12 research outputs found

    Hacia una metodología cualitativa audiovisual

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    Perspektiven einer Visuellen Soziologie. Schlaglichter und blinde Flecken einer aktuellen soziologischen Debatte

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    In diesem Themenheft der Zeitschrift Soziale Welt sind Aufsätze versammelt, die sich mit theoretischen und methodischen Aspekten einer Visuellen Soziologie auseinanderset- zen. Aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven werden die Auswirkungen gesteigerter Visualisierung für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft diskutiert. Sie leisten damit Beiträge zu einer dringenden Debatte über die Folgen sich verändernder technischer und medialer Möglichkeiten für die Praxis sozial- wissenschaftlicher Forschung und die soziologische Theoriebildung.Peer reviewe

    Videographic analysis of religious and secular rituals: Examples from a study on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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    This chapter offers an innovative approach to the study and analysis of rituals by introducing video analysis to the realm of research on contemporary forms of religion. By referring to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day as an example, the chapter discusses the opportunities and limitations of studying ritual performances in different national and religious contexts through a microanalytic approach that is embedded in ethnographic fieldwork. It exemplifies the methodological procedure of video analysis using extracts from our ongoing research on memory rituals. Then the chapter looks to reflect on ways in which video analysis can contribute to a visual sociology of religion and how it can be combined with other qualitative methods for the study of contemporary religious phenomena. Finally, it shed light on challenges and opportunities this approach offers for the study of religion and relate these findings to the broader sociological notion of a major structural change in the social form of contemporary religion.Funding was partly provided by a DAAD-Spanish Ministry in the framework of Acción Integrada España-Alemania (ref.: 0811946), and by the Bayrische Forschungsallianz (ref.: BayIntAn_Uni_Bayreuth_2013_07).Peer reviewe

    Visuelle Analyse. Neue Entwicklungen in der interpretativen Analyse von Video und Fotografie

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    The use of visual research methods has become increasingly widespread throughout the social sciences. From their origins in disciplines like social anthropology and sociology, visual research methods are now firmly entrenched in major fields of inquiry, including sociology, health and nursing studies, educational research, criminology, human and cultural geography, media and cultural studies, discursive and social psychology, management and organisation studies, political science and policy analysis. The rapid development of information technology, facilitating the creation and editing of digitised data, and computer-based techniques for the storage and management of visual data, means that new methodological approaches are being developed and are envisaged for the near future. Some important and promising approaches are presented in this issue by a number of researchers from different angles of the interpretive social sciences. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803148La utilización de métodos de investigación visual se ha extendido progresivamente en las ciencias sociales. Desde sus orígenes en disciplinas como la antropología social y la sociología, los métodos de investigación visual están ahora firmemente establecidos en los principales campos de estudio, incluyendo la sociología, los estudios sobre salud y enfermería, investigación educativa, criminología, geografía humana y cultural, estudios culturales y de medios, psicología social y discursiva, estudios de organización y gestión, ciencia política y análisis de políticas públicas. El rápido desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, que facilitan la creación y edición de datos digitales, así como las técnicas informáticas para el almacenamiento y gestión de datos visuales, implican el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos metodológicos en el presente y tienen un prometedor futuro. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803148Die Verwendung visueller Forschungsmethoden erfährt in den Sozialwissenschaften eine immer stärkere Verbreitung. Ausgehend von ihren Ursprüngen in Disziplinen wie der Sozialanthropologie und Soziologie sind visuelle Forschungsmethoden mittlerweile in zahlreichen Forschungsfeldern fest verwurzelt, unter anderem in der Soziologie, den Gesundheits- und Erziehungswissenschaften, der Kriminologie, der Human- und Kulturgeografie, der Medienforschung und den Cultural Studies, der Diskursanalyse und der Sozialpsychologie, der Management- und Organisationsforschung sowie der Politikwissenschaft. Die rapide Entwicklung von Informationstechnologie erleichtert die Anfertigung und Bearbeitung von digitalen Medien und bringt die computergestützten Techniken der Speicherung und Bearbeitung visueller Daten voran. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung neuer methodischer Instrumente für die Zukunft. In diesem Band werden einige der vielversprechendsten Ansätze der interpretativen Sozialwissenschaft aus verschiedenen disziplinären Blickwinkeln vorgestellt. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs080314

    Visual analysis: new developments in the interpretative analysis of video and photography

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    The use of visual research methods has become increasingly widespread throughout the social sciences. From their origins in disciplines like social anthropology and sociology, visual research methods are now firmly entrenched in major fields of inquiry, including sociology, health and nursing studies, educational research, criminology, human and cultural geography, media and cultural studies, discursive and social psychology, management and organisation studies, political science and policy analysis. The rapid development of information technology, facilitating the creation and editing of digitised data, and computer-based techniques for the storage and management of visual data, means that new methodological approaches are being developed and are envisaged for the near future. Some important and promising approaches are presented in this issue by a number of researchers from different angles of the interpretive social sciences.Die Verwendung visueller Forschungsmethoden erfährt in den Sozialwissenschaften eine immer stärkere Verbreitung. Ausgehend von ihren Ursprüngen in Disziplinen wie der Sozialanthropologie und Soziologie sind visuelle Forschungsmethoden mittlerweile in zahlreichen Forschungsfeldern fest verwurzelt, unter anderem in der Soziologie, den Gesundheits- und Erziehungswissenschaften, der Kriminologie, der Human- und Kulturgeografie, der Medienforschung und den Cultural Studies, der Diskursanalyse und der Sozialpsychologie, der Management- und Organisationsforschung sowie der Politikwissenschaft. Die rapide Entwicklung von Informationstechnologie erleichtert die Anfertigung und Bearbeitung von digitalen Medien und bringt die computergestützten Techniken der Speicherung und Bearbeitung visueller Daten voran. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung neuer methodischer Instrumente für die Zukunft. In diesem Band werden einige der vielversprechendsten Ansätze der interpretativen Sozialwissenschaft aus verschiedenen disziplinären Blickwinkeln vorgestellt.La utilización de métodos de investigación visual se ha extendido progresivamente en las ciencias sociales. Desde sus orígenes en disciplinas como la antropología social y la sociología, los métodos de investigación visual están ahora firmemente establecidos en los principales campos de estudio, incluyendo la sociología, los estudios sobre salud y enfermería, investigación educativa, criminología, geografía humana y cultural, estudios culturales y de medios, psicología social y discursiva, estudios de organización y gestión, ciencia política y análisis de políticas públicas. El rápido desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, que facilitan la creación y edición de datos digitales, así como las técnicas informáticas para el almacenamiento y gestión de datos visuales, implican el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos metodológicos en el presente y tienen un prometedor futuro

    Visual Analysis. New Developments in the Interpretative Analysis of Video and Photography

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    The use of visual research methods has become increasingly widespread throughout the social sciences. From their origins in disciplines like social anthropology and sociology, visual research methods are now firmly entrenched in major fields of inquiry, including sociology, health and nursing studies, educational research, criminology, human and cultural geography, media and cultural studies, discursive and social psychology, management and organisation studies, political science and policy analysis. The rapid development of information technology, facilitating the creation and editing of digitised data, and computer-based techniques for the storage and management of visual data, means that new methodological approaches are being developed and are envisaged for the near future. Some important and promising approaches are presented in this issue by a number of researchers from different angles of the interpretive social sciences. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs080314

    Recuerdo y comunicación: sociohermenéutica de rituales de memoria

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    The analysis of memory rituals represents a methodological challenge for an interpretative social science. Ritual interactions are inscribed in a broader context, which is determined by symbolic traditions and the institutional agreements that configure the general framework of ceremonies. The study of rituals held on International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th is an opportunity to highlight the linkages between these different levels in the analysis. Our data is based on a videographic research project that probes into the thesis of a “global” memory culture, according to which particular memories coexist and at the same time converge and interact with transnational forms of remembrance. For the analysis we follow methodological approaches rooted in the sociology of knowledge and the sociology of communicative genres.<br><br>El análisis de rituales performativos de memoria supone un reto metodológico para la investigación social interpretativa, ya que las interacciones rituales están inscritas en un contexto más amplio, que está determinado por las tradiciones simbólicas y por los acuerdos institucionales que configuran el marco de las ceremonias. A partir del estudio de ceremonias conmemorativas del Día Internacional de Recuerdo del Holocausto se mostrará la interconexión en el análisis de estos distintos niveles. Para ello nos basamos en datos videográficos de un proyecto de investigación en curso sobre ceremonias de memoria del Holocausto en Espana y Alemania, que examina la tesis sobre una incipiente “cultura de la memoria global”. En el análisis de los materiales seguimos enfoques metodológicos que provienen de la sociología del conocimiento hermenéutica y la sociología de géneros comunicativos

    Ghosts of the Holocaust in Franco’s mass graves: Cosmopolitan memories and the politics of “never again”

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    This essay presents a sociological analysis of what is known in Spain as the “recovery of historical memory” and the politics deriving from this recovery. This process was catalyzed by the exhumations of the remains of victims of Francoism that have been under way since the beginning of the twenty-first century. In order to do this, we will use the literature on cosmopolitan sociology and provide a dialogue between this sociology and recent developments in the study of social and cultural memory using concepts like postmemory, multidirectional, and cosmopolitan memory. The article moves beyond the national context and looks at Spanish memory politics through the theory and praxis of Holocaust memory on the one hand and the memory of the Argentinean victims of the military dictatorship on the other hand. This will enable us to identify the components and problems of a culture and politics of globalized memory.Peer reviewe