103 research outputs found

    Energiepflanzenproduktion in biologischen Marktfruchtbetrieben

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    On organic crop farms mobile nitrogen sources are scarce. One possible source can be degassed biomass from fermented energy crops produced on organic farms. This study analyses the effects of an investment in a cooperative biogas plant on the production program and the net farm income using a linear planning model. The production of green electricity from biogas yields in a higher net farm income. Alfalfa grass is a more efficient energy crop than maize in organic farms. Fewer legumes and more cash crops are produced. The yearly labour requirement rises due to the production of energy crops, operation of the biogas plant and spreading the degassed biomass

    Ausstieg aus der ÖPUL-Maßnahme biologische Wirtschaftsweise

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    The end of the first five-year contract period of the Austrian Agri-environmental Program (ÖPUL) caused a number of farmers to opt out of the measure organic farming at the end of 1999 and in the following years. A survey was made in 2003 to explore the reasons for reverting to conventional farming. The three most important reasons were the high cost of organic grain for feed, the lack of price premia for organic products (mostly beef and milk) and the frequency of changes in organic standards. Most respondents operate grassland-based dairy farms in Alpine regions. The average size of the farms opting out was 12,0 ha

    Ausstiegsabsichten und tatsächliche Ausstiegsgründe von Biobauern und Biobäuerinnen in Österreich - Analyse von Befragungsergebnissen

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    Austria established an environmental program (ÖPUL) for agriculture in 1995, including direct payments for organic farming. To participate in this measure farmers have to commit themselves to a five year period. In 1999 a survey was conducted to find out, to which extent organic farmers intended to drop out of the measure organic farming and to collect information about their reasons for this intention. In 2002 a new survey was carried out to compare the intentions with the actual developments. In 2004 additional information was collected through telephone interviews. The aim of this study was a) to compare the intended with the actual behaviour, b) to compare the ex ante and ex post expressed reasons for leaving the measure organic farming and c) to find out the arguments of these farmers who chose to continue farming organically

    Active immunization against alpha-synuclein ameliorates the degenerative pathology and prevents demyelination in a model of multiple system atrophy.

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    BackgroundMultiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by parkinsonism, ataxia and dysautonomia. Histopathologically, the hallmark of MSA is the abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein (α-syn) within oligodendroglial cells, leading to neuroinflammation, demyelination and neuronal death. Currently, there is no disease-modifying treatment for MSA. In this sense, we have previously shown that next-generation active vaccination technology with short peptides, AFFITOPEs®, was effective in two transgenic models of synucleinopathies at reducing behavioral deficits, α-syn accumulation and inflammation.ResultsIn this manuscript, we used the most effective AFFITOPE® (AFF 1) for immunizing MBP-α-syn transgenic mice, a model of MSA that expresses α-syn in oligodendrocytes. Vaccination with AFF 1 resulted in the production of specific anti-α-syn antibodies that crossed into the central nervous system and recognized α-syn aggregates within glial cells. Active vaccination with AFF 1 resulted in decreased accumulation of α-syn, reduced demyelination in neocortex, striatum and corpus callosum, and reduced neurodegeneration. Clearance of α-syn involved activation of microglia and reduced spreading of α-syn to astroglial cells.ConclusionsThis study further validates the efficacy of vaccination with AFFITOPEs® for ameliorating the neurodegenerative pathology in synucleinopathies

    Der biologische Landbau in Österreich – Entwicklungen und Perspektiven

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    In den Jahren 1994 bis 1998 hatte der biologische Landbau in Österreich bisher seine stärkste Entwicklung. Die frühe Verankerung von Richtlinien für biologische Produkte pflanzlicher und tierischer Herkunft im österreichischen Lebensmittelbuch, die staatliche Förderung der Umstellung bzw. der Biobetriebe, günstige Bedingungen im Absatz durch den Einstieg der Supermarktketten, die Gründung einer Vermarktungsgesellschaft, eine aktive Verbandspolitik und der Ausbau der Beratung haben dazu beigetragen, dass Österreich in Europa den höchsten Anteil an Biobetrieben erreichte. Ende der neunziger Jahre hat sich diese dynamische Entwicklung nicht fortgesetzt. Ob die Krisen in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft einen neuerlichen Aufschwung durch eine anhaltend stärkere Nachfrage nach Bioprodukten bringen werden, lässt sich noch nicht abschätzen. Auch wenn betriebswirtschaftliche Untersuchungen für bestimmte Betriebe bzw. Regionen die ökonomische Vorzüglichkeit des biologischen Landbaus unter Beweis stellen, gibt es unter den derzeitigen Rahmenbedingungen eine Reihe von Vorbehalten und Hemmnissen, welche einer starken Ausweitung entgegenstehen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer starken Exportquote und der EU-Erweiterung wird erheblicher Handlungsbedarf geortet, um auch weiterhin zu den Ländern mit den höchsten Anteilen an Biobetrieben zu zählen

    Impact of humoral alloreactivity early after transplantation on the long-term survival of renal allografts

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    Impact of humoral alloreactivity early after transplantation on the long-term survival of renal allografts.BackgroundThe contribution of humoral alloreactivity to the rejection of renal allografts is not well defined because humoral antigraft reactions are not easily detectable in transplant biopsies, and serial measurements of circulating allo-antibodies in the post-transplantation period are not routinely performed. We have developed diagnostic techniques that improve the assessment of humoral alloreactivity in vivo and in vitro.MethodsHumoral alloreactivity in transplant biopsies derived from 218 single kidney grafts was detected by assessing the deposition of complement fragment C4d in interstitial capillaries. Circulating alloantibodies were determined in corresponding serum samples by flow cytometry using lymphoblastoid cell lines of donor DR-type as target cells and by a conventional microcytotoxicity test. The impact of capillary C4d and other selected variables on renal graft survival was calculated by univariate and multivariate analysis.ResultsCapillary C4d, present in 46% of biopsies from first grafts and 72% of regrafts, is related to circulating alloantibodies. Grafts with capillary C4d have a markedly shorter survival than grafts without capillary C4d (50% graft survival, 4 vs. 8 years, P = 0.0001). Among several risk factors, capillary C4d is the strongest predictor of subsequent graft loss in a multivariate analysis (relative risk, 2.1, 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.1). Humoral alloreactivity detectable within six months after transplantation has a much stronger impact on graft survival than alloreactivity detected beyond this period.ConclusionsHumoral alloreactivity, manifested by the capillary deposition of complement C4d in about 50% of biopsied renal grafts, exerts a strong impact on graft survival when it operates within six months after transplantation

    Tailoring the Antibody Response to Aggregated Aß Using Novel Alzheimer-Vaccines

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    Recent evidence suggests Alzheimer-Disease (AD) to be driven by aggregated Aß. Capitalizing on the mechanism of molecular mimicry and applying several selection layers, we screened peptide libraries for moieties inducing antibodies selectively reacting with Aß-aggregates. The technology identified a pool of peptide candidates; two, AFFITOPES AD01 and AD02, were assessed as vaccination antigens and compared to Aβ1-6, the targeted epitope. When conjugated to Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) and adjuvanted with aluminum, all three peptides induced Aß-targeting antibodies (Abs). In contrast to Aß1-6, AD01- or AD02-induced Abs were characterized by selectivity for aggregated forms of Aß and absence of reactivity with related molecules such as Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP)/ secreted APP-alpha (sAPPa). Administration of AFFITOPE-vaccines to APP-transgenic mice was found to reduce their cerebral amyloid burden, the associated neuropathological alterations and to improve their cognitive functions. Thus, the AFFITOME-technology delivers vaccines capable of inducing a distinct Ab response. Their features may be beneficial to AD-patients, a hypothesis currently tested within a phase-II-study

    Therapeutic alliance, social inclusion and infection control - Towards pandemic-adapted mental health care services in Switzerland

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the Swiss mental health care system. Many services were downsized or closed and admission to treatment and care institutions was restricted during lockdown. While these measures were necessary according to the general containment and mitigation strategies of federal and cantonal authorities, this situation has had negative consequences for care and treatment of service users. This paper asks to re-think key aspects of the Swiss mental health care system that have demonstrated to be not adaptable to the pandemic. In particular, the paper suggests diversifying care and treatment settings and strengthening outpatient and outreach services. Finally, some proposals to foster social inclusion during and after the pandemic are outline

    Therapeutic alliance, social inclusion and infection control – towards pandemic-adapted mental healthcare services in Switzerland

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the Swiss mental healthcare system. Many services were downsized or closed, and admission to treatment and care institutions was restricted during lockdown. These measures were necessary according to the general containment and mitigation strategies of federal and cantonal authorities, but this situation has had negative consequences for care and treatment of service users. This paper asks for a rethink of key aspects of the Swiss mental healthcare system that have been demonstrated not to be adaptable to the pandemic. In particular, the paper suggests diversifying care and treatment settings, and strengthening outpatient and outreach services. Finally, some proposals to foster social inclusion during and after the pandemic are outlined