1,483 research outputs found

    Essential oils as antioxidants of different coloured carrot cultivars (Daucus carota L. ssp. sativus Hoffm.)

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    Eight different coloured carrot cultivars, in orange, white, yellow, purple with orange or yellow and cream core, and red colour, were examined for their content and composition of essential oils and for their antioxidant capacity. For this purpose, two biochemical test systems were chosen (ABTS-test, MDA-test for lipid peroxidation). White and yellow carrot cultivars contained higher amounts of essential oils than orange cultivars. ‘Nutri Red’ had very high content of essential oils. There were significant differences between the cultivars in composition of their essential oils as shown by nine monoterpenes and two sesquiterpenes.In both test systems essential oils of carrots showed antioxidant activity. The essential oils of purple and yellow coloured carrots had higher TEAC values than the essential oils of orange, white and red carrots

    Laryngeal Nerve Activity During Pulse Emission in the CF-FM Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. I. Superior Laryngeal Nerve (External Motor Branch)

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    The activity of the external (motor) branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN), innervating the cricothyroid muscle, was recorded in the greater horseshoe bat,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. The bats were induced to change the frequency of the constant frequency (CF) component of their echolocation signals by presenting artificial signals for which they Doppler shift compensated. The data show that the SLN discharge rate and the frequency of the emitted CF are correlated in a linear manner

    TG-DTA and DSC investigations of ''pinhão'' starch modified by calcium hypochlorite and UV light.

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    Starches, when in its native forms, usually do not have the characteristics required for industrial processing. ''Pinhão'', a seed from the Araucaria angustifolia tree, has starch as main presenting as a great alternative source of starch. Samples of native ''pinhão'' starch were treated with standard calcium hypochlorite solutions (0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mol L-1) and exposed for one hour under UV light. The modification process applied altered the thermal behavior of the ''pinhão'' starch as the TGA-DTA and DSC results presented.Edição dos Anais do 7º Simpósio de Análise Térmica, 2015, Bauru

    Biodiversité comparée des ripisylves du Rhône et de ses affluents (Cèze, Ouvèze, Durance) dans la région méditerranéenne.

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    Les forêts alluviales du Rhône méditerranéen, du Bas-Rhône à la Camargue, ont été affectées, durant le XIXe siècle, par les endiguements et la canalisation, qui ont provoqué un abaissement des niveaux moyens de nappe et une diminution des surfaces inondables. Ces forêts, intensivement exploitées durant des siècles, souffrent actuellement de grignotages pour l'agriculture ou les loisirs, et d'assèchement en raison des travaux hydrauliques. Cette étude tente de quantifier les pertes en habitats et en espèces végétales à la suite des travaux hydrauliques et des défrichements, par une comparaison entre les forêts alluviales du Bas-Rhône et celles de certains affluents mieux préservés (Ouvèze, Durance, Cèze). Des mesures de restauration sont proposées pour ces forêts remarquables

    Thermal and rheological behavior of native and modified starch Araucaria angustifolia (pinhão).

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    Araucaria angustifolia is known in Brazil as Paraná Pine is endangered due to reckless extraction. The preservation and maintenance of the culture could be stimulated by use derivative products like the starch from its seeds (pinhão). In this work were studied samples of unmodified and modified pinhão starch. The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used in the concentrations 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mol.L-1 (a, b, c) and simultaneously exposed in ultraviolet rays (λ = 256 nm) for one hour. One sample (N) was maintained as received for comparisons of the analysis results. The samples were analyzed by the thermoanalytical techniques: thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); and by the rheological analysis: Rapid Viscoamylographic Analysis (RVA). The TGA showed an increase on the stability values form the (N) sample to the modified ones. The DSC showed a strong decrease on the gelatinization enthalpy with increasing of the H2O2 concentrations solutions valued for the modified samples. The RVA results presented that the Setback reduced with the treatment that used hydrogen peroxide in a higher concentration. The obtained results showed that the modification method applied altered the thermal behavior of the pinhão starch.CBRATEC

    Human SWI/SNF directs sequence-specific chromatin changes on promoter polynucleosomes

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    Studies in humans and other species have revealed that a surprisingly large fraction of nucleosomes adopt specific positions on promoters, and that these positions appear to be determined by nucleosome positioning DNA sequences (NPSs). Recent studies by our lab, using minicircles containing only one nucleosome, indicated that the human SWI/SNF complex (hSWI/SNF) prefers to relocate nucleosomes away from NPSs. We now make use of novel mapping techniques to examine the hSWI/SNF sequence preference for nucleosome movement in the context of polynucleosomal chromatin, where adjacent nucleosomes can limit movement and where hSWI/SNF forms altered dinucleosomal structures. Using two NPS templates (5S rDNA and 601) and two hSWI/SNF target promoter templates (c-myc and UGT1A1), we observed hSWI/SNF-driven depletion of normal mononucleosomes from almost all positions that were strongly favored by assembly. In some cases, these mononucleosomes were moved to hSWI/SNF-preferred sequences. In the majority of other cases, one repositioned mononucleosome appeared to combine with an unmoved mononucleosome forming a specifically localized altered or normal dinucleosome. These effects result in dramatic, template-specific changes in nucleosomal distribution. Taken together, these studies indicate hSWI/SNF is likely to activate or repress transcription of its target genes by generating promoter sequence-specific changes in chromatin configuration

    S-band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS): survey description and maps

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    We present the S-Band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS), a survey of polarized radio emission over the southern sky at Dec~<1< -1^\circ taken with the Parkes radio telescope at 2.3~GHz. The main aim was to observe at a frequency high enough to avoid strong depolarization at intermediate Galactic latitudes (still present at 1.4 GHz) to study Galactic magnetism, but low enough to retain ample Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) at high latitudes for extragalactic and cosmological science. We developed a new scanning strategy based on long azimuth scans, and a corresponding map-making procedure to make recovery of the overall mean signal of Stokes QQ and UU possible, a long-standing problem with polarization observations. We describe the scanning strategy, map-making procedure, and validation tests. The overall mean signal is recovered with a precision better than 0.5\%. The maps have a mean sensitivity of 0.81 mK on beam--size scales and show clear polarized signals, typically to within a few degrees of the Galactic plane, with ample S/N everywhere (the typical signal in low emission regions is 13 mK, and 98.6\% of the pixels have S/N >3> 3). The largest depolarization areas are in the inner Galaxy, associated with the Sagittarius Arm. We have also computed a Rotation Measure map combining S-PASS with archival data from the WMAP and Planck experiments. A Stokes II map has been generated, with a sensitivity limited to the confusion level of 9 mK.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. Maps are available for download at the website indicated in the manuscrip