497 research outputs found

    First season maize performance in a long-term farming systems comparison trial at KARI-Thika, Kenya

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    Kenya’s smallholder farmers contribute 65% to total agricultural output in a predominantly mixed farming system where application of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides is minimal. By contrast, agriculture in developed temperate countries is dominated by large-scale farming and heavy reliance on fertilizers and pesticides to sustain high yields. Research conducted in temperate developed countries has shown that organic farming is superior to conventional farming in resource use efficiency, ecosystem functioning, soil fertility conservation and economic performance but results cannot be transferred directly to the tropics because of disparities in climate, soils and socio-economic environments. A long-term farming systems comparisons experiment was initiated at KARI-Thika in 2006 to assess the contribution of organic agriculture to food security, poverty alleviation and environmental conservation. Four treatments (Conventional High, Conventional Low, Organic High and Organic Low) were imposed in 8m x 8m plots using a randomized complete block design and replicated five times. The ‘High’ treatments received 118 kgN/ha and 66+5kgP/ha while the ‘Low’ treatments received 65 kgN/ha and 27 kgP/ha. Conventional treatments received the nutrients from farmyard manure, diammonium phosphate and calcium ammonium phosphate while compost, Tithonia diversifolia, and phosphate rock were applied in the organic treatments. Maize variety Pannar was planted at the onset of rains in April 2007 and harvested in August from a net plot area of 6m x 6m. The plots were hand weeded while stock borer was controlled using a Neem extract and ash/soil mixture in organic treatments and Bulldock® in conventional treatments. Stover dry weights were significantly higher in Conventional High than Organic Low (P=0.034) and indistinguishable from those observed in Conventional Low and Organic High. It was reasoned that availability of applied nutrients and the low poorly distributed rainfall received during the flowering and grain filling stages impacted negatively on grain yield

    Factors influencing the life table statistics of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti

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    Detailed age-specific life table studies were carried out under controlled conditions to measure the effect of temperature, leaf quality ( = age), variety and plant drought stress on net production rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and generation time (G) of Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr. in order to explain changes in population densities observed in the field. The developmental threshold calculated from our data and results published by various authors was 14.7°C. At 35°C all mealybugs died before reaching the adult stage. Mealybugs reared on leaves of different ages showed little differences in rm, and the higher occurrence of P. manihoti on plant tips and oldest leaves could not be explained with better nutritive value of these plant parts alone. Cassava varieties have a strong influence on the intrinsic rate of increase, which could explain differences in results published by other authors. Plant drought stress had little influence on the life table statistics, but rainfall is assumed to be a determinant factor in the dynamics of the mealybu

    Physiological suitability of six West African gramineous borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Pyralidae) for development of Cotesia species complex (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

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    Three gregarious, endoparasitic braconids, a Kenyan strain of Cotesia sesamiae, and the exotic Cotesia flavipes and Cotesia chilonis were imported into Benin as candidates for biological control of stem- and cob borers of maize and stemborers of millet. Host acceptability and host suitability of six gramineous borers occurring in western Africa, the noctuids Sesamia calamistis, Sesamia poephaga, Busseola fusca, the crambid Coniesta ignefusalis, and the pyralids Eldana saccharina and Mussidia nigrivenella, to these parasitoids were evaluated to test the hypothesis that new associations were superior over old association parasitoid-host relationships. All hosts were accepted by all Cotesia spp., except M. nigrivenella, which was not attacked by C. chilonis. Parasitoid progeny developed successfully in S. calamistis, S. poephaga and C. ignefusalis. S. calamistis was the most suitable host in terms of duration of developmental time, brood size and mortality of parasitoid progeny. It was concluded that because of its host specificity, the old association parasitoid C. sesamiae would have the highest chance of establishment in cereal systems in West Afric

    The Pulsed Neutron Beam EDM Experiment

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    We report on the Beam EDM experiment, which aims to employ a pulsed cold neutron beam to search for an electric dipole moment instead of the established use of storable ultracold neutrons. We present a brief overview of the basic measurement concept and the current status of our proof-of-principle Ramsey apparatus

    Compact 20-pass thin-disk amplifier insensitive to thermal lensing

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    We present a multi-pass amplifier which passively compensates for distortions of the spherical phase front occurring in the active medium. The design is based on the Fourier transform propagation which makes the output beam parameters insensitive to variation of thermal lens effects in the active medium. The realized system allows for 20 reflections on the active medium and delivers a small signal gain of 30 with M2^2 = 1.16. Its novel geometry combining Fourier transform propagations with 4f-imaging stages as well as a compact array of adjustable mirrors allows for a layout with a footprint of 400 mm x 1000 mm.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure


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    A distributed delay age structure model is presented for plants and insects that describes the dynamics of per capita energy (dry matter) acquisition and allocation patterns, and the within-organism subunit (e.g. leaves, fruit, ova) number dynamics that occur during growth, reproduction, and development. Four species of plants (common bean, cassava, cotton, and tomato) and two species of insects (pea aphid and a ladybird beetle) are modeled. A common acquisition (i.e. functional response) submodel is used to estimate the daily photosynthetic rates in plants and consumption rates in pea aphid and the ladybird beetle. The focus of this work is to capture the essence of the common attributes between trophic levels across this wide range of taxa. The models are compared with field or laboratory data. A hypothesis is proposed for the observed patterns of reproduction in pea aphid and in a ladybird beetl

    Ecology of the African maize stalk borer, Bussolea fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with special reference to insect-plant interactions

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    Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important pest of maize and sorghum in sub-Saharan Africa. One century after its first description by Fuller in 1901, inaccurate information based on earlier reports are still propagated on its distribution (e.g., absent from the lower altitudes in East Africa) and host plant range (e.g., feeding on a large range of wild grass species). This review provides updated information on the biology, distribution and genetics of B. fusca with emphasis on insect-plant interactions. Related to this, new avenues of stem borer management are proposed

    Purinergic P2X7 receptors regulate secretion of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and beta cell function and survival

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    In obesity, beta cells activate compensatory mechanisms to adapt to the higher insulin demand. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) prevents obesity-induced hyperglycaemia and is a potent target for the treatment of diabetes, but the mechanisms of its secretion and regulation in obesity are unknown. In the present study, we hypothesise the regulation of IL-1Ra secretion by purinergic P2X7 receptors in islets. Production and regulation of P2X7 were studied in pancreatic sections from lean and obese diabetic patients, non-diabetic controls and in isolated islets. IL-1Ra, IL-1β and insulin secretion, glucose tolerance and beta cell mass were studied in P2x7 (also known as P2Rx7)-knockout mice. P2X7 levels were elevated in beta cells of obese patients, but downregulated in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Elevated glucose and non-esterified fatty acids rapidly activated P2X7 and IL-1Ra secretion in human islets, and this was inhibited by P2X7 blockade. In line with our results in vitro, P2x7-knockout mice had a lower capacity to secrete IL-1Ra. They exhibited severe and rapid hyperglycaemia, glucose intolerance and impaired beta cell function in response to a high-fat/high-sucrose diet, were unable to compensate by increasing their beta cell mass in response to the diet and showed increased beta cell apoptosis. Our study shows a tight correlation of P2X7 activation, IL-1Ra secretion and regulation of beta cell mass and function. The increase in P2X7 production is one mechanism that may explain how beta cells compensate by adapting to the higher insulin demand. Disturbances within that system may result in the progression of diabetes

    Influence of temperature on intra- and interspecific resource utilization within a community of lepidopteran maize stemborers

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    Competition or facilitation characterises intra-and interspecific interactions within communities of species that utilize the same resources. Temperature is an important factor influencing those interactions and eventual outcomes. The noctuid stemborers, Busseola fusca and Sesamia calamistis and the crambid Chilo partellus attack maize in sub-Saharan Africa. They often occur as a community of interacting species in the same field and plant at all elevations. The influence of temperature on the intra-and interspecific interactions among larvae of these species, was studied using potted maize plants exposed to varying temperatures in a greenhouse and artificial stems kept at different constant temperatures (15 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C) in an incubator. The experiments involved single-and multispecies infestation treatments. Survival and relative growth rates of each species were assessed. Both intra-and interspecific competitions were observed among all three species. Interspecific competition was stronger between the noctuids and the crambid than between the two noctuids. Temperature affected both survival and relative growth rates of the three species. Particularly at high temperatures, C. partellus was superior in interspecific interactions shown by higher larval survival and relative growth rates. In contrast, low temperatures favoured survival of B. fusca and S. calamistis but affected the relative growth rates of all three species. Survival and relative growth rates of B. fusca and S. calamistis in interspecific interactions did not differ significantly across temperatures. Temperature increase caused by future climate change is likely to confer an advantage on C. partellus over the noctuids in the utilization of resources (crops)

    Longitudinal increase in the detection rate of Mycobacterium chimaera in heater-cooler device-derived water samples

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    Colonization with Mycobacterium chimaera and other nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) has been reported for heater-cooler devices (HCD) produced by several manufacturers. Up to now, exclusively LivaNova (London, UK) HCDs have been associated with M. chimaera infections after cardiac surgery. The vast majority of studies on HCD colonization were cross-sectional. We were interested in longitudinal dynamics of mycobacterial growth in HCD water samples and analyzed data of a prospective mycobacterial surveillance of five LivaNova 3T HCDs. Nontuberculous mycobacteria were isolated in 319 (48.0%, 21 water samples grew more than one mycobacterial species) of a total of 665 water samples. The most frequently detected species were M. chimaera (N= 247/319, 77.4%), Mycobacterium gordonae (46/319, 14.4%) and Mycobacterium paragordonae (34/319, 10.7%). Detection rates increased longitudinally for any NTM (odds ratio (OR) per year in use: 1.60, 95% CI 1.17-2.24, P<0.001) and for M. chimaera (OR per year in use: 1.67, 95% CI 1.11-2.57, P<0.01)
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