3,379 research outputs found

    Le typhus à Saint-Avold en 1813

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    Information Subsystem of Shadow Economy Deactivation

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    The article presents information subsystem of shadow economy deactivation aimed at minimizing negative effects caused by its reproduction. In Russia, as well as in other countries, efficient implementation of the suggested system of shadow economy deactivation can be ensured by the developed information subsystem

    Time manages interference in visual short-term memory

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    Emerging evidence suggests that age-related declines in memory may reflect a failure in pattern separation, a process that is believed to reduce the encoding overlap between similar stimulus representations during memory encoding. Indeed, behavioural pattern separation may be indexed by a visual continuous recognition task in which items are presented in sequence and observers report for each whether it is novel, previously viewed (old), or whether it shares features with a previously viewed item (similar). In comparison to young adults, older adults show a decreased pattern separation when the number of items between “old” and “similar” items is increased. Yet the mechanisms of forgetting underpinning this type of recognition task are yet to be explored in a cognitively homogenous group, with careful control over the parameters of the task, including elapsing time (a critical variable in models of forgetting). By extending the inter-item intervals, number of intervening items and overall decay interval, we observed in a young adult sample (N = 35, Mage = 19.56 years) that the critical factor governing performance was inter-item interval. We argue that tasks using behavioural continuous recognition to index pattern separation in immediate memory will benefit from generous inter-item spacing, offering protection from inter-item interference

    Sustainable development of education: mutual links of technology and pedagogy

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    Целью работы является сопоставление трендов развития информационно-коммуникационной среды, глобального образовательного пространства и педагогических идей, явно или опосредованно влияющих на применение ИКТ в образовании. Материалом послужили результаты форсайтов и содержание публикаций в интернете, посвященных перспективам устойчивого развития образования в контексте Инчхонской Декларации ЮНЕСКО «Образование 2030». На основе контент-анализа педагогических публикаций установлено, что современное понимание знания апеллирует к его обобществлению и распространению в глобальной сетевой информационной среде, технологический базис которой стремительно развивается. Учебный процесс в обществе обучения рассматривается как распределенный среди отдельных формальных учебных заведений («университетов мира для одного») и сообществом контента кураторов, в функции которого входит поставлять комментарии, обобщать и содействовать новой информации, которая поддерживает неоформальные образовательные потребности различных пользователей глобальной сети. Описана модель связей субъектов информационного образовательного пространства, включающая кроме преподавателей и студентов также кураторов контента. Аргументирована необходимость развития гуманитарного потенциала человека в информационно-коммуникационной среде и формирования в ней креативного класса людей, делящихся своим экзистенциональным опытом, знаниями и мудростью. Сделан вывод, что без межличностного взаимодействия, без присутствия учащихся в сетевом сообществе, развитие потенциала каждого члена общества в роботизированной среде искусственного интеллекта будет ущербным. Поэтому, в развитии аппаратной и программной базы технологий образования необходимо учитывать психолого-педагогические теории коннективизма, социального обучения, множественного интеллекта и других. The purpose of the paper is to compare the development trends of information and communication environment, the global educational space and pedagogical ideas, which directly or indirectly affect the application of ICT in education. The study has been based on the foresight results and the content of the Internet publications on the prospects for sustainable development of education in the context of UNESCO Incheon Declaration for Education 2030. The content analysis of pedagogical publications has demonstrated that the current understanding of knowledge appeals to its socialization and dissemination in the global network environment, whose technological basis is rapidly growing. The educational process in the Learning Society is regarded as a distributed one among some formal education establishments (“universities of the world for one”) and the community of content curators. The function of content curators is to deliver comments, generalize and promote new information that supports learning needs of different global network users. The relation model of the subjects of the informational and educational space has been described. The model includes lecturers and learners as well as the content curators. The necessity of humanitarian potential development in the informational and communicational environment has been argued as well as the development of a creative class of people who share their existential experience, knowledge and wisdom. The development of every society member in the robot-based artificial intelligence environment has been considered to be defective without any interpersonal interaction and learners’ activity in the online community. Thus, the psychological and pedagogical theories of connectionism, social learning, multiple intelligences, and some others are to be recognized in the development of hardware and software base for education technologies

    Araracuara, un nuevo género de Rhamnaceae de la Amazonía colombiana

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    Se describe e ilustra Araracuara Fern. Alonso, un nuevo género de la familia Rhamnaceae conocido tan sólo de las mesetas de arenisca de la Amazonía colombiana. Se discuten sus posibles afinidades en la familia y se sugiere que estaríamos ante un género relíctico, relacionado con el pantropical Colubrina y en menor medida con el amazónico Ampelozizyphus. Se incluye una clave para los géneros de Rhamnaceae de Colombia y un apéndice con una muestra representativa de especies de los géneros estudiados, algunos de ellos pobremente documentados de territorio colombiano.Peer reviewe

    Relation of Gallbladder Motility to Viscosity and Composition of Gallbladder Bile in Patients with Cholesterol Gallstones

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    Background/Aims: Increased viscosity and supersaturation of cholesterol in gallbladder bile, as well as an impaired motility of the gallbladder, are considered to be important factors in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstones. However, the relation of these parameters has not yet been determined. Material and Methods: Bile viscosity (mPa.s) was measured by rotation viscosimetry and the composition of gallbladder bile was determined using standard methodology. Gallbladder motility was calculated as ejection fraction in percent of total volume 45 min after a test meal using ultrasonography in patients with gallstones prior to elective cholecystectomy. Results: The study included 35 patients with cholesterol gallstones. Viscosity of gallbladder bile ranged between 0.9 and 12.5 mPa.s (median 2.2 mPa.s) and an ejection fraction of the gallbladder of 55.4 +/- 18.3% (mean +/- SD) was determined. No significant correlation (r = 0.19, p < 0.2) between the 2 parameters could be calculated. Analysis of the composition of gallbladder bile revealed a positive correlation of all components to biliary viscosity but not to the motility of the gallbladder, with the exceptions of a negative correlation (r = 0.39, p < 0.02) between mucin concentration and the ejection fraction at 45 min after the test meal. Conclusions: The motility of the gallbladder appears to be unrelated to the viscosity of gallbladder bile or gallbladder bile composition. The negative correlation between the ejection fraction of the gallbladder and mucin concentration of gallbladder bile suggests that chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall is associated with both an impaired motility of the gallbladder and increased mucin release into gallbladder bile. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base