168 research outputs found

    Revision and annotation of DNA barcode records for marine invertebrates: Report of the 8th iBOL conference hackathon

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    The accuracy of specimen identification through DNA barcoding and metabarcoding relies on reference libraries containing records with reliable taxonomy and sequence quality. The considerable growth in barcode data requires stringent data curation, especially in taxonomically difficult groups such as marine invertebrates. A major effort in curating marine barcode data in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) was undertaken during the 8th International Barcode of Life Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2019). Major taxonomic groups (crustaceans, echinoderms, molluscs, and polychaetes) were reviewed to identify those which had disagreement between Linnaean names and Barcode Index Numbers (BINs). The records with disagreement were annotated with four tags: A) MIS-ID (misidentified, mislabeled, or contaminated records), b) AMBIG (ambiguous records unresolved with the existing data), c) COMPLEX (species names occurring in multiple BINs), and d) SHARE (barcodes shared between species). A total of 83,712 specimen records corresponding to 7,576 species were reviewed and 39% of the species were tagged (7% MIS-ID, 17% AMBIG, 14% COMPLEX, and 1% SHARE). High percentages (>50%) of AMBIG tags were recorded in gastropods, whereas COMPLEX tags dominated in crustaceans and polychaetes. The high proportion of tagged species reflects either flaws in the barcoding workflow (e.g., misidentification, cross-contamination) or taxonomic difficulties (e.g., synonyms, undescribed species). Although data curation is essential for barcode applications, such manual attempts to examine large datasets are unsustainable and automated solutions are extremely desirable.The hackathon was organized with financial support from the European Union COST Action DNAqua-Net (CA 15219 https://dnaqua.net/) in the scope of the 8th International Barcode of Life Conference in Trondheim, Norway on 16 June 2019. DNAqua-Net is acknowledged for the funding provided and the local conference organizers for all the logistical support that ensured a successful event. Tyler Elliot and the rest of the BOLD team are acknowledged for their help with data queries and analytics. The authors also thank the hackathon participants for vibrant discussions during and after the event: Berry van der Hoorn, Katrine Konsghavn, Guy Paz, Mouna Rifi, Malin Strand, Anne Helene Tandberg, Adam Wall, and Endre Willassen. Marcos A. L. Teixeira was supported by a PhD grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT I.P.) co-financed by ESF (SFRH/BD/131527/2017). Financial support granted by FCT to Sofia Duarte (CEECIND/00667/2017) and to Pedro E. Vieira (project NIS-DNA, PTDC/BIA-BMA/29754/2017) is also acknowledged. Sanna Majaneva was financially supported by the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative (project no. 70184235). The authors thank the five reviewers who provided valuable input into the earlier version of the manuscript

    A framework to rank genomic alterations as targets for cancer precision medicine: the ESMO Scale for Clinical Actionability of molecular Targets (ESCAT)

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    Background: In order to facilitate implementation of precision medicine in clinical management of cancer, there is a need to harmonise and standardise the reporting and interpretation of clinically relevant genomics data. / Methods: The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group (TR and PM WG) launched a collaborative project to propose a classification system for molecular aberrations based on the evidence available supporting their value as clinical targets. A group of experts from several institutions was assembled to review available evidence, reach a consensus on grading criteria and present a classification system. This was then reviewed, amended and finally approved by the ESMO TR and PM WG and the ESMO leadership. / Results: This first version of the ESMO Scale of Clinical Actionability for molecular Targets (ESCAT) defines six levels of clinical evidence for molecular targets according to the implications for patient management: tier I, targets ready for implementation in routine clinical decisions; tier II, investigational targets that likely define a patient population that benefits from a targeted drug but additional data are needed; tier III, clinical benefit previously demonstrated in other tumour types or for similar molecular targets; tier IV, preclinical evidence of actionability; tier V, evidence supporting co-targeting approaches; and tier X, lack of evidence for actionability. / Conclusions: The ESCAT defines clinical evidence-based criteria to prioritise genomic alterations as markers to select patients for targeted therapies. This classification system aims to offer a common language for all the relevant stakeholders in cancer medicine and drug development

    Caracterização da produção agroecológica do sul do Rio Grande do Sul e sua relação com a mecanização agrícola.

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    A agricultura agroecológica tem-se destacado como uma das alternativas de renda para os pequenos agricultores devido à crescente busca por parte da população por alimentação mais saudável. No Rio Grande do Sul, a Associação Regional de Produtores Agroecológicos da Região Sul (Arpasul), constituída por 48 famílias, é representativa do processo de produção e de comercialização de produtos agroecológicos, servindo como referencial para o presente estudo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o levantamento das necessidades dos produtores agroecológicos em relação à mecanização agrícola. As informações obtidas foram baseadas no sistema de produção utilizado, sendo caracterizados aspectos referentes à propriedade, às operações agrícolas e às necessidades específicas de máquinas e implementos. Por meio deste estudo, foi evidenciada a carência no atendimento das demandas específicas, na área de máquinas agrícolas para esse segmento, podendo servir como referencial para o desenvolvimento de novas máquinas e/ou aperfeiçoamento das existentes. A semeadora de milho e feijão foi a máquina que a maioria dos agricultores pesquisados indicou como sua maior necessidade

    Search for transient optical counterparts to high-energy IceCube neutrinos with Pan-STARRS1

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    In order to identify the sources of the observed diffuse high-energy neutrino flux, it is crucial to discover their electromagnetic counterparts. IceCube began releasing alerts for single high-energy (E>60E > 60 TeV) neutrino detections with sky localisation regions of order 1 deg radius in 2016. We used Pan-STARRS1 to follow-up five of these alerts during 2016-2017 to search for any optical transients that may be related to the neutrinos. Typically 10-20 faint (m<22.5m < 22.5 mag) extragalactic transients are found within the Pan-STARRS1 footprints and are generally consistent with being unrelated field supernovae (SNe) and AGN. We looked for unusual properties of the detected transients, such as temporal coincidence of explosion epoch with the IceCube timestamp. We found only one transient that had properties worthy of a specific follow-up. In the Pan-STARRS1 imaging for IceCube-160427A (probability to be of astrophysical origin of ∼\sim50 %), we found a SN PS16cgx, located at 10.0' from the nominal IceCube direction. Spectroscopic observations of PS16cgx showed that it was an H-poor SN at z = 0.2895. The spectra and light curve resemble some high-energy Type Ic SNe, raising the possibility of a jet driven SN with an explosion epoch temporally coincident with the neutrino detection. However, distinguishing Type Ia and Type Ic SNe at this redshift is notoriously difficult. Based on all available data we conclude that the transient is more likely to be a Type Ia with relatively weak SiII absorption and a fairly normal rest-frame r-band light curve. If, as predicted, there is no high-energy neutrino emission from Type Ia SNe, then PS16cgx must be a random coincidence, and unrelated to the IceCube-160427A. We find no other plausible optical transient for any of the five IceCube events observed down to a 5σ\sigma limiting magnitude of m∼22m \sim 22 mag, between 1 day and 25 days after detection.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted to A&

    At What Stage of Neural Processing Does Cocaine Act to Boost Pursuit of Rewards?

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    Dopamine-containing neurons have been implicated in reward and decision making. One element of the supporting evidence is that cocaine, like other drugs that increase dopaminergic neurotransmission, powerfully potentiates reward seeking. We analyze this phenomenon from a novel perspective, introducing a new conceptual framework and new methodology for determining the stage(s) of neural processing at which drugs, lesions and physiological manipulations act to influence reward-seeking behavior. Cocaine strongly boosts the proclivity of rats to work for rewarding electrical brain stimulation. We show that the conventional conceptual framework and methods do not distinguish between three conflicting accounts of how the drug produces this effect: increased sensitivity of brain reward circuitry, increased gain, or decreased subjective reward costs. Sensitivity determines the stimulation strength required to produce a reward of a given intensity (a measure analogous to the KM of an enzyme) whereas gain determines the maximum intensity attainable (a measure analogous to the vmax of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction). To distinguish sensitivity changes from the other determinants, we measured and modeled reward seeking as a function of both stimulation strength and opportunity cost. The principal effect of cocaine was a two-fourfold increase in willingness to pay for the electrical reward, an effect consistent with increased gain or decreased subjective cost. This finding challenges the long-standing view that cocaine increases the sensitivity of brain reward circuitry. We discuss the implications of the results and the analytic approach for theories of how dopaminergic neurons and other diffuse modulatory brain systems contribute to reward pursuit, and we explore the implications of the conceptual framework for the study of natural rewards, drug reward, and mood

    Amygdala Engagement in Response to Subthreshold Presentations of Anxious Face Stimuli in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Preliminary Insights

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    Current theoretical models of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have proposed that impairments in the processing of social/emotional information may be linked to amygdala dysfunction. However, the extent to which amygdala functions are compromised in ASD has become a topic of debate in recent years. In a jittered functional magnetic resonance imaging study, sub-threshold presentations of anxious faces permitted an examination of amygdala recruitment in 12 high functioning adult males with ASD and 12 matched controls. We found heightened neural activation of the amygdala in both high functioning adults with ASD and matched controls. Neither the intensity nor the time-course of amygdala activation differed between the groups. However, the adults with ASD showed significantly lower levels of fusiform activation during the trials compared to controls. Our findings suggest that in ASD, the transmission of socially salient information along sub-cortical pathways is intact: and yet the signaling of this information to structures downstream may be impoverished, and the pathways that facilitate subsequent processing deficient
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