222 research outputs found

    Potential shift in tree species composition after interaction of fire and drought in the Central Alps

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    The future trajectory of forest ecosystems under climate change is heavily debated. Previous studies on the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems have focused mainly on direct effects of altered climatic conditions, whereas interactions with disturbance events have been largely neglected. The aim of this study is to explore interactions of drought with fire disturbance and to assess their effects on tree species shifts in the European Central Alps. Tree recruitment after a stand replacing wildfire in the Rhone valley, Switzerland, was measured along an altitudinal temperature moisture gradient. Recruitment was more successful in pioneer species (Betula pendula, Populus tremula and Salix appendiculata) than in pre-fire stand forming (PFSF) species (Larix decidua, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris). Seedling and sapling density was not related to fire intensity, but it correlated with the distance to the forest edge in PFSF species. The window of opportunity for seedling establishment was short (1-2years), and moisture deficit was the main limiting factor for tree recruitment at lower altitudes. We suggest that prolonged drought periods, as projected under continued global warming, will further aggravate tree recruitment success after fire disturbance at low altitudes of the Central Alps and may eventually lead to a shift from PFSF species to either more drought-tolerant species or to forest-free vegetatio

    Nail Lichen Planus: Successful Treatment with Etanercept

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    BACKGROUND: Etanercept is a fully human tumor necrosis factor a receptor fusion protein that binds tumor necrosis factor a with greater affinity than natural receptors. Biologics are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis and may represent a new therapeutic option for some patients with psoriatic nail disease. CASE REPORT: We report a case of lichen planus limited to the toe nails successfully treated with etanercept monotherapy. CONCLUSION: The significant improvement of our case suggests that etanercept is an effective treatment modality for lichen planus limited particularly to the nails. Further controlled studies are needed to establish the effectiveness and therapeutic regimes

    The Political Economy of Hospital Rate Regulation in Maine

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    Ten years ago, Maine established a health care finance board to regulate hospital rates. But the concerns that prompted the regulatory system, access and cost, have not abated. In this article, former Maine Health Care Finance Commission chair David Wihry, and former Commission staffers Julie Fralich and Ellen Jane Schneiter examine the economic and political influences that have affected the state’s efforts to regulate hospital costs

    Bronchoscopic radioisotope injection for sentinel lymph-node mapping in potentially resectable non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Objective: Prospective study to evaluate the feasibility of a preoperative bronchoscopic radioisotope application, followed by conventional sentinel lymph-node (SLN) identification and to investigate the occurrence and distribution of micrometastases in relation to SLN activity. Methods: Twenty patients with a mean age of 63 years and proven clinical stage T1-3 N0-1 non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were included. A dosage of 80 MBq radiolabeled technetium-99m nanocolloid was endoscopically administrated on intubated patients in the operation theatre. At thoracotomy, scintigraphic readings of both the primary tumor and hilar and mediastinal lymph-node stations were obtained with a hand-held gamma-counter. Patients underwent lung resection and mediastinal lymphadenectomy. Radiolabeled nodes were also examined separately on back-table. SLNs were defined as the hottest nodes or nodes with at least one-tenth of the radioactivity of the hottest nodes. SLNs pathologic assessment included standard examination using hematoxylin and eosin staining on step sections and immunohistochemistry (ICH) for cytokeratins. Results: Identification of SLNs was possible in 19/20 (95%) patients after bronchoscopic radioisotope application. In 7/19 (37%) patients, a unique SLN was identified, whereas in 12/19 (63%) patients, nodes from two different stations could be classified as SLNs. Metastatic nodal disease was found in 9/19 (47%) patients. ICH revealed micrometastases in 2/12 (17%) patients, initially classified nodal negative. Pathologic negative SLNs were a predictor for absence of metastatic nodal disease after mediastinal lymphadenectomy. No complication related to the procedure was observed. Conclusion: Our preliminary results suggest that preoperative bronchoscopic radioisotope injection for SLN identification is a safe and simple method, improving accuracy of SLN detection in comparison to intraoperative technique. The absence of metastases in the SLNs seems to predict a negative nodal status accuratel

    The Upper Atmosphere of HD17156b

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    HD17156b is a newly-found transiting extrasolar giant planet (EGP) that orbits its G-type host star in a highly eccentric orbit (e~0.67) with an orbital semi-major axis of 0.16 AU. Its period, 21.2 Earth days, is the longest among the known transiting planets. The atmosphere of the planet undergoes a 27-fold variation in stellar irradiation during each orbit, making it an interesting subject for atmospheric modelling. We have used a three-dimensional model of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere for extrasolar gas giants in order to simulate the progress of HD17156b along its eccentric orbit. Here we present the results of these simulations and discuss the stability, circulation, and composition in its upper atmosphere. Contrary to the well-known transiting planet HD209458b, we find that the atmosphere of HD17156b is unlikely to escape hydrodynamically at any point along the orbit, even if the upper atmosphere is almost entirely composed of atomic hydrogen and H+, and infrared cooling by H3+ ions is negligible. The nature of the upper atmosphere is sensitive to to the composition of the thermosphere, and in particular to the mixing ratio of H2, as the availability of H2 regulates radiative cooling. In light of different simulations we make specific predictions about the thermosphere-ionosphere system of HD17156b that can potentially be verified by observations.Comment: 31 pages, 42 eps figure

    Observations of Mass Loss from the Transiting Exoplanet HD 209458b

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    Using the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the {\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)}, we obtained moderate-resolution, high signal/noise ultraviolet spectra of HD 209458 and its exoplanet HD 209458b during transit, both orbital quadratures, and secondary eclipse. We compare transit spectra with spectra obtained at non-transit phases to identify spectral features due to the exoplanet's expanding atmosphere. We find that the mean flux decreased by 7.8±1.37.8\pm 1.3% for the C II 1334.5323\AA\ and 1335.6854\AA\ lines and by 8.2±1.48.2\pm 1.4% for the Si III 1206.500\AA\ line during transit compared to non-transit times in the velocity interval --50 to +50 km s1^{-1}. Comparison of the C II and Si III line depths and transit/non-transit line ratios shows deeper absorption features near --10 and +15 km s1^{-1} and less certain features near --40 and +30--70 km s1^{-1}, but future observations are needed to verify this first detection of velocity structure in the expanding atmosphere of an exoplanet. Our results for the C II lines and the non-detection of Si IV 1394.76\AA\ absorption are in agreement with \citet{Vidal-Madjar2004}, but we find absorption during transit in the Si III line contrary to the earlier result. The 8±18\pm 1% obscuration of the star during transit is far larger than the 1.5% obscuration by the exoplanet's disk. Absorption during transit at velocities between --50 and +50 km s1^{-1} in the C II and Si III lines requires high-velocity ion absorbers, but models that assume that the absorbers are high-temperature thermal ions are inconsistent with the COS spectra. Assuming hydrodynamic model values for the gas temperature and outflow velocity at the limb of the outflow as seen in the C II lines, we find mass-loss rates in the range (8--40)×1010\times 10^{10} g s1^{-1}.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    The Dynamics of Stellar Coronae Harboring Hot-jupiters II. A Space Weather Event on A Hot-jupiter

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    We carry out a numerical simulation depicting the effects of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) event on a close-in giant planet in an extrasolar system. We drive the CME in a similar manner as in simulations of space weather events on Earth. The simulation includes the planetary orbital motion, which leads to the forming of a comet-like planetary magnetotail which is oriented almost perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the CME. The combination of this feature and the fact that the CME does not expand much by the time it reaches the planet leads to a unique CME-magnetosphere interaction, where the CME itself is highly affected by the presence of the planetary magnetosphere. We find that the planet is well-shielded from CME penetration, even for a relatively weak internal magnetic field. The planetary angular momentum loss associated with such an event is negligible compared to the total planetary angular momentum. We also find that the energy which is deposited in the magnetosphere is much higher than in the case of the Earth, and our simulation suggests there is a large-scale change in the orientation of the magnetosphere-ionosphere current system during the CME event.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap

    A Comprehensive Approach for the Diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia-Experiences from the First 100 Patients of the PCD-UNIBE Diagnostic Center

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disease characterized by dyskinetic cilia. Respiratory symptoms usually start at birth. The lack of diagnostic gold standard tests is challenging, as PCD diagnostics requires different methods with high expertise. We founded PCD-UNIBE as the first comprehensive PCD diagnostic center in Switzerland. Our diagnostic approach includes nasal brushing and cell culture with analysis of ciliary motility via high-speed-videomicroscopy (HSVM) and immunofluorescence labeling (IF) of structural proteins. Selected patients undergo electron microscopy (TEM) of ciliary ultrastructure and genetics. We report here on the first 100 patients assessed by PCD-UNIBE. All patients received HSVM fresh, IF, and cell culture (success rate of 90%). We repeated the HSVM with cell cultures and conducted TEM in 30 patients and genetics in 31 patients. Results from cell cultures were much clearer compared to fresh samples. For 80 patients, we found no evidence of PCD, 17 were diagnosed with PCD, two remained inconclusive, and one case is ongoing. HSVM was diagnostic in 12, IF in 14, TEM in five and genetics in 11 cases. None of the methods was able to diagnose all 17 PCD cases, highlighting that a comprehensive approach is essential for an accurate diagnosis of PCD

    Preparation of anti-vicinal amino alcohols: asymmetric synthesis of D-erythro-Sphinganine, (+)-spisulosine and D-ribo-phytosphingosine

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    Two variations of the Overman rearrangement have been developed for the highly selective synthesis of anti-vicinal amino alcohol natural products. A MOM-ether directed palladium(II)-catalyzed rearrangement of an allylic trichloroacetimidate was used as the key step for the preparation of the protein kinase C inhibitor D-erythro-sphinganine and the antitumor agent (+)-spisulosine, while the Overman rearrangement of chiral allylic trichloroacetimidates generated by asymmetric reduction of an alpha,beta-unsaturated methyl ketone allowed rapid access to both D-ribo-phytosphingosine and L-arabino-phytosphingosine