahl zur Identifizierung und Validierung geeigneter Prädiktoren des Studienerfolgs zur universitären Auswahl (60 Prozent der Studiumsplätze in den ZVS-Fächern unterliegen der direkten Vergabekompetenz der Hochschulen). Wir präsentieren in dieser Kommunikation die Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Datenerhebung bei den Studierenden im klinischen Studienabschnitt, welche Kurse zur Erlangung der Hochschulreife ausgewählt wurden (n=700). Hintergrund für dieses Vorgehen ist die Vermutung, dass zwischen der Kurswahl und dem Studienerfolg ein unmittelbarer Zusammenhang besteht. Die Studienleistungen wurden auf der Basis von fachbereichseigenen Prüfungen (vorklinische und klinische Leistungsnachweise) durch die Ergebnisse in den Staatsexamina identifiziert. Des Weiteren sollte geklärt werden, wie viele Leistungskurskombinationen – bedingt durch die Vorgaben des deutschen Oberstufensystems – vorliegen. Erste Auswertungen geben zu erkennen, dass die Korrelation zwischen den erreichten Punkten der individuellen Schulfächer (Mathematik, Biologie, Chemie, Deutsch und Englisch) und den Ergebnissen im 1.Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung deutlich fachabhängig sind. Das Gleiche gilt für die Leistungskurswahl: Die große Anzahl verschiedener Leistungskurskombinationen (bei 700 Studierenden über 80) zeigt ausgesprochen variable Korrelationen mit den Leistungen im 1. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung. Dabei ist die Leistungskurskombination Mathematik + Englisch nach unserer gegenwärtigen Analyse der beste Prädiktor für Erfolg im Medizinstudium. Diese Ergebnisse könnten in naher Zukunft als Basis des universitären Auswahlverfahrens für Medizinstudierende dienen