248 research outputs found

    Tetraether membrane lipids of Candidatus “Aciduliprofundum boonei”, a cultivated obligate thermoacidophilic euryarchaeote from deep-sea hydrothermal vents

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    The lipid composition of Candidatus “Aciduliprofundum boonei”, the only cultivated representative of archaea falling in the DHVE2 phylogenetic cluster, a group of microorganisms ubiquitously occurring at hydrothermal vents, was studied. The predominant core membrane lipids in this thermophilic euryarchaeote were found to be composed of glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) containing 0–4 cyclopentyl moieties. In addition, GDGTs with an additional covalent bond between the isoprenoid hydrocarbon chains, so-called H-shaped GDGTs, were present. The latter core lipids have been rarely reported previously. Intact polar lipid analysis revealed that they predominantly consist of GDGTs with a phospho-glycerol headgroup

    Correlated changes in perceptions of the gender and orientation of ambiguous biological motion figures

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    SummaryThe sensitivity of the mammalian visual system to biological motion cues has been shown to be general and acute [1–3]. Human observers, in particular, can deduce higher-order information, such as the orientation of a figure (which way it is facing), its gender, emotional state, and even personality traits, on the basis only of sparse motion cues. Even when the stimulus information is confined to point lights attached to the major joints of an actor (so-called point-light figures), observers can use information about the way the actor is moving to tell what they are doing, whether they are a male or female, and how they are feeling [4–6]. Here we report the novel finding that stimulus manipulations that made such walkers appear more female also had the effect of making the walkers appear more often as if they were walking away from rather than towards observers. Using frontal-view (or rear-view) point-light displays of human walkers, we asked observers to judge whether they seemed to be walking towards or away from the viewing position. Independent of their own gender, observers reliably reported those figures they perceived to be male as looking like they were approaching (as reported in [7]), but those they perceived to be female as walking away. Furthermore, figures perceived to be gender-neutral also appeared more often, although not exclusively, to be walking towards observers

    Different Bumps in the Road: The Emotional Dynamics of Couple Disagreements in Belgium and Japan

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    In the present study, we propose that the emotional “bumps” that couples experience during relationship disagreements differ systematically among cultures. We predicted that self-assertive emotions such as anger or strength play a central role in Belgium, where they are instrumental for relational independence. In comparison, other-focused emotions such as shame or empathy for the partner should play a central role in Japan, where they support relational interdependence. Romantic couples from Belgium (n = 58) and Japan (n = 80) discussed relationship disagreements in the lab, which were video-recorded. After the interaction, participants separately rated their emotional experience during video-mediated recall. We identified the emotions that played a central role during the interactions in terms of attractors; these are the emotions around which couples stabilize and that likely play a central role in realizing different relationship ideals. In line with our predictions, attractors reflected states of the interpersonal emotional system that support independence in Belgium (e.g., angry or strong feelings) and interdependence (e.g., empathy) in Japan. Moreover, we found that—at least in Belgium—having more culturally typical interactions was associated with a stronger endorsement of culturally valued relationship ideals and, in turn, better relational functioning

    Digital Interventions for People With Co-Occurring Depression and Problematic Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Aims: This systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the effectiveness of digital interventions addressing depressive symptoms and alcohol use simultaneously among people with co-occurring depression and problematic alcohol use.Methods: Seven databases were searched for trials evaluating digital interventions aimed at depression and alcohol use. Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted to pool effects on depressive symptoms and alcohol use up to 3-month and 6-month follow-up. Overall quality for every outcome was assessed with GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).Results: The pooled effect of digital interventions compared to their comparators was in favour of digital interventions. Small but significant effects on depressive symptoms at 3-month follow-up were found (g = 0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.06-0.62, P = 0.02, k = 6) and non-significant effects at 6-month follow-up (g = 0.29, 95% CI: -0.16 to 0.73, P = 0.15, k = 5). For alcohol use, the pooled effect of digital interventions was small and non-significant at 3-month follow-up (g = 0.14, 95% CI: -0.02 to 0.30, P = 0.07, k = 6) and significant at 6-month follow-up (g = 0.14, 95% CI: 0.07-0.20, P = 0.005, k = 5). Sensitivity analysis indicated the latter finding to be sensitive to statistical estimator choice. Quality of evidence was moderate, except for depressive symptoms at 6-month follow-up for which it was low.Conclusion: Based on the literature, digital interventions are effective in reducing depressive symptoms at 3-month follow-up and alcohol use at 6-month follow-up among people with comorbid depression and problematic alcohol use. More high-quality trials are needed to confirm the current findings.</p

    Human-induced fire regime shifts during 19th century industrialization: A robust fire regime reconstruction using northern Polish lake sediments

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    Fire regime shifts are driven by climate and natural vegetation changes, but can be strongly affected by human land management. Yet, it is poorly known how humans have influenced fire regimes prior to active wildfire suppression. Among the last 250 years, the human contribution to the global increase in fire occurrence during the mid-19th century is especially unclear, as data sources are limited. Here, we test the extent to which forest management has driven fire regime shifts in a temperate forest landscape. We combine multiple fire proxies (macroscopic charcoal and fire-related biomarkers) derived from highly resolved lake sediments (i.e., 3–5 years per sample), and apply a new statistical approach to classify source area- and temperature-specific fire regimes (biomass burnt, fire episodes). We compare these records with independent climate and vegetation reconstructions. We find two prominent fire regime shifts during the 19th and 20th centuries, driven by an adaptive socio-ecological cycle in human forest management. Although individual fire episodes were triggered mainly by arson (as described in historical documents) during dry summers, the biomass burnt increased unintentionally during the mid-19th century due to the plantation of flammable, fast-growing pine tree monocultures needed for industrialization. State forest management reacted with active fire management and suppression during the 20th century. However, pine cover has been increasing since the 1990s and climate projections predict increasingly dry conditions, suggesting a renewed need for adaptations to reduce the increasing fire risk. © 2019 Dietze et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Practical tips by peer support in chronic vestibular hypofunction: an exploratory survey

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    IntroductionPatients with chronic vestibular hypofunction typically suffer from dizziness, imbalance and oscillopsia (blurred vision); symptoms that pose challenges to everyday life. Currently, advice on how to deal with such challenges is mainly provided by health care professionals (i.e., ENT-surgeons, neurologists, physiotherapists and psychologists). However, fellow patients with a similar condition and a true appreciation of the lived experiences, are likely to provide valuable support and advice as well. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to collect tips and advice from patients with chronic vestibular hypofunction.MethodsAn exploratory survey was designed to collect tips from fellow chronic vestibular hypofunction patients on how to cope with disease-related challenges in everyday life. The survey was distributed both online and in person. The list of tips was coded and analyzed thematically and deductively, by using the international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF) model.ResultsIn total, 425 tips were obtained from the 179 participants. Most tips were coded under “environmental factors” (46%) and “activities and participation” (39%). The remaining tips were categorized as “body functions” (15%). No tips were about “body structures.” The participants coped with their daily struggles by investing in assistive products and technology, like adapted bikes, special footwear, walking frames. They described the importance of ensuring minimal light intensity for visibility (i.e., installing light sources in dark places). During activities, participants gave the advice to avoid bumpy roads and obstacles, and highlighted the necessity of adequate visual fixation to maintain balance. To ensure optimal activity, participants emphasized the importance of managing energy and taking sufficient rest.DiscussionThis study gives insight into how patients with chronic vestibular hypofunction cope with everyday struggles due to their symptoms. These tips can expand advice given by healthcare professionals. Knowing that fellow patients experience similar struggles and learned to deal with their struggles in adequate ways, might offer support and help patients focus on possibilities rather than on disabilities. Further research should investigate the effect of sharing tips to see whether improvement in (mental) health can be achieved in patients with chronic vestibular hypofunction

    DWORF Extends Life Span in a PLN-R14del Cardiomyopathy Mouse Model by Reducing Abnormal Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Clusters

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    BACKGROUND: The p.Arg14del variant of the PLN (phospholamban) gene causes cardiomyopathy, leading to severe heart failure. Calcium handling defects and perinuclear PLN aggregation have both been suggested as pathological drivers of this disease. Dwarf open reading frame (DWORF) has been shown to counteract PLN regulatory calcium handling function in the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (S/ER). Here, we investigated the potential disease-modulating action of DWORF in this cardiomyopathy and its effects on calcium handling and PLN aggregation. METHODS: We studied a PLN-R14del mouse model, which develops cardiomyopathy with similar characteristics as human patients, and explored whether cardiac DWORF overexpression could delay cardiac deterioration. To this end, R14Δ/Δ (homozygous PLN-R14del) mice carrying the DWORF transgene (R14Δ/ΔDWORFTg [R14Δ/Δ mice carrying the DWORF transgene]) were used. RESULTS: DWORF expression was suppressed in hearts of R14Δ/Δ mice with severe heart failure. Restoration of DWORF expression in R14Δ/Δ mice delayed cardiac fibrosis and heart failure and increased life span &gt;2-fold (from 8 to 18 weeks). DWORF accelerated sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium reuptake and relaxation in isolated cardiomyocytes with wild-type PLN, but in R14Δ/Δ cardiomyocytes, sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium reuptake and relaxation were already enhanced, and no differences were detected between R14Δ/Δ and R14Δ/ΔDWORFTg. Rather, DWORF overexpression delayed the appearance and formation of large pathogenic perinuclear PLN clusters. Careful examination revealed colocalization of sarcoplasmic reticulum markers with these PLN clusters in both R14Δ/Δ mice and human p.Arg14del PLN heart tissue, and hence these previously termed aggregates are comprised of abnormal organized S/ER. This abnormal S/ER organization in PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy contributes to cardiomyocyte cell loss and replacement fibrosis, consequently resulting in cardiac dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Disorganized S/ER is a major characteristic of PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy in humans and mice and results in cardiomyocyte death. DWORF overexpression delayed PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy progression and extended life span in R14Δ/Δ mice, by reducing abnormal S/ER clusters.</p

    Consistency and accuracy of diagnostic cancer codes generated by automated registration: comparison with manual registration

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    BACKGROUND: Automated procedures are increasingly used in cancer registration, and it is important that the data produced are systematically checked for consistency and accuracy. We evaluated an automated procedure for cancer registration adopted by the Lombardy Cancer Registry in 1997, comparing automatically-generated diagnostic codes with those produced manually over one year (1997). METHODS: The automatically generated cancer cases were produced by Open Registry algorithms. For manual registration, trained staff consulted clinical records, pathology reports and death certificates. The social security code, present and checked in both databases in all cases, was used to match the files in the automatic and manual databases. The cancer cases generated by the two methods were compared by manual revision. RESULTS: The automated procedure generated 5027 cases: 2959 (59%) were accepted automatically and 2068 (41%) were flagged for manual checking. Among the cases accepted automatically, discrepancies in data items (surname, first name, sex and date of birth) constituted 8.5% of cases, and discrepancies in the first three digits of the ICD-9 code constituted 1.6%. Among flagged cases, cancers of female genital tract, hematopoietic system, metastatic and ill-defined sites, and oropharynx predominated. The usual reasons were use of specific vs. generic codes, presence of multiple primaries, and use of extranodal vs. nodal codes for lymphomas. The percentage of automatically accepted cases ranged from 83% for breast and thyroid cancers to 13% for metastatic and ill-defined cancer sites. CONCLUSION: Since 59% of cases were accepted automatically and contained relatively few, mostly trivial discrepancies, the automatic procedure is efficient for routine case generation effectively cutting the workload required for routine case checking by this amount. Among cases not accepted automatically, discrepancies were mainly due to variations in coding practice
