6,093 research outputs found

    Bounds on Decoherence and Error

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    When a confined system interacts with its walls (treated quantum mechanically), there is an intertwining of degrees of freedom. We show that this need not lead to entanglement, hence decoherence. It will generally lead to error. The wave function optimization required to avoid decoherence is also examined.Comment: 10 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    Imaging geometry through dynamics: the observable representation

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    For many stochastic processes there is an underlying coordinate space, VV, with the process moving from point to point in VV or on variables (such as spin configurations) defined with respect to VV. There is a matrix of transition probabilities (whether between points in VV or between variables defined on VV) and we focus on its ``slow'' eigenvectors, those with eigenvalues closest to that of the stationary eigenvector. These eigenvectors are the ``observables,'' and they can be used to recover geometrical features of VV

    A comparison of landing maneuver piloting technique based on measurements made in an airline training simulator and in actual flight

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    An emphasis is placed on developing a mathematical model in order to identify useful metrics, quantify piloting technique, and define simulator fidelity. On the basis of DC-10 flight measurements recorded for 32 pilots, 13 flight-trained and the remainder simulator trained, a revised model of the landing flare is hypothesized which accounts for reduction of sink rate and perference for touchdown point along the runway. The flare maneuver and touchdown point adjustment can be described by a pitch attitude command pilot guidance law consisting of altitude and vertical velocity feedbacks. In flight pilots exhibit a significant vertical velocity feedback which is essential for well controlled sink rate reduction at the desired level of response (bandwidth). In the simulator, however, the vertical velocity feedback appears ineffectual and leads to substantially inferior landing performance

    Opposite Thermodynamic Arrows of Time

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    A model in which two weakly coupled systems maintain opposite running thermodynamic arrows of time is exhibited. Each experiences its own retarded electromagnetic interaction and can be seen by the other. The possibility of opposite-arrow systems at stellar distances is explored and a relation to dark matter suggested.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A hybrid stochastic hierarchy equations of motion approach to treat the low temperature dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems

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    The hierarchical equations of motion technique has found widespread success as a tool to generate the numerically exact dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems. However, its application to low temperature environments remains a serious challenge due to the need for a deep hierarchy that arises from the Matsubara expansion of the bath correlation function. Here we present a hybrid stochastic hierarchical equation of motion (sHEOM) approach that alleviates this bottleneck and leads to a numerical cost that is nearly independent of temperature. Additionally, the sHEOM method generally converges with fewer hierarchy tiers allowing for the treatment of larger systems. Benchmark calculations are presented on the dynamics of two level systems at both high and low temperatures to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach. Then the hybrid method is used to generate the exact dynamics of systems that are nearly impossible to treat by the standard hierarchy. First, exact energy transfer rates are calculated across a broad range of temperatures revealing the deviations from the Forster rates. This is followed by computations of the entanglement dynamics in a system of two qubits at low temperature spanning the weak to strong system-bath coupling regimes.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum algorithms for hidden nonlinear structures

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    Attempts to find new quantum algorithms that outperform classical computation have focused primarily on the nonabelian hidden subgroup problem, which generalizes the central problem solved by Shor's factoring algorithm. We suggest an alternative generalization, namely to problems of finding hidden nonlinear structures over finite fields. We give examples of two such problems that can be solved efficiently by a quantum computer, but not by a classical computer. We also give some positive results on the quantum query complexity of finding hidden nonlinear structures.Comment: 13 page

    Path integral in a magnetic field using the Trotter product formula

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    The derivation of the Feynman path integral based on the Trotter product formula is extended to the case where the system is in a magnetic field.Comment: To appear in the American Journal of Physics, 200

    An analysis of airline landing flare data based on flight and training simulator measurements

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    Landings by experienced airline pilots transitioning to the DC-10, performed in flight and on a simulator, were analyzed and compared using a pilot-in-the-loop model of the landing maneuver. By solving for the effective feedback gains and pilot compensation which described landing technique, it was possible to discern fundamental differences in pilot behavior between the actual aircraft and the simulator. These differences were then used to infer simulator fidelity in terms of specific deficiencies and to quantify the effectiveness of training on the simulator as compared to training in flight. While training on the simulator, pilots exhibited larger effective lag in commanding the flare. The inability to compensate adequately for this lag was associated with hard or inconsistent landings. To some degree this deficiency was carried into flight, thus resulting in a slightly different and inferior landing technique than exhibited by pilots trained exclusively on the actual aircraft

    Stability of quantum breathers

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    Using two methods we show that a quantized discrete breather in a 1-D lattice is stable. One method uses path integrals and compares correlations for a (linear) local mode with those of the quantum breather. The other takes a local mode as the zeroth order system relative to which numerical, cutoff-insensitive diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is performed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Transport mechanism through metal-cobaltite interfaces

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    The resistive switching (RS) properties as a function of temperature were studied for Ag/La1x_{1-x}Srx_xCoO3_3 (LSCO) interfaces. The LSCO is a fully-relaxed 100 nm film grown by metal organic deposition on a LaAlO3_3 substrate. Both low and a high resistance states were set at room temperature and the temperature dependence of their current-voltage (IV) characteristics was mea- sured taking care to avoid a significant change of the resistance state. The obtained non-trivial IV curves of each state were well reproduced by a circuit model which includes a Poole-Frenkel element and two ohmic resistances. A microscopic description of the changes produced by the RS is given, which enables to envision a picture of the interface as an area where conductive and insulating phases are mixed, producing Maxwell-Wagner contributions to the dielectric properties.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to be published in APL. Corresponding author: C. Acha ([email protected]