3,827 research outputs found

    Regulating oceanic imaginaries : the legal construction of space, identities, relations, and epistemological hierarchies within marine spatial planning

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    A growing body of critical social-scientific scholarship addresses the implications of marine spatial planning for those who depend on the ocean for their livelihood, sustenance, well-being and cultural survival. Of particular concern are planning initiatives that construct marine space in ways that negate or contradict its particular materiality, the latter holding great significance for how different actors relate to the ocean. In response, scholars are turning towards relation-al conceptualisations of marine space, focusing on the relationships between human and non-human actors, as well as the factors that mediate them. Here, we argue that legal geography, a strand of interdisciplinary research that explores how space, law and society are co-constituted, can make a valuable contribution to this discussion. In taking seriously the connections between the themes law as discourse, law as representation and law as power, legal geography offers a deeper understanding of the subjectivities, narratives and sources of normativity made in/visible by the legal dimensions of planning frameworks. Using the legal-geographical concept of spatial justice as our frame of reference, we posit that the relational materiality of the ocean lends itself to the socio-legal construction of marine spaces as ‘commons’, i.e. as pluralist spaces where different knowledges and ways of being coexist and intermingle, and where well-being is per-ceived in composite, socio-natural terms. This allows us to problematise marine spatial planning, along with its norma-tive, regulatory and institutional underpinnings, as a vehicle for the enclosure of not only marine spaces, but also spaces of decision-making

    Does Telemedical Support of First Responders Improve Guideline Adherence in an Offshore Emergency Scenario? A Simulator-Based Prospective Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate, in a simulator-based prospective study, whether telemedical support improves quality of emergency first response (performance) by medical non-professionals to being non-inferior to medical professionals. SETTING: In a simulated offshore wind power plant, duos (teams) of offshore engineers and teams of paramedics conducted the primary survey of a simulated patient. PARTICIPANTS: 38 offshore engineers and 34 paramedics were recruited by the general email invitation. INTERVENTION: Teams (randomised by lot) were supported by transmission technology and a remote emergency physician in Berlin. OUTCOME MEASURES: From video recordings, performance (17 item checklist) and required time (up to 15 min) were quantified by expert rating for analysis. Differences were analysed using two-sided exact Mann-Whitney U tests for independent measures, non-inferiority was analysed using Schuirmann one-sided test. The significance level of 5 % was Holm-Bonferroni adjusted in each family of pairwise comparisons. RESULTS: Nine teams of engineers with, nine without, nine teams of paramedics with and eight without support completed the task. Two experts quantified endpoints, insights into rater dependence were gained. Supported engineers outperformed unsupported engineers (p<0.01), insufficient evidence was found for paramedics (p=0.11). Without support, paramedics outperformed engineers (p<0.01). Supported engineers' performance was non-inferior (at one item margin) to that by unsupported paramedics (p=0.03). Supported groups were slower than unsupported groups (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: First response to medical emergencies in offshore wind farms with substantially delayed professional care may be improved by telemedical support. Future work should test our result during additional scenarios and explore interdisciplinary and ecosystem aspects of this support. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: DRKS0001437

    Pictures in Your Mind: Using Interactive Gesture-Controlled Reliefs to Explore Art

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    Tactile reliefs offer many benefits over the more classic raised line drawings or tactile diagrams, as depth, 3D shape, and surface textures are directly perceivable. Although often created for blind and visually impaired (BVI) people, a wider range of people may benefit from such multimodal material. However, some reliefs are still difficult to understand without proper guidance or accompanying verbal descriptions, hindering autonomous exploration. In this work, we present a gesture-controlled interactive audio guide (IAG) based on recent low-cost depth cameras that can be operated directly with the hands on relief surfaces during tactile exploration. The interactively explorable, location-dependent verbal and captioned descriptions promise rapid tactile accessibility to 2.5D spatial information in a home or education setting, to online resources, or as a kiosk installation at public places. We present a working prototype, discuss design decisions, and present the results of two evaluation studies: the first with 13 BVI test users and the second follow-up study with 14 test users across a wide range of people with differences and difficulties associated with perception, memory, cognition, and communication. The participant-led research method of this latter study prompted new, significant and innovative developments

    Auftrag: Medienkompetenz in allen Fächern. Auf der Suche nach Realisierungsmöglichkeiten für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in Zeiten der Aufgabenorientierung

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der curricularenVorgabe der fächerübergreifenden Ausbildung von Medienkompetenz und deren Realisierungim Fremdsprachenunterricht.Vor dem Hintergrund der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und deren Einzug in den schulischen Bildungsbereich sowie in Lehr-und Lernszenarien aller Unterrichtsfächer, hat die Kultusministerkonferenz ihrecurricularen Vorgaben zur Medienkompetenz mit der Veröffentlichung des Strategiepapiers Bildung in der digitalen Welt(2016) konkretisiert und ein Kompetenzcluster, welches Medienkompetenz in sechs verschiedene Teilkompetenzen zerlegt, entworfen.DasAngebot digitaler Tools, Apps und Programme für den (Fremdsprachen-) Unterricht scheint seitdem ein noch rasanteres Wachstum zu erleben. Dabei lässt sich die vermeintliche didaktische Begründbarkeit gegenüber dem Einsatz zahlreicher digitaler Produkte und Anwendungen häufig in der Verknüpfung mit einzelnen Fertigkeitsbereichen aus dem Kompetenzcluster des Strategiepapiersfinden. Die Kritik der Gleichsetzung einesdurch die Lehrkraft didaktisch aufbereitetenmedienkompetenzförderndenFremdsprachenunterrichts mit der reinen Bedienung von digitalen Produkten und Anwendungen in einzelnen Unterrichtssituationen bildet daher den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeitab.Dieser Divergenz/ Widerspruch/Problematikwidmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit dem Zieleine Lösungsmöglichkeit für eine tatsächlich umfassende Kompetenzausbildung anhand aktueller fachdidaktischer Erkenntnisse aufzuzeigen. Hierfür werden zunächst die curricularen Vorgaben genau beleuchtet, um die Bedeutung der Medienkompetenz für den Fremdsprachenunterricht zu analysieren. Des Weiteren erfolgt eine interdisziplinäre Aufstellung der Definition von Medienkompetenz aus technologischer, gesellschaftlich-kultureller sowie anwendungsbezogener Perspektive. Die sich hierdurch ergebenden Kriterien für einen gelungenen medienkompetenzfördernden Fremdsprachenunterricht werden anschließend mit den Prinzipiender Aufgabenorientierung zusammengeführt, um aufzuzeigen, dass anhand der Kriterien wie dem diagnostischen Dreischritt, der Produktorientierung, Transparenz sowie Lebensweltbezug und Authentizität bereits heute eine Ausbildung von Medienkompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterrichtsystematischab dem ersten Lernjahr realisierbarist. Ebenfalls beleuchtet wirdim Rahmen dieser Arbeit der fachspezifische Beitrag des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in Bezug auf die allgemeinbildende Ausbildung von Medienkompetenz. Hierbei stellt sich heraus, dass die interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz, als bedeutendefremdsprachenspezifische Komponente, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur allgemeinen Medienkompetenz von Schüler*Innen beitragen kann

    Vier Jahre Erfahrungen mit dem TCI HeartMate in Münster

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    Zwischen 1996 und 2000 erhielten siebzehn Patienten eine TCI HeartMate-Linksherzunterstützung in Münster. Nach Implantation stellte die Blutung die häufigste frühe postoperative Störung dar. Thromboembolien und systembedingte Infektionen traten seltener und später auf. Patienten, die bluteten, besaßen zu diesem Zeitpunkt schlechtere hämodynamische Parameter, eine schlechtere Leberfunktion und höhere Infektionsparameter als die Normpatienten. Patienten mit einer Embolie zeigten neben schlechteren hämodynamischen Werten auch erhöhte Infektionsparameter. Patienten mit einer Infektion hatten eine schlechtere hämodynamische Situation, eine schlechtere Leberfunktion, vermehrten Blutverlust und erhöhte Infektionsparameter. Korrelationen zwischen hämodynamischen, Leberfunktions-, Blutungs- und Infektionsparametern konnten ermittelt werden. Wichtig erscheint in der Vermeidung der Komplikationen eine schnellstmögliche Wiederherstellung eines stabilen Kreislaufes, insbesondere unter Therapie des rechten Ventrikels

    Lean back and wait for the alarm? Testing an automated alarm system for nosocomial outbreaks to provide support for infection control professionals

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    INTRODUCTION: Outbreaks of communicable diseases in hospitals need to be quickly detected in order to enable immediate control. The increasing digitalization of hospital data processing offers potential solutions for automated outbreak detection systems (AODS). Our goal was to assess a newly developed AODS. METHODS: Our AODS was based on the diagnostic results of routine clinical microbiological examinations. The system prospectively counted detections per bacterial pathogen over time for the years 2016 and 2017. The baseline data covers data from 2013-2015. The comparative analysis was based on six different mathematical algorithms (normal/Poisson and score prediction intervals, the early aberration reporting system, negative binomial CUSUMs, and the Farrington algorithm). The clusters automatically detected were then compared with the results of our manual outbreak detection system. RESULTS: During the analysis period, 14 different hospital outbreaks were detected as a result of conventional manual outbreak detection. Based on the pathogens' overall incidence, outbreaks were divided into two categories: outbreaks with rarely detected pathogens (sporadic) and outbreaks with often detected pathogens (endemic). For outbreaks with sporadic pathogens, the detection rate of our AODS ranged from 83% to 100%. Every algorithm detected 6 of 7 outbreaks with a sporadic pathogen. The AODS identified outbreaks with an endemic pathogen were at a detection rate of 33% to 100%. For endemic pathogens, the results varied based on the epidemiological characteristics of each outbreak and pathogen. CONCLUSION: AODS for hospitals based on routine microbiological data is feasible and can provide relevant benefits for infection control teams. It offers in-time automated notification of suspected pathogen clusters especially for sporadically occurring pathogens. However, outbreaks of endemically detected pathogens need further individual pathogen-specific and setting-specific adjustments

    A peroxidase homologue and novel plastocyanin located by proteomics to the Arabidopsis chloroplast thylakoid lumen

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    AbstractA study by two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that the soluble, lumenal fraction of Arabidopsis thaliana thylakoids can be resolved into 300 protein spots. After subtraction of low-intensity spots and accounting for low-level stromal contamination, the number of more abundant, lumenal proteins was estimated to be between 30 and 60. Two of these proteins have been identified: a novel plastocyanin that also was the predominant component of the total plastocyanin pool, and a putative ascorbate peroxidase. Import studies showed that these proteins are routed to the thylakoid lumen by the Sec- and delta pH-dependent translocation pathways, respectively. In addition, novel isoforms of PsbO and PsbQ were identified

    Multiple nearest-neighbor exchange model for the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30

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    Our measurements of the differential susceptibility dM/dH of the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30 reveal a pronounced dependence on magnetic field (H) and temperature (T) in the low H - low T regime, contrary to the predictions of existing models. Excellent agreement with experiment is achieved upon formulating a nearest-neighbor classical Heisenberg model where the 60 nearest-neighbor exchange interactions in each molecule, rather than being identical as has been assumed heretofore, are described by a two-parameter probability distribution of values of the exchange constant. We suggest that the probability distribution provides a convenient phenomenological platform for summarizing the combined effects of multiple microscopic mechanisms that disrupt the idealized picture of a Heisenberg model based on a single value of the nearest-neighbor exchange constant.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Kinematic parameters of throwing performance in patients with schizophrenia using a markerless motion capture system

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    Motor dysfunction is consistently reported but understudied in schizophrenia. It has been hypothesized that this abnormality may reflect a neuro-developmental disorder underlying this illness. The main goal of this study was to analyze movement patterns used by participants with schizophrenia and healthy controls during overarm throwing performance, using a markerless motion capture system. Thirteen schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control patients performed the overarm throwing task in a markerless motion capture system. Participants were also examined for the presence of motor neurological soft signs (mNSS) using the Brief Motor Scale. Schizophrenia patients demonstrated a less developed movement pattern with low individualization of components compared to healthy controls. The schizophrenia group also displayed a higher incidence of mNSS. The presence of a less mature movement pattern can be an indicator of neuro-immaturity and a marker for atypical neurological development in schizophrenia. Our findings support the understanding of motor dysfunction as an intrinsic part of the disorder of schizophrenia

    Das Orientierungsstudium MINTgrün: flankierter Systemübertritt von Schule zu Hochschule

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    Der Beitrag berichtet über das Orientierungsstudium MINTgrün der TU Berlin, das im Rahmen des Qualitätspakts Lehre zum Wintersemester 2012/13 eingeführt wurde. MINTgrün richtet sich an Abiturientinnen und Abiturienten, die sich für naturwissenschaftliche und technische Fragen interessieren, sich aber noch nicht für ein spezifisches MINT-Studium entschieden haben. Das hochgestellte "grün" verweist auf die ökologischen und gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen der Studieninhalte. MINTgrün verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens sollen die Studierenden Raum und Zeit für eine bewusste Studienentscheidung erhalten und zweitens sollen sie beim Übertritt in das Wissenschaftssystem begleitet werden. Nach nunmehr zwei Jahren Praxis ist das vorliegende Themenheft eine Gelegenheit, das Orientierungsstudium einer Zwischenbilanz zu unterziehen. 19.12.2014 | Cornelia Raue & Christian Schröder (Berlin