304 research outputs found
A compasso e taquara: o domínio da vida e a ruína da biodiversidade no Parque Florestal Manoel Enrique da Silva (Irati-PR): 1950-1960
Based on the concept of coloniality (the invisible and constitutive part of modernity), as discussed since the late 1980s to the early 1990s, by Aníbal Quijano, this text aims to discuss how the coloniality of power, of knowledge, of being and of nature happened in the constitution process of Manoel Enrique da Silva Forest Park, currently denominated as Irati National Forest. As sources, we have the reports produced by his forester, Ernesto da Silva Araújo, between 1950 and 1960, and 12 printed forms (FINPI) to fill in information about the plots planted in the Park between 1950 and 1957 with Araucaria angustifolia (Brazilian Pine Tree or Paraná Pine Tree). In the text, we show how scientific silviculture intended, not always successfully, to arrange a space considered by the forester as primitive. In the Araucaria plantation processes, nature was reduced to the value of land, and its diversity was limited to only one species, with monoculture being the fundamental basis of this model.A partir do conceito de colonialidade (a parte invisível e constitutiva da modernidade), tal como discutido desde o final dos anos 1980 e início dos anos 1990, por Aníbal Quijano, este texto procura discutir como se deu a colonialidade do poder, do saber, do ser e da natureza no processo de constituição do Parque Florestal Manoel Enrique da Silva, atual Floresta Nacional de Irati. Como fontes, temos os relatórios produzidos pelo seu silvicultor Ernesto da Silva Araújo entre 1950 e 1960, e 12 formulários impressos (FINPI), para preenchimento de informações a respeito dos talhões plantados no Parque entre 1950 e 1957 com Araucaria angustifolia (pinheiro-brasileiro ou pinheiro-do-paraná). No texto, mostramos como a silvicultura científica pretendeu, nem sempre com sucesso, ordenar um espaço tido pelo silvicultor como primitivo. Nos processos de plantação de Araucária, a natureza foi reduzida ao valor terra, e sua diversidade foi limitada a apenas uma espécie, sendo a monocultura a base fundamental desse modelo
A pedra, o migrante e o morro: feridas narcísicas no coração de Jaraguá do Sul/SC - 1980/2000
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaEsta tese discute a ocupação por migrantes de dois morros em Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, a partir dos anos 1980. Um dos morros, o da Boa Vista, representa um dos espaços mais antigos de ocupação de Jaraguá do Sul, remetendo-nos ao início do processo de colonização, a partir da década de 1870. Neste morro seus moradores, originalmente negros vindos do Rio de Janeiro e do Nordeste para trabalhar no Engenho Jaraguá, de Emílio Carlos Jourdan, convivem com o abandono, o descaso e a segregação. O outro, o da Pedra, expressa de maneira clara as tensões existentes entre "nós" e os "outros", haja vista que seus moradores sofreram, e ainda sofrem, processos de culpabilização e criminalização. Sua ocupação é mais recente e remonta aos anos de 1980. A maior parte dos migrantes que moram nesses locais são de Santa Catarina e do Paraná. Recortamos um período de 20 anos da História da cidade - 1980-2000 - porque a partir dos anos 1980 ela foi palco de uma grande expansão industrial e urbana. Desse processo emergiram e se agudizaram problemas relacionados à especulação imobiliária e à infra-estrutura urbana de maneira geral, como uma intensa veiculação de propagandas e discursos negativos sobre os migrantes, feita por rádios e jornais locais. Essa delimitação ajuda a situar concretamente um tempo marcado por profundas alterações em seu território e em sua cultura, opondo "nós" e os "outros"
Klinische Fallanalysen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose, die als Comorbidität eine Epilepsie aufweisen
Das Auftreten einer Epilepsie bei an MS erkrankten Personen wird bereits seit längerer Zeit als Krankheitsspektrum der MS betrachtet. Obwohl sie eher eine Minderheit der MS-Patienten betrifft, ist das Risiko der Entwicklung epileptischer Anfälle unter diesen Personen etwa drei- bis sechsmal höher als in der Normalbevölkerung. Der pathophysiologische Mechanismus, durch welchen epileptische Anfälle bei diesen Patienten auftreten, konnte bisher noch nicht geklärt werden, ebenso wenig wurde der genaue ursächliche Zusammenhang zwischen beiden Erkrankungen entdeckt. Trotzdem lässt die vermehrte Manifestation einer Epilepsie unter an MS erkrankten Menschen die Annahme einer zugrundeliegenden kausalen Verbindung zu. Anhand MR-tomografischer Studien konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass MS-Patienten mit gleichzeitig bestehender Epilepsie eine erhöhte Anzahl sowohl kortikaler als auch subkortikaler Läsionen aufzeigen, was wiederum die Vermutung stärkt, das Auftreten epileptischer Anfälle könne in Assoziation zu diesen Läsionen stehen. Zudem verfügen bestimmte Medikamente, unter anderem beispielsweise Interferon-beta, über prokonvulsive Fähigkeiten, die bei der Frage nach der Ursache für das gleichzeitige Auftreten beider Erkrankungen ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden sollten.
Ob und inwieweit die Epilepsie als Comorbidität den klinischen Verlauf und die Langzeitprognose der MS beeinflusst, ist bisher allerdings noch unklar. Es scheint jedoch so, als würden epileptische Anfälle die Belastung der Betroffenen durch ihre Erkrankung - physisch wie psychisch - weiter erhöhen.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgte die genauere Betrachtung eines solchen Patientenkollektivs. Hierzu wurden, unter Zuhilfenahme einer EDV-Suchanfrage und unter Durchsicht der Akten des Archivs der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie der Universität Regensburg am Bezirksklinikum, ausgehend von 1267 MS-Patienten, 23 Personen (1,82 %) identifiziert, die sowohl an einer MS als auch an einer Epilepsie bzw. an epileptischen Anfällen leiden und sich im Zeitraum zwischen 2003 und 2015 in der genannten Klinik vorstellten. Nachdem die Akten dieser Patienten gesammelt worden waren, erfolgte die Auswertung der Daten und die Beschreibung dieses Patientenkollektivs.
Mehrheitlich entwickelten sich die epileptischen Anfälle nach der Erstmanifestation der MS und demnach während des Krankheitsverlaufs, wobei als vorherrschende Verlaufsformen die RRMS und die SPMS imponierten. Dementsprechend darf vermutet werden, dass die MS als ein ursächlicher Faktor für die Ausbildung epileptischer Anfälle bei diesen Personen fungiert und die Epilepsie unabhängig vom Subtyp der MS, jedoch nicht bei der PPMS, auftreten kann.
Zumeist präsentierten die Probanden Anfälle fokalen Ursprungs, welche wiederum mehrheitlich in bilateral tonisch-klonische Anfälle übergingen, wohingegen Anfälle mit generalisiertem Beginn nicht nachgewiesen werden konnten.
Sowohl die Schwere als auch die Frequenz der Anfälle waren von Person zu Person sehr unterschiedlich. Dementsprechend waren einige der Patienten stärker von der Epilepsie betroffen und präsentierten häufig wiederkehrende Anfälle, während andere wiederum eine nicht so starke Einschränkung aufgrund lediglich einiger weniger epileptischer Anfälle erfuhren.
Zukünftige Beschäftigungen und Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet bleiben unerlässlich, um zum einen die Ursache des Auftretens epileptischer Anfälle bei an MS erkrankten Personen bzw. deren möglicherweise bestehenden kausalen Zusammenhang zu identifizieren und zum anderen die Lebensqualität der Patienten dauerhaft zu verbessern
Patients With Epileptic Seizures and Multiple Sclerosis in a Multiple Sclerosis Center in Southern Germany Between 2003–2015
Background: So far, many studies have shown that the risk of developing seizures and epilepsy is higher among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) than in the general population. However, the causal link between these two diseases is still unclear. In addition, it is not clearly understood whether and to what extent the manifestation of seizures and epilepsy in patients with MS affects the clinical course and the long-term prognosis of the disease. We aimed to retrospectively identify and describe patients with MS and with seizures and epilepsy which were seen at the Department of Neurology of the University of Regensburg in Germany between the years 2003-2015. Methods: With the help of the electronic documentation system of hospital admitted patients followed by scrutinizing medical records of patients with MS for evidence of seizures and epilepsy, we identified patients with MS and seizures or epilepsy. Results: We identified 22 individuals (1.74%) out of 1,267 patients with MS with seizures or epilepsy. 18 of these 22 individuals met criteria for epilepsy (1.42%). Nine MS patients (40.9%) suffered from relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) whereas 11 MS patients (50.0%) showed a secondary progressive disease course (SPMS). Five of those (45.5%) converted from RRMS to SPMS before they acquired epilepsy. None of the identified patients with MS and seizures or epilepsy suffered from primary progressive MS (PPMS). Moreover, two MS patients (9.1%) had a history of seizures before MS onset. Seizures were of focal onset in 17 patients with MS (77.3%). Fourteen out of these 17 MS patients presented with focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (82.4%). Five MS patients (22.7%) showed tonic clonic seizures of unknown onset. Status epilepticus was reported in three patients with MS (13%), for one patient the data was inconclusive. Conclusion: The occurrence of seizures and epilepsy was higher than in the general population, suggesting a causal relationship between both diseases. In most cases, seizures occurred after the first manifestation of MS. The high frequency of focal seizures supports the concept of cerebral lesions in patients with MS playing an important role in precipitation of seizures and epilepsy
Plano de cargos e salários com mapeamento de competências para um supermercado do oeste catarinense
O desenvolvimento de novos modelos de gestão, acompanhados pela busca de competitividade
e inovação nas empresas, pela dificuldade em reter profissionais qualificados e comprometidos
com o alcance dos objetivos organizacionais, pela necessidade de estimular o contínuo
aperfeiçoamento dos colaboradores de modo a satisfazê-los, contribuiu para que as formas
clássicas de gerir pessoas não suprissem satisfatoriamente os anseios de uma gestão eficiente e,
consequentemente, que valorizasse as pessoas nas organizações, agora vistos como diferencial
competitivo. Nesse sentido, é preciso gerar oportunidades de crescimento profissional dentro
da organização através de um plano de ascensão. Deste modo, o objetivo principal deste
trabalho foi elaborar um Plano de Cargos e Salários com Mapeamento de Competências para o
Supermercado Girassol, empresa situada em Cunha Porã – SC e que conta com o apoio de uma
equipe trinta e três colaboradores, a fim de propor uma forma de remuneração mais equitativa
e justa, e de identificar as competências necessárias para cada cargo, bem como as competências
organizacionais necessárias para atingir os objetivos organizacionais. Os procedimentos
metodológicos utilizados para o desenvolvimento desde trabalho caracterizaram-se: quanto aos
fins como pesquisa descritiva e aplicada, e quanto aos meios de investigação como
bibliográfica, documental, pesquisa de campo e estudo de caso. As técnicas de coleta de dados
utilizadas foram análise documental, reuniões com gestores, entrevistas semiestruturadas e
aplicação de questionários. Para a análise dos dados foi realizado um diagnóstico dos cargos
existentes na empresa onde foram identificadas oportunidades de melhorias, na sequência os
mesmos foram descritos, avaliados e classificados segundo a metodologia de Pontes (2011).
Posteriormente foram mapeadas as competências organizacionais inerentes ao negócio da
empresa, identificadas na Missão, Visão e Valores e também foram mapeadas as competências
individuais de cada cargo na organização através das descrições dos cargos. Como resultado,
foram definidos vinte e um cargos para a empresa, além de identificadas dezenove
competências organizacionais e individuais para o Supermercado Girassol. Na sequência, foi
apresentada uma proposta de estrutura salarial para o Supermercado Girassol com progressão
para 10 anos, bem como alguns apontamentos para a implantação e manutenção do plano de
cargos e salários. Ao final, apresentou-se as considerações finais acerca do estudo bem como
as sugestões para novos trabalhos
Genomic epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the pathogen responsible for tuberculosis (TB) poses as the major cause of death among infectious diseases. The knowledge about the molecular diversity of M.tb enables the implementation of more effective surveillance and control measures and, nowadays, Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) holds the potential to produce high-resolution epidemiological data in a high-throughput manner. Florianópolis, the state capital of Santa Catarina (SC) in south Brazil, shows a high TB incidence (46.0/100,000). Here we carried out a WGS-based evaluation of the M.tb strain diversity, drug-resistance and ongoing transmission in the capital metropolitan region. Resistance to isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin was identified respectively in 4.0% (n = 6), 2.0% (n = 3) and 1.3% (n = 2) of the 151 studied strains by WGS. Besides, resistance to pyrazinamide and ethambutol was detected in 0.7% (n = 1) and reistance to ethionamide and fluoroquinolone (FQ) in 1.3% (n = 2), while a single (0.7%) multidrug-resistant (MDR) strain was identified. SNP-based typing classified all isolates into M.tb Lineage 4, with high proportion of sublineages LAM (60.3%), T (16.4%) and Haarlem (7.9%). The average core-genome distance between isolates was 420.3 SNPs, with 43.7% of all isolates grouped across 22 genomic clusters thereby showing the presence of important ongoing TB transmission events. Most clusters were geographically distributed across the study setting which highlights the need for an urgent interruption of these large transmission chains. The data conveyed by this study shows the presence of important and uncontrolled TB transmission in the metropolitan area and provides precise data to support TB control measures in this region.publishersversionpublishe
Searches for Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Topologies in e+e- collisions at LEP2
In gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking (GMSB) models the lightest
supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the gravitino and the phenomenology is driven
by the nature of the next-to-lightest SUSY particle (NLSP) which is either the
lightest neutralino, the stau or mass degenerate sleptons. Since the NLSP decay
length is effectively unconstrained, searches for all possible lifetime and
NLSP topologies predicted by GMSB models in e+e- collisions are performed on
the data sample collected by OPAL at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV at
LEP. Results independent of the NLSP lifetime are presented for all relevant
final states including direct NLSP pair-production and, for the first time,
also NLSP production via cascade decays of heavier SUSY particles. None of the
searches shows evidence for SUSY particle production. Cross-section limits are
presented at the 95% confidence level both for direct NLSP production and for
cascade decays, providing the most general, almost model independent results.
These results are then interpreted in the framework of the minimal GMSB (mGMSB)
model, where large areas of the accessible parameter space are excluded. In the
mGMSB model, the NLSP masses are constrained to be larger than 53.5 GeV/c^2,
87.4 GeV/c^2 and 91.9 GeV/c^2 in the neutralino, stau and slepton co-NLSP
scenarios, respectively. A complete scan on the parameters of the mGMSB model
is performed, constraining the universal SUSY mass scale Lambda from the direct
SUSY particle searches: Lambda > 40, 27, 21, 17, 15 TeV/c^2 for messenger
indices N=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, for all NLSP lifetimes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proceedings of SUSY06, the 14th
International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental
Interactions, UC Irvine, California, 12-17 June 200
The influence of soft contact lens wear and two weeks cessation of lens wear on corneal curvature.
INTRODUCTION: Accurate corneal measurements are crucial in corneal refractive surgery (CRS) to ensure successful outcomes. Soft contact lens (SCL) wear may result in changes to corneal curvature and structure. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pre-operative guidelines recommend that prior to CRS, SCL wearers cease SCL wear for "at least two weeks before examination and treatment" [1]. Corneal curvature changes induced by SCL wear may take longer than two weeks to resolve. PURPOSE: To examine the effect of SCL wear on corneal curvature before and following two weeks SCL wear cessation. To explore the possible impact of different SCL materials and years of SCL wear. METHODS: Retrospective data analysis, between a group of SCL wearers (SCL: n=45); and a non-contact lens control group (NCL: n=45). Corneal curvature parameters were measured using the Pentacam (Oculus, Germany), before and following two weeks cessation of SCL wear. RESULTS: No significant differences in keratometry or Sagittal radius of curvature between SCL and NCL groups prior to or following SCL cessation. Tangential radius of curvature showed significant inferior steepening for the SCL group prior to SCL cessation (SCL vs. NCL; 7.77±0.30mm vs. 7.90±0.30mm; p=0.04). Following two weeks cessation of SCL wear this appeared to have resolved. CONCLUSIONS: Two weeks cessation of SCL wear appears sufficient for resolution of corneal curvature changes with modern SCL materials and years of SCL wear. However, further studies with longer lens deprivation periods are required to ensure stability for all SCL wearing patients
Colour reconnection in e+e- -> W+W- at sqrt(s) = 189 - 209 GeV
The effects of the final state interaction phenomenon known as colour
reconnection are investigated at centre-of-mass energies in the range sqrt(s) ~
189-209 GeV using the OPAL detector at LEP. Colour reconnection is expected to
affect observables based on charged particles in hadronic decays of W+W-.
Measurements of inclusive charged particle multiplicities, and of their angular
distribution with respect to the four jet axes of the events, are used to test
models of colour reconnection. The data are found to exclude extreme scenarios
of the Sjostrand-Khoze Type I (SK-I) model and are compatible with other
models, both with and without colour reconnection effects. In the context of
the SK-I model, the best agreement with data is obtained for a reconnection
probability of 37%. Assuming no colour reconnection, the charged particle
multiplicity in hadronically decaying W bosons is measured to be (nqqch) =
19.38+-0.05(stat.)+-0.08 (syst.).Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to Euro. Phys. J.
Scaling violations of quark and gluon jet fragmentation functions in e+e- annihilations at sqrt(s) = 91.2 and 183-209 GeV
Flavour inclusive, udsc and b fragmentation functions in unbiased jets, and
flavour inclusive, udsc, b and gluon fragmentation functions in biased jets are
measured in e+e- annihilations from data collected at centre-of-mass energies
of 91.2, and 183-209 GeV with the OPAL detector at LEP. The unbiased jets are
defined by hemispheres of inclusive hadronic events, while the biased jet
measurements are based on three-jet events selected with jet algorithms.
Several methods are employed to extract the fragmentation functions over a wide
range of scales. Possible biases are studied in the results are obtained. The
fragmentation functions are compared to results from lower energy e+e-
experiments and with earlier LEP measurements and are found to be consistent.
Scaling violations are observed and are found to be stronger for the
fragmentation functions of gluon jets than for those of quarks. The measured
fragmentation functions are compared to three recent theoretical
next-to-leading order calculations and to the predictions of three Monte Carlo
event generators. While the Monte Carlo models are in good agreement with the
data, the theoretical predictions fail to describe the full set of results, in
particular the b and gluon jet measurements.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys J.
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