68 research outputs found


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    Eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Deutsche Bundesregierung ist seit vielen Jahren die beschlossene Energiewende. Dabei wird auch immer häufiger von der Bedeutung der Wärmewende gesprochen, sodass erstens die Energiebedarfssenkung durch Dämmung der Gebäude und zweitens der Austausch der Heizungssysteme in den Fokus der Betrachtung gerückt werden müssen. In diesem Kontext spielen Wärmenetze eine immer bedeutendere Rolle. Denn mit zentralisierten Heizungssystemen ist bedingt eine höhere Energieeffizienz möglich als durch das gebäudeweise Ersetzen der bisherigen Anlagen. Doch die Umsetzung solcher Nahwärmenetz-Projekte ist insbesondere in Bestandsquartieren mit heterogener Akteurs- und Eigentümerstruktur mit hohen Hemmnissen und vielschichtigen Problemstellungen verbunden, die primär nicht rein technischen Ursprungs sind. Für die Realisierung solcher Projekte sind zahlreiche Investitionsentscheidungen zum selben Zeitpunkt von Immobilien-Eigentümern mit heterogenen Interessen und Erwartungen erforderlich, die gleichzeitig eine räumliche Nähe zueinander aufweisen müssen. Das deutsche Recht bietet die Möglichkeit einen Anschluss- und Benutzungszwang für netzgebundene Wärmeversorgungssysteme auszusprechen. Doch ein solcher rechtlicher Zwang ist gegenwärtig politisch kaum durchsetzbar. Mit den bisherigen Top-Down- und Bottom-Up-Ansätzen der Projektentwicklung, auf Handlungsebene der Gesamtstadt sowie der Quartiere, konnten bisher allerdings keine systemrelevanten Veränderungen hinsichtlich der Wärmewende erreicht werden, was sich auch in der Entwicklung der Beheizungsstruktur niederschlägt. Dieser Umstand lässt auf die Notwendigkeit eines weiteren Ansatzes für die Projektentwicklung schließen, um die Potenziale im Bereich der Wärmeversorgung des Immobilienbestandes im Kontext von Quartieren mit heterogener Akteurs- und Eigentümerstruktur mobilisieren zu können. Dabei steht insbesondere die Initiierungsphase im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Dieser festgestellten Notwendigkeit eines weiteren Ansatzes wird mit der Entwicklung des Quartiers-Energie-Managements (QEM) begegnet. Im Zusammenhang der Entwicklung wird primär die Initiierungsphase von Nahwärmenetz-Projekten untersucht. Während die bisherigen Projektentwicklungs-Ansätze die Initiierung von den drei Faktoren Standort, Kapital und Projektidee abhängig machen, wird im QEM-Ansatz der vierte Faktor Bedarf der Immobilien-Eigentümer hinzugezogen. Dies ist, neben der vorangehend beschriebenen Bedeutung der Investitionsentscheidung der einzelnen Immobilien-Eigentümer, mit dem gegenwärtig in der öffentlichen Verwaltung immer bedeutender werdenden Leitbild der Bürgerorientierung zu begründen. Das QEM wird durch mehrere Leitbilder, passende Ziele, ein digitales Ökosystem und einen Use-Case beschrieben. Das digitale Ökosystem des QEM basiert auf der partiellen Adaption insbesondere der vom Online-Handel angewendeten Elemente des Customer-Relationship-Managements. Die partielle Adaption der CRM-Elemente und der Grundzüge der digitalen Ökosysteme der Online-Händler für die Projektentwicklung von Nahwärmenetzen wird dadurch möglich, dass das für die Online-Händler mit der CRM-Theorie verbundene Leitbild der Kundenorientierung entscheidende Parallelen zum für die öffentliche Verwaltung immer bedeutender werdenden Leitbild der Bürgerorientierung aufweist. Denn in beiden Leitbildern werden die eigenen Prozesse an den Bedürfnissen der Menschen im Quartier ausgerichtet. Diese Adaption der CRM-Elemente führt zu einer Professionalisierung der Entwicklung von Nahwärmenetz-Projekten in Bestandsquartieren mit heterogener Akteurs- und Eigentümerstruktur. Das QEM soll einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Initiierung und Umsetzung von Nahwärmenetzen in Bestandsquartieren mit heterogener Akteurs- und Eigentümerstruktur im speziellen und einen weiteren Lösungsansatz für die Initiierung energetischer Quartiers-Sanierungen im Allgemeinen, darstellen. Neben der Steigerung der Energieeffizienz im Bereich der Wärmeversorgung bietet dieser Bereich ein großes Potenzial durch die Verwendung der Wärmenetze für bspw. das Power-To-Heat-Prinzip, um negative Regelleistung für die volatile Energieerzeugung aus Erneuerbaren Energiequellen bereitstellen zu können.The energy turnaround poses one of the greatest challenges for the current federal government of Germany. In this context the relevance of heating is progressively being rated higher and higher. As a result focus must be put firstly on the insulation of buildings and secondly on the replacement of heating systems. With regards to this situation the importance of district heating networks is continuously rising due to generally higher energy efficiency rates of centralized heating systems compared to individually replaced heating systems in single buildings. However the realization of such district heating networks is connected to diverse constraints and problems which do not have a solely technical background, especially in districts with a heterogeneous stakeholder- and ownership-structure. For the realization of such projects several investment decisions of many different building-owners are necessary who concurrently have to be within proximity of each other. The German law offers the possibility to establish compulsory connection and usage regarding a grid-tied heat supply system in a defined district. However, such a legal compulsion is currently hardly realizable due to political circumstances. So far no systematic changes have been achieved with project development´s established Top-Down- and Bottom-Up-approaches on the action level of entire towns and single districts. This is also distinguishable in the present heating structure in Germany. This circumstance suggests the demand of a further approach for project development in order to mobilize the potentials in the field of heat supply of the property portfolio in the context of existing districts with heterogeneous stakeholder- and ownership structure. In the analysis the focus lies especially on the initiation phase. The adequate response to this detected demand of a further approach is the development of the “Quartiers-Energie-Management” (QEM). In the context of this development the initiation phase of district-heating-projects is primarily interesting. The established approaches develop such projects depending on the following three parameters: location, capital and project-idea. In contrast, the new developed QEM widens this established procedure in the form of an additional parameter: the need of the building owners. This expansion in the form of this additional parameter is firstly based on the current vision for the public administration, Bürgerorientierung, and secondly on the importance of the individual investment decision of single building owners. The QEM-approach is described by several visions, appropriate aims, a digital ecosystem and a use-case. The digital ecosystem is based on the partial adaption of elements of the customer-relationship-management-theory (CRM-Theory), which is primarily used by e-commercial companies. The partial adaption of CRM-elements and main features of their digital-ecosystems for the project-development of district-heating-networks is possible because of the parallels between the current vision of the public administration on the one hand, and the vision of the e-commercial companies, Kundenorientierung, on the other hand. Because of these visions, in both sectors the respective processes are aligned in dependence on the needs of people living in the district. As a consequence, especially of the adaption of the CRM-elements, the project-development of district-heating-networks becomes more professional. The QEM-approach should especially deliver an innovative input for the discussion about the initiation and realization of district-heating-networks in existing districts with a heterogeneous stakeholder- and ownership-structure. Furthermore it should deliver an input for the general discussion about energetic refurbishment of whole districts. Additionally to the aspired increase of the energy efficiency in the context of heat supply, this area offers a remarkable potential for providing negative regulation power to compensate volatile generation from renewable energy sources by implementing the power-to-heat-principle within district-heating-systems

    Implementation of Quantum Key Distribution with Composable Security Against Coherent Attacks using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement

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    Secret communication over public channels is one of the central pillars of a modern information society. Using quantum key distribution (QKD) this is achieved without relying on the hardness of mathematical problems which might be compromised by improved algorithms or by future quantum computers. State-of-the-art QKD requires composable security against coherent attacks for a finite number of samples. Here, we present the first implementation of QKD satisfying this requirement and additionally achieving security which is independent of any possible flaws in the implementation of the receiver. By distributing strongly Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled continuous variable (CV) light in a table-top arrangement, we generated secret keys using a highly efficient error reconciliation algorithm. Since CV encoding is compatible with conventional optical communication technology, we consider our work to be a major promotion for commercialized QKD providing composable security against the most general channel attacks.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Gaussian entanglement for quantum key distribution from a single-mode squeezing source

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    We report the suitability of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement source for Gaussian continuous-variable quantum key distribution at 1550 nm. Our source is based on a single continuous-wave squeezed vacuum mode combined with a vacuum mode at a balanced beam splitter. Extending a recent security proof, we characterize the source by quantifying the extractable length of a composable secure key from a finite number of samples under the assumption of collective attacks. We show that distances in the order of 10 km are achievable with this source for a reasonable sample size despite the fact that the entanglement was generated including a vacuum mode. Our security analysis applies to all states having an asymmetry in the field quadrature variances, including those generated by superposition of two squeezed modes with different squeezing strengths.EU/FP7/Q-ESSENCEHALOSTARDFG/WE-1240/12-1BMBF/QUOREPJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/KAKENHI/24-02793EU/FP7/COQUI

    Efficient information reconciliation for Continuous-Variable QKD using Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    We present here an information reconciliation method and demonstrate for the first time that it can achieve efficiencies close to 0.98. This method is based on the belief propagation decoding of non-binary LDPC codes over finite (Galois) fields. In particular, for convenience and faster decoding we only consider power-of-two Galois fields

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Severity of Coronary Artery Disease Using the Gensini Scoring System

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) has a complex etiology involving numerous environmental and genetic factors of disease risk. To date, the genetic 9p21 locus represents the most robust genetic finding for prevalent and incident CAD. However, limited information is available on the genetic background of the severity and distribution of CAD. CAD manifests itself as stable CAD or acute coronary syndrome. The Gensini score quantifies the extent CAD but requires coronary angiography. Here, we aimed to identify novel genetic variants associated with Gensini score severity and distribution of CAD. A two-stage approach including a discovery and a replication stage was used to assess genetic variants. In the discovery phase, a meta-analysis of genome-wide association data of 4,930 CAD-subjects assessed by the Gensini score was performed. Selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were replicated in 2,283 CAD-subjects by de novo genotyping. We identified genetic loci located on chromosome 2 and 9 to be associated with Gensini score severity and distribution of CAD in the discovery stage. Although the loci on chromosome 2 could not be replicated in the second stage, the known CAD-locus on chromosome 9p21, represented by rs133349, was identified and, thus, was confirmed as risk locus for CAD severity