56 research outputs found

    Report of the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Education in the German speaking countries, virtual from the ETH ZĂĽrich 2021.

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    After the successful GMA Annual Meeting 2016 in Bern [1], we were “innovative together” for a second time in 2021. The GMA Annual Meeting 2021 was jointly organized by medical education and healthcare institutions in the Zurich area and the Medical Faculty of Bern, namely: University of Zurich, Medical Faculty; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich; Careum Bildungsmanagement; Zurich University of Applied Sciences; University of Lucerne, Department of Health Sciences and Medicine; and Medical Faculty of Bern, with the Institute for Medical Education. After the GMA 2020 had to be postponed due to the Corona Pandemic, it was decided to hold the 2021 meeting online to ensure a higher planning reliability and to ensure to definitely be able to organise the GMA Annual Meeting again. Innovatively, we have thus implemented the first ever online annual meeting of the GMA

    Looking back: twenty years of reforming undergraduate medical training and curriculum frameworks in Switzerland

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    Introduction: To date, hardly any reports exist that outline the reforms in medical studies in Switzerland from the first partial reforms in the 1970s until today.Methods: This article outlines the recent history of medical curricula, their reforms in the early 1970s and, based on these, the key reasons for the major curricular reforms of the 2000s from the perspective of the authors.Results: The various projects, initiatives and legislative elements at the national level include the introduction of new quality control instruments – federal examination and programme accreditation, the introduction of a national catalogue of learning objectives and its two follow-up editions, as well as the implementation of the Bologna reform in undergraduate medical curricula. Examples of the key new elements found in all medical training in Switzerland include: the interdisciplinary orientation of learning content in organ and functional system-oriented subject areas or modules, the enhanced valorisation of practical clinical training, as well as the introduction of problem-oriented formats and the integration of partly formative, partly summative exams according to the format of the objective structured practical examination (OSCE). Characteristics unique to the four medical faculties and their medical training programme are also highlighted.Discussion: The described projects, initiatives and legislative elements have led to a dynamic, continuous development of medical curricula in Switzerland. The close cooperation between the faculties and the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has also resulted in a redefinition of the roles and responsibilities of universities and the Federal Government according to the new Law on Medical Professions. This guarantees the medical faculties a great deal of autonomy, without neglecting quality assurance.Einleitung: Bisher existieren kaum Berichte, die die Schweizer Reformen des Medizinstudiums von den ersten Teilreformen in den 1970er Jahren bis heute skizzieren. Methoden: In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden kursorisch die jüngere Geschichte der humanmedizinischen Curricula, deren erste Teilreformen in den frühen 1970er Jahren und darauf aufbauend die wesentlichen Ausgangspunkte für die grossen Curriculumsreformen der 2000er Jahre aus Sicht der Autoren beschrieben. Ergebnisse: Die vielfältigen Projekte, Initiativen und gesetzgebenden Elemente auf Eidgenössischer Ebene umfassen die Einführung von neuen Qualitätsentwicklungsinstrumenten – Eidgenössische Prüfung und Programmakkreditierung, die Einführung und Weiterentwicklung eines nationalen Lernzielkataloges über insgesamt drei Editionen sowie die Einführung der Bologna Reformen auch in den humanmedizinischen Studiengängen. Im Sinne der Entwicklung von ausdifferenzierten Modellstudiengängen können exemplarisch die wesentlichen neuen Elemente aller Studiengänge in der Schweiz charakterisiert werden: die interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung der Lerninhalte in organ- und funktionssystem-orientierten Themenblöcken oder Modulen, die Aufwertung der klinisch-praktischen Ausbildung sowie die Einführung von problem-orientierten Formaten und der Integration von teils formativen, teils summativen Prüfungen nach dem OSCE-Format. Aufgezeigt werden auch die besonderen standort-spezifischen Charakteristika von vier Medizinischen Fakultäten und deren humanmedizinischen Studiengängen. Diskussion: Die beschriebenen Projekte, Initiativen und gesetzgebenden Elemente haben in der Schweiz zu einer dynamischen, weiterhin anhaltenden Entwicklung der humanmedizinischen Curricula geführt. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Fakultäten und dem Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) hat zudem bewirkt, dass mit dem neuen Medizinalberufegesetz Rollen und Verantwortungen zwischen Universitäten und Bund neu definiert worden sind. Dies gewährleistet den Fakultäten eine grosse Autonomie ohne die Qualitätssicherung zu vernachlässigen

    Talking about dying and death: Essentials of communicating about approaching death from the perspective of major stakeholders.

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    OBJECTIVES Although caring for dying patients and their family caregivers (FC) is integral to patient care, training in communication about approaching death is almost inexistent in medical and nursing curricula. Consequently, many health professionals have insufficient knowledge about conducting these conversations. In order to gain a broader insight into essential aspects of this communication from different perspectives, we conducted focus groups with key stakeholders. METHODS Medical specialists, nurses, medical students, bereaved FC and patient representatives participated in five focus groups (n = 30). Following a focus group schedule, we elicited relevant aspects of communication about approaching death, associated emotions, and appropriate communication frameworks. We analyzed data thematically. RESULTS Four main themes were central to conversations about approaching death: (1) embracing care within medical expertise, (2) preparing the conversation while remaining open to the unexpected, (3) recognizing and reflecting on own emotions and reactions, and (4) establishing a meaningful connection with others. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS Communicating about approaching death with dying patients and their FC can be complex and challenging at a professional and personal level. With the recognition of the dying phase, a process is initiated for which health professionals need solid clinical knowledge about but also effective communication skills, constant self-reflection and self-care strategies. Comprehensive training and supervision while dealing with the challenges of communicating approaching death to dying patients and their FC are key, particularly for trainees, less experienced physicians and nurses. The essential components identified in this study can help health professionals to master these conversations

    A Consensus Statement on Practical Skills in Medical School – a position paper by the GMA Committee on Practical Skills

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    Introduction: Encouraged by the change in licensing regulations the practical professional skills in Germany received a higher priority and are taught in medical schools therefore increasingly. This created the need to standardize the process more and more. On the initiative of the German skills labs the German Medical Association Committee for practical skills was established and developed a competency-based catalogue of learning objectives, whose origin and structure is described here

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability—for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples
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