4,334 research outputs found

    Correlation analyses of Baltic Sea winter water mass formation and its impact on secondary and tertiary production

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    The thermal stratification of the upper water layers in the Baltic Sea varies seasonally in response to the annual cycle of solar heating and wind-induced mixing. In winter, the stratification down to the halocline is almost completely eroded by convection and strong wind mixing. Monthly averaged temperature profiles obtained from the ICES hydrographic database were used to study the long-term variability (1950 to 2005) of winter water mass formation in different deep basins of the Baltic Sea east of the island of Bornholm. Besides strong interannual variability of deep winter water temperatures, the last two decades show a positive trend (increase of 1-1.5°C). Correlations of winter surface temperatures to temperatures of the winter water body located directly above or within the top of the halocline were strongly positive until the autumn months. Such a close coupling allows sea surface temperatures in winter to be used to forecast the seasonal development of the thermal signature in deeper layers with a high degree of confidence. The most significant impact of winter sea surface temperatures on the thermal signature in this depth range can be assigned to February/March. Stronger solar heating during spring and summer results in thermal stratification of the water column leading to a complete decoupling of surface and deep winter water temperatures. Based on laboratory experiments, temperature-dependent relationships were utilised to analyse interannual variations of biological processes with special emphasis on the upper trophic levels (e.g., stage-specific developmental rates of zooplankton and survival rates of fish eggs)

    Soil biological quality in short- and long-term field trials with conventional and organic fertility input types

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    Soils of the DOK trial and three other field trials with manure input were analysed for effects on soil biology. While long-term effects indicate a new steady state at the DOK trial site, differences at the other field trials suggest that fresh manure at the Bonn trial and chicken manure at the UK sites are at least temporarily advantageous, probably due to their relatively fast mineralization

    Low-frequency pulse plating for tailoring the optical appearance of chromium layers for decorative applications

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    The optical appearance of electroplated chromium layers is a crucial factor for decorative applications. Currently in the decorative chromium plating industry the so far used hexavalent electrolytes are being replaced progressively by solutions of trivalent chromium. However, chromium deposited from trivalent baths tends to have a yellowish color hue at thicknesses beyond 100 nm, which is undesired for most applications. The shift in color is related to a change in surface morphology due to the globular growth of the chromium nuclei. By utilizing pulsed current with on-times in the range of seconds, the grain growth is suppressed and the formation of fresh nuclei is favored. As a result, the average grain size of the layer can be decreased significantly. Compact chromium layers with small grains and improved color values are formed. A blueish appearance and high brightness were maintained up to thicknesses of more than 200 nm. Based on the results a combination of constant and pulsed current is suggested, yielding similar visual appearance as in the case of pulsed current only, but reaching the targeted film thickness much faster

    ATLSÂź and damage control in spine trauma

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    Substantial inflammatory disturbances following major trauma have been found throughout the posttraumatic course of polytraumatized patients, which was confirmed in experimental models of trauma and in vitro settings. As a consequence, the principle of damage control surgery (DCS) has developed over the last two decades and has been successfully introduced in the treatment of severely injured patients. The aim of damage control surgery and orthopaedics (DCO) is to limit additional iatrogenic trauma in the vulnerable phase following major injury. Considering traumatic brain and acute lung injury, implants for quick stabilization like external fixators as well as decided surgical approaches with minimized potential for additional surgery-related impairment of the patient's immunologic state have been developed and used widely. It is obvious, that a similar approach should be undertaken in the case of spinal trauma in the polytraumatized patient. Yet, few data on damage control spine surgery are published to so far, controlled trials are missing and spinal injury is addressed only secondarily in the broadly used ATLSÂź polytrauma algorithm. This article reviews the literature on spine trauma assessment and treatment in the polytrauma setting, gives hints on how to assess the spine trauma patient regarding to the ATLSÂź protocol and recommendations on therapeutic strategies in spinal injury in the polytraumatized patient

    First Impressions are More Important than Early Intervention Qualifying Broken Windows Theory in the Lab

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    Broken Windows: the metaphor has changed New York and Los Angeles. Yet it is far from undisputed whether the broken windows policy was causal for reducing crime. In a series of lab experiments we put two components of the theory to the test. We show that first impressions and early punishment of antisocial behaviour are independently and jointly causal for cooperativeness. The effect of good first impressions and of early vigilance cannot be explained with, but adds to, participants’ initial level of benevolence. Mere impression management is not strong enough to maintain cooperation. Cooperation stabilizes if good first impressions are combined with some risk of sanctions. Yet if we control for first impressions, early vigilance only has a small effect. The effect vanishes over time.

    Klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse nach modifizierter Drittelrohr-Hakenplattenosteosynthese bei Olecranonfrakturen

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    Meeting Abstract : Deutscher Kongress fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und Unfallchirurgie ; 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Unfallchirurgie ; 95. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und OrthopĂ€dische Chirurgie ; 50. Tagung des Berufsverbandes der FachĂ€rzte fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und Unfallchirurgie ; 21. - 24.10.2009, Berlin Fragestellung: Ziel war die Evaluierung der funktionellen und radiologischen Ergebnisse nach osteosynthestischer Versorgung von Olecranonfrakturen mit einer zur Hakenplatte modifizierten Drittelrohrplatte. Methodik: In einem Zeitraum von 12 Monaten wurden 29 Patienten mit Olecranonfrakturen prospektiv erfasst und eine Osteosynthese mit einer zur Hakenplatte modifizierten Kleinfragment-Drittelrohrplatte durchgefĂŒhrt. Eine additive Verschraubung von zusĂ€tzlichen Fragmenten erfolgte bei 6 Patienten (20%). Das mittlere Patientenalter zum Unfallzeitpunkt betrug 50 Jahre (Min 29/ Max 83). Unter Verwendung der Frakturklassifikation nach Schatzker stellte sich in 8 FĂ€llen (28%) eine Querfraktur vom Typ A, in 6 FĂ€llen (20%) eine Querfraktur mit Impaktion vom Typ B und in 15 FĂ€llen (52%) eine Mehrfragmentfraktur vom Typ D dar. Bei 4 Patienten (14%) lag eine offene Fraktursituation vor. Nach im Mittel 7,2 Monaten (Min 6/ Max 8) wurde das funktionelle Outcome anhand des Mayo Elbow Performence Scores (MEPS), der visuellen Analogskala (VAS) und des Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Scores (DASH) bewertet sowie die radiologischen Befunde erhoben. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: Das Ziel einer primĂ€r ĂŒbungsstabilen Osteosynthese konnte bei allen Patienten erreicht werden. Unter Verwendung des MEPS wurden annĂ€hernd ausschließlich sehr gute (12 FĂ€lle/41%) und gute (16 FĂ€lle/55%) Ergebnisse erzielt. Lediglich bei einem Patienten ergab sich ein nur befriedigendes Ergebnis. Der mittlere Punktwert fĂŒr den MEPS betrug 91,4 (Min 65/Max 100). In der VAS konnte ein Mittelwert von 8,2 Punkten (Min 7/Max 10) erzielt werden (0=keine Zufriedenheit, 10=volle Zufriedenheit). Der mittlere DASH-Wert betrug 16,2 Punkte (Min 0/Max 39). Der mittlere Bewegungsumfang betrug fĂŒr Extension/Flexion bei einem durchschnittlichen Streckdefizit von 8° (Min 0°/Max 25°) und einer Beugung von 135° (Min 105°/Max 155°) 125° (Min 90°/Max 155°). Die Unterarmumwendbewegungen waren mit 175° (Min 165°/Max 180°) kaum eingeschrĂ€nkt. Bei keinem Patienten gab es postoperative Komplikationen. Eine zur Hakenplatte modifizierte Drittelrohrplatte stellt im Gegensatz zu prĂ€formierten, winkelstabilen Implantaten eine kostengĂŒnstige Alternative zur Osteosynthese bei Olecranonfrakturen dar. Auch bei komplexen mehrfragmentĂ€ren Frakturtypen und osteoporotischer KnochenqualitĂ€t konnte so im nachuntersuchten Kollektiv eine sichere Frakturretention erzielt werden. Hinsichtlich des funktionellen Ergebnisses profitieren die Patienten von einer dadurch unmittelbar postoperativ möglichen, physiotherapeutischen Nachbehandlung. Das fĂŒr die Hakenplatte benötigte Osteosynthesematerial (Kleinfragment-Drittelrohrplatte) ist nahezu ĂŒberall verfĂŒgbar und lĂ€sst sich in kurzer Zeit der individuellen Anatomie und Frakturmorphologie anpassen. Eine Drahtmigration, wie bei der weit verbreiteten Zuggurtungsosteosynthese hĂ€ufig beobachtet, ist ausgeschlossen
