2,135 research outputs found


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    Mathematics meets physics: A contribution to their interaction in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century

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    Es gibt wohl kaum Wissenschaftsgebiete, in denen die wechselseitige Beeinflussung stärker ist als zwischen Mathematik und Physik. Eine wichtige Frage ist dabei die nach der konkreten Ausgestaltung dieser Wechselbeziehungen, etwa an einer Universität, oder die nach prägenden Merkmalen in der Entwicklung dieser Beziehungen in einem historischen Zeitabschnitt. Im Rahmen eines mehrjährigen Akademieprojekts wurden diese Beziehungen an den Universitäten in Leipzig, Halle und Jena für den Zeitraum vom Beginn des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts untersucht und in fünf Bänden dargestellt. Der erste dieser Bände erschien in den Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, die nachfolgenden als eigenständige Reihe unter dem Titel “Studien zur Entwicklung von Mathematik und Physik in ihren Wechselwirkungen“. Ein weiterer und abschließender Band dieser Reihe (der vorliegende) beinhaltet die Beiträge einer wissenschaftshistorischen Fachtagung im Jahr 2010, die das Thema in einem internationalen Kontext einbettet. Der vorliegende Band enthält die Beiträge der Tagung “Mathematics meets physics. A contribution to their interaction in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century”, die vom 22. bis 25. März 2010 in Leipzig stattfand. Die Konferenzbeiträge bestätigen die große Variabilität in der Gestaltung der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Mathematik und Physik. In ihnen werden u.a. verschiedene Entwicklungsprozesse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (zur elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie, zur Quantenmechanik, zur Quantenfeldtheorie, zur Relativitätstheorie) aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert. Weitere Beiträge stellen allgemeinere Fragestellungen der Entwicklung der Wechselbeziehungen in den Mittelpunkt und tragen zur Frage einer möglichen Unterscheidung unterschiedlicher Entwicklungsstufen im den Wechselverhältnis von Mathematik und Physik bei. Insgesamt ist einzuschätzen: Zum einen dokumentieren die in den Beiträgen vorgelegten Ergebnisse den Wert und die Notwendigkeit von Detailuntersuchungen, um die Entwicklung der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Mathematik und Physik in ihrer Vielfalt und mit der nötigen Präzision zu erfassen, zum anderen lassen sie in ihrer Gesamtheit noch zu beantwortende Forschungsfragen erkennen.:Vorwort Karl-Heinz Schlote, Martina Schneider: Introduction Jesper Lützen: Examples and Reflections on the Interplay between Mathematics and Physics in the 19th and 20th Century Juraj Šebesta: Mathematics as one of the basic Pillars of physical Theory: a historical and epistemological Survey Karl-Heinz Schlote, Martina Schneider: The Interrelation between Mathematics and Physics at the Universities Jena, Halle-Wittenberg and Leipzig – a Comparison Karin Reich: Der erste Professor für Theoretische Physik an der Universität Hamburg: Wilhelm Lenz Jim Ritter: Geometry as Physics: Oswald Veblen and the Princeton School Erhard Scholz: Mathematische Physik bei Hermann Weyl – zwischen „Hegelscher Physik“ und „symbolischer Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit“ Scott Walter: Henri Poincaré, theoretical Physics, and Relativity Theory in Paris Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze: Indeterminismus vor der Quantenmechanik: Richard von Mises’ wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischer Purismus in der Theorie physikalischer Prozesse Christoph Lehner: Mathematical Foundations and physical Visions: Pascual Jordan and the Field Theory Program Jan Lacki: From Matrices to Hilbert Spaces: The Interplay of Physics and Mathematics in the Rise of Quantum Mechanics Helge Kragh: Mathematics, Relativity, and Quantum Wave Equations Klaus-Heinrich Peters: Mathematische und phänomenologische Strenge: Distributionen in der Quantenmechanik und -feldtheorie Arianna Borrelli: Angular Momentum between Physics and Mathematics Friedrich Steinle: Die Entstehung der Feldtheorie: ein ungewöhnlicher Fall der Wechselwirkung von Physik und Mathematik? Vortragsprogramm Liste der Autoren Personenverzeichni

    Variable sequence of events during the past seven terminations in two deep-sea cores from the Southern Ocean

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    The relationships among internally consistent records of summer sea-surface temperature (SSST), winter sea ice (WSI), and diatomaceous stable isotopes were studied across seven terminations over the last 660 ka in sedimentary cores from ODP sites 1093 and 1094. The sequence of events at both sites indicates that SSST and WSI changes led the carbon and nitrogen isotopic changes in three Terminations (TI, TII and TVI) and followed them in the other four Terminations (TIII, TIV, TV and TVII). In both TIII and TIV, the leads and lags between the proxies were related to weak glacial mode, while in TV and TVII they were due to the influence of the mid-Pleistocene transition. We show that the sequence of events is not unique and does not follow the same pattern across terminations, implying that the processes that initiated climate change in the Southern Ocean has varied through time

    Stakeholders' Perception of the Impact of the Declaration of New Protected Areas on the Development of the Regions Concerned, Case Study: Czech Republic

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    Floodplain forests at the confluence of the rivers Dyje and Morava (in the southeastern tip of the Czech Republic) are completely unique ecosystems in terms of area and ecology. For many years, there has been an effort by the state's nature protection officials to declare the area as a Protected Landscape Area. This effort is met by the resistance of foresters and other local stakeholders. The study focuses on the identification of stakeholders' comments and objections to the planned declaration of the Soutok PLA and the comparison between the objections raised and the attitudes of stakeholders from existing PLAs. Using the content analysis of 247 paper documents, the first part of the study determines the negative arguments that are subsequently verified in the second part on the basis of 17 semistructured standardized interviews and interview surveys of 200 respondents. The analysis of the interviews and surveys was based on the grounded theory method. The theoretical sampling and snowball techniques were used to recruit the respondents. The interviews and surveys showed that most concerns over restrictions established by the conservation status are unnecessary since experience showed that they are either not registered or not established by the PLA status, and their application is provided by other legislative standards.O

    Cardiac Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) Released in the Presence or Absence of Inflammatory Cues Support Angiogenesis in Different Manners

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    Cells release extracellular vesicles (EVs) to communicate in a paracrine manner with other cells, and thereby influence processes, such as angiogenesis. The conditioned medium of human cardiac-derived adherent proliferating (CardAP) cells was recently shown to enhance angiogenesis. To elucidate whether their released EVs are involved, we isolated them by differential centrifugation from the conditioned medium derived either in the presence or absence of a pro-inflammatory cytokine cocktail. Murine recipient cells internalized CardAP-EVs as determined by an intracellular detection of human proteins, such as CD63, by a novel flow cytometry method for studying EV-cell interaction. Moreover, endothelial cells treated for 24 h with either unstimulated or cytokine stimulated CardAP-EVs exhibited a higher tube formation capability on Matrigel. Interestingly, unstimulated CardAP-EVs caused endothelial cells to release significantly more vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin (IL)-6, while cytokine stimulated CardAP-EVs significantly enhanced the release of IL-6 and IL-8. By nCounter® miRNA expression assay (NanoString Technologies) we identified microRNA 302d-3p to be enhanced in unstimulated CardAP-EVs compared to their cytokine stimulated counterparts, which was verified by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. This study demonstrates that both CardAP-EVs are pro-angiogenic by inducing different factors from endothelial cells. This would allow to select potent targets for a safe and efficient therapeutic application

    Bayesian mixed-effect models for the analysis of a series of FRAP images

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    The binding behavior of molecules in nuclei of living cells can be studied through the analysis of images from fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments. However, there is still a lack of methodology for the statistical evaluation of FRAP data, especially for the joint analysis of multiple dynamic images. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian nonlinear model with mixed-effect priors based on local compartment models in order to obtain joint parameter estimates for all nuclei as well as to account for the heterogeneity of the nuclei population. We apply our method to a series of FRAP experiments of DNA methyltransferase 1 tagged to green fluorescent protein expressed in a somatic mouse cell line and compare the results to the application of three different fixed-effects models to the same series of FRAP experiments. With the proposed model, we get estimates of the off-rates of the interactions of the molecules under study together with credible intervals, and additionally gain information about the variability between nuclei. The proposed model is superior to and more robust than the tested fixed-effects models. Therefore, it can be used for the joint analysis of data from FRAP experiments on various similar nuclei

    Bayesian mixed-effect models for the analysis of a series of FRAP images

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    The binding behavior of molecules in nuclei of living cells can be studied through the analysis of images from fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments. However, there is still a lack of methodology for the statistical evaluation of FRAP data, especially for the joint analysis of multiple dynamic images. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian nonlinear model with mixed-effect priors based on local compartment models in order to obtain joint parameter estimates for all nuclei as well as to account for the heterogeneity of the nuclei population. We apply our method to a series of FRAP experiments of DNA methyltransferase 1 tagged to green fluorescent protein expressed in a somatic mouse cell line and compare the results to the application of three different fixed-effects models to the same series of FRAP experiments. With the proposed model, we get estimates of the off-rates of the interactions of the molecules under study together with credible intervals, and additionally gain information about the variability between nuclei. The proposed model is superior to and more robust than the tested fixed-effects models. Therefore, it can be used for the joint analysis of data from FRAP experiments on various similar nuclei

    Construyendo escaleras que funcionen como puentes

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    Este trabajo se realiza en el marco de la residencia de la Práctica Educativa IV del Profesorado en Matemática, se inicia con una investigación que se utiliza para la posterior propuesta de aula que se implementa en un curso de 6°I año de la Educación Secundaria de nuestra provincia, en conceptualizaciones de la trigonometría. El escrito se organiza en una primera parte de revisión de fundamentos matemáticos tomados como referencia. Se rescatan y analizan las definiciones de ángulo, sistemas de medición de ángulos –sexagesimal y radial– y razones y funciones trigonométricas. Luego, en los fundamentos de didáctica de la matemática se revisan distintos documentos e investigaciones a partir de los cuales se recuperan inquietudes, problemáticas y necesidades de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje de los diferentes conceptos seleccionados para la planificación. En relación con las fuentes curriculares, se toma la planificación de la docente a cargo del curso y se compara con la propuesta oficial que sostiene la provincia de La Pampa. Se complementa con instancias de la práctica educativa desarrollada a partir de aquellas referencias. Todo el recorrido invita a seguir reflexionando sobre la importancia de una práctica educativa como toma de decisiones informadas para promover mayores accesos a los conocimientos

    Surplus - ein Koordinations- und Präventionsprojekt in der Stadt Zürich

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