71 research outputs found

    Аліментні обов'язки інших членів сім'ї та родичів

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    Виявлено проблеми у врегулюванні аліментних обов’язків інших членів сім’ї та родичів, вироблено рекомендації щодо їх вирішення. Проаналізовано специфіку правового регулювання аліментних зобов’язань зазначених суб’єктів, сімейне законодавство та міжнародний досвід. Ключові слова: аліментні обов’язки, правове регулювання, сімейне законодавство.Выявлены проблемы в урегулировании алиментных обязанностей других членов семьи и родственников, выработаны рекомендации по их решению. Проанализирована специфика правового регулирования алиментных обязательств указанных субъектов, семейное законодательство и международный опыт. Ключевые слова: алиментные обязанности, правовое регулирование, семейное законодавствоThis article is dedicated to identifying problems in the regulation of the alimentary obligations of other family members and relatives, and to making recommendations and proposing solutions. Studing the specificity of the legal regulation of alimentary obligations of these entities, analysing the current family law and international experience are very important. Key words: alimentary obligations, legal regulation, family law

    Baghuk Mountain (Central Iran): high-resolution stratigraphy of a continuous Central Tethyan Permian–Triassic boundary section

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    Permian–Triassic boundary sections at Baghuk Mountain (Central Iran) are investigated with respect to their lithological succession, biostratigraphy (particularly conodonts, nautiloids and ammonoids) as well as chemostratigraphy (carbon isotopes). The rock successions consist of the Late Permian Hambast Formation, the youngest Permian Baghuk Member (new name for the “Boundary Clay”) and the Early Triassic Claraia beds. Correlation of the data allows the establishment of a high-resolution stratigraphy based on conodonts with seven Changhsingian zones. Abundant ammonoids enable the separation of ammonoid assemblages with the successive Wuchiapingian genera Prototoceras, Pseudotoceras and Vedioceras, as well as the Changhsingian genera Shevyrevites, Paratirolites, Alibashites, Abichites and Arasella. Griesbachian and Dienerian ammonoids are usually poorly preserved. Nautiloids occur predominantly in the Wuchiapingian part of the section with two successive assemblages dominated by the Liroceratidae and Tainoceratidae, respectively. Numerous Early Triassic strata contain microbialites of various outer morphology and microstructure. The carbon isotope curve (δ13Ccarb) shows a continuous late Changhsingian negative excursion continuing across the Baghuk Member with the lightest values at the base of the Triassic.</p

    Dynamic anoxic ferruginous conditions during the end-Permian mass extinction and recovery

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    The end-Permian mass extinction, ~252 million years ago, is notable for a complex recovery period of ~5 Myr. Widespread euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) oceanic conditions have been proposed as both extinction mechanism and explanation for the protracted recovery period, yet the vertical distribution of anoxia in the water column and its temporal dynamics through this time period are poorly constrained. Here we utilize Fe–S–C systematics integrated with palaeontological observations to reconstruct a complete ocean redox history for the Late Permian to Early Triassic, using multiple sections across a shelf-to-basin transect on the Arabian Margin (Neo-Tethyan Ocean). In contrast to elsewhere, we show that anoxic non-sulfidic (ferruginous), rather than euxinic, conditions were prevalent in the Neo-Tethys. The Arabian Margin record demonstrates the repeated expansion of ferruginous conditions with the distal slope being the focus of anoxia at these times, as well as short-lived episodes of oxia that supported diverse biota

    Outcome measures for the assessment of new antiepileptic drugs

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