1,012 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Identification of Multiple Salmonella Serovars in a Single Sample by Using CRISPR-SeroSeq

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    Salmonella enterica is represented by \u3e2,600 serovars that can differ in routes of transmission, host colonization, and in resistance to antimicrobials. S. enterica is the leading bacterial cause of foodborne illness in the United States, with well-established detection methodology. Current surveillance protocols rely on the characterization of a few colonies to represent an entire sample; thus, minority serovars remain undetected. Salmonella contains two CRISPR loci, CRISPR1 and CRISPR2, and the spacer contents of these can be considered serovar specific. We exploited this property to develop an amplicon-based and multiplexed sequencing approach, CRISPR-SeroSeq (serotyping by sequencing of the CRISPR loci), to identify multiple serovars present in a single sample. Using mixed genomic DNA from two Salmonella serovars, we were able to confidently detect a serovar that constituted 0.01% of the sample. Poultry is a major reservoir of Salmonella spp., including serovars that are frequently associated with human illness, as well as those that are not. Numerous studies have examined the prevalence and diversity of Salmonella spp. in poultry, though these studies were limited to culture-based approaches and therefore only identified abundant serovars. CRISPR-SeroSeq was used to investigate samples from broiler houses and a processing facility. Ninety-one percent of samples harbored multiple serovars, and there was one sample in which four different serovars were detected. In another sample, reads for the minority serovar comprised 0.003% of the total number of Salmonella spacer reads. The most abundant serovars identified were Salmonella enterica serovars Montevideo, Kentucky, Enteritidis, and Typhimurium. CRISPR-SeroSeq also differentiated between multiple strains of some serovars. This high resolution of serovar populations has the potential to be utilized as a powerful tool in the surveillance of Salmonella species

    Construção dos conceitos científicos em aulas de ciências: a teoria histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento como referencial para análise de um processo de ensino sobre sexualidade humana

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    O objetivo da investigação foi conhecer como um processo de ensino promove construções conceituais no estudo da Sexualidade Humana em uma situação que envolveu trinta e quatro estudantes da sétima série e sua professora de Ciências. Com o olhar voltado para a ZDP dos estudantes, relacionaram-se três parâmetros para compreender, na dinâmica das aulas, a emergência dos processos de significação: os conteúdos priorizados pela professora, as interações discursivas e os amplificadores culturais utilizados. O pensamento histórico-cultural de Vygotsky foi aporte teórico utilizado para as reflexões, entendendo que os sujeitos modificam de forma ativa as forças ativas que os transformam. A análise microgenética foi a abordagem metodológica definida para se estudar os mecanismos associados à aprendizagem e os movimentos de construção conceitual sob supervisão docente. Os resultados mostram que muitos estudantes conseguiram estabelecer uma unidade entre a linguagem, pensamento e ação, possibilitando a utilização dos conceitos como instrumentos de operações qualitativamente superiores.

    BKV-infection in kidney graft dysfunction

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    AbstractIntroductionBKV nephropathy (BKN) causes kidney graft loss, whose specific diagnosis is invasive and might be predicted by the early detection of active viral infection.ObjectiveDetermine the BKV-infection prevalence in late kidney graft dysfunction by urinary decoy cell (DC) and viral DNA detection in urine (viruria) and blood (viremia; active infection).MethodsKidney recipients with >1 month follow-up and creatinine >1.5mg/dL and/or recent increasing >20% (n=120) had their urine and blood tested for BKV by semi-nested PCR, DC searching, and graft biopsy. PCR-positive patients were classified as 1+, 2+, 3+. DC, viruria and viremia prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio (LR) were determined (Table 2×2). Diagnosis efficacy of DC and viruria were compared to viremia.ResultsDC prevalence was 25%, viruria 61.7%, and viremia 42.5%. Positive and negative patients in each test had similar clinical, immunossupressive, and histopathological characteristics. There was no case of viremia with chronic allograft nephropathy and, under treatment with sirolimus, patients had a lower viruria prevalence (p=0.043). Intense viruria was the single predictive test for active infection (3+; LR = 2.8).1,6-4,9ConclusionDC, BKV-viruria and -viremia are commun findings under late kidney graft dysfunction. Viremia could only be predicted by intense viruria. These results should be considered under the context of BKN confirmation

    Assistiva: tecnologia para a inclusão social

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Educação, Tecnologia e ProduçãoSegundo o censo de 2010 do IBGE, mais de 100 mil pessoas apresentam algum tipo de deficiência na região de Joinville, a partir disso, viu-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento de um projeto que pudesse auxiliar o dia-a-dia de pessoas que apresentam algum tipo de dificuldade na realização de suas atividades. E assim, com o apoio de discentes e docentes, surgiu o projeto Assistiva - Tecnologia para Inclusão Social vinculado ao Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) que, com o seu crescimento, em 2016, tornou-se um Programa de Extensão da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). O Assistiva tem como objetivo promover a inclusão social através do desenvolvimento de tecnologias assistivas e atividades junto à comunidade, tendo sido realizadas diversas doações para escolas e instituições parceiras. O mesmo abrange diversas áreas, através de profissionais, integrantes e parceiros, passando para a sua equipe um conhecimento rico em interdisciplinaridad

    Metric Features of a Dipolar Model

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    The lattice spin model, with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic exchange and long range dipolar interaction, is studied by the method of time series for observables based on cluster configurations and associated partitions, such as Shannon entropy, Hamming and Rohlin distances. Previous results based on the two peaks shape of the specific heat, suggested the existence of two possible transitions. By the analysis of the Shannon entropy we are able to prove that the first one is a true phase transition corresponding to a particular melting process of oriented domains, where colored noise is present almost independently of true fractality. The second one is not a real transition and it may be ascribed to a smooth balancing between two geometrical effects: a progressive fragmentation of the big clusters (possibly creating fractals), and the slow onset of a small clusters chaotic phase. Comparison with the nearest neighbor Ising ferromagnetic system points out a substantial difference in the cluster geometrical properties of the two models and in their critical behavior.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, submitted to JPhys

    Early HHV-6 replication is associated with morbidity non-related to CMV infection after kidney transplantation

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    AbstractHuman herpesvirus type 6-(HHV-6) has been associated with morbidity after liver transplantation.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the HHV-6 seroprevalence among donorrecipient pairs, analyze the incidence of early active infection, its clinical manifestation, interaction with CMV, and the related morbidity in the first year after kidney transplantation.Methods46 donor-recipient pairs had IgG evaluated by ELISA before transplantation: HHV-6-(Pambio – USA) and CMV-(Roche – USA). A frozen whole blood sample collected weekly (from the 1st to the 6th week) was retrospectively tested for HHV-6 viral load (VL) determination by real time quantitative PCR (qPCR, Nanogen – Italy). Patients were preemptively surveyed for CMV by pp65 antigenemia (Ag, APAAP, immunohistochemistry, Biotest – Germany) from the 4th to the 12th week after transplantation. Active infection was defined as qPCR-HHV6+ (viral-load/mL-VL) and Ag+ (+cells/100.000 granulocytes), for HHV-6 and CMV, respectively. DCMV was defined as simultaneous positive antigenemia and suggestive signs/symptoms. Concerning +qPCR-HHV6, associated factors, clinical manifestation, interaction with CMV and morbidity were searched.ResultsPre-transplant HHV-6 seroprevalence was significantly higher among kidney recipients compared to their donors (82.6×54.8%; p=0.005 [3.9 (1.4–10.4)]). Active infection by this virus occurred in 26.1% (12/46), with no association with previous IgG (p=0.412). Median VL was 125 copies/mL (53–11.264), and the median Ag was 21 +cells (2–740). There was no association between HHV-6 and CMV activation after transplantation (p=0.441), neither concerning DCMV (p=0.596). Median highest Ag+ and days of ganciclovir treatment were similar between qPCR-HHV6 + or − (p=0.206 and p=0.124, respectively). qPCR-HHV6+ was associated with higher incidence of bacterial (p=0.009) and fungal (p = 0.001) infections, and higher number (p=0.001) of hospital admission and longer duration of hospitalization over the first 6 and 12 months post-transplantation (p=0.033 and p=0.001).ConclusionLatent HHV-6 infection is more common among recipients than donors before transplantation. Early active infection by this pathogen after transplantation does not increase DCMV incidence or severity during the first 3 months of follow-up. However, early HHV-6 replication is associated with other infections and hospitalizations in the first year

    Children and adolescents on hemodialysis: attributes associated with quality of life

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Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en un Hospital docente, con una muestra de 735 internaciones, cuyo objetivo fue estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la ocurrencia de incidentes relacionados a la medicación, registrados en las historias clínicas de los pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Cirugía, en el año de 2010. Se realizó la categorización de los tipos de incidentes y fueron presentados la frecuencia absoluta y relativa, calculando la prevalencia y realizando el análisis multivariante. La prevalencia de los incidentes relacionados a la medicación se estimó en 48,0% y fueron identificados como factores relacionados a la ocurrencia de estos incidentes: tiempo de la hospitalización igual o superior a cuatro días, prescripción de tres o más medicamentos por día y realización de la intervención quirúrgica. Se espera haber contribuido para que los profesionales y administradores del área puedan identificar situaciones de riesgo y revisar su actuación.Objetivo: Identificar atributos impactantes da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de crianças e adolescentes com insuficiência renal crônica, em hemodiálise, como etapa inicial para a construção do módulo específico DISABKIDS®. Método: Estudo exploratório descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados entre agosto de 2011 e março de 2013, por meio da técnica do grupo focal, com 42 participantes, entre 8 e 18 anos, e seus pais ou cuidadores. Os dados foram analisados segundo análise de conteúdo temática, com a utilização do programa Qualitative Data Analysis Software. Resultados: Foram identificados sete temas: restrições hídricas e alimentares, limitações impostas pelo tratamento, tempo dedicado ao tratamento, alteração da imagem corporal relacionada ao acesso vascular e crescimento, estigma, autocuidado e esperança do transplante renal. Conclusão: Aspectos relevantes da vivência dos participantes em relação à doença e ao tratamento foram apreendidos, buscando compreender de que forma esse processo associa-se à sua qualidade de vida.

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the occurrence of incidents related to medication, registered in the medical records of patients admitted to a Surgical Clinic, in 2010. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted at a university hospital, with a sample of 735 hospitalizations. Was performed the categorization of types of incidents, multivariate analysis of regression logistic and calculated the prevalence. The prevalence of drug-related incidents was estimated at 48.0% and were identified, as factors related to the occurrence of these incidents: length of hospitalization more than four days, prescribed three or more medications per day and realization of surgery intervention. It is expected to have contributed for the professionals and area managers can identify risky situations and rethink their actions.

    Complex morphology and functional dynamics of vital murine intestinal mucosa revealed by autofluorescence 2-photon microscopy

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    The mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is a dynamic tissue composed of numerous cell types with complex cellular functions. Study of the vital intestinal mucosa has been hampered by lack of suitable model systems. We here present a novel animal model that enables highly resolved three-dimensional imaging of the vital murine intestine in anaesthetized mice. Using intravital autofluorescence 2-photon (A2P) microscopy we studied the choreographed interactions of enterocytes, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells and brush cells with other cellular constituents of the small intestinal mucosa over several hours at a subcellular resolution and in three dimensions. Vigorously moving lymphoid cells and their interaction with constituent parts of the lamina propria were examined and quantitatively analyzed. Nuclear and lectin staining permitted simultaneous characterization of autofluorescence and admitted dyes and yielded additional spectral information that is crucial to the interpretation of the complex intestinal mucosa. This novel intravital approach provides detailed insights into the physiology of the small intestine and especially opens a new window for investigating cellular dynamics under nearly physiological conditions