1,268 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle interference from different impurities on the surface of pyrochlore iridates: signatures of the Weyl phase

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    Weyl semimetals are gapless three-dimensional topological materials where two bands touch at an even number of points in the bulk Brillouin zone. These semimetals exhibit topologically protected surface Fermi arcs, which pairwise connect the projected bulk band touchings in the surface Brillouin zone. Here, we analyze the quasiparticle interference patterns of the Weyl phase when time-reversal symmetry is explicitly broken. We use a multi-band dd-electron Hubbard Hamiltonian on a pyrochlore lattice, relevant for the pyrochlore iridate R2_2Ir2_2O7_7 (where R is a rare earth). Using exact diagonalization, we compute the surface spectrum and quasiparticle interference (QPI) patterns for various surface terminations and impurities. We show that the spin and orbital texture of the surface states can be inferred from the absence of certain backscattering processes and from the symmetries of the QPI features for non-magnetic and magnetic impurities. Furthermore, we show that the QPI patterns of the Weyl phase in pyrochlore iridates may exhibit additional interesting features that go beyond those found previously in TaAs.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Andreev spectroscopy and surface density of states for a three-dimensional time-reversal invariant topological superconductor

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    A topological superconductor is a fully gapped superconductor that exhibits exotic zero-energy Andreev surface states at interfaces with a normal metal. In this paper we investigate the properties of a three-dimensional time reversal invariant topological superconductor by means of a two-band model with unconventional pairing in both the inter- and intraband channels. Due to the bulk-boundary correspondence the presence of Andreev surface states in this system is directly related to the topological structure of the bulk wavefunctions, which is characterized by a winding number. Using quasiclassical scattering theory we construct the spectrum of the Andreev bound states that appear near the surface and compute the surface density of states for various surface orientations. Furthermore, we consider the effects of band splitting, i.e., the breaking of an inversion-type symmetry, and demonstrate that in the absence of band splitting there is a direct transition between the fully gapped topologically trivial phase and the nontrivial phase, whereas in the presence of band splitting there exists a finite region of a gapless nodal superconducting phase between the fully gapped topologically trivial and nontrivial phases.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, two footnotes adde

    Influence of higher d-wave gap harmonics on the dynamical magnetic susceptibility of high-temperature superconductors

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    Using a fermiology approach to the computation of the magnetic susceptibility measured by neutron scattering in hole-doped high-Tc superconductors, we estimate the effects on the incommensurate peaks caused by higher d-wave harmonics of the superconducting order parameter induced by underdoping. The input parameters for the Fermi surface and d-wave gap are taken directly from angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on Bi{2}Sr{2}CaCu{2}O{8+x} (Bi2212). We find that higher d-wave harmonics lower the momentum dependent spin gap at the incommensurate peaks as measured by the lowest spectral edge of the imaginary part in the frequency dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Bi2212. This effect is robust whenever the fermiology approach captures the physics of high-Tc superconductors. At energies above the resonance we observe diagonal incommensurate peaks. We show that the crossover from parallel incommensuration below the resonance energy to diagonal incommensuration above it is connected to the values and the degeneracies of the minima of the 2-particle energy continuum.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Origin of Rashba-splitting in the quantized subbands at Bi2Se3 surface

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    We study the band structure of the Bi2Se3\text{Bi}_2\text{Se}_3 topological insulator (111) surface using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We examine the situation where two sets of quantized subbands exhibiting different Rashba spin-splitting are created via bending of the conduction (CB) and the valence (VB) bands at the surface. While the CB subbands are strongly Rashba spin-split, the VB subbands do not exhibit clear spin-splitting. We find that CB and VB experience similar band bending magnitudes, which means, a spin-splitting discrepancy due to different surface potential gradients can be excluded. On the other hand, by comparing the experimental band structure to first principles LMTO band structure calculations, we find that the strongly spin-orbit coupled Bi 6pp orbitals dominate the orbital character of CB, whereas their admixture to VB is rather small. The spin-splitting discrepancy is, therefore, traced back to the difference in spin-orbit coupling between CB and VB in the respective subbands' regions

    Seroepidemiological survey for canine angiostrongylosis in dogs from Germany and the UK using combined detection of Angiostrongylus vasorum antigen and specific antibodies

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    Dogs infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum, a potentially lethal parasite parasitizing the heart and pulmonary arteries, may present severe respiratory, haematological and neurological signs. In this first large-scale seroepidemiological survey, 4003 sera originating from Germany and 4030 from the UK were tested by an ELISA for the detection of circulating antigen of A. vasorum, and by a separate ELISA detecting specific antibodies. In Germany, where mainly western federal states were sampled, 0·3% (n = 13, CI: 0·2-0·6%) of dogs were positive in both ELISAs, whereas in total 0·5% (n = 20, CI: 0·3-0·8%) were antigen-positive and 2·25% (n = 90, CI: 1·8-2·8%) were positive for specific antibodies. Regions with antigen- and antibody-positive animals were overlapping. In the UK, where mainly the south of the country was sampled, 0·97% (n = 39, CI: 0·7-1·3%) of dogs were antigen- and antibody positive. In total, 1·32% (n = 53, CI: 1·0-1·7%) were antigen-positive, and 3·2% (n = 129, CI: 2·7-3·8%) were positive for specific antibodies, again in overlapping regions. These results confirm the occurrence of A. vasorum in a random dog population originating from large parts of the countries investigated. The use of the tests alone or in combination was considered as a function of their sensitivities and specificities, in order to guide efficient clinical and epidemiological applicatio