6,679 research outputs found

    Controlling the elution order of insulin and its analogs in sub-/supercritical fluid chromatography using methanesulfonic acid and 18-crown-6 as mobile phase additives

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    The purity analysis of therapeutic peptides can often be challenging, demanding the application of more than a single analytical technique. Supercritical fluid chromatography nowadays is a promising alternative to reversed-phase liquid chromatography, providing orthogonal and complementary information. This study investigated its applicability for the separation of human insulin, its analogs and degradation products. A previously published method development protocol for peptides up to 2000 Da was successfully applied to the higher molecular weight insulins (6 kDa). A single gradient method was optimized for all insulins using a Torus DEA column (100 Ă— 3.0 mm, 1.7 ÎĽm), carbon dioxide and a modifier consisting of methanol/acetonitrile/water/methanesulfonic acid (65:35:2:0.1, v/v/v/v). Consecutively, the crown ether 18-crown-6, which is well known to complex charged lysine sidechains and other amino functionalities, was added to the modifier to evaluate its impact on selectivity. A decreased retention and a shift in the elution order for the insulins were observed. An inverse effect on retention was found when combined with a neutral stationary phase chemistry (Viridis BEH)

    Retention modeling of therapeutic peptides in sub-/supercritical fluid chromatography

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    Chromatographic modeling software packages are valuable tools during method optimization steps. These are well established for reversed-phase applications utilizing retention time (RT) prediction to optimize separations and receive robust methods, which is of high interest for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. In contrast to liquid chromatography, the knowledge of RT prediction in supercritical fluid chromatography is limited to a manageable number of studies. This study uses the software DryLab to predict the RTs of the peptides bacitracin (Bac), colistin, tyrothricin (Tyro), and insulin analogs. Gradient time, column temperature, and the ternary composition (terC) of carbon dioxide, methanol (MeOH), and acetonitrile (ACN) in the gradient elution are varied in a feasibility approach using a neutral (Viridis BEH) and an amino-derivatized aromatic (Torus 2-PIC) stationary phase. In the second part, chromatographic optimization is performed in silico through gradient adjustments to optimize the separation of the fingerprint of Bac. The final gradient method utilizes a Viridis BEH column (100 Ă— 3.0 mm, 1.7 ÎĽm), carbon dioxide, and a modifier consisting of ACN/MeOH/water/methanesulfonic acid (60:40:2:0.1, v:v:v:v). In addition, changes in the retention order of Tyro compounds with the proportion of the terC in combination with a Torus Diol column are investigated

    Carbonate-based Janus micromotors moving in ultra-light acidic environment generated by HeLa cells in situ

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    Novel approaches to develop naturally-induced drug delivery in tumor environments in a deterministic and controlled manner have become of growing interest in recent years. Different polymeric-based microstructures and other biocompatible substances have been studied taking advantage of lactic acidosis phenomena in tumor cells, which decrease the tumor extracellular pH down to 6.8. Micromotors have recently demonstrated a high performance in living systems, revealing autonomous movement in the acidic environment of the stomach or moving inside living cells by using acoustic waves, opening the doors for implementation of such smart microengines into living entities. The need to develop biocompatible motors which are driven by natural fuel sources inherently created in biological systems has thus become of crucial importance. As a proof of principle, we here demonstrate calcium carbonate Janus particles moving in extremely light acidic environments (pH 6.5), whose motion is induced in conditioned acidic medium generated by HeLa cells in situ. Our system not only obviates the need for an external fuel, but also presents a selective activation of the micromotors which promotes their motion and consequent dissolution in presence of a quickly propagating cell source (i.e. tumor cells), therefore inspiring new micromotor configurations for potential drug delivery systems

    Ternary eluent compositions in supercritical fluid chromatography improved fingerprinting of therapeutic peptides

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    Currently, little information has been published on the application of ternary eluent compositions in supercritical fluid chromatography for separating peptides. This work investigates the benefits of adding acetonitrile to methanol as the modifier. Three cyclic antibiotic peptides (bacitracin, colistin, and daptomycin) ranging between 1000 and 2000 Da were chosen as model substances. The ternary mixture of carbon dioxide, methanol, and acetonitrile is optimized to increase the resolution of the peptide's fingerprint. In addition, varying compositions of methanol and acetonitrile were found to change the elution order of the analytes, which is a valuable tool during method development. An individual gradient method using two Torus 2-PIC columns (each 100 Ă— 3.0 mm, 1.7 ÎĽm), carbon dioxide, and a modifier consisting of acetonitrile/methanol/water/methanesulfonic acid (60:40:2:0.1, v:v:v:v) was optimized for each of the peptides. Subsequently, a generic method development protocol applicable to polypeptides is proposed

    Risk assessment for nitrosated pharmaceuticals: A future perspective in drug development

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    Since June 2018, thousands of drug products from around the world had to be recalled due to the unexpected presence of nitrosamines (NAs). Starting with the pharmaceutical group of sartans, antidiabetic drugs, antihistamines, and antibiotics also became the subject of investigation. The occurrence of NAs has shown that pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies did not focus on these substances in the past during drug development. In this study, we incorporated a nitrosation assay procedure into high-resolution supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)–mass spectrometry screening to test the potential of direct nitrosation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The forced degradation study was performed with a four-fold molar excess of sodium nitrite, relative to the drug substance, at pH 3–4 for 4 h at 37°C. Chromatographic separation was performed on a porous graphitic carbon column by SFC. The mass analysis then focused on direct N-nitrosation or N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) formed after dealkylation. Substances (n = 67) from various pharmaceutical classes were evaluated and 49.3% of them formed NOCs, of which 21.2% have not yet been reported in the literature. In addition, for two APIs, which are known to form an unidentified NOC, the structure could be identified. A few substances also showed multiple NOCs and even N,N’-dinitroso-species. As NAs are carcinogens, they have to be eliminated or at least limited to prevent cancer in patients, who rely on these drugs. This study contributes a procedure that can be implemented in preapproval drug development and postapproval risk assessment to prevent unexpected findings in the future

    Prevalence of nitrosamine contaminants in drug samples: Has the crisis been overcome?

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    Various drug samples (N = 249; drug substances, tablets, capsules, solutions, crèmes, and more) from the European pharmaceutical market were collected since 2019 and analyzed for 16 nitrosamines (NAs). In 2.0% of the cases, NAs were detected. These findings included four active pharmaceutical ingredients already known for potential NA contamination: losartan (N-nitrosodimethylamine [NDMA] and N-nitrosodiethylamine, simultaneously), valsartan (NDMA), metformin (NDMA) and ranitidine (NDMA). The fifth new finding, which has not been reported yet, discovered contamination of a molsidomine tablet sample with N-nitrosomorpholine (NMor). The tablet contained 144% of the toxicological allowable intake for NMor. NMor was included in our screening from the beginning and is currently the focus of regulatory authorities, but was added to the guidelines only last year. Thus, it may not have been the focus of regulatory investigations for too long. Our results indicate that the majority of drug products in the market are nonhazardous in terms of patient safety and drug purity. Unfortunately, the list of individual affected products keeps growing constantly and new NA cases, such as molsidomine or nitrosated drug substances (nitrosamine drug substance-related impurities [NDSRI]), continue to emerge. We therefore expect nitrosamine screenings to remain a high priority

    Natural History of Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma Disease – First Multi-State Model Analysis

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    Background: Pediatric low-grade glioma [PLGG] is often a chronic progressive disease requiring multiple treatments, i.e. surgery, chemotherapy and irradiation. The multi-state model [MSM] allows an extended analysis of disease-states, that patients may undergo, incorporating competing risks over the course of time. Purpose: We studied disease-state-probabilities of the German SIOP-LGG 2004 cohort from the initial state "diagnosis" to the final state "death". Transient "disease-states" incorporated successive surgical and non-surgical treatments. We evaluated clinical risk factors for highly progressive disease requiring multiple interventions and death. Results: We identified 22 states within 1587 patients (median follow-up 6.3 years). For robust statistical calculation, we reduced the model to 7 states and eventually to three levels of disease-progressiveness: non, low and highly progressive. Five years after diagnosis state-probabilities were: 0.11 no therapy, 0.49 one and 0.11 two or more surgeries only, 0.19 one and 0.06 two or more non-surgical interventions with or without prior surgery. At this time point higher probability for highly progressive disease was found in infants (0.30), supratentorial-midline location (0.17) and diffuse astrocytoma WHO-grade II (0.12). Neurofibromatosis type-1 patients were most likely not to be treated (0.36) or to have received only non-surgical therapy (0.45). Two years after diagnosis 3-year predictions for highly progressive disease and death increased with the number of interventions patients underwent in the first 2 years after diagnosis. Conclusion: In this first MSM analysis we delineated a refined description of PLGG disease course over time, identifying three levels of progressiveness. Growth behavior in the first two years predicted future progressiveness and death

    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

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    An emerging body of evidence has implicated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D), though findings have not always been consistent. We systematically reviewed epidemiological studies examining the association of PAI-1 with T2D. EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library were searched to identify studies for inclusion. Fifty-two studies (44 cross-sectional with 47 unique analytical comparisons and 8 prospective) were included. In pooled random-effects analyses of prospective studies, a comparison of the top third vs. bottom third of baseline PAI-1 values generated a RR of T2D of 1.67 (95% CI 1.28-2.18) with moderate heterogeneity (I-2 = 38%). Additionally, of 47 cross-sectional comparisons, 34(72%) reported significantly elevated PAI-1 among diabetes cases versus controls, 2(4%) reported significantly elevated PAI-1 among controls, and 11(24%) reported null effects. Results from pooled analyses of prospective studies did not differ substantially by study design, length of follow-up, adjustment for various putative confounding factors, or study quality, and were robust to sensitivity analyses. Findings from this systematic review of the available epidemiological literature support a link between PAI-1 and T2D, independent of established diabetes risk factors. Given the moderate size of the association and heterogeneity across studies, future prospective studies are warranted
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