68,033 research outputs found


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    The fluorescence decay time of the biliverdin IX7 chromophore present in biliproteins isolated from Pieris brassicae is determined to be 44 ± 3 ps. This value suggests a cyclic helical chromophore structure. The vibrational frequencies determined by CARS-spectroscopy are compared with those of model compounds. The data confirm that the chromophore in the protein-bound state adopts a cyclic-helical, flexible conformation

    Magnetic field induced 3D to 1D crossover in Sr0:9La0:1CuO2

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    The effect of the magnetic field on the critical behavior of Sr0:9La0:1CuO2 is explored in terms of reversible magnetization data. As the correlation length transverse to the magnetic field Hi,applied along the i-axis, cannot grow beyond the limiting magnetic length LHi, related to the average distance between vortex lines, one expects a magnetic field induced finite size effect. Invoking the scaling theory of critical phenomena we provide clear evidence for this effect. It implies that in type II superconductors there is a 3D to 1D crossover line Hpi(T). Consequently, below Tc and above Hpi(T) uperconductivity is confined to cylinders with diameter LHi(1D). Accordingly, there is no continuous phase transition in the (H,T)-plane along the Hc2-lines as predicted by the mean-field treatment.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    3D-xy critical properties of YBa2Cu4O8 and magnetic field induced 3D to 1D crossover

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    We present reversible magnetization data of a YBa2Cu4O8 single crystal and analyze the evidence for 3D-xy critical behavior and a magnetic field induced 3D to 1D crossover. Remarkable consistency with these phenomena is observed in agreement with a magnetic field induced finite size effect, whereupon the correlation length transverse to the applied magnetic field cannot grow beyond the limiting magnetic length scale L_H. By applying the appropriate scaling form we obtain the zero-field critical temperature, the 3D to 1D crossover, the vortex melting line and the universal ratios of the related scaling variables. Accordingly there is no continuous phase transition in the (H,T)-plane along the H_c2-lines as predicted by the mean-field treatment.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic field induced finite size effect in type-II superconductors

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    We explore the occurrence of a magnetic field induced finite size effect on the specific heat and correlation lengths of anisotropic type-II superconductors near the zero field transition temperature Tc. Since near the zero field transition thermal fluctuations are expected to dominate and with increasing field strength these fluctuations become one dimensional, whereupon the effect of fluctuations increases, it appears unavoidable to account for thermal fluctuations. Invoking the scaling theory of critical phenomena it is shown that the specific heat data of nearly optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-x are inconsistent with the traditional mean-field and lowest Landau level predictions of a continuous superconductor to normal state transition along an upper critical field Hc2(T). On the contrary, we observe agreement with a magnetic field induced finite size effect, whereupon even the correlation length longitudinal to the applied field H cannot grow beyond the limiting magnetic length L(H). It arises because with increasing magnetic field the density of vortex lines becomes greater, but this cannot continue indefinitely. L(H) is then roughly set on the proximity of vortex lines by the overlapping of their cores. Thus, the shift and the rounding of the specific heat peak in an applied field is traced back to a magnetic field induced finite size effect in the correlation length longitudinal to the applied field.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of Directed Triangle Motifs in the Google+ OSN

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    Motifs are a fundamental building block and distinguishing feature of networks. While characteristic motif distribution have been found in many networks, very little is known today about the evolution of network motifs. This paper studies the most important motifs in social networks, triangles, and how directed triangle motifs change over time. Our chosen subject is one of the largest Online Social Networks, Google+. Google+ has two distinguishing features that make it particularly interesting: (1) it is a directed network, which yields a rich set of triangle motifs, and (2) it is a young and fast evolving network, whose role in the OSN space is still not fully understood. For the purpose of this study, we crawled the network over a time period of six weeks, collecting several snapshots. We find that some triangle types display significant dynamics, e.g., for some specific initial types, up to 20% of the instances evolve to other types. Due to the fast growth of the OSN in the observed time period, many new triangles emerge. We also observe that many triangles evolve into less-connected motifs (with less edges), suggesting that growth also comes with pruning. We complement the topological study by also considering publicly available user profile data (mostly geographic locations). The corresponding results shed some light on the semantics of the triangle motifs. Indeed, we find that users in more symmetric triangle motifs live closer together, indicating more personal relationships. In contrast, asymmetric links in motifs often point to faraway users with a high in-degree (celebrities)

    The reflection and transmission properties of a triple band dichroic surface

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    The development of a triple-band dichroic surface design is detailed that is reflective in the Ka-band from 22.5 to 27.3 GHz and the Ku-band from 13.7 to 15.1 GHz, yet transparent in the S-band from 2.0 to 2.3 GHz, for all planes of incidence, and for all angles of incidence out to eta = 45 deg. The design is comprised of two gangbuster whole-surfaces separated by a distance, d, that is comparable to a fraction of a wavelength in S-band, and enhanced by the addition of a dielectric matching plate. The gangbuster array is comprised of tightly packed straight skewed dipole elements referred to as half-surfaces. Two of these half-surfaces are oriented orthogonal to each other and placed an array separation distance, s, apart to form the gangbuster whole-surface which allows any arbitrary plane of incidence. Results are given for the triple-band design with and without dielectric and conduction losses. The cross polarization properties of the dichroic surface was further investigated. It is shown that the reflection cross polarized component is dominated by the geometry of the front whole surface of the design (particularly the array separation s) and is never more than -22.5 dB in the frequency band 0 to 30 GHz. The transmission cross polarization component is dependent on both whole-surfaces and is never more than -30 dB in the same frequency band

    Implications of the isotope effects on the magnetization, magnetic torque and susceptibility

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    We analyze the magnetization, magnetic torque and susceptibility data of La2-xSrxCu(16,18)O4 and YBa2(63,65)CuO7-x near Tc in terms of the universal 3D-XY scaling relations. It is shown that the isotope effect on Tc mirrors that on the anisotropy. Invoking the generic behavior of the anisotropy the doping dependence of the isotope effects on the critical properties, including Tc, correlation lengths and magnetic penetration depths are traced back to a change of the mobile carrier concentration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure