83 research outputs found

    Confidence and Backaction in the Quantum Filter Equation

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    We study the confidence and backaction of state reconstruction based on a continuous weak measurement and the quantum filter equation. As a physical example we use the traditional model of a double quantum dot being continuously monitored by a quantum point contact. We examine the confidence of the estimate of a state constructed from the measurement record, and the effect of backaction of that measurement on that state. Finally, in the case of general measurements we show that using the relative entropy as a measure of confidence allows us to define the lower bound on the confidence as a type of quantum discord.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Transcriptome in Planktonic Cultures and Static Biofilms Using RNA Sequencing

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    In this study, we evaluated how gene expression differs in mature Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms as opposed to planktonic cells by the use of RNA sequencing technology that gives rise to both quantitative and qualitative information on the transcriptome. Although a large proportion of genes were consistently regulated in both the stationary phase and biofilm cultures as opposed to the late exponential growth phase cultures, the global biofilm gene expression pattern was clearly distinct indicating that biofilms are not just surface attached cells in stationary phase. A large amount of the genes found to be biofilm specific were involved in adaptation to microaerophilic growth conditions, repression of type three secretion and production of extracellular matrix components. Additionally, we found many small RNAs to be differentially regulated most of them similarly in stationary phase cultures and biofilms. A qualitative analysis of the RNA-seq data revealed more than 3000 putative transcriptional start sites (TSS). By the use of rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5′-RACE) we confirmed the presence of three different TSS associated with the pqsABCDE operon, two in the promoter of pqsA and one upstream of the second gene, pqsB. Taken together, this study reports the first transcriptome study on P. aeruginosa that employs RNA sequencing technology and provides insights into the quantitative and qualitative transcriptome including the expression of small RNAs in P. aeruginosa biofilms

    A contabilidade gerencial e os métodos multicriteriais

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    Os métodos multicritérios agregam um valor significativo à informação contábil, na medida em que não somente permitem a abordagem de problemas considerados complexos e, por isto mesmo, não tratáveis pelos procedimentos intuitivo-empíricos usuais, mas também conferem, ao processo de tomada de decisão uma clareza e conseqüente transparência não disponíveis quando esses procedimentos, ou outros métodos de natureza monocritério, são utilizados. Discorre-se acerca dos métodos multicriteriais de apoio à tomada de decisão, citando conceitos e referências históricas, abordando medidas subjetivas e seu uso pela contabilidade gerencial, apresentando os principais métodos multi-atributos de apoio à tomada de decisão e alguns casos de aplicação na área contábil.Multicriterion methods aggregate a significant value to accounting information, since they do not only allow for the treatment of problems that are considered complex and that, therefore, cannot be treated by the usual intuitive-empirical procedures, but also provide the decision-making process with a level of clearness and, consequently, transparency that is not available when these procedures or other monocriterion methods are used. This article deals with the multicriterion methods that support decisionmaking, quoting concepts and historical references, discussing subjective measures and their use in management accounting and presenting the main multi-attribute methods used in support of decision-making and some examples of their application in the accounting area

    Multi-criteria decision analysis with goal programming in engineering, management and social sciences: a state-of-the art review

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    Operations Research Methodology Life Cycle Trend Phases as Recorded in Journal Articles

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    This paper applies life cycle concepts to forecast and explore trends in the publication rates of operations research (OR) methodology journal articles. The confirmatory part of this study seeks to show the accuracy of life cycles to forecast a trend for a single OR methodology. The exploratory part of this study extends the use of life cycle forecasting to a broader collection of OR methodologies. This part of the study entails a collection of keywords for OR methodologies from over 8,000 journal articles. The results show a life cycle can be used to forecast a trend in OR journal article methodology productivity based on keyword listings. This paper also reveals trends in methodology usage for leading OR journals in Europe and the US. The existence and use of life cycle trends in the OR methodology research have ramifications on new directions for research, research funding, and OR text¬book content