3,803 research outputs found

    Home and community based parenting support programmes and interventions: report of Workpackage 2 of the DataPrev project

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    The last decade has witnessed an increasing interest in the promotion of mental health and wellbeing because of its importance for health and social functioning at the individual level and for the social and economic wellbeing of societies. Recent research from a range of disciplines has highlighted the importance of the quality of the parent-child relationships and parenting on children‟s emotional and social development, and on adult mental health and wellbeing. Intervention studies involving children of all age groups have shown that if parenting can be influenced for the better outcomes can be changed. The DataPrev project was funded by the 6th Framework of the European Community Research Programme under Policy-Orientated Research with the aim of establishing a database of evidence-based programmes in Europe that promote mental health and wellbeing and prevent mental illness throughout the life course. This is the report of the Workpackage 2 describing the international evidence base on programmes to support parenting, including home and community based programmes

    Sioux Falls\u27 Indian Population: Demographic Profile, Strengths and Challenges

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    Representatives of the urban Indian community in Sioux Falls, South Dakota conducted a door-to-door survey of urban Indian households in the winter of1997. Data from 526 urban Indian households is presented, paying particular attention to service utilization, helping behaviors within the urban Indian community, and potential challenges to the city as it experiences rapid influxes of Indians to the urban environment. Implication from the study are investigated, and recommendations for future research are made

    Off the Record

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    Determination of Peroxisomal pH in Living Mammalian Cells Using pHRed

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Humana Press via the DOI in this record.Organelle pH homeostasis is crucial for maintaining proper cellular function. The nature of the peroxisomal pH remains somewhat controversial, with several studies reporting conflicting results. Here, we describe in detail a rapid and accurate method for the measurement of peroxisomal pH, using the pHRed sensor protein and confocal microscopy of living mammalian cells. pHRed, a ratiometric sensor of pH, is targeted to the peroxisomes by virtue of a C-terminal targeting sequence. The probe has a maximum fluorescence emission at 610 nm while exhibiting dual excitation peaks at 440 nm and 585 nm, allowing for ratiometric imaging and determination of intracellular pH in live cell microscopy.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (SFRH/BPD/90084/2012 to L. G.)

    Weed Control in Lawns and Gardens

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    Weeds. are a problem in the city, small town and around the farm home, just as they are a problem in pastures, hay lands and tilled fields. Wherever weeds grow, they are an unsightly and expensive nuisance. In the vacant or untended lots m town, weeds become the source of seed that will spread to surrounding gardens, lawns and farm fields. Hampered vision at intersections, caused by rank-growing weeds, has contributed to many traffic accidents. In addition, they sap the soil\u27s fertility, which probably is sent up in smoke when the weeds are burned in the fall. In gardens, they reduce crops yields and increase costs of production. The alternative for weeds in that vacant lot is a well-kept turf of good lawn grass or alfalfa. If maintained properly, the area will not be a source of weed seed; it will not cause traffic accidents; it will not aggravate persons affected by hay-fever; and the soil\u27s fertility will not be drained actually, the soil will improve. If seeded to alfalfa, some person who can use the hay usually will agree to keep it cut. Garden clubs and other civic improvement organizations in many South Dakota towns have taken it upon themselves to clean up the unsightly and ugly weeds in their communities. As a result of their efforts, ugly weeds in vacant lots, street~, alleys and playgrounds are becoming fewer, year-by-year. This bulletin is prepared, as a part of South Dakota\u27s weed control program, to help these groups and other interested individuals in their commendable efforts. The Extension Service of South Dakota State College and the State Weed Board believe that weed control in cities and towns should go hand-in-hand with the weed control activities of South Dakota farmers, landowners, railroads and public lands

    An operational satellite scatterometer for wind vector measurements over the ocean

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    Performance requirements and design characteristics of a microwave scatterometer wind sensor for measuring surface winds over the oceans on a global basis are described. Scatterometer specifications are developed from user requirements of wind vector measurement range and accuracy, swath width, resolution cell size and measurement grid spacing. A detailed analysis is performed for a baseline fan-beam scatterometer design, and its performance capabilities for meeting the SeaSat-A user requirements. Various modes of operation are discussed which will allow the resolution of questions concerning the effects of sea state on the scatterometer wind sensing ability and to verify design boundaries of the instrument

    Systematic review of interventions for the secondary prevention and treatment of emotional abuse of children by primary carers

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    Background Emotional abuse (or psychological maltreatment, as it is more commonly called in the US) is an inadequately researched and poorly understood concept, despite increasing awareness about the harm it can cause to children‟s lives. Although it unifies and underpins all types of maltreatment it also occurs alone and when it does, tends to elude detection and intervention. There have to date been no systematic reviews of the literature on the secondary prevention and treatment involving the parents or primary carers of emotionally abused children. Objective The objective of the review was to identify studies that evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in the secondary prevention and treatment of child emotional abuse involving the parents or primary carers of children aged 0 – 19 years. Methods Studies were included if they involved any intervention which was directed at emotionally abusive parenting and that measured change in (i) emotional unavailability (ii) negative attributions (i.e. that involve the parent attributing negative intentions, beliefs or attitudes toward the child); (iii) developmentally inappropriate interactions; (iv) lack of recognition of children‟s boundaries; (v) inconsistency of parenting role; (vi) missocialisation or consistent failure to promote the child‟s social adaptation. The primary outcomes evaluated involved proxy measures of a range of parent, family and child outcomes including parental psychopathology, parenting attitudes and practices, family functioning and/or child behaviour and the child‟s development and adaptation. . A broad search strategy was developed in order to identify as many relevant studies as possible. An electronic search of a wide range of databases was carried about. No study type was excluded. The search was augmented by direct contact with academics and practitioners known in this field. The search included studies written in English, Spanish, French and German. Studies were included if the intervention was described, and the impact on at least one indicator of emotional abuse was assessed. Included studies were critically appraised by two reviewers using standard criteria. Data were extracted using a standard proforma, and a qualitative synthesis of results was carried out. Results The initial search yielded 4248 publications of potential interest. Of these, 175 were obtained for possible inclusion or as background material. A total of 21 studies of 18 interventions, met all the inclusion criteria. A further 43 studies were relevant, but did not meet all of the inclusion criteria. Studies were organised according to the type of emotional abuse targeted: emotionally abusive parenting; parents of infants with faltering growth; missocialisation: parenting interventions with substance-abusing mothers. Twelve included studies had quantitative designs. Of these, 6 comprised randomised controlled trials; 1 comprised a follow-up of a randomised controlled trial; 2 were controlled studies; and 3 had one-group pre- and post-designs. The remaining 9 were case studies. Included studies involved a wide range of interventions. The 8 studies for parents which address emotionally abusive parenting (rejection, misattribution, parent-child role reversal and anger management) involved evaluations of cognitive-behavioural training (CBT), behavioural training and parent-infant psychotherapy. Two further case studies involved cognitive-behavioural training, mentalisation and family-based therapy. The 9 interventions with parents of infants with faltering growth evaluated CBT, behavioural training, parent infant psychotherapy and interaction guidance; lay home visitors, and a range of therapeutic options based on the diagnostic condition of the parents. The 3 studies of interventions for substance abusing mothers evaluated a relational psychotherapy group for mothers, and a residential treatment for substance abuse with a parenting component. The sample sizes for quantitative studies were small and ranged from 17 to 98 participants. Ten interventions involved mothers alone, while a further 11 included fathers, either at the outset or at a later stage, and in 3 cases extended family members. Interventions for emotionally abusing parents The findings from the 8 included studies evaluating CBT, psychotherapy, and behavioural approaches suggest that group-based CBT may be an effective means of intervening with this group of parents, although it cannot currently be recommended with parents experiencing symptoms of severe psychopathology. While one comparative study showed a psychotherapeutic intervention to be more effective than a CBT focused intervention, the outcomes measured in this study (i.e. parent and child representations) favoured the former. Behavioural case work involving the use of problem-solving techniques may also have a role to play with some parents, although further research is still needed. Interventions to enhance parental sensitivity The findings from a systematic review of 81 interventions that aimed at enhancing parental sensitivity and / or infant attachment found strong evidence that short term (less than 16 sessions) interventions, with a behavioural focus and aimed exclusively at enhancing maternal sensitivity were also most effective in enhancing infant attachment security. This supports the notion of a causal role of sensitivity in shaping attachment. Interventions that included fathers as well as mothers showed higher effect sizes but results are tentative since they are based on a small number of small scale trials. Parental behaviours associated with faltering growth Nine studies evaluated a range of interventions with parents of babies with faltering growth including interaction guidance, home visiting; parent-child psychotherapy, behavioural casework and multi-component interventions. The findings show that interaction guidance and parent-infant psychotherapy may be potentially effective means of working with this group of clients along with behavioural casework, but that further research is needed before these can be recommended. Missocialisation: Parenting interventions for substance-abusing parents 5 studies (one of which was a 6-month follow-up) evaluated interventions for substance abusing mothers, including a relational psychotherapy group and a residential treatment for substance abusing adults with a parenting component. The findings show that initial gains made in the former were not sustained at 6-months and few benefits from residential intervention. Conclusions Emotional abuse is a complex issue resulting in part from learned behaviours, psychopathology and/or unmet emotional needs in the parents, and often compounded by factors in the families‟ immediate and wider social environment. As such, a „one-approach-fits-all‟ is unlikely to lead to sustained change. The evidence base is weak, but suggests that some caregivers respond well to cognitive behavioural therapy. However, the characteristics that define these parents are not clear. There is currently no evidence to support the use of this intervention alone in the treatment of severely emotionally abusive parents. Some of the evidence suggests that a certain form of emotional abuse (for example, highly negative parent affect, which may be expressed as frightened and frightening behaviours in the parent) stemming from unresolved trauma and loss, is less amenable to CBT. There is some evidence that interaction guidance and psychotherapeutic approaches can generate change in parents with more severe psychopathology. Further research is urgently needed to evaluate the benefits of both psychotherapeutic and cognitive behavioural interventions, including those which take the form of family therapy, with parents at the more severe end of the spectrum, with fathers, and with older children. There is also a need to gain further understanding about which forms of emotional abuse respond best to different treatments

    Figure of Merit Characteristics Compared to Engineering Parameters

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    Current NASA lunar architecture calls for permanent human habitation of the moon by the year 2020. Due to the expense of delivering materials into orbit, technologies are being developed to use lunar regolith for building and as a material resource for fabrication, oxygen production, and other needs. Additionally, constant exposure to the finest size fraction of lunar regolith may present hazards to human health. Towards developing these technologies and mitigating hazards, lunar regolith simulants are becoming an increasingly important part of the development paradigm

    XPS and AFM study of interaction of organosilane and sizing with e-glass fibre surface

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    Organosilanes are often used in commercial sizings for glass fibres to provide wettability with the resin and promote strong interfacial adhesion to the matrix in a fibre reinforced polymer composite. The silane treatment is introduced as part of a complex deposition from an aqueous emulsion immediately at the spinaret and determines the optimum properties of the cured composite. To understand the interaction of organosilanes contained in sizings for glass surfaces, XPS was used to investigate the adsorption of γ-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APS) from a simple sizing system containing a polyurethane (PU) film former. It has been found that both APS and the sizing (containing APS and PU) deposits on E-glass fibre surfaces contained components of differing hydrolytic stability. The differences observed in the AFM images of APS coated E-glass fibres before and after water extraction also confirmed that the APS deposit contained components with different water solubility
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