11 research outputs found

    Terahertz probing of anisotropic conductivity and morphology of CuMnAs epitaxial thin films

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    Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films have attracted attention since the discovery of the manipulation of their magnetic structure via electrical, optical, and terahertz pulses of electric fields, enabling convenient approaches to the switching between magnetoresistive states of the film for the information storage. However, the magnetic structure and, thus, the efficiency of the manipulation can be affected by the film morphology and growth defects. In this study, we investigate the properties of CuMnAs thin films by probing the defect-related uniaxial anisotropy of electric conductivity by contact-free terahertz transmission spectroscopy. We show that the terahertz measurements conveniently detect the conductivity anisotropy, that are consistent with conventional DC Hall-bar measurements. Moreover, the terahertz technique allows for considerably finer determination of anisotropy axes and it is less sensitive to the local film degradation. Thanks to the averaging over a large detection area, the THz probing also allows for an analysis of strongly non-uniform thin films. Using scanning near-field terahertz and electron microscopies, we relate the observed anisotropic conductivity of CuMnAs to the elongation and orientation of growth defects, which influence the local microscopic conductivity. We also demonstrate control over the morphology of defects by using vicinal substrates.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Spinová dynamika v polovodičových strukturách založených na GaAs

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    This work is dedicated to the study of spin dynamics in systems based on the semiconductor gallium arsenide (GaAs) that are suitable for use in spintronic devices. We explored two types of model structures using experimental methods of ultrafast laser spectroscopy and transport measurements. In the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, we investigated laser-induced magnetization precession. We found out that transfer of both energy and angular momentum from the circularly polarized laser light can trigger magnetization precession, the latter one being identified as a new phenomenon, the "optical spin transfer torque". Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility to control the energy-transfer-induced magnetization dynamics both optically and electrically using piezo-stressing. When dealing with purely non-magnetic structures for spintronics, we studied the Spin-Injection Hall Effect (SIHE) in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a special type of spin- orbit (SO) coupling that are lithographically patterned to create nanodevices. We managed to observe precession of the electron spin in the SO field directly in the space domain by extending the original detection method. This finding, together with the direct detection of a pure spin current, helped to propose a working spin Hall effect transistor.Tato práce se zabývá studiem spinové dynamiky v polovodičových systémech vhodných pro spintroniku, které jsou založeny na polovidiči galium arsenid (GaAs). Pomocí metod ultrarychlé laserové spektroskopie a transporního měření jsme zkoumali dva typy modelových polovodičových struktur. Ve feromagnetickém polovodiči (Ga,Mn)As jsme se zabývali laserem vyvolanou precesí magnetizace. Zjistili jsme, že původem této precese může být nejen přenos energie z laserových pulsů, ale také přenos úhlového momentu z kruhově polarizovaného světla na elektrony a následně na magnetické momenty. Tento optický "spin transfer torque" je zcela novým jevem pozorovaným poprvé v rámci této práce. Dále jsme ukázali možnost kontroly precese magnetizace vyvolané přenosem energie, a to jak čistě opticky, tak elektricky za použití piezo měničů. V oblasti čistě nemagnetické spintoniky jsme studovali nízkodimenzionální struktury založené na GaAs/AlGaAs kvantových jámách se speciálním typem spin orbitální (SO) vazby, které vykazují Hallův jev související s injecí spinově polarizovaných nosičů (SIHE) . Tyto struktury byly litograficky zpracovány do formy dvojdimenzionální planární fotodiody. V našich experimentech jsme dokázali přímo elektricky detekovat precesi spinových momentů elektronů v SO poli, což je rozšířením původního...Katedra chemické fyziky a optikyDepartment of Chemical Physics and OpticsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Spin dynamics in GaAs-based semiconductor structures

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    This work is dedicated to the study of spin dynamics in systems based on the semiconductor gallium arsenide (GaAs) that are suitable for use in spintronic devices. We explored two types of model structures using experimental methods of ultrafast laser spectroscopy and transport measurements. In the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, we investigated laser-induced magnetization precession. We found out that transfer of both energy and angular momentum from the circularly polarized laser light can trigger magnetization precession, the latter one being identified as a new phenomenon, the "optical spin transfer torque". Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility to control the energy-transfer-induced magnetization dynamics both optically and electrically using piezo-stressing. When dealing with purely non-magnetic structures for spintronics, we studied the Spin-Injection Hall Effect (SIHE) in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a special type of spin- orbit (SO) coupling that are lithographically patterned to create nanodevices. We managed to observe precession of the electron spin in the SO field directly in the space domain by extending the original detection method. This finding, together with the direct detection of a pure spin current, helped to propose a working spin Hall effect transistor

    Spin dynamics in GaAs-based semiconductor structures

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    This work is dedicated to the study of spin dynamics in systems based on the semiconductor gallium arsenide (GaAs) that are suitable for use in spintronic devices. We explored two types of model structures using experimental methods of ultrafast laser spectroscopy and transport measurements. In the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, we investigated laser-induced magnetization precession. We found out that transfer of both energy and angular momentum from the circularly polarized laser light can trigger magnetization precession, the latter one being identified as a new phenomenon, the "optical spin transfer torque". Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility to control the energy-transfer-induced magnetization dynamics both optically and electrically using piezo-stressing. When dealing with purely non-magnetic structures for spintronics, we studied the Spin-Injection Hall Effect (SIHE) in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a special type of spin- orbit (SO) coupling that are lithographically patterned to create nanodevices. We managed to observe precession of the electron spin in the SO field directly in the space domain by extending the original detection method. This finding, together with the direct detection of a pure spin current, helped to propose a working spin Hall effect transistor

    Helicity dependent photoresistance measurement vs. beam-shift thermal gradient

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    International audienceOptical detection techniques are among the most powerful methods used to characterize spintronic phenomena. The spin orientation can affect the light polarization, which, by the reciprocal mechanism, can modify the spin density. Numerous recent experiments, report local changes in the spin density induced by a circularly polarized focused laser beam. These effects are typically probed electrically, by detecting the variations of the photoresistance or photocurrent associated to the reversal of the light helicity. Here we show that in general, when the light helicity is modified, the beam profile is slightly altered, and the barycenter of the laser spot is displaced. Consequently, the temperature gradients produced by the laser heating will be modulated, producing thermo-electric signals that alternate in phase with the light polarization. These unintended signals, having no connection with the electron spin, appear under the same experimental conditions and can be easily misinterpreted. We show how this contribution can be experimentally assessed and removed from the measured data. We find that even when the beam profile is optimized, this effect is large, and completely overshadows the spin related signals in all the materials and experimental conditions that we have tested

    Thermally induced all-optical ferromagnetic resonance in thin YIG films

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    All-optical ferromagnetic resonance (AO-FMR) is a powerful tool for the local detection of micromagnetic parameters, such as magnetic anisotropy, Gilbert damping or spin stiffness. In this work we demonstrate that the AO-FMR method can be used in thin films of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) if a metallic capping layer (Au, Pt) is deposited on top of the film. Magnetization precession is triggered by heating of the metallic layer with femtosecond laser pulses. The heat pulse modifies the magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the YIG film and shifts the quasi-equilibrium orientation of the magnetization, which results in precessional magnetization dynamics. The laser-induced magnetization precession corresponds to a uniform (Kittel) magnon mode, with the precession frequency determined by the magnetic anisotropy of the material as well as the external magnetic field, and the damping time set by a Gilbert damping parameter. The AO-FMR method thus enables measuring local magnetic properties, with a resolution given by the laser spot size

    Even-in-magnetic-field part of transverse resistivity as a probe of magnetic order

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    The detection of a voltage transverse to both an applied current and a magnetic field is one of the most common characterization techniques in solid-state physics. The corresponding component of the resistivity tensor ρij can be separated into odd and even parts with respect to the applied magnetic field. The former contains information, for example, about the ordinary or anomalous Hall effect. The latter is typically ascribed to experimental artefacts and ignored. We here show that upon suppressing these artefacts in carefully controlled experiments, useful information remains. We first investigate the well-explored ferromagnet CoFeB, where the even part of ρyx contains a contribution from the anisotropic magnetoresistance, which we confirm by Stoner-Wohlfarth modelling. We then apply our approach to magnetotransport measurements in Mn5Si3 thin films with a complex compensated magnetic order. In this material, the even part of the transverse signal is sizable only in the low-spin-symmetry phase below ~80 K and thus offers a simple and readily available probe of the magnetic order

    Anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in thin films of the altermagnet candidate Mn5Si3

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    International audienceAltermagnets are compensated magnets belonging to spin symmetry groups that allow alternating spin polarizations both in the coordinate space of the crystal and in the momentum space of the electronic structure. In these materials the anisotropic local crystal environment of the different sublattices lowers the symmetry of the system so that the opposite-spin sublattices are connected only by rotations, which results in an unconventional spin-polarized band structure in the momentum space. This low symmetry of the crystal structure is expected to be reflected in the anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect. In this work, we study the anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial thin films of Mn5Si3 , an altermagnetic candidate material. We first demonstrate a change in the relative Néel vector orientation when rotating the external field orientation through systematic changes in both the anomalous Hall effect and the anisotropic longitudinal magnetoresistance. We then show that the anomalous Hall effect in this material is anisotropic with the Néel vector orientation relative to the crystal structure and that this anisotropy requires high crystal quality and unlikely correlates with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Our results provide further systematic support to the case for considering epitaxial thin films of Mn 5 Si 3 as an altermagnetic candidate material

    Altermagnetic variants in thin films of Mn5Si3

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    The altermagnet candidate Mn5Si3 has attracted wide attention in the context of non-relativistic spin physics, due to its composition of light elements. However, the presumed structure of the altermagnetic phase had yet to be demonstrated. In this study, we demonstrate a hallmark of altermagnetism in Mn5Si3 thin films, namely the three options, or variants, for the checkerboard distribution of the magnetic Mn atoms. The magnetic symmetries were altered by field-rotation of the Néel vector along relevant crystal directions, resulting in anomalous Hall effect anisotropy. The experimental results in nanoscale devices were corroborated by a theoretical model involving atomic site dependent anisotropy and bulk Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction for a single variant