701 research outputs found

    Leitfaden zur Beurteilung von Aufbereitungsaufwand und Nachnutzbarkeit von Korpora gesprochener Sprache

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    Korpora gesprochener Sprache werden mindestens seit den 1950er Jahren von Sprachwissenschaftlern und Forschern anderer Disziplinen mit verschiedensten Forschungsinteressen aufgebaut. Die technischen Möglichkeiten für die Erhebung und Bereitstellung solcher Daten haben sich seitdem fortwährend und grundlegend gewandelt. Heute kann es als Normalfall angesehen werden, dass ein Korpus gesprochener Sprache digital erhoben wird. Die wissenschaftliche Community ist außerdem auf dem Wege, sich auf gewisse Mindeststandards zu einigen, die bei der Erhebung bezüglich Dokumentation, Strukturierung und Enkodierung der Daten eingehalten werden sollten, um eine möglichst nachhaltige Nutzung der Korpora zu ermöglichen. Verschiedene Datenzentren schließlich haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Korpora gesprochener Sprache zu einer eben solchen Nachnutzung dauerhaft zu archivieren und in digitalen Infrastrukturen bereitzustellen. Eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben solcher Zentren ist es, Korpora aus abgeschlossenen Projekten zu übernehmen und sie so aufzubereiten, dass eine dauerhafte Archivierung und Bereitstellung überhaupt möglich wird. Dieser Leitfaden basiert auf Erfahrungen, die hinsichtlich dieser Aufgabe an zwei Standorten – dem Sonderforschungsbereich 538 ‚Mehrsprachigkeit’ bzw. dem Zentrum für Sprachkorpora (HZSK) an der Universität Hamburg, sowie dem Archiv für gesprochenes Deutsch (AGD) am Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim – gesammelt wurden.1 Am SFB 538 (Laufzeit: 1999-2011) hatte das Projekt Z2 „Computergestützte Erfassungs- und Analysemethoden“ die Aufgabe übernommen, Korpora aus den Teilprojekten des SFB nach deren Abschluss für eine Archivierung und Nachnutzung vorzubereiten (siehe dazu Schmidt/Bennöhr 2007). Die Archivierung und Bereitstellung der Daten im Gesamtumfang von 30 Korpora erfolgt nun im zum Abschluss des SFB (2011) gegründeten HZSK (Hedeland/Lehmber /Schmidt/Wörner 2011). Das Archiv für Gesprochenes Deutsch bzw. dessen Vorläufer, das Deutsche Spracharchiv (Stift/Schmidt 2014), fungiert bereits seit den 1960er Jahren als eine zentrale Sammelstelle für Korpora des gesprochenen Deutsch. Im Laufe der Jahre hat es aus IDS-internen und -externen Projekten knapp 50 Korpora übernommen, die verschiedene Stadien der Aufbereitung erfahren haben und der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft nun u.a. über die Datenbank für Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD2, Schmidt/Dickgießer/Gasch 2013) zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Das derzeitige Angebot dieser beiden Einrichtungen zeigt, dass es prinzipiell möglich ist, von den im einleitenden Zitat beschriebenen Sammlungen zu dauerhaft nachnutzbaren digitalen 1 Die Konzeption dieses Leitfadens war Gegenstand eines Arbeitspakets im Projekt „Etablierung eines Schwerpunkts ‚Mehrsprachigkeit und Gesprochene Sprache‘ am Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora“, das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssysteme (LIS)“ gefördert wurde. An der Umsetzung haben sich die genannten MitarbeiterInnen des HZSK und des AGD beteiligt.4 Ressourcen zu gelangen. Die Erfahrung zeigt aber auch, dass dies oft ein langwieriger Prozess mit vielen unvorhergesehenen Hindernissen ist, an dessen Ende man sich zumindest gelegentlich die Frage stellen kann, ob Aufwand und Nutzen der Datenaufbereitung in einem angemessenen Verhältnis zueinander stehen. Zweck dieses Leitfadens ist es, Kriterien für die Beurteilung von Aufbereitungsaufwand und Nachnutzbarkeit von Korpora gesprochener Sprache zu definieren, mittels derer bereits bei der Planung eines entsprechenden Projektes eine Abschätzung der Kosten und Nutzen getroffen werden kann. Kosten bezeichnen in diesem Kontext insbesondere den zeitlichen Arbeitsaufwand, der sich nicht immer leicht in monetäre Kosten umrechnen lässt. Die Nachnutzbarkeit definiert sich vor allem darüber, wie offen oder restriktiv der Zugang zum Korpus gestaltet wird und über die Quantität und Qualität der Korpusbestandteile. Der Leitfaden gliedert sich in sechs Abschnitte, die in Form von strukturierten Fragebäumen die wichtigsten Eigenschaften einer aufzubereitenden Ressource abfragen. Den Fragebäumen sind Erläuterungen zum besseren Verständnis der einzelnen Fragen vorangestellt. Die Pfade in den Fragebäumen führen jeweils zu einem "Ampelsymbol", anhand dessen über das weitere Vorgehen bei der Aufbereitung entschieden werden kann

    New and future developments in EXMARaLDA

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    We present some recent and planned future developments in EXMARaLDA, a system for creating, managing, analysing and publishing spoken language corpora. The new functionality concerns the areas of transcription and annotation, corpus management, query mechanisms, interoperability and corpus deployment. Future work is planned in the areas of automatic annotation, standardisation and workflow management

    Motel user manual

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    MOTEL is a logic-based knowledge representation languages of the KL-ONE family. It contains as a kernel the KRIS language which is a decidable sublanguage of first-order predicate logic. Whereas KRIS is a single-agent knowledge representation system, i.e. KRIS is only able to represent general world knowledge or the knowledge of one agent about the world, MOTEL is a multi-agent knowledge representation system. The MOTEL language allows modal contexts and modal concept forming operators which allow to represent and reason about the believes and wishes of multiple agents. Furthermore it is possible to represent defaults and stereotypes. Beside the basic resoning facilities for consistency checking, classification, and realization, MOTEL provides an abductive inference mechanism. Furthermore it is able to give explanations for its inferences

    Behavioral responses of coyotes to the CLOD in familiar and unfamiliar environments

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    The Coyote Lure Operative Device (CLOD) is designed to deliver a variety of substances to coyotes. Field evaluations have demonstrated free-ranging coyotes will activate CLODs, but little is known about coyote behavior when encountering the device in familiar or unfamiliar environments, an essential consideration. Captive coyotes show neophobic behaviors toward novel objects in familiar territory, while responses to scent stations in similar scenarios have been mixed. Free-ranging coyotes are more likely to investigate novel items and are more vulnerable to capture while trespassing in adjacent territories than when “at home”. We examined responses of captive coyotes toward CLODs in familiar and unfamiliar settings. We found no significant neophobic response toward CLODs with respect to territory familiarity, although captive coyotes spent significantly more time within 1 m of the device in a familiar environment. Relatively small sample sizes make broad inferences difficult, but our data suggest that territory familiarity might not be a strong factor in responses to the CLOD. However, more research is necessary

    Potential Mechanisms for the Ketamine-Induced Reduction of P3b Amplitudes

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    In specific dosages, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA) antagonist ketamine can be used to model transient psychotic symptoms in healthy individuals that resemble those of schizophrenia. Ketamine administration also temporarily impairs cognitive functions, which can be studied by event-related potentials (ERPs). ERPs also allow dissecting what stages of information processing are affected by ketamine and what stages remain functional. For tasks requiring the differentiation of targets and non-targets, it has repeatedly been shown that ketamine administration in healthy individuals leads to decreased amplitudes of the ERP component P3b in response to target stimuli. However, it could be argued that this ketamine-induced P3b reduction is the consequence of an increased difficulty to differentiate targets from non-targets, primarily mediated by ketamine's psychotomimetic rather than pharmacological effects. The current review of ERP studies seeks to clarify the issue whether P3b effects of ketamine may indeed be explained as the consequence of an experienced increase in task difficulty or whether alternative mechanisms are perhaps more plausible. The review first summarizes the effects of task difficulty on ERP components related to intentional stimulus categorization (P3b), involuntary attention switches to distractors (P3a), as well as sensory processing (P1, N1). Secondly, the ERP effects of task difficulty are contrasted with those observed in ketamine studies in healthy individuals. Findings show that P3b amplitudes are consistently diminished by an increased task difficulty, as well as after ketamine administration. In contrast and as most important difference, increased task difficulty leads to increased P3a amplitudes to distractors presented in same modality as targets, whereas ketamine leads to reduced P3a amplitudes for such distractors. This dissociation indicates that the decreased P3b amplitudes after ketamine cannot be explained by a drug-induced increase in task difficulty. The conjoint reductions of P3a and P3b amplitudes instead suggest that working memory operations, in particular working memory updating are impaired after ketamine, which is in line with previous behavioral findings

    Mammalian community structure in lowland, tropical Peru, as determined by removal trapping

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    Amazonian lowland rain forests are complex three-dimensional formations consisting of a variety of arboreal and terrestrial habitats. The small mammal faunas, particularly of arboreal habitats, are poorly studied, and field research generally has been limited to a few faunal inventories. We sampled the terrestrial and arboreal small mammal fauna in two floodplain forest study zones at Reserva Cuzco Amazónico, southeastern Peru, by removal trapping for 12 consecutive days in dry (June–July 1989) and rainy seasons (January–February1990). Nineteen taxa of marsupials and rodents were captured. Small mammals were more abundant in the rainy season than in the dry season, but the relative proportions of the 11 most abundant species remained stable between seasons and study zones. Most species showed no decline in capture rates through the 12-day period, indicating that either population densities were high or animals were quite mobile. The small mammal fauna exhibited strong vertical stratification; among the 11 most abundant species, four exhibited strong biases toward terrestrial and five toward above-ground captures. The distinct arboreal small mammal community is grossly underrepresented if traps are placed only at ground level

    Development of Industrial Catalysts for Sustainable Chlorine Production

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    The heterogeneously catalyzed gas-phase oxidation of HCl to Cl2 offers an energy-efficient and eco- friendly route to recover chlorine from HCl-containing byproduct streams in the chemical industry. This process has attracted renewed interest in the last decade due to an increased chlorine demand and the growing excess of byproduct HCl from chlorination processes. Since its introduction (by Deacon in 1868) and till recent times, the industrialization of this reaction has been hindered by the lack of sufficiently active and durable materials. Recently, RuO2-based catalysts with outstanding activity and stability have been designed and they are being implemented for large-scale Cl2 recycling. Herein, we review the main limiting features of traditional Cu-based catalysts and survey the key steps in the development of the new generation of industrial RuO2-based materials. As the expansion of this technology would benefit from cheaper, but comparably robust, alternatives to RuO2-based catalysts, a nov el CeO2-based catalyst which offers promising perspectives for application in this field has been introduced

    The Dynamics of a Bicycle on a Pump Track -- First Results on Modeling and Optimal Control

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    We investigate the dynamics of a bicycle on an uneven mountain bike track split into straight sections with small jumps (kickers) and banked corners. A basic bike-rider model is proposed and used to derive equations of motion, which capture the possibilities to accelerate the bicycle without pedaling. Since this is a first approach to the problem, only corners connected by straight lines are considered to compute optimal riding strategies. The simulation is validated with experimental data obtained on a real pump track. It is demonstrated that the model effectively captures the longitudinal bike acceleration resulting from the relative vertical motion between the rider's upper body and the bicycle. Our numerical results are in good analogy with real rider's actions on similar tracks

    Microstructural investigation of hybrid CAD/CAM restorative dental materials by micro-CT and SEM

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    Objectives: An increasing number of CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) hybrid materials have been introduced to the dental market in recent years. In addition, CAD/CAM hybrid materials for additive manufacturing (AM) are becoming more attractive in digital dentistry. Studies on material microstructures using micro-computed tomography (μ\mu-CT) combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have only been available to a limited extent so far. Methods: One CAD/CAM three-dimensional- (3D-) printable hybrid material (VarseoSmile Crown plus) and two CAD/CAM millable hybrid materials (Vita Enamic; Voco Grandio), as well as one direct composite material (Ceram.x duo), were included in the present study. Cylindrical samples with a diameter of 2 mm were produced from each material and investigated by means of synchrotron radiation μ\mu-CT at a voxel size of 0.65 μ\mum. Different samples from the same materials, obtained by cutting and polishing, were investigated by SEM. Results: The 3D-printed hybrid material showed some agglomerations and a more irregular distribution of fillers, as well as a visible layered macrostructure and a few spherical pores due to the printing process. The CAD/CAM millable hybrid materials revealed a more homogenous distribution of ceramic particles. The direct composite material showed multiple air bubbles and microstructural irregularities based on manual processing. Significance: The μ\mu-CT and SEM analysis of the materials revealed different microstructures even though they belong to the same class of materials. It could be shown that μ\mu-CT and SEM imaging are valuable tools to understand microstructure and related mechanical properties of materials.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 11 figures including supplementary materia