6,408 research outputs found

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey -- IX. A sample of 158 shear-selected mass concentration candidates

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    The aim of the present work is the construction of a mass-selected galaxy cluster sample based on weak gravitational lensing methods. This sample will be subject to spectroscopic follow-up observations. We apply the mass aperture statistics and a derivative of it to 19 square degrees of high quality, single colour wide field imaging data obtained with the WFI@MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope. For the statistics a family of filter functions is used that approximates the expected tangential radial shear profile and thus allows for the efficient detection of mass concentrations. We identify 158 possible mass concentrations. This is the first time that such a large and blindly selected sample is published. 72 of the detections are associated with concentrations of bright galaxies. For about 22 of those we found spectra in the literature, indicating or proving that the galaxies seen are indeed spatially concentrated. 15 of those were previously known to be clusters or have meanwhile been secured as such. We currently follow-up a larger number of them spectroscopically to obtain deeper insight into their physical properties. The remaining 55% of the possible mass concentrations found are not associated with any optical light, or could not be classified unambiguously. We show that those "dark" detections are to a significant degree due to noise, and appear preferentially in shallow data.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, submitted to A&A; for a better print version, see http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~mischa/astroph_0607022.pd

    Internet and Citizenship in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro

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    The purpose of this paper is to show the partial results of a research about the uses of the Internet by the population of the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, seeking grants for the answer of the following questions: in what ways and to what extent the Internet has contributed to the practice of citizenship among these populations? Methodologically, at a theoretical level, it is, first, to problematize the very notion of citizenship. The empirical level of the research consists is the analysis of reports of free navigation on the Internet, produced during 2011, by students of Augusto Motta University Center atn(Unisuam), located in the neighborhood of Bonsucesso, periphery of Rio de Janeiro. All students involved in the study live in the suburbs or in the Baixada Fluminense. On the periphery. The original hypothesis of the research, whereby the free navigation on the Internet would not reveal any relevant form of citizen action, here identified with the universe of counter-hegemonic communication, proved to be almost entirely correct

    Stuart Hall’s legacy and the Community Communication

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    This article advocates the relevance of Stuart Hall’s legacy for the study and practice of Community Communication, highlighting part of his production in the 1970s and 1980s, in which Marxian thought was more present. It is argued that the analysis of the various types of oppression and resistance that permeate the communicational practices only have to gain from its critical articulation to the general plan of the class struggle. It is defended, in epistemological, theoretical and methodological terms, a rapprochement between Cultural Studies and the Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture, as a movement capable of revealing little explored horizons for the praxis of Community Communication.Este artigo advoga a relevância do legado de Stuart Hall para o estudo e a prática da Comunicação Comunitária, destacando parte de sua produção nos anos 1970 e 80, na qual o pensamento marxiano era mais presente. Argumenta-se que a análise dos vários tipos de opressão e resistência que perpassam as práticas comunicacionais só tem a ganhar com sua articulação crítica ao plano geral da luta de classes. Defende-se, em termos epistemológicos, teóricos e metodológicos, uma reaproximação entre os Estudos Culturais e a Economia Política da Informação, da Comunicação e da Cultura, como movimento capaz de descortinar horizontes pouco explorados para a práxis da Comunicação Comunitária

    Harnessing Administrative Data Inventories to Create a Reliable Transnational Reference Database for Crop Type Monitoring

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    With leaps in machine learning techniques and their applicationon Earth observation challenges has unlocked unprecedented performance across the domain. While the further development of these methods was previously limited by the availability and volume of sensor data and computing resources, the lack of adequate reference data is now constituting new bottlenecks. Since creating such ground-truth information is an expensive and error-prone task, new ways must be devised to source reliable, high-quality reference data on large scales. As an example, we showcase E URO C ROPS, a reference dataset for crop type classification that aggregates and harmonizes administrative data surveyed in different countries with the goal of transnational interoperability

    The formation of the extremely primitive star SDSS J102915+172927 relies on dust

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    The relative importance of metals and dust grains in the formation of the first low-mass stars has been a subject of debate. The recently discovered Galactic halo star SDSS J102915+172927 (Caffau et al. 2011) has a mass less than 0.8 Msun and a metallicity of Z = 4.5 10^{-5} Zsun. We investigate the origin and properties of this star by reconstructing the physical conditions in its birth cloud. We show that the observed elemental abundance trend of SDSS J102915+172927 can be well fitted by the yields of core-collapse supernovae with metal-free progenitors of 20 Msun and 35 Msun. Using these selected supernova explosion models, we compute the corresponding dust yields and the resulting dust depletion factor taking into account the partial destruction by the supernova reverse shock. We then follow the collapse and fragmentation of a star forming cloud enriched by the products of these SN explosions at the observed metallicity of SDSS J102915+172927. We find that [0.05 - 0.1] Msun mass fragments, which then lead to the formation of low-mass stars, can occur provided that the mass fraction of dust grains in the birth cloud exceeds 0.01 of the total mass of metals and dust. This, in turn, requires that at least 0.4 Msun of dust condense in the first supernovae, allowing for moderate destruction by the reverse shock. If dust formation in the first supernovae is less efficient or strong dust destruction does occur, the thermal evolution of the SDSS J102915+172927 birth cloud is dominated by molecular cooling, and only > 8 Msun fragments can form. We conclude that the observed properties of SDSS J102915+172927 support the suggestion that dust must have condensed in the ejecta of the first supernovae and played a fundamental role in the formation of the first low-mass stars.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted as a Letter to MNRA

    Dust grain growth and the formation of the extremely primitive star SDSS J102915+172927

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    Dust grains in low-metallicity star-forming regions may be responsible for the formation of the first low-mass stars. The minimal conditions to activate dust-induced fragmentation require the gas to be pre-enriched above a critical dust-to-gas mass ratio Dcr=[2.6--6.3]x10^-9 with the spread reflecting the dependence on the grain properties. The recently discovered Galactic halo star SDSS J102915+172927 has a stellar mass of 0.8 Msun and a metallicity of Z=4.5x10^-5 Zsun and represents an optimal candidate for the dust-induced low-mass star formation. Indeed, for the two most plausible Population III supernova progenitors, with 20 Msun and 35 Msun, the critical dust-to-gas mass ratio can be overcome provided that at least 0.4 Msun of dust condenses in the ejecta, allowing for moderate destruction by the reverse shock. Here we show that even if dust formation in the first supernovae is less efficient or strong dust destruction does occur, grain growth during the collapse of the parent gas cloud is sufficiently rapid to activate dust cooling and likely fragmentation into low-mass and long-lived stars. Silicates and magnetite grains can experience significant grain growth in the density range 10^9 /cc < nH<10^12 /cc by accreting gas-phase species (SiO, SiO2, and Fe) until their gas-phase abundance drops to zero, reaching condensation efficiencies =1. The corresponding increase in the dust-to-gas mass ratio allows dust-induced cooling and fragmentation to be activated at 10^12 /cc < nH < 10^14 /cc, before the collapsing cloud becomes optically thick to continuum radiation. We show that for all the initial conditions that apply to the parent cloud of SDSS J102915+172927, dust-driven fragmentation is able to account for the formation of the star.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Transmon Qubit in a Magnetic Field: Evolution of Coherence and Transition Frequency

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    We report on spectroscopic and time-domain measurements on a fixed-frequency concentric transmon qubit in an applied in-plane magnetic field to explore its limits of magnetic field compatibility. We demonstrate quantum coherence of the qubit up to field values of B=40mTB={40}\,\mathrm{mT}, even without an optimized chip design or material combination of the qubit. The dephasing rate Γφ\Gamma_\varphi is shown to be not affected by the magnetic field in a broad range of the qubit transition frequency. For the evolution of the qubit transition frequency, we find the unintended second junction created in the shadow angle evaporation process to be non-negligible and deduce an analytic formula for the field-dependent qubit energies. We discuss the relevant field-dependent loss channels, which can not be distinguished by our measurements, inviting further theoretical and experimental investigation. Using well-known and well-studied standard components of the superconducting quantum architecture, we are able to reach a field regime relevant for quantum sensing and hybrid applications of magnetic spins and spin systems.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Channelized and hillslope sediment transport and the geomorphology of mountain belts

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    This paper uses the results of landscape evolution models and morphometric data from the Andes of northern Peru and the eastern Swiss Alps to illustrate how the ratio between sediment transport on hillslopes and in channels influences landscape and channel network morphologies and dynamics. The headwaters of fluvial- and debris-flow-dominated systems (channelized processes) are characterized by rough, high-relief, highly incised surfaces which contain a dense and hence a closely spaced channel network. Also, these systems tend to respond rapidly to modifications in external forcing (e.g., rock uplift and/or precipitation). This is the case because the high channel density results in a high bulk diffusivity. In contrast, headwaters where landsliding is an important sediment source are characterized by a low channel density and by rather straight and unstable channels. In addition, the topographies are generally smooth. The low channel density then results in a relatively low bulk diffusivity. As a consequence, response times are greater in headwaters of landslide-dominated systems than in highly dissected drainages. The Peruvian and Swiss case studies show how regional differences in climate and the litho-tectonic architecture potentially exert contrasting controls on the relative importance of channelized versus hillslope processes and thus on the overall geomorphometry. Specifically, the Peruvian example illustrates to what extent the storminess of climate has influenced production and transport of sediment on hillslopes and in channels, and how these differences are seen in the morphometry of the landscape. The Swiss example shows how the bedding orientation of the bedrock drives channelized and hillslope processes to contrasting extents, and how these differences are mirrored in the landscap

    The origin of the most iron-poor star

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    We investigate the origin of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars starting from the recently discovered [Fe/H]<7.1\rm [Fe/H]<-7.1 star SMSS J031300 (Keller et al. 2014). We show that the elemental abundances observed on the surface of SMSS J031300 can be well fit by the yields of faint, metal free, supernovae. Using properly calibrated faint supernova explosion models, we study, for the first time, the formation of dust grains in such carbon-rich, iron-poor supernova ejecta. Calculations are performed assuming both unmixed and uniformly mixed ejecta and taking into account the partial destruction by the supernova reverse shock. We find that, due to the paucity of refractory elements beside carbon, amorphous carbon is the only grain species to form, with carbon condensation efficiencies that range between (0.15-0.84), resulting in dust yields in the range (0.025-2.25)M_{\odot}. We follow the collapse and fragmentation of a star forming cloud enriched by the products of these faint supernova explosions and we explore the role played by fine structure line cooling and dust cooling. We show that even if grain growth during the collapse has a minor effect of the dust-to-gas ratio, due to C depletion into CO molecules at an early stage of the collapse, the formation of CEMP low-mass stars, such as SMSS J031300, could be triggered by dust cooling and fragmentation. A comparison between model predictions and observations of a sample of C-normal and C-rich metal-poor stars supports the idea that a single common pathway may be responsible for the formation of the first low-mass stars.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Rephrased sentence in section 5 to avoid text overlap with arXiv:1307.2239 in their model descriptio

    2nd Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education

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    This workshop aims at presenting and discussing innovative teaching approaches in software engineering education, which are highly relevant for teaching at universities, colleges, and in online courses. The workshop focuses on three main topics: (1) project courses with industry, (2) active learning in large courses, and (3) digital teaching and online courses. © 2019 Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). All rights reserved