642 research outputs found

    Export Trading Companies and S. 734

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    A suggested preschool program for the Woodstown-Pilesgrove Regional School District

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    The purpose of this study was to suggest a type of preschool curriculum that would be effective for the Woodstown-Pilesgrove School District. This was accomplished in various stages. First, library research was conducted at EIRC and the Rowan University Library to find recent literature on the various types of preschool curriculums. Then, because the needs of the community should be considered when designing a public preschool curriculum, an informal survey was designed to solicit the opinions of present and past kindergarten teachers in the Woodstown-Pilesgrove School District. The results of this narrative survey were used to design the major components of the preschool curriculum. The recommendations for the preschool program, determined through the survey, are the following: a NAEYC accredited preschool, located at the Mary S. Shoemaker School, should be publicly funded focusing on children who are at risk for school failure. Because of limited enrollment children with financial and academic need should receive priority for enrollment in the program. The preschool\u27s curriculum, while focusing on socialization, will also address kindergarten readiness skills. Children with special needs should attend, but training, consultative assistance, and additional teacher assistants should be provided by the district

    Risk of Loss in Shipping under the Hamburg Rules

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    The Law and Practice of Precontractual Documents

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    Farm manure

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    The availability of phosphorus in calcareous and non-calcareous soils

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    Das Technology Assessment und die Sozialwissenschaften: eine Replik zur Konzeption von Heft 2/86 von SuB

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    Der Verfasser setzt sich kritisch mit dem Schwerpunktthema von H. 2/86 von SuB auseinander, das auf das VerhĂ€ltnis von TechnikfolgenabschĂ€tzung (TA) und Sozialwissenschaft einging. Die Kritik richtet sich dabei nicht gegen die Autoren der BeitrĂ€ge, sondern vielmehr gegen die redaktionelle Konzeption des Heftes. Im einzelnen wendet er sich dagegen, daß die BeitrĂ€ge vor allem den Diskussionsstand um die Institutionalisierung des TA in der BRD dokumentierten anstatt den möglichen Beitrag der sozialwissenschaftlichen in der Forschung zum Thema herauszuarbeiten. Weiterhin vermißte er eine BeschĂ€ftigung mit der Frage der demokratischen Legitimation von Entscheidungen in Technologiefragen ebenso wie die Formulierung berufsstĂ€ndischer Interessen, die in einem Fachorgan eines Berufsverbandes zu erwarten sein könnte. (KO

    Power‐to‐Gas: CO2 Methanation Concepts for SNG Production at the Engler‐Bunte‐Institut

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    Power-to-Gas approaches comprise different activities to store electric power in form of gaseous energy carriers like hydrogen or methane. The synthesis of SNG (substitute natural gas) and its injection into the natural gas grid allows the utilization of the well-established infrastructure for natural gas storage, distribution and utilization without the need for further changes to the energy system. At the Engler-Bunte-Institut research focuses on catalytic methanation in catalytically coated metallic honeycomb reactors and in slurry bubble column reactors with the aim of evaluating alternative reactor concepts offering optimized heat transfer characteristics as well as maximizing the possibility of dynamic operation. Both concepts are attractive for small to medium scale power-to-gas applications. Hence, a scale-up was performed for bothreactor concepts with the aim of implementation on commercial scale
