25 research outputs found

    Adam Badeau\u27s The Story ofthe Merrimac and the Monitor

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    Every American schoolboy knows the story of the historic battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor , wrote historian Bernard Brodie in his 1941 classic Sea Power in the Machine Age. General Adam Badeau played a significant part in telling American children about the battle by means ofhis article The Story ofthe Merrimac and the Monitor , published in the April 1887 issue of St. Nicholas magazine, the outstanding American juvenile periodical ofits day. The original manuscript ofthis article, reprinted here, is preserved in the George Arents Research Library at Syracuse University

    A Littoral Frustration: The Union Navy and the Siegeof Charleston, 1863-1865

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    On 7 April 1863 nine Union Ironclads in line-ahead formation, under the command of Rear Admiral Samuel Francis Du Pont, stood into the harbor of Char1eston, South Carolina. Du Pont, one of the Union navy\u27s leading officers, had already won fame by capturing Port Royal, South Carolina, in November 1861. Now commanding the Union\u27s most technologically advanced ships--seven Passaic-class monitors, the broadside ironclad New Iron­sides, and the lightly armored Keokuk-he was setting his sights on the cradle of the rebellion

    Intentional Omissions from the Published Civil War Diaries of Admiral John A. Dahlgren

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    This article explains the events surrounding the publication of the biography of John A. Dahlgren, collected and penned by his wife Marguerite. The article was researched with the aid of the John A. Dahlgren Papers at the Syracuse University Special Collection. Marguerite had motives to exalt her husband\u27s life: he had become an unpopular and controversial figure despite his accomplishments, and Marguerite was also in the process of petitioning Congress, seeking to receive royalties for her husband\u27s military inventions

    Confederate Raider: Raphael Semmes of the Alabama

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    The development of Dahlgren's heavy cast-iron smoothbores and their adoption by the navy

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    Review Essay—Official History, Not “Instant Analysis”

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    Shield and Sword: The United States Navy and the Persian Gulf Wa

    Sumter Is Avenged!: The Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski

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