154 research outputs found

    Некоторые особенности поведения урана и тория в вулканогенных образованиях северо-восточного горного обрамления Минусинской котловины

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    Обосновано отнесение девонских полифациальных изверженных пород основного, щелочного и кислого составов к двум генетически самостоятельным ассоциациям: базальт-фонолитовой и дацит-трахилипаритовой. Приведены содержания урана и тория в породах обеих ассоциаций, на основании чего сделаны выводы о поведении этих элементов в процессе эволюции родоначальных магм

    Optimal Contracting with Verifiable Ex Post Signals

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    We study an adverse selection problem in which information that is imperfectly correlated with the agent's type becomes public ex post. Unbounded penalties are ruled out by assuming that the agent is wealth constrained. The following conclusions emerge. If the agent's utility is increasing in the contractual action (e.g. the quantity traded), the downward distortion in bad states may be strengthened. Hence, ex post information can reduce efficiency. In contrast, if the agent's utility is decreasing in the action level, there may be an upward distortion. Moreover, his rent may increase due to the ex post signal about his type. The qualitative results thus differ substantially depending on the specific situation under consideration, e.g., whether the agent is in a `buyer' or `seller' position. In both cases, however, additional information need not improve the efficiency of the relationship.Adverse Selection; Ex Post Information; Wealth Constraints; Upward Distortion

    Fach- und Sprachlernen in den Fachdidaktiken – eine Einordnung

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    Die sprachliche Bedingtheit fachlichen Lernens und der sprachbewusste Unterricht sind wichtige Themen für die fachdidaktische Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei programmatische fachdidaktische Beiträge des aktuellenHefts eingeordnet, die eine Auslegeordnung für ihr Fach vornehmen. Welche Schnittstellen lassen sich zwischen den fachdidaktischen Arbeiten identifizieren und welche fachspezifischen Sichtweisen liegen vor? Diskutiert wird, wo sich die Fachdidaktiken angesichts des Erfordernisses einer kohärenten fachdidaktischen Lehrkräfteprofessionalisierung befinden und welche Schritte für eine fachdidaktisch-interdisziplinäre Bearbeitung von sprachbedingten Lehr- und Lernprozessen notwendig sind

    Content and language learning in subject-specific education. A basic outline

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    Die sprachliche Bedingtheit fachlichen Lernens und der sprachbewusste Unterricht sind wichtige Themen für die fachdidaktische Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei programmatische fachdidaktische Beiträge des aktuellen Hefts eingeordnet, die eine Auslegeordnung für ihr Fach vornehmen. Welche Schnittstellen lassen sich zwischen den fachdidaktischen Arbeiten identifizieren und welche fachspezifischen Sichtweisen liegen vor? Diskutiert wird, wo sich die Fachdidaktiken angesichts des Erfordernisses einer kohärenten fachdidaktischen Lehrkräfteprofessionalisierung befinden und welche Schritte für eine fachdidaktisch-interdisziplinäre Bearbeitung von sprachbedingten Lehr- und Lernprozessen notwendig sind. (DIPF/Orig.)The linguistic conditionality of subject-specific learning and language-aware teaching are important topics for the professionalization of teachers. This article classifies three programmatic articles in the current issue that provide an overview of the pedagogy of their subject. What interfaces can be identified between the disciplinary discourses in subject-specific education, and what subject-specific perspectives exist? The article discusses the question as to where subjectspecific pedagogy stands in relation to the demand for a coherent professionalization of teachers in subject-specific education and what steps are necessary for an interdisciplinary treatment of language-related teaching-learning processes. (DIPF/Orig.

    Coping with cyclic oxygen availability: evolutionary aspects

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    Both the gradual rise in atmospheric oxygen over the Proterozoic Eon as well as episodic fluctuations in oxygen over several million-year time spans during the Phanerozoic Era, have arguably exerted strong selective forces on cellular and organismic respiratory specialization and evolution. The rise in atmospheric oxygen, some 2 billion years after the origin of life, dramatically altered cell biology and set the stage for the appearance of multicelluar life forms in the Vendian (Ediacaran) Period of the Neoproterozoic Era. Over much of the Paleozoic, the level of oxygen in the atmosphere was near the present atmospheric level (21%). In the Late Paleozoic, however, there were extended times during which the level of atmospheric oxygen was either markedly lower or markedly higher than 21%. That these Paleozoic shifts in atmospheric oxygen affected the biota is suggested by the correlations between: (1) Reduced oxygen and the occurrences of extinctions, a lowered biodiversity and shifts in phyletic succession, and (2) During hyperoxia, the corresponding occurrence of phenomena such as arthropod gigantism, the origin of insect flight, and the evolution of vertebrate terrestriality. Basic similarities in features of adaptation to hyopoxia, manifest in living organisms at levels ranging from genetic and cellular to physiological and behavioral, suggest the common and early origin of a suite of adaptive mechanisms responsive to fluctuations in ambient oxygen. Comparative integrative approaches addressing the molecular bases of phenotypic adjustments to cyclic oxygen fluctuation provide broad insight into the incremental steps leading to the early evolution of homeostatic respiratory mechanisms and to the specialization of organismic respiratory functio

    Neuland : KIT Innovation 2015

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    Neuland : KIT Innovation 2012

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    Neuland : KIT Innovation 2013

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    Observation of sonified movements engages a basal ganglia frontocortical network

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    Background: Producing sounds by a musical instrument can lead to audiomotor coupling, i.e. the joint activation of the auditory and motor system, even when only one modality is probed. The sonification of otherwise mute movements by sounds based on kinematic parameters of the movement has been shown to improve motor performance and perception of movements.Results: Here we demonstrate in a group of healthy young non-athletes that congruently (sounds match visual movement kinematics) vs. incongruently (no match) sonified breaststroke movements of a human avatar lead to better perceptual judgement of small differences in movement velocity. Moreover, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed enhanced activity in superior and medial posterior temporal regions including the superior temporal sulcus, known as an important multisensory integration site, as well as the insula bilaterally and the precentral gyrus on the right side. Functional connectivity analysis revealed pronounced connectivity of the STS with the basal ganglia and thalamus as well as frontal motor regions for the congruent stimuli. This was not seen to the same extent for the incongruent stimuli.Conclusions: We conclude that sonification of movements amplifies the activity of the human action observation system including subcortical structures of the motor loop. Sonification may thus be an important method to enhance training and therapy effects in sports science and neurological rehabilitation.DFG/SFB/TR31/EUDFG/TP/A7/E