468 research outputs found

    Bonding of brackets using a caries-protective adhesive patch

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the shear bond strength (SBS) of metal brackets when placed with a caries protective adhesive patch. METHODS: Forty stainless steel brackets (Ormco) were bonded to 40 bovine enamel samples according to the following conditioning/bonding procedures using a resin-based orthodontic luting material (Heliosit Orthodontic, N=10 per group): (A) 35% phosphoric acid (30s), rinse and dry; (B) as in A but additional placement of a prototype adhesive patch (Ivoclar Vivadent) using a bonding agent (Heliobond); (C) application of a two-step self-etch adhesive (AdheSE); (D) as in C but additional patch placement. Samples were stored at 37 degrees C for 24h. SBS was measured with a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min and the adhesive remnant index (ARI) was determined under a stereomicroscope (16x). RESULTS: Mean SBS (standard deviation) values were as follows: (A) 16.6 (6.4)MPa; (B) 12.2 (5.8); (C) 12.9 (5.0); and (D) 10.5 (4.7). Analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni correction revealed no statistically significant differences. In 2 (B) and 4 (D) specimens, complete retention of the adhesive patch was observed. CONCLUSIONS: All treatment groups showed adequate bond strength values. The adhesive patch could therefore be applied in combination with orthodontic brackets and seal the enamel adjacent to the bracket

    In vitro tooth cleaning efficacy of electric toothbrushes around brackets

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    This in vitro study assessed the cleaning efficacy of different electric toothbrushes around upper incisor brackets. Standard and Mini Diamond™ brackets were fixed on black-stained teeth. The teeth were coated with white titanium oxide and brushed in a machine twice for 1 minute each. Twelve different brush heads with either a wiping or an oscillating-rotating action were tested. After brushing, the teeth were scanned, the black surfaces were assessed planimetrically and a modified plaque index for orthodontic patients (PIOP) was introduced. Tooth areas, which were black again after brushing indicated tooth surface contact of the filaments and were expressed as a percentage of total area. The remaining white areas around the brackets indicated 'plaque-retentive' niches. Analysis of variance was used for individual comparison of the brush types. Bonferroni/Dunn adjustment was applied for multiple testing. The Sonicare® toothbrush handle with the brush head 'Compact ProResults' (81.7 per cent) and the brush head 'Standard ProResults' (80.8 per cent), as well as the sonic Waterpik® toothbrush SR 800E with the standard brush head (78.2 per cent), showed statistically significantly better cleaning efficacy than all others. The poorest cleaning efficacy was observed for the oscillating-rotating Braun Oral-B Professional Care with the brush head 'Ortho' (less than 50 per cent). The planimetric findings were in correspondence with the results of the PIOP assessment. Cleaning efficacy of electric toothbrushes around brackets on upper incisors was different between the tested brushes. The PIOP was practicable, effective, and easy to use, although it has to be verified in a clinical stud

    Comparative effectiveness of hand scaling by undergraduate dental students following a two-week pre-clinical training course

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    BACKGROUND The Bologna reform resulted in a drastic restructuring of pre-clinical training courses at the University of Zurich. The aim of this study was to assess student pre-clinical scaling/root planning skills after just 8.5 hours of manual training. MATERIAL AND METHODS Three consecutive classes of dental students (n = 41; n = 34; n = 48) were tasked with removing lacquer concrement from the maxillary left canine on a typodont using Gracey and universal (Deppeler M23A) curettes. At baseline (prior to instruction), a timed five-minute session of scaling/root planning was undertaken. The second scaling/root planning session was held immediately following training. Eight experienced dental hygienists and eight lay people served as positive and negative controls, using the same instruments and time limit, respectively. Instrumented teeth were collected, scanned and planimetrically analysed for the percentage of tooth surface cleaned. Statistical analyses were performed to assess the dental students' improvement after the training (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) and to compare it to that of laypeople and dental hygienists (Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test followed by Conover's post hoc test). RESULTS At baseline, the dental students' mean scaling scores of the cleaned surfaces were not significantly different than those of laypeople (29.8%, 31.0%, 42% vs 27.9%). However, after 8.5 hours of manual training, the students' ability to clean the maxillary tooth improved significantly and they achieved mean removal values of 61.7%, 79.5% and 76% compared to the 67.4% (P < .001) of the experienced dental hygienists (Tables Tables  and ). There were no statistically significant differences between the scores achieved by students after training and those achieved by experienced dental hygienists. CONCLUSION A shortened pre-clinical training time was sufficient for students to acquire the basic scaling/root planning skills needed in preparation for clinical training. Further research is needed to identify ways to help students consistently reach highest skill levels

    The effect of green tea as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in non-surgical periodontitis therapy: a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE To provide a systematic overview on the efficacy of green tea catechin as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in terms of probing pocket depth (PPD). MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic literature search was performed using electronic databases in PubMed, Scopus, Medline, Cochrane, CINAHL, and Web of Science on randomized clinical trials up to January 2017. The research question was posed in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. RESULTS The search provided 234 studies. After analyzing the full texts, five studies were included, with four studies qualifying for meta-analysis. Mean PPD reduction was significantly higher (α = 0.05) when green tea catechin was used as an adjunct to SRP (test group) than with SRP alone (control group). The difference in the reduction was 0.74 mm [0.35-1.13; 95% CI]. CONCLUSION The local application of green tea catechin as an adjunct to SRP may result in a beneficial reduction in PPD. Due to the highly heterogeneous data and some risk of bias, however, this data still needs to be interpreted with caution. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The finding suggests that green tea catechin may be a topical adjunct to SRP without negative side effects

    Direkte Restaurationstechnik im Seitenzahnbereich zur Versorgung von erosionsbedingtem Zahnhartsubstanzverlust

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    Der restaurative Aufbau verlorengegangener Zahnhartsubstanz und die Wiederherstellung der ursprünglichen vertikalen Bisslage bei einem durch Zahnerosionen oder -abrasionen stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogenen Gebiss stellt den Zahnarzt immer wieder vor Probleme bei der Umsetzung der Therapie. Traditionellerweise erfolgt diese Therapie mit laborgefertigten Werkstücken, die in der Regel eine Präparation der verbliebenen Zahnsubstanz erfordern und für den Patienten hohe Kosten verursachen, sodass alternative Ver- fahren in Betracht gezogen werden sollten. Dabei gilt es hervorzuheben, dass auch minimalinvasive restaurative Arbeiten bei diesen Patienten nur dann indiziert sind, wenn der präventive Ansatz, weiteren Zahnhartsubstanzverlust zu verhindern, gleichzeitig erfolgreich ist. Der folgende Beitrag stellt die Verwendung direkter adhäsiver Kompositrestaurationen als eine Möglichkeit zur Rekonstruktion einer erosiv stark veränderten Gebisssituation anhand eines Falles dar. Zur Rekonstruktion der Okklusalflächen werden dabei Übertragungsschienen eingesetzt, die auf der Basis von individuellen Wax-up-Modellen angefertigt werden. Das beschriebene Verfahren stellt eine gut unter- suchte und erprobte Methode zur Versorgung von Zähnen mit erosionsbedingtem Zahnhartsubstanzverlust dar. Wie bei allen neuen Verfahren wird sich für den praktischen Zahnarzt eine gewisse Lernkurve ergeben, nach der hochwertige Restaurationen mit dieser Technik umgesetzt werden können

    Identifying risk factors for Plasmodium infection and anaemia in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    There is little data on the risk factors for malaria infection in large cities in central Africa and in all age groups. There may be different associations with the risk factors for areas with different malaria transmission intensities such as the effect of fever or age. This study aimed at identifying risk factors associated with Plasmodium infection and anaemia among children 6-59 months and individuals aged older than 5 years in Kinshasa, a large city with heterogeneity in malaria prevalence.; This study analysed data from 3342 children aged 6-59 months from 25 non-rural health zones (HZs) and for 816 individuals aged older than 5 years from two HZs in Kinshasa (non-rural), collected during a cross sectional malaria survey in 2011. Logistic regression with random effects was used to investigate predictors for malaria and anaemia. Differences in risk factors in areas with a prevalence of less than 10 and 10 % or greater were investigated.; There was evidence of a different age-pattern in the two transmission settings. For children under 5 years, the highest prevalence of malaria was observed in the 48-59 months group in both transmission settings, but it increased more gently for the lower transmission HZs (p = 0.009). In a separate analysis in children over 5 years in two selected HZs, the peak prevalence was in 5-9 years old in the higher transmission setting and in 15-19 years old in the lower transmission setting. Reported fever was associated with malaria in both transmission strata, with no evidence of a difference in these associations (p = 0.71); however in children older than 5 years there was a significant interaction with a stronger association in the low transmission HZ. Insecticide-treated net (ITN) use was associated with a lower risk of malaria infection in children 6-59 months in the high transmission HZs. Similar estimates were found in children over 5 years and the lower transmission HZ but the associations there were not significant. There was no evidence of a difference in these associations by strata. The risk of anaemia decreased with increasing age in all strata, whereas it increased with malaria infection and reported fever. ITN use did not show evidence of protection against anaemia. Low socio-economic status was associated with malaria in high transmission setting in children 6-59 months and anaemia in low transmission setting.; This study shows that in areas of low transmission in Kinshasa, the peak prevalence occurs in older age groups however ITN use was highest in children under 5 years. Targeted distribution of ITN to all age groups should be continued. For most risk factors, there was no evidence of an interaction with transmission intensity however the associations with age and with fever in the last 2 weeks did vary significantly

    Effect of application of a PVP-iodine solution before and during subgingival ultrasonic instrumentation on post-treatment bacteremia: A randomized single-center placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: To assess the effect of concomitant subgingival rinsing with 10% PVP-iodine during subgingival instrumentation on the prevalence and magnitude of bacteremia of oral origin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subgingival instrumentation was performed with water or PVP-iodine rinse in patients with periodontitis. Prior to instrumentation, subjects gargled for 1 min with the allocated liquid. Pockets were then rinsed for 1 min and subgingivally instrumented with liquid-cooled (water/PVP-iodine) ultrasonic scalers (1 min). Two minutes later, a blood sample from the arm vein was drawn using a lysis centrifugation blood culture system for quantitative microbiological analysis. Non-parametric statistical tests were performed to assess differences in the prevalence and extent of bacteremia between groups. RESULTS: Of the 19 samples in each group, oral-borne bacteremia was detected in 10 of the control and 2 of the test samples. With an average of 3.0 [1;5] colony forming units, significantly less bacteria and bacteremia were found in the test group compared to the controls (12.2 [1;46]) (p=0.003). Anaerobic bacteria were not found in the test group. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteremia after subgingival instrumentation with concomitant PCP-iodine rinsing is reduced but not eliminated. Therefore, it might be recommended for patients at a high risk of endocarditis or infection of endoprostheses. However, preventive antibiotic treatment should not be omitted. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Brain-actuated functional electrical stimulation elicits lasting arm motor recovery after stroke

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are used in stroke rehabilitation to translate brain signals into intended movements of the paralyzed limb. However, the efficacy and mechanisms of BCI-based therapies remain unclear. Here we show that BCI coupled to functional electrical stimulation (FES) elicits significant, clinically relevant, and lasting motor recovery in chronic stroke survivors more effectively than sham FES. Such recovery is associated to quantitative signatures of functional neuroplasticity. BCI patients exhibit a significant functional recovery after the intervention, which remains 6–12 months after the end of therapy. Electroencephalography analysis pinpoints significant differences in favor of the BCI group, mainly consisting in an increase in functional connectivity between motor areas in the affected hemisphere. This increase is significantly correlated with functional improvement. Results illustrate how a BCI–FES therapy can drive significant functional recovery and purposeful plasticity thanks to contingent activation of body natural efferent and afferent pathways

    Efficacy and safety of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose compared with oral iron for the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in women after childbirth in Tanzania: a parallelgroup, open-label, randomised controlled phase 3 trial

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    Background: Iron deficiency anaemia is of major concern in low-income settings, especially for women of childbearing age. Oral iron substitution efficacy is limited by poor compliance and iron depletion severity. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose versus oral iron substitution following childbirth in women with iron deficiency anaemia in Tanzania. Methods: This parallel-group, open-label, randomised controlled phase 3 trial was done at Bagamoyo District Hospital and Mwananyamala Hospital, Tanzania. Eligible participants were close to delivery and had iron deficiency anaemia defined as a haemoglobin concentration of less than 110 g/L and a ferritin concentration of less than 50 μg/L measured within 14 days before childbirth. Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive intravenous ferric carboxymaltose or oral iron, stratified by haemoglobin concentration and site. Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose was administered at a dose determined by the haemoglobin concentration and bodyweight (bodyweight 35 kg to <70 kg and haemoglobin ≥100 g/L: 1000 mg in one dose; bodyweight 35 kg to <70 kg and haemoglobin <100 g/L, or bodyweight ≥70 kg and haemoglobin ≥100 g/L: 1500 mg in two doses at least 7 days apart; bodyweight ≥70 kg and haemoglobin 115 g/L) at 6 weeks. Follow-up visits were at 6 weeks, and 3, 6, and 12 months. Analyses were done in the modified intention-totreat population of participants who had a 6-week haemoglobin concentration result, using logistic and linear regression models for binary and continuous outcomes, adjusted for baseline haemoglobin concentration and site. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02541708. Findings: Between Oct 8, 2015, and March 14, 2017, 533 individuals were screened and 230 were enrolled and randomly assigned to a study group (114 to intravenous iron, 116 to oral iron). At 6 weeks, 94 (82%) participants in the intravenous iron group and 92 (79%) in the oral iron group were assessed for the primary outcome. 75 (80%) participants in the intravenous iron group and 47 (51%) in the oral iron group had normalised haemoglobin (odds ratio 4·65, 95% CI 2·33-9·27). There were two mild to moderate infusion-related adverse events; and five serious adverse events (three in the intravenous iron group, two in the oral iron group), unrelated to the study medication. Interpretation: Intravenous iron substitution with ferric carboxymaltose was safe and yielded a better haemoglobin response than oral iron. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence of the benefits and safety of intravenous iron substitution in a low-income setting

    A case of polymicrogyria in macaque monkey: impact on anatomy and function of the motor system

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    Background: Polymicrogyria is a malformation of the cerebral cortex often resulting in epilepsy or mental retardation. It remains unclear whether this pathology affects the structure and function of the corticospinal (CS) system. The anatomy and histology of the brain of one macaque monkey exhibiting a spontaneous polymicrogyria (PMG monkey) were examined and compared to the brain of normal monkeys. The CS tract was labelled by injecting a neuronal tracer (BDA) unilaterally in a region where low intensity electrical microstimulation elicited contralateral hand movements (presumably the primary motor cortex in the PMG monkey). Results: The examination of the brain showed a large number of microgyri at macro- and microscopic levels, covering mainly the frontoparietal regions. The layered cortical organization was locally disrupted and the number of SMI-32 stained pyramidal neurons in the cortical layer III of the presumed motor cortex was reduced. We compared the distribution of labelled CS axons in the PMG monkey at spinal cervical level C5. The cumulated length of CS axon arbors in the spinal grey matter was not significantly different in the PMG monkey. In the red nucleus, numerous neurons presented large vesicles. We also assessed its motor performances by comparing its capacity to execute a complex reach and grasp behavioral task. The PMG monkey exhibited an increase of reaction time without any modification of other motor parameters, an observation in line with a normal CS tract organisation. Conclusion: In spite of substantial cortical malformations in the frontal and parietal lobes, the PMG monkey exhibits surprisingly normal structure and function of the corticospinal system
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