18,574 research outputs found

    Design and development criteria for metal bellows

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    Experimental research describes fluid flow and the fluid-elastic mechanism causing bellows flow excitation, and aids in design of conventional bellows liner which suppresses flow-induced vibrations. Analytical models facilitate prediction of flow excitation occurrence and estimation of severity of bellows vibrations

    A gas flow indicator for portable life support systems

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    A three-part program was conducted to develop a gas flow indicator (GFI) to monitor ventilation flow in a portable life support system. The first program phase identified concepts which could potentially meet the GFI requirements. In the second phase, a working breadboard GFI, based on the concept of a pressure sensing diaphragm-aneroid assembly connected to a venturi, was constructed and tested. Extensive testing of the breadboard GFI indicated that the design would meet all NASA requirements including eliminating problems experienced with the ventilation flow sensor used in the Apollo program. In the third program phase, an optimized GFI was designed by utilizing test data obtained on the breadboard unit. A prototype unit was constructed using prototype materials and fabrication techniques, and performance tests indicated that the prototype GFI met or exceeded all requirements

    Optical links in the angle-data assembly of the 70-meter antennas

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    In the precision-pointing mode the 70 meter antennas utilize an optical link provided by an autocollimator. In an effort to improve reliability and performance, commercial instruments were evaluated as replacement candidates, and upgraded versions of the existing instruments were designed and tested. The latter were selected for the Neptune encounter, but commercial instruments with digital output show promise of significant performance improvement for the post-encounter period


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    Increased use of noncash-price procurement methods has concerned cattlemen for the past several years. This research estimated impacts of captive supplies on transaction prices for fed cattle. Negative relationships were found between transaction prices and percentage deliveries from the inventory of forward contracted and marketing agreement cattle. However, impacts from the absolute size of the total captive supply inventory were not significant. Price differences were found among procurement methods with forward contract prices being much lower. On balance, captive supplies had small but often negative effects on fed cattle transaction prices.Demand and Price Analysis,

    A general low frequency acoustic radiation capability for NASTRAN

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    A new capability called NASHUA is described for calculating the radiated acoustic sound pressure field exterior to a harmonically-excited arbitrary submerged 3-D elastic structure. The surface fluid pressures and velocities are first calculated by coupling a NASTRAN finite element model of the structure with a discretized form of the Helmholtz surface integral equation for the exterior fluid. After the fluid impedance is calculated, most of the required matrix operations are performed using the general matrix manipulation package (DMAP) available in NASTRAN. Far field radiated pressures are then calculated from the surface solution using the Helmholtz exterior integral equation. Other output quantities include the maximum sound pressure levels in each of the three coordinate planes, the rms and average surface pressures and normal velocities, the total radiated power and the radiation efficiency. The overall approach is illustrated and validated using known analytic solutions for submerged spherical shells subjected to both uniform and nonuniform applied loads

    Molecular Model of the Contractile Ring

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    We present a model for the actin contractile ring of adherent animal cells. The model suggests that the actin concentration within the ring and consequently the power that the ring exerts both increase during contraction. We demonstrate the crucial role of actin polymerization and depolymerization throughout cytokinesis, and the dominance of viscous dissipation in the dynamics. The physical origin of two phases in cytokinesis dynamics ("biphasic cytokinesis") follows from a limitation on the actin density. The model is consistent with a wide range of measurements of the midzone of dividing animal cells.Comment: PACS numbers: 87.16.Ka, 87.16.Ac http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16197254 http://www.weizmann.ac.il/complex/tlusty/papers/PhysRevLett2005.pd

    Small Displacement, Long Life On-Orbit Compressor Design and Fabrication

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    The focus is the generation of technology and fabrication of prototype hardware applicable to seven Space Station compressor system applications. The compressors are of the single acting reciprocating piston type and, in general, may be termed miniature in size compared with normal commercially available equipment. The initial technology development is focused on improved valve designs, and the control of pulsations and heating effects in order to increase compressor efficiency and reduce cycle temperatures, thus permitting significantly increased stage pressure ratios. The initial test compressor was successfully operated at pressure ratios of up to 50:1, and this significant extension of allowable pressure ratio will result in a reduction of the number of required stages and, hence, total hardware thereby reducing system weight and volume. These experiments have also identified the need to employ low shaft speeds, on the order of 250 to 500 rpm, to enhance heat transfer and increase life. The prototype compressor currently being designed, is to be driven by a low-speed brushless dc motor sealed in a case common to the compressor drive mechanism case. The compressor and motor case will communicate with stage suction pressure so that any minor gas leakage past the piston rings will be returned to the suction. Emphasis in this prototype design is being placed on simplicity, durability, commonality of components, and high efficiency

    Observed crustal uplift near the Southern Patagonian Icefield constrains improved viscoelastic Earth model

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    Thirty‒one GPS geodetic measurements of crustal uplift in southernmost South America determined extraordinarily high trend rates (> 35 mm/yr) in the north‒central part of the Southern Patagonian Icefield. These trends have a coherent pattern, motivating a refined viscoelastic glacial isostatic adjustment model to explain the observations. Two end‒member models provide good fits: both require a lithospheric thickness of 36.5 ± 5.3 km. However, one end‒member has a mantle viscosity near η =1.6 ×1018 Pa s and an ice collapse rate from the Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum comparable to a lowest recent estimate of 1995–2012 ice loss at about −11 Gt/yr. In contrast, the other end‒member has much larger viscosity: η = 8.0 ×1018 Pa s, half the post–LIA collapse rate, and a steadily rising loss rate in the twentieth century after AD 1943, reaching −25.9 Gt/yr during 1995–2012.Fil: Lange, H.. Technische Universitaet Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Casassa, G.. Centro de Estudios Cientificos; Chile. Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Ivins, E. R.. Institute of Technology. Jet propulsion Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Schroeder, L.. Technische Universitaet Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Fritsche, M.. Technische Universitaet Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Richter, Andreas Jorg. Technische Universitaet Dresden; Alemania. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Departamento de Astrometría; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Groh, A.. Technische Universitaet Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Dietrich, R.. Technische Universitaet Dresden; Alemani

    Neurogenic Fever after Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence, pathogenesis, and clinical outcomes related to neurogenic fevers following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed on thermodysregulation secondary to acute traumatic SCI in adult patients. A literature search was performed using PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Scopus. Using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven relevant articles were obtained. RESULTS: The incidence of fever of all origins (both known and unknown) after SCI ranged from 22.5 to 71.7% with a mean incidence of 50.6% and a median incidence of 50.0%. The incidence of fever of unknown origin (neurogenic fever) ranged from 2.6 to 27.8% with a mean incidence of 8.0% and a median incidence of 4.7%. Cervical and thoracic spinal injuries were more commonly associated with fever than lumbar injuries. In addition, complete injuries had a higher incidence of fever than incomplete injuries. The pathogenesis of neurogenic fever after acute SCI is not thoroughly understood. CONCLUSION: Neurogenic fevers are relatively common following an acute SCI; however, there is little in the scientific literature to help physicians prevent or treat this condition. The paucity of research underscored by this review demonstrates the need for further studies with larger sample sizes, focusing on incidence rate, clinical outcomes, and pathogenesis of neurogenic fever following acute traumatic SCI