63 research outputs found

    The Recipe for the Perfect Review? - An Investigation into the Determinants of Review Helpfulness

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    Online product reviews, originally intended to reduce consumers’ pre-purchase search and evaluation costs, have become so numerous that they are now themselves a source for information overload. To help consumers find high-quality reviews faster, review rankings based on consumers’ evaluations of their helpfulness were introduced. But many reviews are never evaluated and never ranked. Moreover, current helpfulness-based systems provide little or no advice to reviewers on how to write more helpful reviews. Average review quality and consumer search costs could be much improved if these issues were solved. This requires identifying the determinants of review helpfulness, which we carry out based on an adaption of Wang and Strong’s well-known data quality framework. Our empirical analysis shows that review helpfulness is influenced not only by single-review features but also by contextual factors expressing review value relative to all available reviews. Reviews for experiential goods differ systematically from reviews for utilitarian goods. Our findings, based on 27,104 reviews from Amazon.com across six product categories, form the basis for estimating preliminary helpfulness scores for unrated reviews and for developing interactive, personalized review writing support tools

    Estimating Optimal Recommendation Set Sizes for Individual Consumers

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    Online consumers must burrow through vast piles of product information to find the best match to their preferences. This has boosted the popularity of recommendation agents promising to decrease consumers\u27 search costs. Most recent work has focused on refining methods to find the best products for a consumer. The question of how many of these products the consumer actually wants to see, however, is largely unanswered. This paper develops a novel procedure based on signal detection theory to estimate the number of recommendable products. We compare it to a utility exchange approach that has not been empirically examined so far. The signal detection approach showed very good predictive validity in two laboratory experiments, clearly outperforming the utility exchange approach. Our theoretical findings, supported by the experimental evidence, indicate conceptual inconsistencies in the utility exchange approach. Our research offers significant implications for both theory and practice of modeling consumer choice behavior

    Think Twice Before You Buy! How Recommendations Affect Three-Stage Purchase Decision Processes

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    Consumer decision-making is usually modeled as a two-stage process of initial screening and subsequent in-depth consideration of attractive alternatives. Recent evidence indicates, however, that consideration is not necessarily the direct precursor of choice: consumers may narrow their consideration sets further to the choice set. We examine how choices in a three-stage purchase decision process evolve by observing consumer behavior in an online shopping experiment. Specifically, we examine the effects of system- and user-generated recommendations (SGR and UGR) moderated by gender. Our contribution to information systems research is threefold. First, we suggest a new experimental design for observing the stages in purchasing processes. Second, we show that effects of SGR and UGR indeed vary between stages. UGR reduce consideration set size and increase females’ choice probability while SGR reduce males’ transition probabilities. Third, our results suggest that omitting choice set formation can lead to incorrect estimates of choice probabilities

    Does Amazon Scare Off Customers? The Effect of Negative Spotlight Reviews on Purchase Intention

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    Online retailers provide review systems to consumers in order to improve perceived trustworthiness and boost sales. We examine the effects of review valence and valence intensity on consumer purchase intention. Review adoption emerges as a novel, important moderating variable. We find that positive reviews have a stronger effect on consumer purchase intention than negative reviews. Moderate reviews always lead to higher purchase intention than extreme reviews, but the size of the effect is greater for extremely negative reviews than moderately negative reviews. The effect is reversed for positive reviews. Our results imply that a recent innovation in Amazon’s review system, highlighting negative reviews along with positive spotlight reviews, must be designed carefully to avoid losing customers. Choosing the wrong combination of reviews can diminish the positive effect of spotlight reviews on sales by nearly 20%

    Walking the Middle Path: How Medium Trade-Off Exposure Leads to Higher Consumer Satisfaction in Recommender Agents

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    Recommender Agents (RAs) facilitate consumers’ online purchase decisions for complex, multi-attribute products. As not all combinations of attribute levels can be obtained, users are forced into trade-offs. The exposure of trade-offs in a RA has been found to affect consumers’ perceptions. However, little is known about how different preference elicitation methods in RAs affect consumers by varying degrees of trade-off exposure. We propose a research model that investigates how different levels of trade-off exposure cognitively and affectively influence consumers’ satisfaction with RAs. We operationalize these levels in three different RA types and test our hypotheses in a laboratory experiment with 116 participants. Our results indicate that with increasing tradeoff exposure, perceived enjoyment and perceived control follow an inverted U-shaped relationship. Hence, RAs using preference elicitation methods with medium trade-off exposure yield highest consumer satisfaction. This contributes to the understanding of trade-offs in RAs and provides valuable implications toe-commerce practitioners

    ICDP workshop on the Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin Project:Exploring the link between environmental factors and hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr

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    Scientific drill cores provide unique windows into the processes of the past and present. In the dynamic tectonic, environmental, climatic, and ecological setting that is eastern Africa, records recovered through scientific drilling enable us to look at change through time in unprecedented ways. Cores from the East African Rift System can provide valuable information about the context in which hominins evolved in one of the key regions of hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr. The Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin (DDTB) project seeks to explore the impact of several types of evolution (tectonic, climatic, biological) on ecosystems and environments. This includes addressing questions regarding the region’s complex and interrelated rifting and magmatic history, as well as understanding processes of sedimentation and associated hydrothermal systems within the East African Rift System. We seek to determine the relative impacts of tectonic and climatic evolution on eastern African ecosystems. We ask, what role (if any) did climate change play in the evolution of hominins? How can our understanding of past environmental change guide our planning for a future shaped by anthropogenic climate change? To organize the scientific community’s goals for deep coring in the Turkana Basin, we hosted a 4-day ICDP supported workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in July 2022. The team focused on how a 4 Myr sedimentary core from the Turkana Basin will uniquely address key scientific research objectives related to basin evolution, paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and modern resources. Participants also discussed how DDTB could collaborate with community partners in the Turkana Basin, particularly around the themes of access to water and education. The team concluded that collecting the proposed Pliocene to modern record is best accomplished through a 2-phase drilling project with a land-based transect of four cores spanning the interval from 4 Ma to Middle/Late Pleistocene (<0.7 Ma) and a lake-based core targeting the interval from ~1 Ma to present. The second phase, while logistically more challenging due to the lack of drilling infrastructure currently on Lake Turkana, would revolutionize our understanding of a significant interval in the evolution and migration of Homo sapiens for a time period not currently accessible from the Kenyan part of the Turkana Basin. Collectively, the DDTB project will provide exceptional tectonic and climatic data directly associated with one of the world’s richest hominin fossil localities

    ICDP workshop on the Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin Project:Exploring the link between environmental factors and hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr

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    Scientific drill cores provide unique windows into the processes of the past and present. In the dynamic tectonic, environmental, climatic, and ecological setting that is eastern Africa, records recovered through scientific drilling enable us to look at change through time in unprecedented ways. Cores from the East African Rift System can provide valuable information about the context in which hominins evolved in one of the key regions of hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr. The Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin (DDTB) project seeks to explore the impact of several types of evolution (tectonic, climatic, biological) on ecosystems and environments. This includes addressing questions regarding the region’s complex and interrelated rifting and magmatic history, as well as understanding processes of sedimentation and associated hydrothermal systems within the East African Rift System. We seek to determine the relative impacts of tectonic and climatic evolution on eastern African ecosystems. We ask, what role (if any) did climate change play in the evolution of hominins? How can our understanding of past environmental change guide our planning for a future shaped by anthropogenic climate change? To organize the scientific community’s goals for deep coring in the Turkana Basin, we hosted a 4-day ICDP supported workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in July 2022. The team focused on how a 4 Myr sedimentary core from the Turkana Basin will uniquely address key scientific research objectives related to basin evolution, paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and modern resources. Participants also discussed how DDTB could collaborate with community partners in the Turkana Basin, particularly around the themes of access to water and education. The team concluded that collecting the proposed Pliocene to modern record is best accomplished through a 2-phase drilling project with a land-based transect of four cores spanning the interval from 4 Ma to Middle/Late Pleistocene (<0.7 Ma) and a lake-based core targeting the interval from ~1 Ma to present. The second phase, while logistically more challenging due to the lack of drilling infrastructure currently on Lake Turkana, would revolutionize our understanding of a significant interval in the evolution and migration of Homo sapiens for a time period not currently accessible from the Kenyan part of the Turkana Basin. Collectively, the DDTB project will provide exceptional tectonic and climatic data directly associated with one of the world’s richest hominin fossil localities

    (Re-)Positionierung in Produktionsnetzwerken

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    Tuberculostearic Acid-Containing Phosphatidylinositols as Markers of Bacterial Burden in Tuberculosis

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    One-fourth of the global human population is estimated to be infected with strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB). Using lipidomic approaches, we show that tuberculostearic acid (TSA)-containing phosphatidylinositols (PIs) are molecular markers for infection with clinically relevant MTBC strains and signify bacterial burden. For the most abundant lipid marker, detection limits of ∼102^{2} colony forming units (CFUs) and ∼103^{3} CFUs for bacterial and cell culture systems were determined, respectively. We developed a targeted lipid assay, which can be performed within a day including sample preparation─roughly 30-fold faster than in conventional methods based on bacterial culture. This indirect and culture-free detection approach allowed us to determine pathogen loads in infected murine macrophages, human neutrophils, and murine lung tissue. These marker lipids inferred from mycobacterial PIs were found in higher levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of TB patients compared to healthy individuals. Moreover, in a small cohort of drug-susceptible TB patients, elevated levels of these molecular markers were detected at the start of therapy and declined upon successful anti-TB treatment. Thus, the concentration of TSA-containing PIs can be used as a correlate for the mycobacterial burden in experimental models and in vitro systems and may prospectively also provide a clinically relevant tool to monitor TB severity
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