331 research outputs found

    Evaluation of local and global atrophy measurement techniques with simulated Alzheimer's disease data

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    The main goal of this work was to evaluate several well-known methods which provide global (BSI and SIENA) or local (Jacobian integration) estimates of atrophy in brain structures using Magnetic Resonance images. For that purpose, we have generated realistic simulated Alzheimer's disease images in which volume changes are modelled with a Finite Element thermoelastic model, which mimic the patterns of change obtained from a cohort of 19 real controls and 27 probable Alzheimer's disease patients. SIENA and BSI results correlate very well with gold standard data (BSI mean absolute error <0.29%; SIENA <0.44%). Jacobian integration was guided by both fluid and FFD-based registration techniques and resulting deformation fields and associated Jacobians were compared, region by region, with gold standard ones. The FFD registration technique provided more satisfactory results than the fluid one. Mean absolute error differences between volume changes given by the FFD-based technique and the gold standard were: sulcal CSF <2.49%; lateral ventricles 2.25%; brain <0.36%; hippocampi <0.42%

    Phenomenological model of diffuse global and regional atrophy using finite-element methods

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    The main goal of this work is the generation of ground-truth data for the validation of atrophy measurement techniques, commonly used in the study of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. Several techniques have been used to measure atrophy in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, but it is extremely difficult to compare their performance since they have been applied to different patient populations. Furthermore, assessment of performance based on phantom measurements or simple scaled images overestimates these techniques' ability to capture the complexity of neurodegeneration of the human brain. We propose a method for atrophy simulation in structural magnetic resonance (MR) images based on finite-element methods. The method produces cohorts of brain images with known change that is physically and clinically plausible, providing data for objective evaluation of atrophy measurement techniques. Atrophy is simulated in different tissue compartments or in different neuroanatomical structures with a phenomenological model. This model of diffuse global and regional atrophy is based on volumetric measurements such as the brain or the hippocampus, from patients with known disease and guided by clinical knowledge of the relative pathological involvement of regions and tissues. The consequent biomechanical readjustment of structures is modelled using conventional physics-based techniques based on biomechanical tissue properties and simulating plausible tissue deformations with finite-element methods. A thermoelastic model of tissue deformation is employed, controlling the rate of progression of atrophy by means of a set of thermal coefficients, each one corresponding to a different type of tissue. Tissue characterization is performed by means of the meshing of a labelled brain atlas, creating a reference volumetric mesh that will be introduced to a finite-element solver to create the simulated deformations. Preliminary work on the simulation of acquisition artefa- - cts is also presented. Cross-sectional and

    GIFTed Demons: deformable image registration with local structure-preserving regularization using supervoxels for liver applications.

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    Deformable image registration, a key component of motion correction in medical imaging, needs to be efficient and provides plausible spatial transformations that reliably approximate biological aspects of complex human organ motion. Standard approaches, such as Demons registration, mostly use Gaussian regularization for organ motion, which, though computationally efficient, rule out their application to intrinsically more complex organ motions, such as sliding interfaces. We propose regularization of motion based on supervoxels, which provides an integrated discontinuity preserving prior for motions, such as sliding. More precisely, we replace Gaussian smoothing by fast, structure-preserving, guided filtering to provide efficient, locally adaptive regularization of the estimated displacement field. We illustrate the approach by applying it to estimate sliding motions at lung and liver interfaces on challenging four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging datasets. The results show that guided filter-based regularization improves the accuracy of lung and liver motion correction as compared to Gaussian smoothing. Furthermore, our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on a publicly available CT liver dataset

    Gravitational-wave astronomy: the high-frequency window

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    This contribution is divided in two parts. The first part provides a text-book level introduction to gravitational radiation. The key concepts required for a discussion of gravitational-wave physics are introduced. In particular, the quadrupole formula is applied to the anticipated ``bread-and-butter'' source for detectors like LIGO, GEO600, EGO and TAMA300: inspiralling compact binaries. The second part provides a brief review of high frequency gravitational waves. In the frequency range above (say) 100Hz, gravitational collapse, rotational instabilities and oscillations of the remnant compact objects are potentially important sources of gravitational waves. Significant and unique information concerning the various stages of collapse, the evolution of protoneutron stars and the details of the supranuclear equation of state of such objects can be drawn from careful study of the gravitational-wave signal. As the amount of exciting physics one may be able to study via the detections of gravitational waves from these sources is truly inspiring, there is strong motivation for the development of future generations of ground based detectors sensitive in the range from hundreds of Hz to several kHz.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, Lectures presented at the 2nd Aegean Summer School on the Early Universe, Syros, Greece, September 200

    Probabilistic non-linear registration with spatially adaptive regularisation

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    This paper introduces a novel method for inferring spatially varying regularisation in non-linear registration. This is achieved through full Bayesian inference on a probabilistic registration model, where the prior on the transformation parameters is parameterised as a weighted mixture of spatially localised components. Such an approach has the advantage of allowing the registration to be more flexibly driven by the data than a traditional globally defined regularisation penalty, such as bending energy. The proposed method adaptively determines the influence of the prior in a local region. The strength of the prior may be reduced in areas where the data better support deformations, or can enforce a stronger constraint in less informative areas. Consequently, the use of such a spatially adaptive prior may reduce unwanted impacts of regularisation on the inferred transformation. This is especially important for applications where the deformation field itself is of interest, such as tensor based morphometry. The proposed approach is demonstrated using synthetic images, and with application to tensor based morphometry analysis of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls. The results indicate that using the proposed spatially adaptive prior leads to sparser deformations, which provide better localisation of regional volume change. Additionally, the proposed regularisation model leads to more data driven and localised maps of registration uncertainty. This paper also demonstrates for the first time the use of Bayesian model comparison for selecting different types of regularisation

    Multi-Phase Feature Representation Learning for Neurodegenerative Disease Diagnosis

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    Feature learning with high dimensional neuroimaging features has been explored for the applications on neurodegenerative diseases. Low-dimensional biomarkers, such as mental status test scores and cerebrospinal fluid level, are essential in clinical diagnosis of neurological disorders, because they could be simple and effective for the clinicians to assess the disorder’s progression and severity. Rather than only using the low-dimensional biomarkers as inputs for decision making systems, we believe that such low-dimensional biomarkers can be used for enhancing the feature learning pipeline. In this study, we proposed a novel feature representation learning framework, Multi-Phase Feature Representation (MPFR), with low-dimensional biomarkers embedded. MPFR learns high-level neuroimaging features by extracting the associations between the low-dimensional biomarkers and the high-dimensional neuroimaging features with a deep neural network. We validated the proposed framework using the Mini-Mental-State-Examination (MMSE) scores as a low-dimensional biomarker and multi-modal neuroimaging data as the high-dimensional neuroimaging features from the ADNI baseline cohort. The proposed approach outperformed the original neural network in both binary and ternary Alzheimer’s disease classification tasks

    Tumour subregion analysis of colorectal liver metastases using semi-automated clustering based on DCE-MRI: Comparison with histological subregions and impact on pharmacokinetic parameter analysis.

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    PURPOSE: To use a novel segmentation methodology based on dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) to define tumour subregions of liver metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC), to compare these with histology, and to use these to compare extracted pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters between tumour subregions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This ethically-approved prospective study recruited patients with CRC and ≥1 hepatic metastases scheduled for hepatic resection. Patients underwent DCE-MRI pre-metastasectomy. Histological sections of resection specimens were spatially matched to DCE-MRI acquisitions and used to define histological subregions of viable and non-viable tumour. A semi-automated voxel-wise image segmentation algorithm based on the DCE-MRI contrast-uptake curves was used to define imaging subregions of viable and non-viable tumour. Overlap of histologically-defined and imaging subregions was compared using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). DCE-MRI PK parameters were compared for the whole tumour and histology-defined and imaging-derived subregions. RESULTS: Fourteen patients were included in the analysis. Direct histological comparison with imaging was possible in nine patients. Mean DSC for viable tumour subregions defined by imaging and histology was 0.738 (range 0.540-0.930). There were significant differences between Ktrans and kep for viable and non-viable subregions (p < 0.001) and between whole lesions and viable subregions (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: We demonstrate good concordance of viable tumour segmentation based on pre-operative DCE-MRI with a post-operative histological gold-standard. This can be used to extract viable tumour-specific values from quantitative image analysis, and could improve treatment response assessment in clinical practice
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