28,095 research outputs found

    A spatially resolved limb flare on Algol B observed with XMM-Newton

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the eclipsing binary Algol A (B8V) and B (K2III). The XMM-Newton data cover the phase interval 0.35 - 0.58, i.e., specifically the time of optical secondary minimum, when the X-ray dark B-type star occults a major fraction of the X-ray bright K-type star. During the eclipse a flare was observed with complete light curve coverage. The decay part of the flare can be well described with an exponential decay law allowing a rectification of the light curve and a reconstruction of the flaring plasma region. The flare occurred near the limb of Algol B at a height of about 0.1R with plasma densities of a few times 10^11 cm^-3 consistent with spectroscopic density estimates. No eclipse of the quiescent X-ray emission is observed leading us to the conclusion that the overall coronal filling factor of Algol B is small.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    The physics of the Applegate mechanism: Eclipsing time variations from magnetic activity

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    Since its proposal in 1992, the Applegate mechanism has been discussed as a potential intrinsical mechanism to explain transit timing variations in various kinds of close binary systems. Most analytical arguments presented so far focused on the energetic feasibility of the mechanism, while applying rather crude one- or two-zone prescriptions to describe the exchange of angular momentum within the star. In this paper, we present the most detailed approach to date to describe the physics giving rise to the modulation period from kinetic and magnetic fluctuations. Assuming moderate levels of stellar parameter fluctuations, we find that the resulting binary period variations are one or two orders of magnitude lower than the observed values in RS-CVn like systems, supporting the conclusion of existing theoretical work that the Applegate mechanism may not suffice to produce the observed variations in these systems. The most promising Applegate candidates are low-mass post-common-envelope binaries (PCEBs) with binary separations ≲1 R⊙\lesssim 1~\mathrm{R}_\odot and secondary masses in the range of 0.30 M⊙0.30~\mathrm{M}_\odot and 0.36 M⊙0.36~\mathrm{M}_\odot.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    HST FUV C IV observations of the hot DG Tauri jet

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    Protostellar jets are tightly connected to the accretion process and regulate the angular momentum balance of accreting star-disk systems. The DG Tau jet is one of the best-studied protostellar jets and contains plasma with temperatures ranging over three orders of magnitude within the innermost 50 AU of the jet. We present new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) far ultraviolet (FUV) long-slit spectra spatially resolving the C IV emission (T~1e5 K) from the jet for the first time, and quasi-simultaneous HST observations of optical forbidden emission lines ([O I], [N II], [S II] and [O III]) and fluorescent H2 lines. The C IV emission peaks at 42 AU from the stellar position and has a FWHM of 52 AU along the jet. Its deprojected velocity of around 200 km/s decreases monotonically away from the driving source. In addition, we compare our HST data with the X-ray emission from the DG Tau jet. We investigate the requirements to explain the data by an initially hot jet compared to local heating. Both scenarios indicate a mass loss by the T~1e5 K jet of ~1e-9 Msun/year, i.e., between the values for the lower temperature jet (T~1e4 K) and the hotter X-ray emitting part (T>1e6 K). However, a simple initially hot wind requires a large launching region (~1 AU), and we therefore favor local heating.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A letter

    Inelastic X-ray scattering from valence electrons near absorption edges of FeTe and TiSe2_2

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    We study resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) peaks corresponding to low energy particle-hole excited states of metallic FeTe and semi-metallic TiSe2_2 for photon incident energy tuned near the L3L_{3} absorption edge of Fe and Ti respectively. We show that the cross section amplitudes are well described within a renormalization group theory where the effect of the core electrons is captured by effective dielectric functions expressed in terms of the the atomic scattering parameters f1f_1 of Fe and Ti. This method can be used to extract the dynamical structure factor from experimental RIXS spectra in metallic systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    X-ray to NIR emission from AA Tauri during the dim state - Occultation of the inner disk and gas-to-dust ratio of the absorber

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    AA Tau is a well-studied, nearby classical T Tauri star, which is viewed almost edge-on. A warp in its inner disk periodically eclipses the central star, causing a clear modulation of its optical light curve. The system underwent a major dimming event beginning in 2011 caused by an extra absorber, which is most likely associated with additional disk material in the line of sight toward the central source. We present new XMM-Newton X-ray, Hubble Space Telescope FUV, and ground based optical and near-infrared data of the system obtained in 2013 during the long-lasting dim phase. The line width decrease of the fluorescent H2_2 disk emission shows that the extra absorber is located at r>1 r>1\,au. Comparison of X-ray absorption (NHN_H) with dust extinction (AVA_V), as derived from measurements obtained one inner disk orbit (eight days) after the X-ray measurement, indicates that the gas-to-dust ratio as probed by the NHN_H to AVA_V ratio of the extra absorber is compatible with the ISM ratio. Combining both results suggests that the extra absorber, i.e., material at r>1 r>1\,au, has no significant gas excess in contrast to the elevated gas-to-dust ratio previously derived for material in the inner region (≲0.1 \lesssim0.1\,au).Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&

    Evaluation of Potentially Nonlethal Sampling Methods for Monitoring Mercury Concentrations in Smallmouth Bass (\u3ci\u3eMicropterus dolomieu\u3c/i\u3e)

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    We evaluated three potentially nonlethal alternatives to fillet sampling for the determination of mercury (Hg) concentrations in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Fish (n = 62, 226–464 mm total length) from six sites in southern Missouri were captured by electrofishing. Blood samples (1 mL) from each fish were obtained by caudal veinipuncture with a heparinized needle and syringe. Biopsy needle (10 mm x 14 gauge; three cuts per fish; 10–20 mg total dry weight) and biopsy punch (7 mm x 5 mm in diameter, one plug per fish, 30–50 mg dry weight) samples were obtained from the area beneath the dorsal fin. Fillet samples were obtained from the opposite side of the fish. All samples were freeze-dried and analyzed for total Hg by combustion amalgamation atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mean relative standard deviations (RSDs) of triplicate samples were similar for all four methods (2.2–2.4%), but the range of RSDs was greater for blood (0.4–5.5%) than for the muscle methods (1.8–4.0%). Total Hg concentrations in muscle were 0.0200–0.8809 lg/g wet weight; concentrations in plug, needle, and fillet samples from each fish were nearly identical. Blood Hg concentrations were 0.0006–0.0812 lg/mL and were highly correlated with muscle concentrations; linear regressions between log-transformed blood and fillet Hg concentrations were linear and statistically significant (p \u3c 0.01), and explained 91–93% of the total variation. Correlations between fillet Hg concentrations and fish size and age were weak; together they explained \u3c37% of the total variation, and the relations differed among sites. Overall, any of the alternative methods could provide satisfactory estimates of fillet Hg in smallmouth bass; however, both blood and plug sampling with disposable instruments were easier to perform than needle sampling. The biopsy needle was the most difficult to use, especially on smaller fish, and its relative expense necessitates reuse and, consequently, thorough cleaning between fish to prevent cross-contamination

    The X-ray cycle in the solar-type star HD 81809

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    (abridged) Our long-term XMM-Newton program of long-term monitoring of a solar-like star with a well-studied chromospheric cycle, HD 81809 aims to study whether an X-ray cycle is present, along with studying its characteristics and its relation to the chromospheric cycle. Regular observations of HD 81809 were performed with XMM-Newton, spaced by 6 months from 2001 to 2007. We studied the variations in the resulting coronal luminosity and temperature, and compared them with the chromospheric CaII variations. We also modeled the observations in terms of a mixture of active regions, using a methodology originally developed to study the solar corona. Our observations show a well-defined cycle with an amplitude exceeding 1 dex and an average luminosity approximately one order of magnitude higher than in the Sun. The behavior of the corona of HD 81809 can be modeled well in terms of varying coverage of solar-like active regions, with a larger coverage than for the Sun, showing it to be compatible with a simple extension of the solar case.Comment: In press, Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of wormlike micelles under shear

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    Velocity profiles in a wormlike micelle solution (CTAB in D2O) are recorded using ultrasound every 2 s after a step-like shear rate into the shear-banding regime. The stress relaxation occurs over more than six hours and corresponds to the very slow nucleation and growth of the high-shear band. Moreover, oscillations of the interface position with a period of about 50 s are observed during the growth process. Strong wall slip, metastable states and transient nucleation of three-band flows are also reported and discussed in light of previous experiments and theoretical models.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Fifteen years in the high-energy life of the solar-type star HD 81809. XMM-Newton observations of a stellar activity cycle

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    Aims. The data set of the long-term XMM-Newton monitoring program of HD 81809 is analyzed to study its X-ray cycle, to investigate if the latter is related to the chromospheric one, to infer the structure of the corona of HD 81809, and to explore if the coronal activity of HD 81809 can be ascribed to phenomena similar to the solar ones and, therefore, considered an extension of the solar case. Methods. We analyze the observations of HD 81809 performed with XMM-Newton with a regular cadence of 6 months from 2001 to 2016 and representing one of the longest available observational baseline (∼15\sim 15~yr) for a solar-like star with a well-studied chromospheric cycle (with a period of ∼8\sim 8~yr). We investigate the modulation of coronal luminosity and temperature and its relation with the chromospheric cycle. We interpret the data in terms of a mixture of solar-like coronal regions, adopting a methodology originally proposed to study the Sun as an X-ray star. Results. The observations show a well-defined regular cyclic modulation of the X-ray luminosity that reflects the activity level of HD 81809. The data covers approximately two cycles of coronal activity; the modulation has an amplitude of a factor of ∼5\sim 5 (excluding evident flares, as in the June 2002 observation) and a period of 7.3±1.57.3\pm 1.5~yr, consistent with that of the chromospheric cycle. We demonstrate that the corona of HD 81809 can be interpreted as an extension of the solar case and it can be modeled with a mixture of solar-like coronal regions along the whole cycle. The activity level is mainly determined by a varying coverage of very bright active regions, similar to cores of active regions observed in the Sun. Evidence of unresolved significant flaring activity is present especially in proximity of cycle maxima.Comment: 11 pages, 5 Figures, A&A accepte
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