528 research outputs found

    Methods for suspensions of passive and active filaments

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    Flexible filaments and fibres are essential components of important complex fluids that appear in many biological and industrial settings. Direct simulations of these systems that capture the motion and deformation of many immersed filaments in suspension remain a formidable computational challenge due to the complex, coupled fluid--structure interactions of all filaments, the numerical stiffness associated with filament bending, and the various constraints that must be maintained as the filaments deform. In this paper, we address these challenges by describing filament kinematics using quaternions to resolve both bending and twisting, applying implicit time-integration to alleviate numerical stiffness, and using quasi-Newton methods to obtain solutions to the resulting system of nonlinear equations. In particular, we employ geometric time integration to ensure that the quaternions remain unit as the filaments move. We also show that our framework can be used with a variety of models and methods, including matrix-free fast methods, that resolve low Reynolds number hydrodynamic interactions. We provide a series of tests and example simulations to demonstrate the performance and possible applications of our method. Finally, we provide a link to a MATLAB/Octave implementation of our framework that can be used to learn more about our approach and as a tool for filament simulation

    The exceptional Herbig Ae star HD101412: The first detection of resolved magnetically split lines and the presence of chemical spots in a Herbig star

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    We obtained high-resolution, high signal-to-noise UVES and a few lower quality HARPS spectra revealing the presence of resolved magnetically split lines. HD101412 is the first Herbig Ae star for which the rotational Doppler effect was found to be small in comparison to the magnetic splitting. The measured mean magnetic field modulus varies from 2.5 to 3.5kG, while the mean quadratic field was found to vary in the range of 3.5 to 4.8kG. To determine the period of variations, we used radial velocity, equivalent width, line width, and line asymmetry measurements of variable spectral lines of several elements, as well as magnetic field measurements. The most pronounced variability was detected for spectral lines of He I and the iron peak elements, whereas the spectral lines of CNO elements are only slightly variable. From spectral variations and magnetic field measurements we derived a potential rotation period P_rot=13.86d, which has to be proven in future studies with a larger number of observations. It is the first time that the presence of element spots is detected on the surface of a Herbig Ae/Be star. Our previous study of Herbig Ae stars revealed a trend towards stronger magnetic fields for younger Herbig Ae stars, confirmed by statistical tests. This is in contrast to a few other (non-statistical) studies claiming that magnetic Herbig Ae stars are progenitors of the magnetic Ap stars. New developments in MHD theory show that the measured magnetic field strengths are compatible with a current-driven instability of toroidal fields generated by differential rotation in the stellar interior. This explanation for magnetic intermediate-mass stars could be an alternative to a frozen-in fossil field.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to appear in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Exact results for nonlinear ac-transport through a resonant level model

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    We obtain exact results for the transport through a resonant level model (noninteracting Anderson impurity model) for rectangular voltage bias as a function of time. We study both the transient behavior after switching on the tunneling at time t = 0 and the ensuing steady state behavior. Explicit expressions are obtained for the ac-current in the linear response regime and beyond for large voltage bias. Among other effects, we observe current ringing and PAT (photon assisted tunneling) oscillations.Comment: 7 page

    Charge transport through single molecules, quantum dots, and quantum wires

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    We review recent progresses in the theoretical description of correlation and quantum fluctuation phenomena in charge transport through single molecules, quantum dots, and quantum wires. A variety of physical phenomena is addressed, relating to co-tunneling, pair-tunneling, adiabatic quantum pumping, charge and spin fluctuations, and inhomogeneous Luttinger liquids. We review theoretical many-body methods to treat correlation effects, quantum fluctuations, nonequilibrium physics, and the time evolution into the stationary state of complex nanoelectronic systems.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, Topical Review for Nanotechnolog

    Real-Time-RG Analysis of the Dynamics of the Spin-Boson Model

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    Using a real-time renormalization group method we determine the complete dynamics of the spin-boson model with ohmic dissipation for coupling strengths α0.10.2\alpha\lesssim 0.1-0.2. We calculate the relaxation and dephasing time, the static susceptibility and correlation functions. Our results are consistent with quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the Shiba relation. We present for the first time reliable results for finite cutoff and finite bias in a regime where perturbation theory in α\alpha or in tunneling breaks down. Furthermore, an unambigious comparism to results from the Kondo model is achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Frequency-Dependent Current Noise through Quantum-Dot Spin Valves

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    We study frequency-dependent current noise through a single-level quantum dot connected to ferromagnetic leads with non-collinear magnetization. We propose to use the frequency-dependent Fano factor as a tool to detect single-spin dynamics in the quantum dot. Spin precession due to an external magnetic and/or a many-body exchange field affects the Fano factor of the system in two ways. First, the tendency towards spin-selective bunching of the transmitted electrons is suppressed, which gives rise to a reduction of the low-frequency noise. Second, the noise spectrum displays a resonance at the Larmor frequency, whose lineshape depends on the relative angle of the leads' magnetizations.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure