668 research outputs found

    Tetraether membrane lipids of Candidatus “Aciduliprofundum boonei”, a cultivated obligate thermoacidophilic euryarchaeote from deep-sea hydrothermal vents

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    The lipid composition of Candidatus “Aciduliprofundum boonei”, the only cultivated representative of archaea falling in the DHVE2 phylogenetic cluster, a group of microorganisms ubiquitously occurring at hydrothermal vents, was studied. The predominant core membrane lipids in this thermophilic euryarchaeote were found to be composed of glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) containing 0–4 cyclopentyl moieties. In addition, GDGTs with an additional covalent bond between the isoprenoid hydrocarbon chains, so-called H-shaped GDGTs, were present. The latter core lipids have been rarely reported previously. Intact polar lipid analysis revealed that they predominantly consist of GDGTs with a phospho-glycerol headgroup

    Paleoceanographic changes in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last 10 Myr

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    To examine the Late Neogene evolution of tropical Pacific oceanography, we determined multiple geochemical proxy records for temperature (U-37(K)' and TEX86H indices) and primary productivity (algal biomarkers and diol indices) in sediments recovered at ODP Site 1241 in the East Equatorial Pacific (EEP) spanning a record of the last 10 Myr. The TEX86H temperatures are lower than those recorded by U-37(K)' indices, exhibiting large fluctuations and suggesting strong warming during the Mid Pliocene Warm Period (MPWP; 4.5-3.2 Ma) and significantly colder temperature during the Late Miocene cooling period (7-5 Ma) and after the Middle Pliocene Warm Period (MPWP). Such variations could reflect changes in the EEP thermocline temperatures, but we suggest that they instead reflect changes in the depth of export production of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids in response to changes in the upper ocean structure. A combination of temperature records, inferred to represent different and likely varying depths in the water column, as well as algal biomarker records for export production and ecosystem structure, suggest that both productivity and inference upwelling were reduced in the EEP during warmer periods, such as the MPWP and prior to 7 Ma. In contrast, stronger upwelling conditions and associated increased productivity likely prevailed from 7 to 5 Ma and for the past 3 Myr, both corresponding to globally cool intervals. A further increase in EEP productivity occurred at ca 1.8 Ma, coincident with the development of the E-W Pacific SST gradient. These results confirm previous work that protracted El Nino-like conditions prevailed during warmer intervals of the Pliocene before ultimately descending into the current climate state

    Rapid sulfurisation of highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes in sulfidic Holocene sediments from Ellis Fjord, Antarctica

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Organic Geochemistry 38 (2007): 128-139, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2006.08.003.Samples of particulate organic matter from the water column and anoxic Holocene sediment layers from the Small Meromictic Basin (SMB) in Ellis Fjord (eastern Antarctica) were analyzed to study the early incorporation of reduced inorganic sulfur species into highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes. HBIs were not detected in the water column samples from austral winter, whereas compounds containing the C25 HBI skeleton were abundant in all analyzed Holocene sediment layers. The structure of the C25:2 HBI alkene together with its enriched stable carbon isotopic composition suggest that the HBI alkene is produced by a diatom or diatoms probably belonging to the Navicula genus present in the sea-ice which covers the area most of the year. Within just 500 years of deposition, all of the HBI alkene was sulfurised. A mixture of products was formed, including components tentatively identified as a C25 HBI thiane and three S-containing dimers composed of two C25:1 HBI skeletons linked together by a sulfide bond. Most of the HBI alkene, however, was converted to polar S-containing compounds. The observed reaction rate for sulfurisation the C25:2 HBI alkene is the highest observed so far in natural systems. Sterols and other lipids known to be prone to sulfurisation were only minimally sulfurised under these depositional conditions. The reason for this is presently unclear.Funding for the collection of the sediment and water samples (by MJLC and CW) was provided by ASAC grant 1166 to JKV. This work was further supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; Netherlands Antarctic Research Proposals 851.20.006 to JSSD)

    Total Synthesis of the Alleged Structure of Crenarchaeol enables Structure Revision

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    Crenarchaeol is a glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipid produced exclusively in Archaea of the phylum Thaumarchaeota. This membrane-spanning lipid is undoubtedly the structurally most sophisticated of all known archaeal lipids and an iconic molecule in organic geochemistry. The 66-membered macrocycle possesses a unique chemical structure featuring 22 mostly remote stereocenters, and a cyclohexane ring connected by a single bond to a cyclopentane ring. Herein we report the first total synthesis of the proposed structure of crenarchaeol. Comparison with natural crenarchaeol allowed us to propose a revised structure of crenarchaeol, wherein one of the 22 stereocenters is inverted

    Response of the North Atlantic surface and intermediate ocean structure to climate warming of MIS 11

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    Investigating past interglacial climates not only help to understand how the climate system operates in general, it also forms a vital basis for climate predictions. We reconstructed vertical stratification changes in temperature and salinity in the North Atlantic for a period some 400 ka ago (MIS11), an interglacial time analogue of a future climate. As inferred from a unique set of biogeochemical, geochemical, and faunal data, the internal upper ocean stratification across MIS 11 shows distinct depth-dependent dynamical changes related to vertical as well as lateral shifts in the upper Atlantic meridional circulation system. Importantly, transient cold events are recognized near the end of the long phase of postglacial warming at surface, subsurface, mid, and deeper water layers. These data demonstrate that MIS 11 coolings over the North Atlantic were initially triggered by freshwater input at the surface and expansion of cold polar waters into the Subpolar Gyre. The cooling signal was then transmitted downwards into mid-water depths. Since the cold events occurred after the main deglacial phase we suggest that their cause might be related to continuous melting of the Greenland ice sheet, a mechanism that might also be relevant for the present and upcoming climate

    Major changes in glacial and Holocene terrestrial temperatures and sources of organic carbon recorded in the Amazon fan by tetraether lipids

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    The Amazon basin is a major component of the global carbon and hydrological cycles, a significant natural source of methane, and home to remarkable biodiversity and endemism. Reconstructing past climate changes in the Amazon basin is important for a better understanding of the effect of such changes on these critical functions of the basin. Using a novel biomarker proxy, based on the membrane lipids of soil bacteria with a new regional calibration, we present a reconstruction of changes in mean annual air temperatures for the Amazon catchment during the last 37 kyr B. P. Biomarkers were extracted from Ocean Drilling Program sediment core ODP942 recovered from the Amazon fan. The Amazon fan is a major depository for terrestrial sediments, with the advantage that the terrestrial material captured reflects a regional integration of the whole river catchment. The reconstructed tropical Amazonian temperatures were similar to 5 degrees C cooler at the Last Glacial Maximum (similar to 21 degrees C) compared to modern values (similar to 26 degrees C). This is in agreement with previous estimates of tropical continental temperatures in the tropical Amazon basin and tropical Africa during the Last Glacial Maximum. Moreover, we also illustrate how the soil bacterial membrane lipid record reveals major changes in basin dynamics and sediment provenance during the glacial-Holocene transition, impacting the biomarker reconstructions from similar to 11 kyr onward