347 research outputs found

    Time-delayed feedback in neurosystems

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    The influence of time delay in systems of two coupled excitable neurons is studied in the framework of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. Time-delay can occur in the coupling between neurons or in a self-feedback loop. The stochastic synchronization of instantaneously coupled neurons under the influence of white noise can be deliberately controlled by local time-delayed feedback. By appropriate choice of the delay time synchronization can be either enhanced or suppressed. In delay-coupled neurons, antiphase oscillations can be induced for sufficiently large delay and coupling strength. The additional application of time-delayed self-feedback leads to complex scenarios of synchronized in-phase or antiphase oscillations, bursting patterns, or amplitude death.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Propagation failure of excitation waves on trees and random networks

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    Excitation waves are studied on trees and random networks of coupled active elements. Undamped propagation of such waves is observed in those networks. It represents an excursion from the resting state and a relaxation back to it for each node. However, the degrees of the nodes influence drastically the dynamics. Excitation propagates more slowly through nodes with larger degrees and beyond some critical degree waves lose their stability and disappear. For regular trees with a fixed branching ratio, the critical degree is determined with an approximate analytical theory which also holds locally for the early stage of excitation spreading in random networks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ep

    ECoG-based short-range recurrent stimulation techniques to stabilize tissue at risk of progressive damage: Theory based on clinical observations

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    We introduce theoretical concepts based on chaos control to stabilize in acute stroke the tissue at risk of progressive damage by preventing adverse effects of waves of mass neuronal depolarization. Moreover, we present clinical electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings of relevant signals suggested for the feedback control. The recordings are performed in combination with novel subdural opto-electrode technology for simultaneous laser-Doppler flowmetry in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). In aSAH patients waves of spreading depolarization (SD) have a high incidence and cause hypoxia in tissue at risk, and, importantly, the haemodynamic response is the inverse of that seen in healthy tissue. In previous clinical studies, clusters of prolonged SDs have been measured in aSAH patients in close proximity to structural brain damage as assessed by neuroimaging, and, in theoretical studies, a mechanism was presented, suggesting how a failure of internal feedback could be a putative mechanism of such SD cluster patterns in acute stroke. 

This failing internal feedback control is now suggested to be replaced by ECoG-based short-range recurrent functional stimulation that initiates the normal hyperperfusion haemodynamic response in a demand-controlled way and stabilizes the tissue at risk during the critical phase of SD passage. The suggested method has three key features: (i) it is short-range, i.e., in the order of the distance of the ECoG electrode strip, (ii) it is demand-controlled, and (iii) it uses no prior knowledge of the target state, in particular, it adapts to conditions in the healthy physiological range. On-demand type stimulation provides minimal invasive feedback as the control force is off when the target state is reached, i.e., the tissue at risk is without SD or it is back to the physiological range (out of risk). These last two features (ii-iii) are shared with classical methods of chaos control, where major progress was made in the last years with respect to extensions for spatio-temporal wave patterns. A detailed bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear model is presented, in particular, the SD cluster forming cortical state is suggested to be caused by a delay-induced saddle-node bifurcation.

    Validation of the German Revised Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mild Dementia in Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration

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    Background/Aims: The diagnostic accuracy of the German version of the revised Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE-R) in identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI), mild dementia in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild dementia in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) in comparison with the conventional Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was assessed. Methods: The study encompasses 76 cognitively healthy elderly individuals, 75 patients with MCI, 56 with AD and 22 with FTLD. ACE-R and MMSE were validated against an expert diagnosis based on a comprehensive diagnostic procedure. Statistical analysis was performed using the receiver operating characteristic method and regression analyses. Results: The optimal cut-off score for the ACE-R for detecting MCI, AD, and FTLD was 86/87, 82/83 and 83/84, respectively. ACE-R was superior to MMSE only in the detection of patients with FTLD {[}area under the curve (AUC): 0.97 vs. 0.92], whilst the accuracy of the two instruments did not differ in identifying MCI and AD. The ratio of the scores of the memory ACE-R subtest to verbal fluency subtest contributed significantly to the discrimination between AD and FTLD (optimal cut-off score: 2.30/2.31, AUC: 0.77), whereas the MMSE and ACE-R total scores did not. Conclusion: The German ACE-R is superior to the most commonly employed MMSE in detecting mild dementia in FTLD and in the differential diagnosis between AD and FTLD. Thus it might serve as a valuable instrument as part of a comprehensive diagnostic workup in specialist centres/clinics contributing to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the cause of dementia. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    A new approach to long-term reconstruction of the solar irradiance leads to large historical solar forcing

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    The variable Sun is the most likely candidate for natural forcing of past climate change on time scales of 50 to 1000 years. Evidence for this understanding is that the terrestrial climate correlates positively with solar activity. During the past 10,000 years, the Sun has experienced substantial variations in activity and there have been numerous attempts to reconstruct solar irradiance. While there is general agreement on how solar forcing varied during the last several hundred years --- all reconstructions are proportional to the solar activity --- there is scientific controversy on the magnitude of solar forcing. We present a reconstruction of the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance covering 130 nm--10 μ\mum from 1610 to the present with annual resolution and for the Holocene with 22-year resolution. We assume that the minimum state of the quiet Sun in time corresponds to the observed quietest area on the present Sun. Then we use available long-term proxies of the solar activity, which are 10^{10}Be isotope concentrations in ice cores and 22-year smoothed neutron monitor data, to interpolate between the present quiet Sun and the minimum state of the quiet Sun. This determines the long-term trend in the solar variability which is then superposed with the 11-year activity cycle calculated from the sunspot number. The time-dependent solar spectral irradiance from about 7000 BC to the present is then derived using a state-of-the-art radiation code. We derive a total and spectral solar irradiance that was substantially lower during the Maunder minimum than observed today. The difference is remarkably larger than other estimations published in the recent literature. The magnitude of the solar UV variability, which indirectly affects climate is also found to exceed previous estimates. We discuss in details the assumptions which leaded us to this conclusion.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Formation temperatures of thermogenic and biogenic methane

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    Methane is an important greenhouse gas and energy resource generated dominantly by methanogens at low temperatures and through the breakdown of organic molecules at high temperatures. However, methane-formation temperatures in nature are often poorly constrained. We measured formation temperatures of thermogenic and biogenic methane using a “clumped isotope” technique. Thermogenic gases yield formation temperatures between 157° and 221°C, within the nominal gas window, and biogenic gases yield formation temperatures consistent with their comparatively lower-temperature formational environments (<50°C). In systems where gases have migrated and other proxies for gas-generation temperature yield ambiguous results, methane clumped-isotope temperatures distinguish among and allow for independent tests of possible gas-formation models

    NLTE solar irradiance modeling with the COSI code

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    Context. The solar irradiance is known to change on time scales of minutes to decades, and it is suspected that its substantial fluctua- tions are partially responsible for climate variations. Aims. We are developing a solar atmosphere code that allows the physical modeling of the entire solar spectrum composed of quiet Sun and active regions. This code is a tool for modeling the variability of the solar irradiance and understanding its influence on Earth. Methods. We exploit further development of the radiative transfer code COSI that now incorporates the calculation of molecular lines. We validated COSI under the conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) against the synthetic spectra calculated with the ATLAS code. The synthetic solar spectra were also calculated in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) and compared to the available measured spectra. In doing so we have defined the main problems of the modeling, e.g., the lack of opacity in the UV part of the spectrum and the inconsistency in the calculations of the visible continuum level, and we describe a solution to these problems. Results. The improved version of COSI allows us to reach good agreement between the calculated and observed solar spectra as measured by SOLSTICE and SIM onboard the SORCE satellite and ATLAS 3 mission operated from the Space Shuttle. We find that NLTE effects are very important for the modeling of the solar spectrum even in the visual part of the spectrum and for its variability over the entire solar spectrum. In addition to the strong effect on the UV part of the spectrum, NLTE effects influence the concentration of the negative ion of hydrogen, which results in a significant change of the visible continuum level and the irradiance variability.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic