264 research outputs found

    The use of pesticides in Brazil and the risks linked to human health / O uso de pesticidas no Brasil e os riscos associados à saúde humana

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    The increased demand for food has intensified large-scale production systems, mainly represented by monocultures that encourage the indiscriminate use of pesticides. These products have been considered a public health concern around the world, being responsible for environmental and food contamination, which lead to risks to human health. Globally, one can note a discrepancy in the regulation of these chemicals among countries, with a wide range of maximum accepted levels of contaminants depending on the country. In Brazil, agriculture has been the main economic activity over centuries, which have led commonly to the use of huge amounts of pesticides, i.e., ~ 620,000 tons pesticides in 2019. This study aims at to discuss the regulatory differences in Brazil vis-à-vis in respecting to other countries and correlating them with the worsening of the public health status due to the risk of developing acute and chronic diseases. The scenario that come out from the analysis of the ongoing Brazilian legislation on pesticide registration and commercialization suggests that it is quite lesser restrictive than noted, for instance, in the European Union. Thus, a series of urgent and harmonized efforts are required to mitigate the ongoing risk to human health resulting from the increasing amounts of pesticides used in Brazil, as result of an erroneous policy carried out by the Federal government. Among other actions, firstly it is urgent to restructure the laws and regulations on the release and use of pesticides in the country. In addition, policies directed towards sustainable production systems must be foster and strengthened, providing adequate food to consumers and improving the lives of rural workers, as well as reducing the risk of environmental contamination of soil and water. Finally, it has been assumed that only when a more rational and environmental-friendly legislation replaces the current set of rules on pesticide release and usage, along with the adoption of agroecological production systems of biomasses coupled to public campaigns for information of the society as a whole, it will be possible to reduce the risks to the human health caused by the overuse of pesticides

    Cognitive deficit and depressive symptoms in a community group of elderly people: a preliminary study

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar déficit cognitivo e presença de sinais e sintomas depressivos, 62 idosos registrados numa Unidade de Saúde Comunitária em Porto Alegre/RS foram entrevistados em suas casas. Foram avaliados pelo Mini Exame do Estado Mental (Mini Mental State), pela escala de Montgomery-Asberg, e por um questionário sobre condições de saúde, moradia e outras variáveis de vínculos sociais. Níveis mais altos de sintomas depressivos foram observados entre os idosos expostos a fatores de risco maiores para doença cérebro-vascular (diabete e doença coronariana), enquanto que pior desempenho cognitivo foi encontrado nos sujeitos que não contavam com um confidente (variável da rede social). Os resultados sugeriram que a identificação precoce dos grupos idosos de risco pode auxiliar na prevenção de problemas sociais e de saúde, mantendo os indivíduos na comunidade.Since the number and proportion of old people increases worldwide, health professionals and systems should be made aware and prepared to deal with their problems. Cognitive deficit and symptoms of depression are commom among the elderly, and may occur in relation to various risk factors such as health conditions and psychosocial variables. In order to study cognitive deficit and the presence of signs and symptoms of depression, 62 elderly community subjects enrolled at a Community Health Unit in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, were interviewed. They were evaluated by means of the Mini Mental State Exam, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression rating scale, and a questionnaire on health conditions, living arrangements and social variables. Higher levels of symptoms of depression were observed among subjects exposed to major risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases (diabetes and coronary disease), while impaired cognitive performance was seen among individuals who could not count on the presence of a confidant (social network variable). The results suggest that the early identification of major risk groups among old people can help to prevent institutionalization and keep individuals in the community

    Concordância entre relato de pais e professores para sintomas de TDAH: resultados de uma amostra clínica brasileira

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    BACKGROUND: ADHD diagnosis in children and adolescents according to DSM-IV criteria demands symptoms to be present in at least two different settings (mainly school and home). Despite the importance in obtaining parents' and teachers' reports, this issue is seldom investigated in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: We set to evaluate agreement rates between parents' and teachers' reports from a Brazilian clinical sample of children and adolescents with ADHD. METHODS: The sample comprised 44 children and adolescents with age range between 6 and 16 years old (boys: 40; girls: 4) with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD. We compared parents' and teachers' responses in SNAP-IV questionnaire in order to calculate agreement rates among different information sources on ADHD symptomatology. RESULTS: Agreement for ADHD diagnosis occurred in nearly half of the sample, with parents' reporting more ADHD symptomatology than teachers. CONCLUSION: Our findings might suggest that recognition of ADHD symptomatology is less clear-cut among school teachers in Brazil, indicating that some educational sessions about this condition should be conducted in schools, taking into consideration the importance of education professionals' reports to diagnose ADHD.CONTEXTO: O diagnóstico de TDAH em crianças e adolescentes, segundo os critérios do DSM-IV, requer que os sintomas estejam presentes em, ao menos, dois ambientes distintos (principalmente escola e casa). Apesar da importância do relato de pais e professores, esse tema tem sido pouco investigado no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Investigar a concordância entre os relatos de pais e professores de uma amostra clínica de crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de TDAH. MÉTODOS: A amostra era composta por 44 crianças e adolescentes com idades variando entre 6 e 16 anos (40 meninos e 4 meninas), com diagnóstico clínico de TDAH. Foram comparadas as respostas de pais e professores no questionário SNAP-IV, visando a calcular taxas de concordância entre diferentes fontes de informação para sintomas de TDAH. RESULTADOS: Concordância para o diagnóstico de TDAH ocorreu em aproximadamente metade dos casos; pais relataram mais sintomas de TDAH que professores. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados aqui apresentados podem mostrar que informações acerca da sintomatologia de TDAH não são bem divulgadas para professores brasileiros, indicando a necessidade de se investir em sessões educacionais sobre o transtorno, tendo em vista a importância do relato de profissionais de educação para o diagnóstico de TDAH

    CLOCK polymorphisms in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : further evidence linking sleep and circadian disturbances and ADHD

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    Circadian and sleep disorders, short sleep duration, and evening chronotype are often present in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). CLOCK, considered the master gene in the circadian rhythm, has been explored by few studies. Understanding the relationship between ADHD and CLOCK may provide additional information to understand the correlation between ADHD and sleep problems. In this study, we aimed to explore the association between ADHD and CLOCK, using several genetic markers to comprehensively cover the gene extension. A total of 259 ADHD children and their parents from a Brazilian clinical sample were genotyped for eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CLOCK locus. We tested the individual markers and the haplotype effects using binary logistic regression. Binary logistic and linear regressions considering ADHD symptoms among ADHD cases were conducted as secondary analysis. As main result, the analysis showed a risk effect of the G-A-T-G-G-C-G-A (rs534654, rs1801260, rs6855837, rs34897046, rs11931061, rs3817444, rs4864548, rs726967) haplotype on ADHD. A suggestive association between ADHD and rs534654 was observed. The results suggest that the genetic susceptibility to circadian rhythm attributed to the CLOCK gene may play an important role on ADHD

    Treinamento cognitivo para crianças e adolescentes com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade como tratamento complementar aos psicoestimulantes : estudo de viabilidade e descrição de protocolo

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    Background: Cognitive training has received increasing attention as a non-pharmacological approach for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. Few studies have assessed cognitive training as add-on treatment to medication in randomized placebo controlled trials. The purpose of this preliminary study was to explore the feasibility of implementing a computerized cognitive training program for ADHD in our environment, describe its main characteristics and potential efficacy in a small pilot study. Methods: Six ADHD patients aged 10-12-years old receiving stimulants and presenting residual symptoms were enrolled in a randomized clinical trial to either a standard cognitive training program or a controlled placebo condition for 12 weeks. The primary outcome was core ADHD symptoms measured using the Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Questionnaire (SNAP-IV scale). Results: We faced higher resistance than expected to patient enrollment due to logistic issues to attend face-to-face sessions in the hospital and to fill the requirement of medication status and absence of some comorbidities. Both groups showed decrease in parent reported ADHD symptoms without statistical difference between them. In addition, improvements on neuropsychological tests were observed in both groups – mainly on trained tasks. Conclusions: This protocol revealed the need for new strategies to better assess the effectiveness of cognitive training such as the need to implement the intervention in a school environment to have an assessment with more external validity. Given the small sample size of this pilot study, definitive conclusions on the effects of cognitive training as add-on treatment to stimulants would be premature.Introdução: O treinamento cognitivo tem recebido atenção especial como abordagem não medicamentosa para o tratamento do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) em crianças e adolescentes. Poucos estudos avaliaram o treinamento cognitivo como abordagem complementar à medicação em ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados por placebo. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a viabilidade para a implementação de um programa de treinamento cognitivo computadorizado, descrever suas características principais e potencial eficácia em um pequeno estudo piloto. Métodos: Seis pacientes com TDAH entre 10-12 anos de idade, em uso de psicoestimulantes e apresentando sintomas residuais, foram recrutados e randomizados para um dos dois grupos (treinamento cognitivo ou placebo) por 12 semanas. O desfecho principal foram os sintomas nucleares do TDAH avaliados através do Questionário de Swanson, Nolan e Pelham (SNAP-IV). Resultados: Encontramos maior resistência do que a esperada no recrutamento dos pacientes em função de problemas logísticos para atender às sessões presenciais no hospital assim como para preencherem os critérios de status medicamentoso e ausência de algumas comorbidades. Ambos os grupos apresentaram diminuição nos escores dos sintomas de TDAH reportados pelos pais, mas sem diferença estatística entre eles. Além disso, foi observada melhora nos testes neuropsicológicos em ambos os grupos – principalmente nas tarefas treinadas pelo programa. Conclusão: Este protocolo revelou a necessidade de novas estratégias para melhor avaliar a eficácia do treinamento cognitivo tal como a necessidade de implementar a intervenção no ambiente escolar a fim de obter uma avaliação com maior validade externa. Devido ao pequeno tamanho amostral deste estudo, conclusões definitivas sobre os efeitos do treinamento cognitivo como abordagem complementar aos psicoestimulantes seriam prematuras

    Processo e plataforma de telessaúde

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    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulMedicinaDepositad
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