20,254 research outputs found

    Merged infrared catalogue

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    A compilation of equatorial coordinates, spectral types, magnitudes, and fluxes from five catalogues of infrared observations is presented. This first edition of the Merged Infrared Catalogue contains 11,201 oservations from the Two-Micron Sky Survey, Observations of Infrared Radiation from Cool Stars, the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory four Color Infrared Sky Survey and its Supplemental Catalog, and from Catalog of 10 micron Celestial Objects (HALL). This compilation is a by-product of a computerized infrared data base under development at Goddard Space Flight Center; the objective is to maintain a complete and current record of all infrared observations from 1 micron m to 1000 micron m of nonsolar system objects. These observations are being placed into a standardized system

    Diffusion-Induced Oscillations of Extended Defects

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    From a simple model for the driven motion of a planar interface under the influence of a diffusion field we derive a damped nonlinear oscillator equation for the interface position. Inside an unstable regime, where the damping term is negative, we find limit-cycle solutions, describing an oscillatory propagation of the interface. In case of a growing solidification front this offers a transparent scenario for the formation of solute bands in binary alloys, and, taking into account the Mullins-Sekerka instability, of banded structures

    Capillary-Wave Model for the Solidification of Dilute Binary Alloys

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    Starting from a phase-field description of the isothermal solidification of a dilute binary alloy, we establish a model where capillary waves of the solidification front interact with the diffusive concentration field of the solute. The model does not rely on the sharp-interface assumption, and includes non-equilibrium effects, relevant in the rapid-growth regime. In many applications it can be evaluated analytically, culminating in the appearance of an instability which, interfering with the Mullins-Sekerka instability, is similar to that, found by Cahn in grain-boundary motion.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    A Limnological Study of Ricks Pond and the Gulpha Creek Drainage in Garland County, Arkansas

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    A limnological investigation of Ricks Pond and the Gulpha Creek drainage of Garland County, Arkansas was conducted between 1 June 1978, and 21 August 1978. Water samples taken from ten stations on three different dates indicated that the stream and pond systems were typical in water quality characteristics of other small, high gradient streams and impoundments in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. In Ricks Pond, thermal stratification occurred along with the development of an oxygen deficient zone below a depth of one meter. Other water quality parameters indicated that Ricks Pond is a moderately productive ecosystem, with the productivity limited by the nitrogen species. The fecal coliform bacterial counts were very low, indicating no direct input of excessive amounts of fecal matter into the system during the present study. However, a Hot Springs city sewer line runs through the pond, and two manholes emerge from the pond\u27s surface. The possibility exists that this sewer line could discharge raw sewage into Ricks Pond during periods of high water. A biological investigation was also conducted in the study area, and lists of the phytoplankton, periphyton, higher aquatic vegetation, zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fishes are presented. Twenty-seven species of fishes were collected from the Gulpha Creek drainage, and no rare or endangered forms were found. Ricks Pond is best-suited for the establishment of a put- and-take fishery for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The following recommendations were made for the establishment of such a fishery: (1) Renovation of the pond by draining and deepening it; (2) Removal of the sewer line from the pond; (3) Stocking of catchable size channel catfish at the rate of approximately 300-400 pounds per acre; (4) Periodic monitoring of the water quality

    Actinic keratoses show variable histological basal growth patterns - a proposed classification adjustment

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    Background: Common histological classification schemes of actinic keratoses (AK) do not evaluate growth patterns at basal epidermal aspects of AK. Until now, the importance of basal epidermal growth patterns of AK has not been studied. Objective: To investigate the extent of atypical keratinocytes throughout the epidermis and variation in basal growth patterns of AK. Methods: AK lesions occurring on the head/face from patients seen in routine practice were assessed histologically. We determined histological grade (AK I-III), basal growth patterns of atypical keratinocytes (crowding, budding, papillary sprouting) and accompanying parameters. Results: Of the 246 lesions included, 28.0% were histologically classified as AK I, 46.7% as AK II, and 25.2% as AK III. 26.4% of the basal growth patterns were classified as crowding (pro I), 49.6% as budding (pro II), 17.9% as papillary sprouting (pro III) and 6.1% without basal directed growth. No significant correlation of the histological AK I-III grading and underlying growth patterns was observed (P= 0.4666). However, adnexal structure involvement (OR= 2.37; 95%CI 1.21-4.65), infiltration (OR= 2.53; 95%CI 1.31-4.90) and increased number of vessels (OR= 2.56; 95%CI 1.42-4.65) were independent positive predictive markers for pro II and pro III basal growth patterns. Conclusions: Basal growth patterns (pro I-III) in AK do not correlate with the established AK I-III histological grading system. Besides the degree of upward extension, varying degrees of downward extension exist. Histological classification should consider both, upwards and downward growth patterns when assessing AK

    Weather Impact on Airport Performance

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    Weather events have a significant impact on airport performance and cause delayed operations if the airport capacity is constrained. We provide quantification of the individual airport performance with regards to an aggregated weather-performance metric. Specific weather phenomena are categorized by the air traffic management airport performance weather algorithm, which aims to quantify weather conditions at airports based on aviation routine meteorological reports. Our results are computed from a data set of 20.5 million European flights of 2013 and local weather data. A methodology is presented to evaluate the impact of weather events on the airport performance and to select the appropriate threshold for significant weather conditions. To provide an efficient method to capture the impact of weather, we modelled departing and arrival delays with probability distributions, which depend on airport size and meteorological impacts. These derived airport performance scores could be used in comprehensive air traffic network simulations to evaluate the network impact caused by weather induced local performance deterioration

    A preliminary longitudinal study of white matter alteration in cocaine use disorder subjects

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    Background Previous diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have consistently shown that subjects with cocaine use disorder (CocUD) had altered white matter microstructure in the corpus callosum. It is believed that these alterations are due to preexisting factors, chronic cocaine use, or both. However, there is no published longitudinal DTI study on human cocaine users yet which could shed light on the relationship between cocaine use and DTI findings. Methods This study used a longitudinal design and DTI to test if the white matter microstructure shows quicker alteration in CocUD subjects than controls. DTI data were acquired from eleven CocUD subjects who participated a treatment study and eleven non-drug-using controls at baseline (Scan 1) and after ten weeks (Scan 2). The baseline fractional anisotropy (FA), a general measure of white matter microstucture, and the change in FA (ΔFA, equals Scan 1 FA minus Scan 2 FA) were both compared between groups. Results The two groups did not show a difference in FA at baseline. The CocUD subjects had significantly greater ΔFA than the controls in the left splenium of the corpus callosum. In CocUD subjects, greater ΔFA in this region was associated with shorter lifetime cocaine use and greater number of positive cocaine urine samples collected during the treatment. Conclusion The finding in the left splenium is consistent with previous animal studies and provide indirect evidence about the effects of chronic cocaine use on white matter alterations. The subject sample size is small, therefore the results should be treated as preliminary

    Constraints to the sustainability of a ‘systematised’ approach to livestock marketing amongst smallholder cattle producers in South Africa

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    Commercialization of smallholder agriculture in South Africa is underpinned by reforms to improve livestock off-take in communal areas and engage smallholder farmers with formal markets. To achieve this, Custom Feeding Programmes (CFPs) were established to improve the condition of communal cattle prior to their sale into formal markets and to ‘systematise’ the informal marketing of cattle in communal areas by enabling participants to achieve higher informal market prices. We evaluate the sustainability of eight CFPs located in Eastern Cape Province in terms of their ability to add value to smallholder cattle production and encourage market participation. Communities with CFPs achieved a 16.6% mean cattle off-take rate, substantially higher than in most communal systems. Furthermore, cattle sold through CFPs attained a 17% higher mean selling price than those sold through other marketing channels. However, these benefits were mainly realized by better-off farmers with larger cattle herds and greater ability to transport animals to and from CFPs. More marginalized farmers, particularly women, had low participation. CFPs also face challenges to their sustainability, including inconsistent feed and water supplies, poor infrastructure and high staff turnover. Key to enhancing participation in CFPs, will be improving the way they are supported and embedded within communities
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