952 research outputs found

    The sustainability of group empowerment and training for people with diabetes in South Africa

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    Background: Group empowerment and training (GREAT) for people with type 2 diabetes enables self-management and lifestyle modification. GREAT for diabetes was implemented in primary care facilities in five South African provinces in the beginning of 2022. The aim was to evaluate implementation and to particularly explore factors that influenced the sustainability of implementation. Methods: An exploratory, descriptive qualitative study conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 17 key stakeholders at the end of 2023. Interviews explored factors within a theory of change framework derived from an initial evaluation in 2022. Data were analysed using the framework method and ATLAS.ti. Results: Implementation and scale-up was sustained in the Western Cape. Governance and financing at a provincial and district level were key to health system structures. Space, staffing, resource materials and monitoring of implementation were key to the inputs. Facility managers, training and performance of facilitators, including the whole team, selecting patients, patient flow and appointments, stakeholder support and clinical governance were key to service delivery. Facilities that had implemented, reported reaching 300 patients per year. A range of motivational, behavioural and clinical outcomes were reported. Future implementation could include community health workers and group empowerment for insulin initiation. Conclusion: Implementation and scale-up was only sustained in one province and a range of factors related to sustained implementation were identified. Contribution: The factors identified can guide the successful implementation and scale-up of GREAT for diabetes in South Africa

    Flucloxacillin decreases tacrolimus blood trough levels:a single-center retrospective cohort study

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    PURPOSE: Tacrolimus and everolimus are widely used to prevent allograft rejection. Both are metabolized by the hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme CYP3A4 and are substrate for P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Drugs influencing the activity or expression of CYP enzymes and P-gp can cause clinically relevant changes in the metabolism of immunosuppressants. Several case reports have reported that flucloxacillin appeared to decrease levels of drugs metabolized by CYP3A4 and P-gp. The magnitude of this decrease has not been reported yet. METHODS: In this single-center retrospective cohort study, we compared the tacrolimus and everolimus blood trough levels (corrected for the dose) before, during, and after flucloxacillin treatment in eleven transplant patients (tacrolimus n = 11 patients, everolimus n = 1 patient, flucloxacillin n = 11 patients). RESULTS: The median tacrolimus blood trough level decreased by 37.5% (interquartile range, IQR 26.4-49.7%) during flucloxacillin treatment. After discontinuation of flucloxacillin, the tacrolimus blood trough levels increased by a median of 33.7% (IQR 22.5-51.4%). A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed statistically significantly lower tacrolimus trough levels during treatment with flucloxacillin compared with before (p = 0.009) and after flucloxacillin treatment (p = 0.010). In the only available case with concomitant everolimus and flucloxacillin treatment, the same pattern was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Flucloxacillin decreases tacrolimus trough levels, possibly through a CYP3A4 and/or P-gp-inducing effect. It is strongly recommended to closely monitor tacrolimus and everolimus trough levels during flucloxacillin treatment and up to 2 weeks after discontinuation of flucloxacillin

    A molecular marker closely lined to the male sterile Ms2 gene in common wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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    Women with a history of preeclampsia are at increased risk for future cardiovascular disease. Determination of cardiovascular biomarkers may be useful to understand the pathophysiological mechanism of cardiovascular disease development in these women.We performed an analysis in the Preeclampsia Risk EValuation in FEMales study, a retrospective cohort consisting of 339 women with a history of early preeclampsia and 332 women after normotensive pregnancy. Women attended a follow-up visit ten years after the index pregnancy. A subset of 8 different cardiovascular biomarkers was investigated, reflecting inflammatory, metabolic, thrombotic and endothelial function markers. Associations between PE and these novel biomarkers were analyzed by linear regression analysis and adjusted for traditional cardiovascular risk factors.Mean age of 671 women of the PREVFEM cohort was 39 years and women were on average 10 years post index pregnancy. Women post preeclampsia had significantly higher levels of SE-selectin (adjusted difference 4.55, 99\%CI 0.37; 8.74) and PAPPA (adjusted difference 19.08; 99\%CI 13.18; 24.99), whereas ApoB (adjusted difference -0.23 99\%CI -0.32; -0.14) was inversely associated with preeclampsia, compared to women with a previous normotensive pregnancy. Adiponectin, leptin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 and PAI-1 were not different between both groups.We demonstrated an independent association of preeclampsia with SE-selectin and PAPPA (markers of vascular dysfunction), which may contribute to future cardiovascular events in women post preeclampsia. However, ApoB (an apolipoprotein) was significantly lower and could point at a protective mechanism in our PE study women

    Проблема развития финансовой системы Украины в условиях глобализации

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    Целью исследования является изучение взаимодействия фондовых рынков Восточной Европе на примере нескольких стран.Метою дослідження є вивчення взаємодії фондових ринків Східної Європи на прикладі декількох країн

    The relationship between anti-mullerian hormone in women receiving fertility assessments and age at menopause in subfertile women: evidence from large population studies

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    <p>Context: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentration reflects ovarian aging and is argued to be a useful predictor of age at menopause (AMP). It is hypothesized that AMH falling below a critical threshold corresponds to follicle depletion, which results in menopause. With this threshold, theoretical predictions of AMP can be made. Comparisons of such predictions with observed AMP from population studies support the role for AMH as a forecaster of menopause.</p> <p>Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate whether previous relationships between AMH and AMP are valid using a much larger data set.</p> <p>Setting: AMH was measured in 27 563 women attending fertility clinics.</p> <p>Study Design: From these data a model of age-related AMH change was constructed using a robust regression analysis. Data on AMP from subfertile women were obtained from the population-based Prospect-European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (Prospect-EPIC) cohort (n = 2249). By constructing a probability distribution of age at which AMH falls below a critical threshold and fitting this to Prospect-EPIC menopausal age data using maximum likelihood, such a threshold was estimated.</p> <p>Main Outcome: The main outcome was conformity between observed and predicted AMP.</p> <p>Results: To get a distribution of AMH-predicted AMP that fit the Prospect-EPIC data, we found the critical AMH threshold should vary among women in such a way that women with low age-specific AMH would have lower thresholds, whereas women with high age-specific AMH would have higher thresholds (mean 0.075 ng/mL; interquartile range 0.038–0.15 ng/mL). Such a varying AMH threshold for menopause is a novel and biologically plausible finding. AMH became undetectable (<0.2 ng/mL) approximately 5 years before the occurrence of menopause, in line with a previous report.</p> <p>Conclusions: The conformity of the observed and predicted distributions of AMP supports the hypothesis that declining population averages of AMH are associated with menopause, making AMH an excellent candidate biomarker for AMP prediction. Further research will help establish the accuracy of AMH levels to predict AMP within individuals.</p&gt

    Postnatal Acute Famine and Risk of Overweight: The Dutch Hungerwinter Study

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    Objective. To examine the association between undernutrition during postnatal periods of development and the risk of overweight in adulthood. Methods. We studied 8,091 women from Prospect-EPIC, exposed to the Dutch famine at ages between 0 and 21 years, recruited at ages between 49 and 70 years. We used linear and logistic regression models to explore the effect of famine on BMI, waist circumference, and the risk of overweight. Results. Overall, postnatal famine exposure was associated with increased BMI and waist circumference in a dose-dependent manner (P  for trend < 0.01). Furthermore, risk of overweight was increased following famine exposure (P  for trend = 0.01), with those severely exposed at ages 0–9 years having 25% (95% CI 1.05 to 1.50) higher risk compared to unexposed women. Conclusions. This study is the first to directly show a positive association between short and transient undernutrition during postnatal development and BMI, waist circumference, and overweight in adulthood

    Периоды апробации метода прогноза интегральной метанообильности шахты

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    Розроблені аналітичній та натурній методи урахування метанового потенціалу вугільних шахт, апробація яких в умовах діючих об’єктів вдовж 5 термінів (1967 – 2009 рр.) показала високу надійність метода прогнозу інтегральної метанообільності шахт ІМА (~9 тис. порівнянь). На базі цього методу пропонується розробить державний нормативний документ для урахування метанового потенціалу вугільних шахт та реалізувати науково-технічні проекти авторів, які включені в програму науково-технічного розвитку Донецької області до 2020 р.Analytic and nature methods of calculation of methane potential of the collieries which check in the conditions of operating objects during 5 periods (1967 – 2009 years) has shown high reliability concerning of the method integrated methane of abundance of object IMA (~9 000 results) are developed. On the basis of this method it is offered to develop the state standard document for calculation of methane potential of collieries and to realize author’s projects to be conclusion to the science-technical program of development of Donetsk region to 2020 year

    Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Age at Natural Menopause and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Postmenopausal Women: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Data From 13 Cohort Studies

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations between age at natural menopause, particularly premature ovarian insufficiency (POI; natural menopause before age 40 years), and incident type 2 diabetes (T2D) and identify any variations by ethnicity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We pooled individual-level data of 338,059 women from 13 cohort studies without T2D before menopause from six ethnic groups: White (n = 177,674), Chinese (n = 146,008), Japanese (n = 9,061), South/Southeast Asian (n = 2,228), Black (n = 1,838), and mixed/other (n = 1,250). Hazard ratios (HRs) of T2D associated with age at menopause were estimated in the overall sample and by ethnicity, with study as a random effect. For each ethnic group, we further stratified the association by birth year, education level, and BMI. RESULTS: Over 9 years of follow-up, 20,064 (5.9%) women developed T2D. Overall, POI (vs. menopause at age 50-51 years) was associated with an increased risk of T2D (HR 1.31; 95% CI 1.20-1.44), and there was an interaction between age at menopause and ethnicity (P < 0.0001). T2D risk associated with POI was higher in White (1.53; 1.36-1.73), Japanese (4.04; 1.97-8.27), and Chinese women born in 1950 or later (2.79; 2.11-3.70); although less precise, the risk estimates were consistent in women of South/Southeast Asian (1.46; 0.89-2.40), Black (1.72; 0.95-3.12), and mixed/other (2.16; 0.83-5.57) ethnic groups. A similar pattern, but with a smaller increased risk of T2D, was observed with early menopause overall (1.16; 1.10-1.23) and for White, Japanese, and Chinese women born in 1950 or later. CONCLUSIONS: POI and early menopause are risk factors for T2D in postmenopausal women, with considerable variation across ethnic groups, and may need to be considered in risk assessments of T2D among women

    Liver function tests and risk prediction of incident type 2 diabetes:evaluation in two independent cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: Liver function tests might predict the risk of type 2 diabetes. An independent study evaluating utility of these markers compared with an existing prediction model is yet lacking. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We performed a case-cohort study, including random subcohort (6.5%) from 38,379 participants with 924 incident diabetes cases (the Dutch contribution to the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition, EPIC-NL, the Netherlands), and another population-based cohort study including 7,952 participants with 503 incident cases (the Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-stage Disease, PREVEND, Groningen, the Netherlands). We examined predictive value of combination of the Liver function tests (gamma-glutamyltransferase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and albumin) above validated models for 7.5-year risk of diabetes (the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg, the KORA study). Basic model includes age, sex, BMI, smoking, hypertension and parental diabetes. Clinical models additionally include glucose and uric acid (model1) and HbA1c (model2). In both studies, addition of Liver function tests to the basic model improved the prediction (C-statistic by~0.020; NRI by~9.0%; P<0.001). In the EPIC-NL case-cohort study, addition to clinical model1 resulted in statistically significant improvement in the overall population (C-statistic = +0.009; P<0.001; NRI = 8.8%; P<0.001), while addition to clinical model 2 yielded marginal improvement limited to men (C-statistic = +0.007; P = 0.06; NRI = 3.3%; P = 0.04). In the PREVEND cohort study, addition to clinical model 1 resulted in significant improvement in the overall population (C-statistic change = 0.008; P = 0.003; NRI = 3.6%; P = 0.03), with largest improvement in men (C-statistic change = 0.013; P = 0.01; NRI = 5.4%; P = 0.04). In PREVEND, improvement compared to clinical model 2 could not be tested because of lack of HbA1c data. CONCLUSIONS: Liver function tests modestly improve prediction for medium-term risk of incident diabetes above basic and extended clinical prediction models, only if no HbA1c is incorporated. If data on HbA1c are available, Liver function tests have little incremental predictive value, although a small benefit may be present in men

    Targeted optical fluorescence imaging:a meta-narrative review and future perspectives

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    Purpose: The aim of this review is to give an overview of the current status of targeted optical fluorescence imaging in the field of oncology, cardiovascular, infectious and inflammatory diseases to further promote clinical translation. Methods: A meta-narrative approach was taken to systematically describe the relevant literature. Consecutively, each field was assigned a developmental stage regarding the clinical implementation of optical fluorescence imaging. Results: Optical fluorescence imaging is leaning towards clinical implementation in gastrointestinal and head and neck cancers, closely followed by pulmonary, neuro, breast and gynaecological oncology. In cardiovascular and infectious disease, optical imaging is in a less advanced/proof of concept stage. Conclusion: Targeted optical fluorescence imaging is rapidly evolving and expanding into the clinic, especially in the field of oncology. However, the imaging modality still has to overcome some major challenges before it can be part of the standard of care in the clinic, such as the provision of pivotal trial data. Intensive multidisciplinary (pre-)clinical joined forces are essential to overcome the delivery of such compelling phase III registration trial data and subsequent regulatory approval and reimbursement hurdles to advance clinical implementation of targeted optical fluorescence imaging as part of standard practice