1,429 research outputs found

    Local spin valve effect in lateral (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs spin Esaki diode devices

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    We report on a local spin valve effect observed unambiguously in lateral all-semiconductor all-electrical spin injection devices, employing p+-(Ga,Mn)As/n+-GaAs Esaki diode structures as spin aligning contacts. We discuss the observed local spin-valve signal as a result of interplay between spin-transport-related contribution and tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance of magnetic contacts. The magnitude of the spin-related magnetoresistance change is equal to 30 Ohm which is twice the magnitude of the measured non-local signal.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Controlling hole spin dynamics in two‐dimensional hole systems at low temperatures

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    With the recent discovery of very long hole spin decoherence times in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures of more than 70 ns in two-dimensional hole systems, using the hole spin as a viable alternative to electron spins in spintronic applications seems possible. Furthermore, as the hyperfine interaction with the nuclear spins is likely to be the limiting factor for electron spin lifetimes in zero dimensions, holes with their suppressed Fermi contact hyperfine interaction due to their p-like nature should be able to show even longer lifetimes than electrons. For spintronic applications, electric-field control of hole spin dynamics is desirable. Here, we report on time-resolved Kerr rotation and resonant spin amplification measurements on a two-dimensional hole system in a p-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. Via a semitransparent gate, we tune the charge density within the sample. We are able to observe a change in the hole g factor, as well as in the hole spin dephasing time at high magnetic fields

    Resonant spin amplification of hole spin dynamics in two‐dimensional hole systems: experiment and simulation

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    Spins in semiconductor structures may allow for the realization of scalable quantum bit arrays, an essential component for quantum computation schemes. Specifically, hole spins may be more suited for this purpose than electron spins, due to their strongly reduced interaction with lattice nuclei, which limits spin coherence for electrons in quantum dots. Here, we present resonant spin amplification (RSA) measurements, performed on a p-modulation doped GaAs-based quantum well at temperatures below 500 mK. The RSA traces have a peculiar, butterfly-like shape, which stems from the initialization of a resident hole spin polarization by optical orientation. The combined dynamics of the optically oriented electron and hole spins are well-described by a rate equation model, and by comparison of experiment and model, hole spin dephasing times of more than 70 ns are extracted from the measured data

    Examining Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Product Development Focusing on Dependencies

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    Product development in manufacturing industry is characterized by intense collaboration need of various stakeholders. Increasing integration of disciplines in modern products makes it more and more a challenge to arrange collaboration efficiently and effectively. Process and product characteristics as well as the architecture of information systems used in product development have to be considered. This paper introduces a methodology for the design of collaboration situations based on principles of system analysis. First, a collaboration situation is defined and modelled regarding constituent elements in the domains process, product and system. Second, a description model for dependencies in these domains is developed. Morphological analysis was applied to derive features and characteristics of the model. Third, an improvement approach to optimize a given collaboration situation is depicted. The improvement approach comprises a sensitivity model, which explicates causal relations between the dependency features. The methodology is applied to a case study from manufacturing industry

    In-depth characterization of genome-scale network reconstructions for the in vitro synthesis in cell-free systems

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    Cell‐free systems containing multiple enzymes are becoming an increasingly interesting tool for one‐pot syntheses of biochemical compounds. To extensively explore the enormous wealth of enzymes in the biological space, we present methods for assembling and curing data from databases to apply them for the prediction of pathway candidates for directed enzymatic synthesis. We use Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes to establish single organism models and a pan‐organism model that is combining the available data from all organisms listed there. We introduce a filtering scheme to remove data that are not suitable, for example, generic metabolites and general reactions. In addition, a valid stoichiometry of reactions is required for acceptance. The networks created are analyzed by graph theoretical methods to identify a set of metabolites that are potentially reachable from a defined set of starting metabolites. Thus, metabolites not connected to such starting metabolites cannot be produced unless new starting metabolites or reactions are introduced. The network models also comprise stoichiometric and thermodynamic data that allow the definition of constraints to identify potential pathways. The resulting data can be directly applied using existing or future pathway finding tools

    Prevalência de factores de risco de desnutrição em pacientes hospitalizados na América Latina: uma análise nutritionDay 2016-2020

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    Hospital malnutrition is a complex international health issue described to be associated with worse patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs(1). A large proportion of patients is already found malnourished at the time of hospital admission, others develop malnutrition while in hospital, often as a complication associated with the disease. Malnutrition screening is crucial for identifying vulnerable patients who are nutritionally at risk already on admission, presenting well-known risk factors such as poor appetite, low food intake, history of unintentional weight loss or low body mass index (BMI).La desnutrición hospitalaria es un problema de salud complejo a nivel internacional, el cual, según se ha descrito, se asocia con peores desenlaces para los pacientes y costos más elevados para los sistemas de salud(1). Es grande la proporción de pacientes que llegan desnutridos al momento de su ingreso al hospital; otros desarrollan desnutrición durante su estancia hospitalaria como una complicación asociada con su patología. El tamizaje para desnutrición es crucial para identificar a aquellos pacientes con riesgo nutricional al momento de su ingreso, y los factores de riesgo bien conocidos son la falta de apetito, baja ingesta de alimento, historia de pérdida de peso no intencional o bajo índice de masa corporal (IMC)

    Новый вектор развития

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    Article is devoted to the oil and gas situation in Russia. The article presents the forecasts of demand for natural gas, also referred to is not a stable situation in the country and Russian companies are struggling with these changes

    Verflechtungen in der österreichischen Außenwirtschaft

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    Die Analyse (mit einem "Constant Market Shares" Modell) über die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Struktur hat ergeben, dass sich in der österreichischen Außenwirtschaft mit Gütern in den vergangenen Jahren die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verschlechtert hat. Es zeichnen sich auch strukturelle Probleme ab. Hier erscheint es notwendig, neue Märkte zu erobern und das Produktangebot der internationalen Nachfrageentwicklung anzupassen. Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung (mit vektorautoregressiven Prozessen) über die Zusammenhänge im österreichischen Außenhandel zeigt, dass die Exporte kleiner Dienstleistungsbranchen ein Vielfaches an Warenexporten mit sich ziehen. Signifikante Impulse kommen von der Transportbrache, von den Bau- und Finanzdienstleistungen, den EDV- und Informationsdienstleistungen, den Exporten von Patenten und Lizenzen, den sonstigen unternehmensbezogenen Dienstleistungen und vom Bereich operationales Leasing. Das Ergebnis des Gravitationsmodels ist, dass die österreichische Exportwirtschaft in Länder mit einem hohen Einkommen mehr exportiert, dass eine Verringerung der Distanz um 5 Prozent mit einer Steigerung der Exporte um 5 Prozent gerechnet werden kann und dass die Grenzen innerhalb der EU kaum handelsmindernd sind. Werden Grenzkontrollen vermindert, so wirkt sich dies positiv auf die Reiszeit aus.Competitiveness