9 research outputs found

    Combining anatomical, diffusion, and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging for individual classification of mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease

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    AbstractMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sensitive to structural and functional changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease (AD), and can therefore be used to help in diagnosing the disease. Improving classification of AD patients based on MRI scans might help to identify AD earlier in the disease's progress, which may be key in developing treatments for AD. In this study we used an elastic net classifier based on several measures derived from the MRI scans of mild to moderate AD patients (N=77) from the prospective registry on dementia study and controls (N=173) from the Austrian Stroke Prevention Family Study. We based our classification on measures from anatomical MRI, diffusion weighted MRI and resting state functional MRI. Our unimodal classification performance ranged from an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.760 (full correlations between functional networks) to 0.909 (grey matter density). When combining measures from multiple modalities in a stepwise manner, the classification performance improved to an AUC of 0.952. This optimal combination consisted of grey matter density, white matter density, fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and sparse partial correlations between functional networks. Classification performance for mild AD as well as moderate AD also improved when using this multimodal combination. We conclude that different MRI modalities provide complementary information for classifying AD. Moreover, combining multiple modalities can substantially improve classification performance over unimodal classification

    Resting state functional connectivity differences between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) are the most common types of early-onset dementia. Early differentiation between both types of dementia may be challenging due to heterogeneity and overlap of symptoms. Here, we apply resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study functional brain connectivity differences between AD and bvFTD. Methods: We used resting state fMRI data of 31 AD patients, 25 bvFTD patients, and 29 controls from two centers specialized in dementia. We studied functional connectivity throughout the entire brain, applying two different analysis techniques, studying network-to-region and region-to-region connectivity. A general linear model approach was used to study group differences, while controlling for physiological noise, age, gender, study center, and regional gray matter volume. Results: Given gray matter differences, we observed decreased network-to-region connectivity in bvFTD between (a) lateral visual cortical network and lateral occipital and cuneal cortex, and (b) auditory system network and angular gyrus. In AD, we found decreased network-to-region connectivity between the dorsal visual stream network and lateral occipital and parietal opercular cortex. Region-to-region connectivity was decreased in bvFTD between superior temporal gyrus and cuneal, supracalcarine, intracalcarine cortex, and lingual gyrus. Conclusion: We showed that the pathophysiology

    Linkage disequilibrium analysis to enable more efficient gene and QTL mapping in apple

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Overlapping clinical symptoms often complicate differential diagnosis between patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals disease specific structural and functional differences that aid in differentiating AD from bvFTD patients. However, the benefit of combining structural and functional connectivity measures to-on a subject-basis-differentiate these dementia-types is not yet known. METHODS: Anatomical, diffusion tensor (DTI), and resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) of 30 patients with early stage AD, 23 with bvFTD, and 35 control subjects were collected and used to calculate measures of structural and functional tissue status. All measures were used separately or selectively combined as predictors for training an elastic net regression classifier. Each classifier's ability to accurately distinguish dementia-types was quantified by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC). RESULTS: Highest AUC values for AD and bvFTD discrimination were obtained when mean diffusivity, full correlations between rs-fMRI-derived independent components, and fractional anisotropy (FA) were combined (0.811). Similarly, combining gray matter density (GMD), FA, and rs-fMRI correlations resulted in highest AUC of 0.922 for control and bvFTD classifications. This, however, was not observed for control and AD differentiations. Classifications with GMD (0.940) and a GMD and DTI combination (0.941) resulted in similar AUC values (p = 0.41). CONCLUSION: Combining functional and structural connectivity measures improve dementia-type differentiations and may contribute to more accurate and substantiated differential diagnosis of AD and bvFTD patients. Imaging protocols for differential diagnosis may benefit from also including DTI and rs-fMRI

    Resting state functional connectivity differences between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) are the most common types of early-onset dementia. Here, we apply resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study functional brain connectivity differences between AD and bvFTD.We used resting state fMRI data of 31 AD patients, 25 bvFTD patients, and 29 controls. We studied functional connectivity throughout the entire brain, applying two different analysis techniques, studying network-to-region and region-to-region connectivity. A general linear model approach was used to study group differences, while controlling for physiological noise, age, gender, study center, and regional gray matter volume. Given gray matter differences, we observed decreased network-to-region connectivity in bvFTD between a) lateral visual cortical network and lateral occipital and cuneal cortex, and b) auditory system network and angular gyrus. In AD, we found decreased network-to-region connectivity between the dorsal visual stream network and lateral occipital and parietal opercular cortex. Region-to-region connectivity was decreased in bvFTD between superior temporal gyrus and cuneal, supracalcarine, intracalcarine cortex, and lingual gyrus. We showed that the pathophysiology of functional brain connectivity is different between AD and bvFTD. However, the group differences in functional connectivity are less abundant than has been shown in previous studies

    Single-subject classification of presymptomatic frontotemporal dementia mutation carriers using multimodal MRI

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    Background: Classification models based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may aid early diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) but have only been applied in established FTD cases. Detection of FTD patients in earlier disease stages, such as presymptomatic mutation carriers, may further advance early diagnosis and treatment. In this study, we aim to distinguish presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers from controls on an individual level using multimodal MRI-based classification. Methods: Anatomical MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and resting-state functional MRI data were collected in 55 presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers (8 microtubule-associated protein Tau, 35 progranulin, and 12 chromosome 9 open reading frame 72) and 48 familial controls. We calculated grey and white matter density features from anatomical MRI scans, diffusivity features from DTI, and functional connectivity features from resting-state functional MRI. These features were applied in a recently introduced multimodal behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD) classification model, and were subsequently used to train and test unimodal and multimodal carrier-control models. Classification performance was quantified using area under the receiver operator characteristic curves (AUC). Results: The bvFTD model was not able to separate presymptomatic carriers from controls beyond chance level (AUC = 0.570, p = 0.11). In contrast, one unimodal and several multimodal carrier-control models performed significantly better than chance level. The unimodal model included the radial diffusivity feature and had an AUC of 0.646 (p = 0.021). The best multimodal model combined radial diffusivity and white matter density features (AUC = 0.680, p = 0.005). Conclusions: FTD mutation carriers can be separated from controls with a modest AUC even before symptom-onset, using a newly created carrier-control classification model, while this was not possible using a recent bvFTD classification model. A multimodal MRI-based classification score may therefore be a useful biomarker to aid earlier FTD diagnosis. The exclusive selection of white matter features in the best performing model suggests that the earliest FTD-related pathological processes occur in white matter. Keywords: Frontotemporal dementia, MAPT protein, human, GRN protein, human, C9orf72, human, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Resting-state functional MRI, Multimodal MRI, classification, machine learnin

    A multimodal MRI-based classification signature emerges just prior to symptom onset in frontotemporal dementia mutation carriers

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    Background Multimodal MRI-based classification may aid early frontotemporal dementia (FTD) diagnosis. Recently, presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers, who have a high risk of developing FTD, were separated beyond chance level from controls using MRI-based classification. However, it is currently unknown how these scores from classification models progress as mutation carriers approach symptom onset. In this longitudinal study, we investigated multimodal MRI-based classification scores between presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers and controls. Furthermore, we contrasted carriers that converted during follow-up (â € converters') and non-converting carriers (â € non-converters'). Methods We acquired anatomical MRI, diffusion tensor imaging and resting-state functional MRI in 55 presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers and 48 healthy controls at baseline, and at 2, 4, and 6 years of follow-up as available. At each time point, FTD classification scores were calculated using a behavioural variant FTD classification model. Classification scores were tested in a mixed-effects model for mean differences and differences over time. Results Presymptomatic mutation carriers did not have higher classification score increase over time than controls (p=0.15), although carriers had higher FTD classification scores than controls on average (p=0.032). However, converters (n=6) showed a stronger classification score increase over time than non-converters (p<0.001). Conclusions Our findings imply that presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers may remain similar to controls in terms of MRI-based classification scores until they are close to symptom onset. This proof-of-concept study shows the promise of longitudinal MRI data acquisition in combination with machine learning to contribute to early FTD diagnosis

    Erratum: Single-subject classification of presymptomatic frontotemporal dementia mutation carriers using multimodal MRI (NeuroImage: Clinical (2018) 20 (188–196), (S2213158218302262), (10.1016/j.nicl.2018.07.014))

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    Background: Classification models based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may aid early diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) but have only been applied in established FTD cases. Detection of FTD patients in earlier disease stages, such as presymptomatic mutation carriers, may further advance early diagnosis and treatment. In this study, we aim to distinguish presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers from controls on an individual level using multimodal MRI-based classification. Methods: Anatomical MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and resting-state functional MRI data were collected in 55 presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers (8 microtubule-associated protein Tau, 35 progranulin, and 12 chromosome 9 open reading frame 72) and 48 familial controls. We calculated grey and white matter density features from anatomical MRI scans, diffusivity features from DTI, and functional connectivity features from resting-state functional MRI. These features were applied in a recently introduced multimodal behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD) classification model, and were subsequently used to train and test unimodal and multimodal carrier-control models. Classification performance was quantified using area under the receiver operator characteristic curves (AUC). Results: The bvFTD model was not able to separate presymptomatic carriers from controls beyond chance level (AUC = 0.582, p = 0.078). In contrast, one unimodal and several multimodal carrier-control models performed significantly better than chance level. The unimodal model included the radial diffusivity feature and had an AUC of 0.642 (p = 0.032). The best multimodal model combined radial diffusivity and white matter density features (AUC = 0.684, p = 0.004). Conclusions: FTD mutation carriers can be separated from controls with a modest AUC even before symptom-onset, using a newly created carrier-control classification model, while this was not possible using a recent bvFTD classification model. A multimodal MRI-based classification score may therefore be a useful biomarker to aid earlier FTD diagnosis. The exclusive selection of white matter features in the best performing model suggests that the earliest FTD-related pathological processes occur in white matter

    Pre-trained MRI-based Alzheimer's disease classification models to classify memory clinic patients

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    Anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion MRI and resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) have been used for Alzheimer's disease (AD) classification. These scans are typically used to build models for discriminating AD patients from control subjects, but it is not clear if these models can also discriminate AD in diverse clinical populations as found in memory clinics.To study this, we trained MRI-based AD classification models on a single centre data set consisting of AD patients (N = 76) and controls (N = 173), and used these models to assign AD scores to subjective memory complainers (N = 67), mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients (N = 61), and AD patients (N = 61) from a multi-centre memory clinic data set. The anatomical MRI scans were used to calculate grey matter density, subcortical volumes and cortical thickness, the diffusion MRI scans were used to calculate fractional anisotropy, mean, axial and radial diffusivity, and the rs-fMRI scans were used to calculate functional connectivity between resting state networks and amplitude of low frequency fluctuations. Within the multi-centre memory clinic data set we removed scan site differences prior to applying the models.For all models, on average, the AD patients were assigned the highest AD scores, followed by MCI patients, and later followed by SMC subjects. The anatomical MRI models performed best, and the best performing anatomical MRI measure was grey matter density, separating SMC subjects from MCI patients with an AUC of 0.69, MCI patients from AD patients with an AUC of 0.70, and SMC patients from AD patients with an AUC of 0.86. The diffusion MRI models did not generalise well to the memory clinic data, possibly because of large scan site differences. The functional connectivity model separated SMC subjects and MCI patients relatively good (AUC = 0.66). The multimodal MRI model did not improve upon the anatomical MRI model.In conclusion, we showed that the grey matter density model generalises best to memory clinic subjects. When also considering the fact that grey matter density generally performs well in AD classification studies, this feature is probably the best MRI-based feature for AD diagnosis in clinical practice.Neuro Imaging Researc