2,023 research outputs found

    Spin Injection and Detection via the Anomalous Spin Hall Effect in a Ferromagnetic Metal

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    We report a novel spin injection and detection mechanism via the anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic metal. The anomalous spin Hall effect (ASHE) refers to the transverse spin current generated within the ferromagnet. We utilize the ASHE and its reciprocal effect to electrically inject and detect magnons in a magnetic insulator in a non-local geometry. Our experiments reveal that permalloy can have a higher spin injection and detection efficiency to that of platinum, owing to the ASHE. We also demonstrate the tunability of the ASHE via the orientation of the permalloy magnetization, thus creating new possibilities for spintronic applications

    Self-trapped electrons and holes in PbBr2_2 crystals

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    We have directly observed self-trapped electrons and holes in PbBr2_{2} crystals with electron-spin-resonance (ESR) technique. The self-trapped states are induced below 8 K by two-photon interband excitation with pulsed 120-fs-width laser light at 3.10 eV. Spin-Hamiltonian analyses of the ESR signals have revealed that the self-trapping electron centers are the dimer molecules of Pb2_23+^{3+} along the crystallographic a axis and the self-trapping hole centers are those of Br2_2^- with two possible configurations in the unit cell of the crystal. Thermal stability of the self-trapped electrons and holes suggests that both of them are related to the blue-green luminescence band at 2.55 eV coming from recombination of spatially separated electron-hole pairs.Comment: 8 pages (7 figures, 2 tables), ReVTEX; revised the text and figures 1, 4, and

    Computer simulation of chaperone effects of Archaeal C/D box sRNA binding on rRNA folding

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    Archaeal C/D box small RNAs (sRNAs) are homologues of eukaryotic C/D box small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Their main function is guiding 2′-O-ribose methylation of nucleotides in rRNAs. The methylation requires the pairing of an sRNA antisense element to an rRNA target site with formation of an RNA–RNA duplex. The temporary formation of such a duplex during rRNA maturation is expected to influence rRNA folding in a chaperone-like way, in particular in thermophilic Archaea, where multiple sRNAs with two binding sites are found. Here we investigate possible mechanisms of chaperone function of Archaeoglobus fulgidus and Pyrococcus abyssi C/D box sRNAs using computer simulations of rRNA secondary structure formation by genetic algorithm. The effects of sRNA binding on rRNA structure are introduced as temporary structural constraints during co-transcriptional folding. Comparisons of the final predictions with simulations without sRNA binding and with phylogenetic structures show that sRNAs with two antisense elements may significantly facilitate the correct formation of long-range interactions in rRNAs, in particular at elevated temperatures. The simulations suggest that the main mechanism of this effect is a transient restriction of folding in rRNA domains where the termini are brought together by binding to double-guide sRNAs

    Professional identity of future financiers as the basis of professional culture

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    Розкрито суть професійної ідентичності як складного, багатофункціонального явища, яке тісно пов’язано з професійним самовизначенням і формується в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх фінансистів. З'ясовано, що за своєю суттю професійна ідентичність має тісний взаємозв’язок із загальною культурою, системою цінностей, професіоналізмом і компетентностями фахівця, пов’язана зі змінами в структурі особистості. Автор вважає, що цілком ймовірно розглядати її як основу формування професійної культури майбутніх молодших фахівців з фінансів і кредиту.The essence of professional identity as a complex, multifunctional phenomenon, which is closely connected with professional self-determination and is formed in the process of professional training of future financiers, is disclosed. It has been found out that, in essence, professional identity has a close relationship with the general culture, system of values, professionalism and competence of a specialist associated with changes in the structure of the individual. The author believes that it is quite possible to consider it as the basis for the formation of a professional culture of future junior specialists in finance and credit

    Is severity of motor coordination difficulties related to co-morbidity in children at risk for developmental coordination disorder?

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    Aim of the study was to investigate whether 7-9 year old children with severe motor difficulties are more at risk of additional difficulties in activities in daily living, academic skills, attention and social skills than children with moderate motor difficulties. Children (N=6959) from a population based cohort, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), were divided into three groups based on their scores on the ALSPAC Coordination Test at age 7: control children (scores above 15th centile; N=5719 [82.1%]); children with moderate (between 5th and 15th centile; N=951 [13.7%]); and children with severe motor difficulties (below 5th centile N=289 [4.2%]). Children with neurological disorders or an IQ<70 were excluded. Logistic regression was used to compare children with moderate and severe motor coordination difficulties with each other and with control children regarding their risk of co-morbidity defined as significant (<10th centile) difficulties with activities of daily living (ADL); academic skills (reading, spelling and handwriting); attention; social skills (social cognition and nonverbal skills). Children with severe motor difficulties demonstrated a higher risk of difficulties in ADL, handwriting, attention, reading, and social cognition than children with moderate motor difficulties, who in turn had a higher risk of difficulties than control children in five out of seven domains. Screening and intervention of co-morbid problems is recommended for children with both moderate and severe motor difficulties

    Diet and exercise:a match made in bone

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    Purpose of Review: Multiple dietary components have the potential to positively affect bone mineral density in early life and reduce loss of bone mass with aging. In addition, regular weight-bearing physical activity has a strong positive effect on bone through activation of osteocyte signaling. We will explore possible synergistic effects of dietary components and mechanical stimuli for bone health by identifying dietary components that have the potential to alter the response of osteocytes to mechanical loading. Recent Findings: Several (sub)cellular aspects of osteocytes determine their signaling towards osteoblasts and osteoclasts in response to mechanical stimuli, such as the osteocyte cytoskeleton, estrogen receptor α, the vitamin D receptor, and the architecture of the lacunocanalicular system. Potential modulators of these features include 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3, several forms of vitamin K, and the phytoestrogen genistein. Summary: Multiple dietary components potentially affect osteocyte function and therefore may have a synergistic effect on bone health when combined with a regime of physical activity

    Timing of pubertal stages and breast cancer risk : the Breakthrough Generations Study

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    Introduction: Breast development and hormonal changes at puberty might affect breast cancer risk, but epidemiological analyses have focussed largely on age at menarche and not at other pubertal stages. Methods: We investigated associations between the timing of pubertal stages and breast cancer risk using data from a cohort study of 104,931 women (Breakthrough Generations Study, UK, 2003–2013). Pubertal variables were reported retrospectively at baseline. Breast cancer risk was analysed using Cox regression models with breast cancer diagnosis as the outcome of interest, attained age as the underlying time variable, and adjustment for potentially confounding variables. Results: During follow-up (mean = 4.1 years), 1094 breast cancers (including ductal carcinoma in situ) occurred. An increased breast cancer risk was associated with earlier thelarche (age when breast growth begins; HR [95% CI] = 1.23 [1.02, 1.48], 1 [referent] and 0.80 [0.69, 0.93] for ≤10, 11–12 and ≥13 years respectively), menarche (initiation of menses; 1.06 [0.93, 1.21], 1 [referent] and 0.78 [0.62, 0.99] for ≤12, 13–14 and ≥15 years), regular periods (0.99 [0.83, 1.18], 1 [referent] and 0.74 [0.59, 0.92] for ≤12, 13–14 and ≥15 years) and age reached adult height (1.25 [1.03, 1.52], 1 [referent] and 1.07 [0.87, 1.32] for ≤14, 15–16 and ≥17 years), and with increased time between thelarche and menarche (0.87 [0.65, 1.15], 1 [referent], 1.14 [0.96, 1.34] and 1.27 [1.04, 1.55] for <0, 0, 1 and ≥2 years), and shorter time between menarche and regular periods (1 [referent], 0.87 [0.73, 1.04] and 0.66 [0.50, 0.88] for 0, 1 and ≥2 years). These associations were generally similar when considered separately for premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer. Conclusions: Breast duct development may be a time of heightened susceptibility to risk of carcinogenesis, and greater attention needs to be given to the relation of breast cancer risk to the different stages of puberty