560 research outputs found

    Excitation Spectrum of One-dimensional Extended Ionic Hubbard Model

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    We use Perturbative Continuous Unitary Transformations (PCUT) to study the one dimensional Extended Ionic Hubbard Model (EIHM) at half-filling in the band insulator region. The extended ionic Hubbard model, in addition to the usual ionic Hubbard model, includes an inter-site nearest-neighbor (n.n.) repulsion, VV. We consider the ionic potential as unperturbed part of the Hamiltonian, while the hopping and interaction (quartic) terms are treated as perturbation. We calculate total energy and ionicity in the ground state. Above the ground state, (i) we calculate the single particle excitation spectrum by adding an electron or a hole to the system. (ii) the coherence-length and spectrum of electron-hole excitation are obtained. Our calculations reveal that for V=0, there are two triplet bound state modes and three singlet modes, two anti-bound states and one bound state, while for finite values of VV there are four excitonic bound states corresponding to two singlet and two triplet modes. The major role of on-site Coulomb repulsion UU is to split singlet and triplet collective excitation branches, while VV tends to pull the singlet branches below the continuum to make them bound states.Comment: 10 eps figure

    Magnetic excitations in the stripe phase of high-T_c superconductors

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    The magnetic excitations in the stripe phase of high-T_c superconductors are investigated in a model of spin ladders which are effectively coupled via charged stripes. Starting from the effective single-triplon model for the isolated spin ladder, the quasi-one-dimensional spin system can be described straightforwardly. Very good agreement is obtained with recent neutron scattering data on La_(15/8)Ba_(1/8)CuO_4 (no spin gap) and YBa_2Cu_3O_(6.6) (gapped). The signature of quasi-one-dimensional spin physics in a single-domain stripe phase is predicted.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures included, submitted to the proceedings of JEMS 200

    Hole Dispersions for Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Two-Leg Ladders by Self-Similar Continuous Unitary Transformations

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    The hole-doped antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 two-leg ladder is an important model system for the high-TcT_c superconductors based on cuprates. Using the technique of self-similar continuous unitary transformations we derive effective Hamiltonians for the charge motion in these ladders. The key advantage of this technique is that it provides effective models explicitly in the thermodynamic limit. A real space restriction of the generator of the transformation allows us to explore the experimentally relevant parameter space. From the effective Hamiltonians we calculate the dispersions for single holes. Further calculations will enable the calculation of the interaction of two holes so that a handle of Cooper pair formation is within reach.Comment: 16 pages, 26 figure

    Spectral properties of the dimerized and frustrated S=1/2S=1/2 chain

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    Spectral densities are calculated for the dimerized and frustrated S=1/2 chain using the method of continuous unitary transformations (CUTs). The transformation to an effective triplon model is realized in a perturbative fashion up to high orders about the limit of isolated dimers. An efficient description in terms of triplons (elementary triplets) is possible: a detailed analysis of the spectral densities is provided for strong and intermediate dimerization including the influence of frustration. Precise predictions are made for inelastic neutron scattering experiments probing the S=1 sector and for optical experiments (Raman scattering, infrared absorption) probing the S=0 sector. Bound states and resonances influence the important continua strongly. The comparison with the field theoretic results reveals that the sine-Gordon model describes the low-energy features for strong to intermediate dimerization only at critical frustration.Comment: 21 page

    Optical spectroscopy of (La,Ca)14Cu24O41 spin ladders: comparison of experiment and theory

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    Transmission and reflectivity of La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 two-leg spin-1/2 ladders were measured in the mid-infrared regime between 500 and 12000 1/cm. This allows us to determine the optical conductivity sigma_1 directly and with high sensitivity. Here we show data for x=4 and 5 with the electrical field polarized parallel to the rungs (E||a) and to the legs (E||c). Three characteristic peaks are identified as magnetic excitations by comparison with two different theoretical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to SCES 200

    On the ground state energy scaling in quasi-rung-dimerized spin ladders

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    On the basis of periodic boundary conditions we study perturbatively a large N asymptotics (N is the number of rungs) for the ground state energy density and gas parameter of a spin ladder with slightly destroyed rung-dimerization. Exactly rung-dimerized spin ladder is treated as the reference model. Explicit perturbative formulas are obtained for three special classes of spin ladders.Comment: 4 page

    Staggered dimer order in S=1/2 quantum spin ladder system with four spin exchange

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    We study the S=1/2 quantum spin ladder system with the four-spin exchange, using density matrix renormalization group method and an exact diagonalization method. Recently, the phase transition in this system and its universality class are studied. But there remain controversies whether the phase transition is second order type or the other type and the nature of order parameter. There are arguments that the massless phase appears. But this does not agree with our previous result. Analyzing DMRG data, we try a new approach in order to determine a phase which appears after the phase transition. We find that the edge state appears in the open boundary condition, investigating excitation energies of states with higher magnetizations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, (REVTeX4