28 research outputs found

    Institutions for sustainable fisheries governance - the case of the commercial Peruvian anchovy fishery

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    Fisheries governance is about influencing multiple actors decisions and behaviours relative to an ocean area and the resources contained therein. How these behaviours and decisions are influenced is a matter of institutions. This research uses the Peruvian anchovy fishery as a case study. Landings of Peruvian anchovy represent almost 10 % of the worlds total fishery landings. Following the well known collapse of the anchovy fishery at the start of the 1970s, landings have recovered and have been sustained over the last two decades at around six to nine million tonnes per year. Despite this evidence of sustainability, key institutional requirements that are nowadays strongly recommended to achieve sustainable fisheries are absent in this fishery. These missing requirements for sustainability include for instance individual fishing quota shares, decentralized bottom-up management and eco-labelling. In order to explore the institutional setting of this sustainable fishery, this study adopts a broad institutional approach that considers a range of institutions, including those mentioned above and others that have rarely been considered by fisheries research. The first article of this research looks at the role and evolution of formal fisheries institutions and their relation to sustainability. Results show that General Fisheries Acts in Peru were enacted independently of trends in anchovy landings. The three Peruvian Fisheries Acts were a reflection of broader national socio-political changes and were enacted mainly to define the role of the state and private investment and to delimit foreign involvement in the fishery industry. The base-level management to deal with landings was left to secondary legislation. To guarantee stable landings, this secondary legislation operates adaptively, in response to environmental and ecological dynamics. Fisheries laws play an important role in defining access rights according to local, economic and political policies and function as an umbrella for secondary legislation and other norms to evolve towards sustainability. The second article deals with informal institutions and the connection between sustainability and adaptation to environmental variability and climate change. As shown in this article, the sustainability of the Peruvian fishery relies heavily on institutions developed to cope with environmental change. A set of eight adaptive strategies are described. These included: decentralized installation of anchovy processing factories; simultaneous ownership of fishing fleet and processing factories (vertical integration); use of low-cost unloading facilities; opportunistic utilization of invading fish populations; low cost intensive monitoring; rapid responses and flexible management; reduction of price uncertainty by restricting supply of anchovy products (fishmeal) to match market demand; and decoupling of fishmeal prices from those of other substitute commodities. These coping strategies provide an example of how the fisheries sector and central government can act positively to reduce undesirable impacts of environmental variability and change. The third article deals with fish as a common pool resource (CPR). This article considers the extent to which institutional characteristics of the Peruvian fishery conform to design principles which are considered prerequisites for long-term successful community-based CPR. This study finds that clearly defined resource boundaries, monitoring rule enforcement and conflict resolution mechanisms among users and management authorities supported the transition towards sustainability. On the other hand, clearly defined user boundaries, collective choice arrangements and nested enterprises were in this case not required to achieve sustainability. The article analyses the strengths and limitations of current and past institutional arrangements in the Peruvian anchovy fishery. It comments on the extent to which design principles developed in local CPR systems are transferable to a national scale

    Societal Transformations and Governance Challenges of Coastal Small-Scale Fisheries in the Northern Baltic Sea

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    Our chapter adds a northern dimension to the discussion about the past, present and future of small-scale fisheries and their governance. For centuries, extraction of fish resources has been of utmost importance in many coastal areas of the Baltic Sea and small-scale fisheries have survived due to the robustness of the social institutions that have helped them adapt throughout periods of economic and social upheaval. Lately, the fishing livelihood has been undergoing a continuous process of contraction and concentration in terms of vessel numbers and employment. Leisure use of water areas, nature conservation and science-based governance systems have challenged fishers’ access to fish resources. Especially in the northern parts of the Baltic Sea, the viability and future of coastal small-scale fisheries is severely challenged by problems caused by fish-eating animals, mainly grey seals and cormorants. We draw upon interactive governance theory to compare experiences on Finnish and Swedish small-scale fisheries governance. Our conclusion is that the present governance system is incompatible with the small-scale fisheries context, and propose creating new co-governance arrangements where small-scale fishers’ interests, values and local knowledge are better integrated into a governance system

    Estudio sobre los diferentes factores que influyen en los jóvenes a inclinarse por una formación científicotécnica

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    El estudio sobre los diferentes factores que influyen en los jóvenes a inclinarse por una formación científico-técnica se realizó entre los meses de octubre del 2014 a enero del 2015. Durante estos meses, se realizaron un conjunto de actividades incluyendo tanto trabajos de gabinete como trabajos de campo para la toma de datos, ambos con la finalidad de cumplir con los objetivos del estudio. La fase de trabajos de gabinete estuvo conformada en primer lugar, por una revisión bibliográfica actualizada de estudios similares a nivel nacional e internacional, considerando tanto las metodologías empleadas como los resultados de estos estudios. Esta revisión bibliográfica consideró con énfasis el análisis de ciertas variables que inciden en la elección de una carrera universitaria, entre las cuales se identificaron: la influencia de las experiencias vividas en la escuela, de la información recibida sobre el mundo laboral, el rol tanto de las percepción entre las características del individuo y los requerimientos de un profesional de ciencia y tecnología (CyT), así como de la percepción social de los que laboran en el campo de la CyT. En una segunda fase, el trabajo de gabinete consistió de una recopilación de los resultados y experiencias obtenidas en reportes o publicaciones de programas o estrategias internacionales, que tuvieron como finalidad incentivar entre los jóvenes la elección por carreras en CyT. Finalmente, el trabajo de gabinete, se orientó al diseño y elaboración de las guías de pautas tanto de los grupos focales como del cuestionario usado en las encuestas analíticas y las entrevistas a profundidad. Una vez finalizada la toma de información, los datos fueron analizados, interpretados y presentados en la sección de resultados del presente estudio. Estos resultados mostraron que entre los principales factores que están influyendo en la elección de una carrera de CyT entre los jóvenes se pueden reconocer: la escasa “cultura científica” de los estudiantes y su desinformación de lo que es una carrera en ciencia y tecnología, las limitadas experiencias escolares con temas de ciencia y tecnología tanto en aspectos cuantitativos como cualitativos, la ausencia de “modelos” de profesionales en ciencia y tecnología, que demuestren que estas profesiones pueden ofrecer bienestar y satisfacciones tanto personales como económicas, los estereotipos de los jóvenes respecto a los profesionales de ciencia y tecnología, la percepción general que las labores de CyT en el Perú son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la sociedad, pero no son reconocidas ni valoradas por la sociedad peruana, la falta de profesores informados y capacitados sobre las carreras actuales de CyT, sus posibilidades en el campo laboral y la variedad de carreras, la influencia que ejercen algunas universidades privadas– en jóvenes de niveles económicos medios – mediante sus programas de visitas a los colegios e información (y en muchos casos puestos asegurados) en las carreras que ofrecen, el escaso soporte y orientación con que cuentan los jóvenes en el proceso de elegir una carrera profesional

    Institutionen für nachhaltige Fischbestandssteuerung - am Beispiel der kommerziellen peruanischen Anchovisfischerei

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    Fisheries governance is about influencing multiple actors decisions and behaviours relative to an ocean area and the resources contained therein. How these behaviours and decisions are influenced is a matter of institutions. This research uses the Peruvian anchovy fishery as a case study. Landings of Peruvian anchovy represent almost 10 % of the worlds total fishery landings. Following the well known collapse of the anchovy fishery at the start of the 1970s, landings have recovered and have been sustained over the last two decades at around six to nine million tonnes per year. Despite this evidence of sustainability, key institutional requirements that are nowadays strongly recommended to achieve sustainable fisheries are absent in this fishery. These missing requirements for sustainability include for instance individual fishing quota shares, decentralized bottom-up management and eco-labelling. In order to explore the institutional setting of this sustainable fishery, this study adopts a broad institutional approach that considers a range of institutions, including those mentioned above and others that have rarely been considered by fisheries research. The first article of this research looks at the role and evolution of formal fisheries institutions and their relation to sustainability. Results show that General Fisheries Acts in Peru were enacted independently of trends in anchovy landings. The three Peruvian Fisheries Acts were a reflection of broader national socio-political changes and were enacted mainly to define the role of the state and private investment and to delimit foreign involvement in the fishery industry. The base-level management to deal with landings was left to secondary legislation. To guarantee stable landings, this secondary legislation operates adaptively, in response to environmental and ecological dynamics. Fisheries laws play an important role in defining access rights according to local, economic and political policies and function as an umbrella for secondary legislation and other norms to evolve towards sustainability. The second article deals with informal institutions and the connection between sustainability and adaptation to environmental variability and climate change. As shown in this article, the sustainability of the Peruvian fishery relies heavily on institutions developed to cope with environmental change. A set of eight adaptive strategies are described. These included: decentralized installation of anchovy processing factories; simultaneous ownership of fishing fleet and processing factories (vertical integration); use of low-cost unloading facilities; opportunistic utilization of invading fish populations; low cost intensive monitoring; rapid responses and flexible management; reduction of price uncertainty by restricting supply of anchovy products (fishmeal) to match market demand; and decoupling of fishmeal prices from those of other substitute commodities. These coping strategies provide an example of how the fisheries sector and central government can act positively to reduce undesirable impacts of environmental variability and change. The third article deals with fish as a common pool resource (CPR). This article considers the extent to which institutional characteristics of the Peruvian fishery conform to design principles which are considered prerequisites for long-term successful community-based CPR. This study finds that clearly defined resource boundaries, monitoring rule enforcement and conflict resolution mechanisms among users and management authorities supported the transition towards sustainability. On the other hand, clearly defined user boundaries, collective choice arrangements and nested enterprises were in this case not required to achieve sustainability. The article analyses the strengths and limitations of current and past institutional arrangements in the Peruvian anchovy fishery. It comments on the extent to which design principles developed in local CPR systems are transferable to a national scale

    Estudio sobre los diferentes factores que influyen en los jóvenes a inclinarse por una formación científico-técnica

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    El estudio sobre los diferentes factores que influyen en los jóvenes a inclinarse por una formación científico-técnica se realizó entre los meses de octubre del 2014 a enero del 2015. Durante estos meses, se realizaron un conjunto de actividades incluyendo tanto trabajos de gabinete como trabajos de campo para la toma de datos, ambos con la finalidad de cumplir con los objetivos del estudio. La fase de trabajos de gabinete estuvo conformada en primer lugar, por una revisión bibliográfica actualizada de estudios similares a nivel nacional e internacional, considerando tanto las metodologías empleadas como los resultados de estos estudios. Esta revisión bibliográfica consideró con énfasis el análisis de ciertas variables que inciden en la elección de una carrera universitaria, entre las cuales se identificaron: la influencia de las experiencias vividas en la escuela, de la información recibida sobre el mundo laboral, el rol de las percepciones entre las características del individuo y los requerimientos de un profesional de ciencia y tecnología (CyT), así como de la precepción social de los que laboran en el campo de la CyT. En una segunda fase, el trabajo de gabinete consistió de una recopilación de los resultados y experiencias obtenidas en reportes o publicaciones de programas o estrategias internacionales, que tuvieron como finalidad incentivar entre los jóvenes la elección por carreras en CyT. Finalmente, el trabajo de gabinete, se orientó al diseño y elaboración de las guías de pautas tanto de los grupos focales como del cuestionario usado en las encuestas analíticas y las entrevistas a profundidad.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica - Concyte

    Too Big Too Ignore : research network and knowledge mobilization partnership

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    The evolution of legal instruments and the sustainability of the Peruvian anchovy fishery

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    Landings statistics of the Peruvian anchovy fishery show that the fishery went through a phase of explosive and uncontrolled growth from its establishment in the mid-fifties until its collapse in 1972. After the collapse, a second phase from 1973 to 1984 was characterized by unfavorable warm ocean conditions and low catches. A third phase, from 1984 to the present, with propitious ocean-environmental conditions and modern governance, can be further divided into a controlled growth period (1985-1994) and a sustainable landings' period (1995 to present). The most recent period of the third phase has enabled the fishery to maintain its catches and be labeled as one of the most sustainable fisheries worldwide. This article highlights the evolution of the legal system that provides for the current sustainable landings and governance of this fishery. Results show that General Fisheries Acts were enacted independently of failures to sustain anchovy landings. The three Peruvian Fisheries Acts were a reflection of broader national socio-political changes and were enacted mainly to define the role of the state and private investment and to delimit foreign involvement in the fishery industry. By contrast, the enactment of secondary legislation to control quotas and fishing seasons increased as the fishery moved towards stable landings. During this phase, enacted secondary legislation showed also a clear peak during strong positive sea surface anomalies driven by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1997-1998, providing evidence of rapid adaptive management. The role of Fisheries Acts in defining access rights at the national level from a multilevel governance approach is discussed and further key elements that contributed to the transition towards sustainability are suggested.Anchovy Fisheries regulations Access rights Adaptive management Multilevel governance

    Los lobos marinos y su relación con la abundancia de la anchoveta peruana durante 1979 - 2000

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    Se presenta información sobre la importancia de la anchoveta en la dieta de lobos marinos para el período 1996-1999 y se analizan gráficamente, y mediante pruebas no paramétricas, las relaciones entre la abundancia de lobos marinos y las biomasas acústicas de anchoveta y con las capturas anuales de la pesquería de anchoveta a partir de 1984. Utilizando los estimados de biomasas acústicas, se observan tendencias similares de una recuperación de las poblaciones de lobos marinos y anchoveta entre 1984 y principios de la década de los noventa, altos niveles poblacionales entre 1993 y 1997, una drástica disminución durante 1997-1998 y una recuperación desfasada entre 1999 y el 2000. Resultados muy similares se obtienen al comparar las poblaciones de lobos marinos y las capturas de la pesquería de anchoveta . No se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas entre la abundancia de lobos finos y las biomasas y capturas de anchoveta (r SPEARMAN= 0,43; 0,14} y lo mismo para los lobos chuscos (r SPERMAN= 0,26; 0,6), pero sí una correlación altamente significativa entre el número de crías de lobos finos y la biomasa de anchoveta a partir de 1984 {r SPERMAN=0,9 43,p<0,01). Estos resultados muestran que se estarían presentando relaciones directas entre la abundancia de lobos marinos y la biomasa de anchoveta a diferencia de lo reportado por Muck y Fuentes (1987) para el período 1952 a 1984.Boletín IMARPE vol.19, nº 1-2, 2000; p. 133-13