684 research outputs found

    Transition Spectra for a BCS Superconductor with Multiple Gaps: Model Calculations for MgB_2

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    We analyze the qualitative features in the transition spectra of a model superconductor with multiple energy gaps, using a simple extension of the Mattis-Bardeen expression for probes with case I and case II coherence factors. At temperature T = 0, the far infrared absorption edge is, as expected, determined by the smallest gap. However, the large thermal background may mask this edge at finite temperatures and instead the secondary absorption edges found at Delta_i+Delta_j may become most prominent. At finite T, if certain interband matrix elements are large, there may also be absorption peaks at the gap difference frequencies | Delta_i-Delta_j | . We discuss the effect of sample quality on the measured spectra and the possible relation of these predictions to the recent infrared absorption measurement on MgB_2

    CCD BV and 2MASS photometric study of the open cluster NGC 1513

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    We present CCD BV and JHKs_{s} 2MASS photometric data for the open cluster NGC 1513. We observed 609 stars in the direction of the cluster up to a limiting magnitude of V∌19V\sim19 mag. The star count method shows that the centre of the cluster lies at α2000=04h09m36s\alpha_{2000}=04^{h}09^{m}36^{s}, ÎŽ2000=49∘28â€Č43â€Čâ€Č\delta_{2000}=49^{\circ}28^{'}43^{''} and its angular size is r=10r=10 arcmin. The optical and near-infrared two-colour diagrams reveal the colour excesses in the direction of the cluster as E(B−V)=0.68±0.06E(B-V)=0.68\pm0.06, E(J−H)=0.21±0.02E(J-H)=0.21\pm0.02 and E(J−Ks)=0.33±0.04E(J-K_{s})=0.33\pm0.04 mag. These results are consistent with normal interstellar extinction values. Optical and near-infrared Zero Age Main-Sequences (ZAMS) provided an average distance modulus of (m−M)0=10.80±0.13(m-M)_{0}=10.80\pm0.13 mag, which can be translated into a distance of 1440±801440\pm80 pc. Finally, using Padova isochrones we determined the metallicity and age of the cluster as Z=0.015±0.004Z=0.015\pm 0.004 ([M/H]=−0.10±0.10[M/H]=-0.10 \pm 0.10 dex) and log⁥(t/yr)=8.40±0.04\log (t/yr) = 8.40\pm0.04, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Off-Diagonal Elements of the DeWitt Expansion from the Quantum Mechanical Path Integral

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    The DeWitt expansion of the matrix element M_{xy} = \left\langle x \right| \exp -[\case{1}{2} (p-A)^2 + V]t \left| y \right\rangle, (p=−i∂)(p=-i\partial) in powers of tt can be made in a number of ways. For x=yx=y (the case of interest when doing one-loop calculations) numerous approaches have been employed to determine this expansion to very high order; when x≠yx \neq y (relevant for doing calculations beyond one-loop) there appear to be but two examples of performing the DeWitt expansion. In this paper we compute the off-diagonal elements of the DeWitt expansion coefficients using the Fock-Schwinger gauge. Our technique is based on representing MxyM_{xy} by a quantum mechanical path integral. We also generalize our method to the case of curved space, allowing us to determine the DeWitt expansion of \tilde M_{xy} = \langle x| \exp \case{1}{2} [\case{1}{\sqrt {g}} (\partial_\mu - i A_\mu)g^{\mu\nu}{\sqrt{g}}(\partial_\nu - i A_\nu) ] t| y \rangle by use of normal coordinates. By comparison with results for the DeWitt expansion of this matrix element obtained by the iterative solution of the diffusion equation, the relative merit of different approaches to the representation of M~xy\tilde M_{xy} as a quantum mechanical path integral can be assessed. Furthermore, the exact dependence of M~xy\tilde M_{xy} on some geometric scalars can be determined. In two appendices, we discuss boundary effects in the one-dimensional quantum mechanical path integral, and the curved space generalization of the Fock-Schwinger gauge.Comment: 16pp, REVTeX. One additional appendix concerning end-point effects for finite proper-time intervals; inclusion of these effects seem to make our results consistent with those from explicit heat-kernel method

    Enhancement of the upper critical field by nonmagnetic impurities in dirty two-gap superconductors

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    Quasiclassic Uzadel equations for two-band superconductors in the dirty limit with the account of both intraband and interband scattering by nonmagnetic impurities are derived for any anisotropic Fermi surface. From these equations the Ginzburg-Landau equations, and the critical temperature TcT_c are obtained. An equation for the upper critical field, which determines both the temperature dependence of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) and the orientational dependence of Hc2(Ξ)H_{c2}(\theta) as a function of the angle Ξ\theta between H{\bf H} and the c-axis is obtained. It is shown that the shape of the Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) curve essentially depends on the ratio of the intraband electron diffusivities D1D_1 and D1D_1, and can be very different from the standard one-gap dirty limit theory. In particular, the value Hc2(0)H_{c2}(0) can considerably exceed 0.7TcdHc2/dTc0.7T_cdH_{c2}/dT_c, which can have important consequences for applications of MgB2MgB_2. A scaling relation is proposed which enables one to obtain the angular dependence of Hc2(Ξ)H_{c2}(\theta) from the equation for Hc2H_{c2} at H∄c{\bf H}\| c. It is shown that, depending on the relation between D1D_1 and D2D_2, the ratio of the upper critical field Hc2∄/Hc2⊄H_{c2}^\|/H_{c2}^\perp for H∄ab{\bf H}\| ab and H⊄ab{\bf H}\perp ab can both increase and decrease as the temperature decreases. Implications of the obtained results for MgB2MgB_2 are discussed

    Macromolecular theory of solvation and structure in mixtures of colloids and polymers

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    The structural and thermodynamic properties of mixtures of colloidal spheres and non-adsorbing polymer chains are studied within a novel general two-component macromolecular liquid state approach applicable for all size asymmetry ratios. The dilute limits, when one of the components is at infinite dilution but the other concentrated, are presented and compared to field theory and models which replace polymer coils with spheres. Whereas the derived analytical results compare well, qualitatively and quantitatively, with mean-field scaling laws where available, important differences from ``effective sphere'' approaches are found for large polymer sizes or semi-dilute concentrations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    The AMANDA Neutrino Telescope

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    With an effective telescope area of order 10410^4 m2^2 for TeV neutrinos, a threshold near ∌\sim50 GeV and a pointing accuracy of 2.5 degrees per muon track, the AMANDA detector represents the first of a new generation of high energy neutrino telescopes, reaching a scale envisaged over 25 years ago. We describe early results on the calibration of natural deep ice as a particle detector as well as on AMANDA's performance as a neutrino telescope.Comment: 12 pages, Latex2.09, uses espcrc2.sty and epsf.sty, 13 postscript files included. Talk presented at the 18th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 98), Takayama, Japan, June 199

    IceCube - the next generation neutrino telescope at the South Pole

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    IceCube is a large neutrino telescope of the next generation to be constructed in the Antarctic Ice Sheet near the South Pole. We present the conceptual design and the sensitivity of the IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of neutrinos, both atmospheric and extra-terrestrial. A complete simulation of the detector design has been used to study the detector's capability to search for neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies, and gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 8 pages, to be published with the proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Munich 200

    Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA

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    The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a high-energy neutrino telescope operating at the geographic South Pole. It is a lattice of photo-multiplier tubes buried deep in the polar ice between 1500m and 2000m. The primary goal of this detector is to discover astrophysical sources of high energy neutrinos. A high-energy muon neutrino coming through the earth from the Northern Hemisphere can be identified by the secondary muon moving upward through the detector. The muon tracks are reconstructed with a maximum likelihood method. It models the arrival times and amplitudes of Cherenkov photons registered by the photo-multipliers. This paper describes the different methods of reconstruction, which have been successfully implemented within AMANDA. Strategies for optimizing the reconstruction performance and rejecting background are presented. For a typical analysis procedure the direction of tracks are reconstructed with about 2 degree accuracy.Comment: 40 pages, 16 Postscript figures, uses elsart.st

    Results from the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA)

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    We show new results from both the older and newer incarnations of AMANDA (AMANDA-B10 and AMANDA-II, respectively). These results demonstrate that AMANDA is a functioning, multipurpose detector with significant physics and astrophysics reach. They include a new higher-statistics measurement of the atmospheric muon neutrino flux and preliminary results from searches for a variety of sources of ultrahigh energy neutrinos: generic point sources, gamma-ray bursters and diffuse sources producing muons in the detector, and diffuse sources producing electromagnetic or hadronic showers in or near the detector.Comment: Invited talk at the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2002), Munich, Germany, May 25-30, 200

    Sensitivity of the IceCube Detector to Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Muon Neutrinos

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    We present the results of a Monte-Carlo study of the sensitivity of the planned IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of muon neutrinos at TeV to PeV energies. A complete simulation of the detector and data analysis is used to study the detector's capability to search for muon neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts. We study the effective area and the angular resolution of the detector as a function of muon energy and angle of incidence. We present detailed calculations of the sensitivity of the detector to both diffuse and pointlike neutrino emissions, including an assessment of the sensitivity to neutrinos detected in coincidence with gamma-ray burst observations. After three years of datataking, IceCube will have been able to detect a point source flux of E^2*dN/dE = 7*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV at a 5-sigma significance, or, in the absence of a signal, place a 90% c.l. limit at a level E^2*dN/dE = 2*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV. A diffuse E-2 flux would be detectable at a minimum strength of E^2*dN/dE = 1*10^-8 cm^-2s^-1sr^-1GeV. A gamma-ray burst model following the formulation of Waxman and Bahcall would result in a 5-sigma effect after the observation of 200 bursts in coincidence with satellite observations of the gamma-rays.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 6 table
