2,015 research outputs found

    Verfügbarkeit von Handelsfinanzierung : Herausforderung für Global Economic Governance

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    Titel: På spaning efter friskfaktorer! En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsrelaterad hälsa upplevs och vilka friskfaktorer som gör att man mår bra på arbetet. Syfte: Studiens syfteär att beskriva hur arbetsrelaterad hälsa upplevs samt att identifiera vilka friskfaktorer som anses vara nödvändiga för att vidmakthålla hälsa. Metod: Studien är enempirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fyra informanter. Tolkning och analys har gjorts utifrån kvalitativinnehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Resultat: Resultatet består av sju huvudteman och tre subteman, som bildats av de kategorier och koder som förelåg. Huvudteman somframkom var; Hälsa, Friskfaktorer, Medvetenhet,Livskamrat, Ohälsa, Arbetsrelaterad ohälsa och Medvetet handlande. Temat Friskfaktorbestod av tre subteman, vilka var; Individnivå,Gruppnivå och Organisatorisk nivå. Istudiens empiriska resultat framträder även domänerna hälsorelaterad och ohälsorelaterad. Slutsatser: Slutsatser som kan dras av denna studieär att hälsa upplevs som en balans mellan olika delar, såsom fysiska, psykiska,sociala aspekter samt arbete, familj och privatliv. Dessa delar eller dimensioner av hälsan hänger samman och påverkar varandra. Trots att arbetet är mycket krävande och påfrestande så trivs informanterna på sitt arbete och tycker att det är roligt och utvecklande, de känner sig engagerade och delaktiga vilket bidrar till att de upplever hälsa (arbetsrelaterad hälsa). Ett flertal friskfaktorer går att identifiera och de friskfaktorer som finns på individnivå tycks vara av mycket stor betydelse, även om de på gruppnivå och organisatorisk nivå också inverkar på den arbetsrelaterade hälsan. Friskfaktorerna på individnivå är betydelsefulla för att kunna nyttja de friskfaktorer som finns på gruppnivå och organisatorisk nivå. De individuella friskfaktorernaär tydligt synliga hos individen i både privata sammanhang och i arbetssammanhang, medan friskfaktorerna på gruppnivå och organisatorisk nivå endast är relaterade till arbetet och arbetssituationen

    Convergence of a TPFA scheme for a diffusion-convection equation with a multiplicative stochastic noise

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    The aim of this paper is to address the convergence analysis of a finite-volume scheme for the approximation of a stochastic non-linear parabolic problem set in a bounded domain of R2\mathbb{R}^2 and under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The considered discretization is semi-implicit in time and TPFA in space. By adapting well-known methods for the time-discretization of stochastic PDEs, one shows that the associated finite-volume approximation converges towards the unique variational solution of the continuous problem strongly in L2(Ω;L2(0,T;L2(Λ)))L^2(\Omega; L^2(0,T;L^2(\Lambda))).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.0985

    Compostos fotoprotetores que absorvem radiação UV-VIS em algas pardas (Phaeophyceae) da Costa do Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Algas e Plantas, Florianópolis, 2017.Os efeitos da radiação solar nos processos químicos e biológicos nos ambientes marinhos dependem principalmente da intensidade e do comprimento de onda. Os ambientes costeiros sempre estiveram sujeitos às altas radiações, porém a redução da camada de ozônio e o aumento do fluxo de UVR incidente são prejudiciais para organismos marinhos, principalmente aos fotossintetizantes. Para se protegerem desta variação, macroalgas adaptaram mecanismos de fotoproteção que são relacionados com a síntese de compostos que absorvem radiação UV/PAR atenuando estes efeitos deletérios. Atualmente, a busca por compostos bioativos naturais provenientes do ambiente marinho vem crescendo. Algas pardas são reconhecidas por sintetizar metabólitos secundários com potencial biotecnológico. O Brasil é rico em recursos aquáticos e apresenta uma costa com uma alta biodiversidade de espécies. Isso acarreta em um elevado potencial de espécies com compostos bioativos. O presente estudo teve como enfoque a prospecção de compostos que absorvem radiação UV/PAR com potencial biotecnológico, atrelando sua variação aos fatores abióticos. As algas foram coletadas na costa brasileira em vinte e três locais, provenientes de três regiões do Brasil. Todas as amostras foram condicionadas em sílica-gel. Foi obtido um extrato em metanol:clorofórmio dessas espécies e feita uma varredura de sua capacidade de absorver radiação UV-VIS, correlacionando esse aspecto aos fatores abióticos. As espécies de Phaeophyceae apresentaram um perfil característico do grupo com sete regiões principais de absorbância. As substâncias com maior interesse no grupo são os florotaninos e cumarinas absorvendo na região UV e carotenoides e clorofilaxiiabsorvendo na região PAR. Foi identificada a região 1 (Nordeste) com os maiores índices de compostos que absorvem radiação UV/PAR. Nesta avaliação, observou-se que temperatura, nebulosidade e nitrato estão diretamente correlacionadas aos compostos que absorvem a radiação UV/PAR. Como uma continuação do trabalho, recomenda-se que as substâncias fotoprotetoras, como fenólicos ou carotenoides, sejam extraídas e separadas / purificadas para maior detalhamento das moléculas e suas potencialidades.Abstract : The effects of solar radiation on chemical and biological processes in marine environments depend mainly on intensities and wavelengths. Coastal environments have always been subject to high radiation, but the loss of the ozone layer and the increased flux of incident UVR are detrimental to marine organisms, especially photosynthesizers. To protect them from this variation, macroalgae adapted photoprotection mechanismsincluding the synthesis of UV / PAR absorbing compounds, attenuating these deleterious effects. Currently, the search for natural bioactive compounds from the marine environment has been growing. Brown algae are recognized for synthesizing secondary metabolites with biotechnological potential. Brazil is rich in aquatic resources and presents a coast with a high biodiversity of species. This leads to a high potential of finding species with bioactive compounds. The present study focused on the prospection of compounds that absorb UV/PAR radiation with biotechnological potential, linking its variation to abiotic factors. The algae were collected on the Brazilian coast in twenty-three sites, from three regions of Brazil. The samples were conditioned on silica gel. An extract was obtained in methanol: chloroform from these species and a scan of its capacity to absorb UV-VIS radiation, correlating this aspect with the abiotic factors. The silica gel method is not the most recommended for analysis of the metabolomics, and the percentage of degradation could compromise the significance of analyzes. The species of Phaeophyceae presented a characteristic profile of the group with seven main regions of absorbance. The substances of greatest interest in the group are the phlorotannins and coumarins absorbing in the UV region and carotenoids and chlorophyll absorbingxivin the PAR region. Region 1 (Northeast) was identified with the highest indexes of UV / PAR absorbing compounds. In this evaluation, it was observed that temperature, cloudiness and nitrate are directly correlated to these compounds variability. As a continuation of the work, it is recommended that photoprotective substances, such as phenolics or carotenoids, could be extracted and separated / purified for further detailing of the molecules and their potentialities

    Convergence of a finite-volume scheme for a heat equation with a multiplicative Lipschitz noise

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    We study here the approximation by a finite-volume scheme of a heat equation forced by a Lipschitz continuous multiplicative noise in the sense of It\^o. More precisely, we consider a discretization which is semi-implicit in time and a two-point flux approximation scheme (TPFA) in space. We adapt the method based on the theorem of Prokhorov to obtain a convergence in distribution result, then Skorokhod's representation theorem yields the convergence of the scheme towards a martingale solution and the Gy\"{o}ngy-Krylov argument is used to prove convergence in probability of the scheme towards the unique variational solution of our parabolic problem

    The Romanian white-collar immigrants in Brussels: a transnational community under construction

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    Focusing on a population of white-collar immigrants who chose to move from Romania to Brussels-Capital Region between 2014 and 2019, this article signals the formation of a third wave of Romanian migration. The participants in the study are Romanians residing in Brussels, corresponding to the features of the European Man (Homo Europaeus) and they belong to the "middle class" leaving Romania at an accelerated pace motivated by the desire to achieve a transnational lifestyle and an improvement of subjective well-being. We draw our findings from both quantitative data on mobility in the EU and qualitative research that reveals what are the elements that push, attract, and retain RWCIs to Brussels. It is also an opportunity to reflect upon the notion of sense of place experienced by a population that, despite having only recently moved to Brussels, already shows a high degree of attachment.Depuis la fin des restrictions de mobilité intracommunautaire en 2014, la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale connaît une troisième vague de migration roumaine qui diffère des précédentes par sa composition socio-économique. La recherche investigue les motivations migratoires de ces Roumains issus de la « classe moyenne » récemment arrivés à Bruxelles. Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à quitter la Roumanie motivés par la recherche d’une meilleure qualité de vie, qui outrepasse les seuls aspects financiers, tout en développant un mode de vie transnational, se rapprochant ainsi des caractéristiques de l’homme européen (Homo Europaeus). Nos conclusions reposent sur l’analyse de données quantitatives sur la mobilité dans l’UE et sur une recherche qualitative combinant une enquête en ligne et des entrevues avec ces nouveaux Bruxellois. A côté de la mise en évidence des facteurs qui poussent, attirent et retiennent ces nouveaux migrants à Bruxelles, l’étude constate un haut degré d’attachement à la capital belge et un désir de s’y investir durablement

    Diálogos entre as pesquisas geográficas e o conceito de patriarcado

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    As críticas feministas referentes à masculinização da ciência mostraram que a história escrita foi interpretada por homens, em especial brancos e em uma perspectiva ocidental e heteronormativa. Assim sendo, as pesquisas das geógrafas feministas preenchem uma lacuna no conhecimento geográfico, denunciando as invisibilidades históricas. Há, desse modo, a utilização de conceitos centrais para explicar as diferenças de gênero em modelos binários e não binários. Assim, considera-se o conceito de patriarcado importante na compreensão dos papéis sociais hierárquicos entre homens e mulheres, visto que vem sendo difundido nas discussões e pesquisas acadêmicas e nos movimentos sociais. No entanto, tal conceito ainda causa desconforto por parte de muitas (os) estudantes e pesquisadoras (es), que relutam em utilizá-lo, seja pela negação de sua importância, ou pela dificuldade de sua compreensão. Objetiva-se, neste texto, contribuir no entendimento do conceito de patriarcado através de três autoras consideradas fundamentais para o debate – Heleieth Saffioti, Gerda Lerner e Silvia Federici – e, compreender a utilização de tal conceito nas pesquisas no âmbito da Geografia, através da análise de trabalhos no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES. A discussão do patriarcado é atual e necessária por explicar muitos fenômenos sociais, econômicos e culturais da sociedade

    The use of pesticides in Brazil and the risks linked to human health / O uso de pesticidas no Brasil e os riscos associados à saúde humana

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    The increased demand for food has intensified large-scale production systems, mainly represented by monocultures that encourage the indiscriminate use of pesticides. These products have been considered a public health concern around the world, being responsible for environmental and food contamination, which lead to risks to human health. Globally, one can note a discrepancy in the regulation of these chemicals among countries, with a wide range of maximum accepted levels of contaminants depending on the country. In Brazil, agriculture has been the main economic activity over centuries, which have led commonly to the use of huge amounts of pesticides, i.e., ~ 620,000 tons pesticides in 2019. This study aims at to discuss the regulatory differences in Brazil vis-à-vis in respecting to other countries and correlating them with the worsening of the public health status due to the risk of developing acute and chronic diseases. The scenario that come out from the analysis of the ongoing Brazilian legislation on pesticide registration and commercialization suggests that it is quite lesser restrictive than noted, for instance, in the European Union. Thus, a series of urgent and harmonized efforts are required to mitigate the ongoing risk to human health resulting from the increasing amounts of pesticides used in Brazil, as result of an erroneous policy carried out by the Federal government. Among other actions, firstly it is urgent to restructure the laws and regulations on the release and use of pesticides in the country. In addition, policies directed towards sustainable production systems must be foster and strengthened, providing adequate food to consumers and improving the lives of rural workers, as well as reducing the risk of environmental contamination of soil and water. Finally, it has been assumed that only when a more rational and environmental-friendly legislation replaces the current set of rules on pesticide release and usage, along with the adoption of agroecological production systems of biomasses coupled to public campaigns for information of the society as a whole, it will be possible to reduce the risks to the human health caused by the overuse of pesticides

    Treinamento cognitivo para crianças e adolescentes com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade como tratamento complementar aos psicoestimulantes : estudo de viabilidade e descrição de protocolo

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    Background: Cognitive training has received increasing attention as a non-pharmacological approach for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. Few studies have assessed cognitive training as add-on treatment to medication in randomized placebo controlled trials. The purpose of this preliminary study was to explore the feasibility of implementing a computerized cognitive training program for ADHD in our environment, describe its main characteristics and potential efficacy in a small pilot study. Methods: Six ADHD patients aged 10-12-years old receiving stimulants and presenting residual symptoms were enrolled in a randomized clinical trial to either a standard cognitive training program or a controlled placebo condition for 12 weeks. The primary outcome was core ADHD symptoms measured using the Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Questionnaire (SNAP-IV scale). Results: We faced higher resistance than expected to patient enrollment due to logistic issues to attend face-to-face sessions in the hospital and to fill the requirement of medication status and absence of some comorbidities. Both groups showed decrease in parent reported ADHD symptoms without statistical difference between them. In addition, improvements on neuropsychological tests were observed in both groups – mainly on trained tasks. Conclusions: This protocol revealed the need for new strategies to better assess the effectiveness of cognitive training such as the need to implement the intervention in a school environment to have an assessment with more external validity. Given the small sample size of this pilot study, definitive conclusions on the effects of cognitive training as add-on treatment to stimulants would be premature.Introdução: O treinamento cognitivo tem recebido atenção especial como abordagem não medicamentosa para o tratamento do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) em crianças e adolescentes. Poucos estudos avaliaram o treinamento cognitivo como abordagem complementar à medicação em ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados por placebo. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a viabilidade para a implementação de um programa de treinamento cognitivo computadorizado, descrever suas características principais e potencial eficácia em um pequeno estudo piloto. Métodos: Seis pacientes com TDAH entre 10-12 anos de idade, em uso de psicoestimulantes e apresentando sintomas residuais, foram recrutados e randomizados para um dos dois grupos (treinamento cognitivo ou placebo) por 12 semanas. O desfecho principal foram os sintomas nucleares do TDAH avaliados através do Questionário de Swanson, Nolan e Pelham (SNAP-IV). Resultados: Encontramos maior resistência do que a esperada no recrutamento dos pacientes em função de problemas logísticos para atender às sessões presenciais no hospital assim como para preencherem os critérios de status medicamentoso e ausência de algumas comorbidades. Ambos os grupos apresentaram diminuição nos escores dos sintomas de TDAH reportados pelos pais, mas sem diferença estatística entre eles. Além disso, foi observada melhora nos testes neuropsicológicos em ambos os grupos – principalmente nas tarefas treinadas pelo programa. Conclusão: Este protocolo revelou a necessidade de novas estratégias para melhor avaliar a eficácia do treinamento cognitivo tal como a necessidade de implementar a intervenção no ambiente escolar a fim de obter uma avaliação com maior validade externa. Devido ao pequeno tamanho amostral deste estudo, conclusões definitivas sobre os efeitos do treinamento cognitivo como abordagem complementar aos psicoestimulantes seriam prematuras

    A new approach for developing continuous age-depth models from dispersed chronologic data: applications to the Miocene Santa Cruz formation, Argentina

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    Traditional methods (linear regression, spline fitting) of age-depth modeling generate overly optimistic confidence intervals. Originally developed for C, Bayesian models (use of observations independent of chronology) allow the incorporation of prior information about superposition of dated horizons, stratigraphic position of undated points, and variations in sedimentology and sedimentation rate into model fitting. We modified the methodology of two Bayesian age depth models, Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008) and OxCal (Ramsey, 2008) for use with U-Pb dates. Some practical implications of this approach include: a) model age uncertainties increase in intervals that lack closely spaced age constraints; b) models do not assume normal distributions, allowing for the non-symmetric uncertainties of sometimes complex crystal age probability functions in volcanic tuffs; c) superpositional constraints can objectively reject some cases of zircon inheritance and mitigate apparent age complexities. We use this model to produce an age-depth model with continuous and realistic uncertainties, for the early Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (SCF), Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new approach for developing continuous age-depth models from dispersed chronologic data: applications to the Miocene Santa Cruz formation, Argentina

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    Traditional methods (linear regression, spline fitting) of age-depth modeling generate overly optimistic confidence intervals. Originally developed for C, Bayesian models (use of observations independent of chronology) allow the incorporation of prior information about superposition of dated horizons, stratigraphic position of undated points, and variations in sedimentology and sedimentation rate into model fitting. We modified the methodology of two Bayesian age depth models, Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008) and OxCal (Ramsey, 2008) for use with U-Pb dates. Some practical implications of this approach include: a) model age uncertainties increase in intervals that lack closely spaced age constraints; b) models do not assume normal distributions, allowing for the non-symmetric uncertainties of sometimes complex crystal age probability functions in volcanic tuffs; c) superpositional constraints can objectively reject some cases of zircon inheritance and mitigate apparent age complexities. We use this model to produce an age-depth model with continuous and realistic uncertainties, for the early Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (SCF), Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse